I Challenge You to Prove Trump is a Racist.

By racism are we only talking about racism against blacks or racism against Mexicans, Muslims, Puerto Rican’s, people who live in shithole countries?

Have you ever been to North Africa, Rural Mexico, outside the hotel zones in the Carribean? No, you haven't, they are ALL shitholes dumbass.
43% of immigrants from those ‘shithole’ African countries have a bachelor’s degree or higher, compared to 33% of the overall American population. “Nigerian-Americans, for instance, have a median household income well above the American average.” I say we need more immigrants from shithole countries.

You are purposely ignoring the truth. they countries are shitholes.
We don't immigrate countries we immigrate people. There are good people from every country.

Honey the point is that Trump is CORRECT, those Countries are shit hole. Why is that so hard for folks to accept? IF you've BEEN to any of them you know this is a FACT. Nowhere did I single out any individuals.

"Countries are shit hole" huh. When exactly did you start learning to write? Yesterday?
Perhaps plurals work differently on your keyboard. Perhaps the letter S simply ceases to exist in your kitchen.
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Here's the problem with your post: you clearly don't know what the word, proof, means.

You tell me . What would be good enough proof that Trumpnis a racist ? What would it take ?

Why do I bother . You won’t answer .
If he had said something like this I would agree he was a racist.

Joe Biden once called state-mandated school integration “the most racist concept you can come up with,” and Barack Obama “the first sort of mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean.” He was a staunch opponent of “forced busing” in the 1970s, and leading crusader for mass incarceration throughout the ‘80s and ‘90s. Uncle Joe has described African-American felons as “predators” too sociopathic to rehabilitate — and white supremacist senators as his friends.

And, as of this writing, a plurality of black Democrats want him to be their party’s 2020 nominee.
Will Black Voters Still Love Biden When They Remember Who He Was?

Wouldn't you?
I guess people’s political positions change over fifty years
Fifty years? How about the way Biden characterized African Americans in politics in 2008: "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man." It's the things you didn't mean to say that tell us who you really are.

What's your issue with that statement?

I don't get it, y'all keep bringing up this and the Indian accent quotes as if they mean something. --- What?
It is clearly a racist statement. If you don't get it, perhaps you should ask yourself why.
You tell me . What would be good enough proof that Trumpnis a racist ? What would it take ?

Why do I bother . You won’t answer .
If he had said something like this I would agree he was a racist.

Joe Biden once called state-mandated school integration “the most racist concept you can come up with,” and Barack Obama “the first sort of mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean.” He was a staunch opponent of “forced busing” in the 1970s, and leading crusader for mass incarceration throughout the ‘80s and ‘90s. Uncle Joe has described African-American felons as “predators” too sociopathic to rehabilitate — and white supremacist senators as his friends.

And, as of this writing, a plurality of black Democrats want him to be their party’s 2020 nominee.
Will Black Voters Still Love Biden When They Remember Who He Was?

Wouldn't you?
I guess people’s political positions change over fifty years
Fifty years? How about the way Biden characterized African Americans in politics in 2008: "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man." It's the things you didn't mean to say that tell us who you really are.

What's your issue with that statement?

I don't get it, y'all keep bringing up this and the Indian accent quotes as if they mean something. --- What?
It is clearly a racist statement. If you don't get it, perhaps you should ask yourself why.

Excellent. I haven't seen the "everybody knows it just IS" fallacy in, must be several minutes. Thanks for that, takes me back.

As I always say, if you can't articulate your point --- you never had one.
If he had said something like this I would agree he was a racist.

Joe Biden once called state-mandated school integration “the most racist concept you can come up with,” and Barack Obama “the first sort of mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean.” He was a staunch opponent of “forced busing” in the 1970s, and leading crusader for mass incarceration throughout the ‘80s and ‘90s. Uncle Joe has described African-American felons as “predators” too sociopathic to rehabilitate — and white supremacist senators as his friends.

And, as of this writing, a plurality of black Democrats want him to be their party’s 2020 nominee.
Will Black Voters Still Love Biden When They Remember Who He Was?

Wouldn't you?
I guess people’s political positions change over fifty years
Fifty years? How about the way Biden characterized African Americans in politics in 2008: "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man." It's the things you didn't mean to say that tell us who you really are.

What's your issue with that statement?

I don't get it, y'all keep bringing up this and the Indian accent quotes as if they mean something. --- What?
It is clearly a racist statement. If you don't get it, perhaps you should ask yourself why.

Excellent. I haven't seen the "everybody knows it just IS" fallacy in, must be several minutes. Thanks for that, takes me back.

As I always say, if you can't articulate your point --- you never had one.
Every honest person who isn't a racist knows it is a racist statement, so again, perhaps you should examine yourself to see why you can't see it. Obama and Jesse Jackson certainly could see it.

But late Wednesday, Obama released a statement seizing on Biden's use of the word "articulate."

"I didn't take Sen. Biden's comments personally, but obviously they were historically inaccurate," Obama said. "African-American presidential candidates like Jesse Jackson, Shirley Chisholm, Carol Moseley Braun and Al Sharpton gave a voice to many important issues through their campaigns, and no one would call them inarticulate."

Civil rights leader Jesse Jackson said Wednesday night, "It was a gaffe. It was not an intentional racially pejorative statement. It could be interpreted that way, but that's not what he meant."

Sen. Biden apologizes for remarks on Obama

The best they could say was that Biden wasn't "intentionally" racist, but that suggests he was a racist without knowing he was. Are you, like Biden, a racist without realizing it? Is that why you can't see the problem with his statement?
I guess people’s political positions change over fifty years
Fifty years? How about the way Biden characterized African Americans in politics in 2008: "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man." It's the things you didn't mean to say that tell us who you really are.

What's your issue with that statement?

I don't get it, y'all keep bringing up this and the Indian accent quotes as if they mean something. --- What?
It is clearly a racist statement. If you don't get it, perhaps you should ask yourself why.

Excellent. I haven't seen the "everybody knows it just IS" fallacy in, must be several minutes. Thanks for that, takes me back.

As I always say, if you can't articulate your point --- you never had one.
Every honest person who isn't a racist knows it is a racist statement, so again, perhaps you should examine yourself to see why you can't see it. Obama and Jesse Jackson certainly could see it.

But late Wednesday, Obama released a statement seizing on Biden's use of the word "articulate."

"I didn't take Sen. Biden's comments personally, but obviously they were historically inaccurate," Obama said. "African-American presidential candidates like Jesse Jackson, Shirley Chisholm, Carol Moseley Braun and Al Sharpton gave a voice to many important issues through their campaigns, and no one would call them inarticulate."

Civil rights leader Jesse Jackson said Wednesday night, "It was a gaffe. It was not an intentional racially pejorative statement. It could be interpreted that way, but that's not what he meant."

Sen. Biden apologizes for remarks on Obama

The best they could say was that Biden wasn't "intentionally" racist, but that suggests he was a racist without knowing he was. Are you, like Biden, a racist without realizing it? Is that why you can't see the problem with his statement?

Once AGAIN "Everybody knows" IS NOT ARGUMENT. You need to draw a logical conclusion and you CAN'T DO IT.

Nothing in the Biden statement suggests one race is superior to another. We can and do take issue with the word "first" of course but that's irrelevant to your fake point. YOU CAN'T GET THERE from what you have.

The greater point here is that you're parroting a myth without ever bothering to think it through. If you'd actually broken a brain sweat to do that you'd know it doesn't work.

Prove me wrong and show how it does. And when you can't --- stop parroting bullshit just because some wag tells you to.

And just as an aside I would definitely NOT call Al Sharpton "articulate". He's a clown, nothing more.
Fifty years? How about the way Biden characterized African Americans in politics in 2008: "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man." It's the things you didn't mean to say that tell us who you really are.

What's your issue with that statement?

I don't get it, y'all keep bringing up this and the Indian accent quotes as if they mean something. --- What?
It is clearly a racist statement. If you don't get it, perhaps you should ask yourself why.

Excellent. I haven't seen the "everybody knows it just IS" fallacy in, must be several minutes. Thanks for that, takes me back.

As I always say, if you can't articulate your point --- you never had one.
Every honest person who isn't a racist knows it is a racist statement, so again, perhaps you should examine yourself to see why you can't see it. Obama and Jesse Jackson certainly could see it.

But late Wednesday, Obama released a statement seizing on Biden's use of the word "articulate."

"I didn't take Sen. Biden's comments personally, but obviously they were historically inaccurate," Obama said. "African-American presidential candidates like Jesse Jackson, Shirley Chisholm, Carol Moseley Braun and Al Sharpton gave a voice to many important issues through their campaigns, and no one would call them inarticulate."

Civil rights leader Jesse Jackson said Wednesday night, "It was a gaffe. It was not an intentional racially pejorative statement. It could be interpreted that way, but that's not what he meant."

Sen. Biden apologizes for remarks on Obama

The best they could say was that Biden wasn't "intentionally" racist, but that suggests he was a racist without knowing he was. Are you, like Biden, a racist without realizing it? Is that why you can't see the problem with his statement?

Once AGAIN "Everybody knows" IS NOT ARGUMENT. You need to draw a logical conclusion and you CAN'T DO IT.

Nothing in the Biden statement suggests one race is superior to another. We can and do take issue with the word "first" of course but that's irrelevant to your fake point. YOU CAN'T GET THERE from what you have.

The greater point here is that you're parroting a myth without ever bothering to think it through. If you'd actually broken a brain sweat to do that you'd know it doesn't work.

Prove me wrong and show how it does. And when you can't --- stop parroting bullshit just because some wag tells you to.

And just as an aside I would definitely NOT call Al Sharpton "articulate". He's a clown, nothing more.
Again, Obama saw it and Jesse Jackson saw it and if you can't see it, perhaps that says something about you.
What's your issue with that statement?

I don't get it, y'all keep bringing up this and the Indian accent quotes as if they mean something. --- What?
It is clearly a racist statement. If you don't get it, perhaps you should ask yourself why.

Excellent. I haven't seen the "everybody knows it just IS" fallacy in, must be several minutes. Thanks for that, takes me back.

As I always say, if you can't articulate your point --- you never had one.
Every honest person who isn't a racist knows it is a racist statement, so again, perhaps you should examine yourself to see why you can't see it. Obama and Jesse Jackson certainly could see it.

But late Wednesday, Obama released a statement seizing on Biden's use of the word "articulate."

"I didn't take Sen. Biden's comments personally, but obviously they were historically inaccurate," Obama said. "African-American presidential candidates like Jesse Jackson, Shirley Chisholm, Carol Moseley Braun and Al Sharpton gave a voice to many important issues through their campaigns, and no one would call them inarticulate."

Civil rights leader Jesse Jackson said Wednesday night, "It was a gaffe. It was not an intentional racially pejorative statement. It could be interpreted that way, but that's not what he meant."

Sen. Biden apologizes for remarks on Obama

The best they could say was that Biden wasn't "intentionally" racist, but that suggests he was a racist without knowing he was. Are you, like Biden, a racist without realizing it? Is that why you can't see the problem with his statement?

Once AGAIN "Everybody knows" IS NOT ARGUMENT. You need to draw a logical conclusion and you CAN'T DO IT.

Nothing in the Biden statement suggests one race is superior to another. We can and do take issue with the word "first" of course but that's irrelevant to your fake point. YOU CAN'T GET THERE from what you have.

The greater point here is that you're parroting a myth without ever bothering to think it through. If you'd actually broken a brain sweat to do that you'd know it doesn't work.

Prove me wrong and show how it does. And when you can't --- stop parroting bullshit just because some wag tells you to.

And just as an aside I would definitely NOT call Al Sharpton "articulate". He's a clown, nothing more.
Again, Obama saw it and Jesse Jackson saw it and if you can't see it, perhaps that says something about you.

AGAIN, when you can't articulate your point YOU AIN'T GOT ONE.
*NOR* did O'bama or Jackson "see" what you pretend to see in your blind PC ignorance.


O'bama: "African-American presidential candidates like Jesse Jackson, Shirley Chisholm, Carol Moseley Braun and Al Sharpton gave a voice to many important issues through their campaigns, and no one would call them inarticulate."

Jaxon: "It was a gaffe. It was not an intentional racially pejorative statement. It could be interpreted that way, but that's not what he meant."


This was an impromptu opinion on an election campaign said to a reporter as if it were a sports event, which is how he talks. It was a gaffe in that he limited the description to men, shutting out Chisholm the first black woman to run for POTUS with a major party as well as Moseley-Braun. Chisholm later noted, "When I ran for the Congress, when I ran for president, I met more discrimination as a woman than for being black. Men are men." so you could make a better case for sexism by exclusion than for "racism".
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Calling trump a "racist" is like calling a car mechanic "just a guy who can fix a 1998 honda accord".

Well of course, because he can fix all cars. Just as trump pretty much has disdain for the entire human race. To a sociopathic narcissist like trump, people are merely objects whose value is determined by their effect on him and his self image. So, until black people universally unite in praise for donnie dotard, he will disdain them as a race whenever the thought to do so fizzles into his clinically ill brain.

Is that truly racism? Maybe. But saying so and focusing on it misses the bigger picture.
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It is clearly a racist statement. If you don't get it, perhaps you should ask yourself why.

Excellent. I haven't seen the "everybody knows it just IS" fallacy in, must be several minutes. Thanks for that, takes me back.

As I always say, if you can't articulate your point --- you never had one.
Every honest person who isn't a racist knows it is a racist statement, so again, perhaps you should examine yourself to see why you can't see it. Obama and Jesse Jackson certainly could see it.

But late Wednesday, Obama released a statement seizing on Biden's use of the word "articulate."

"I didn't take Sen. Biden's comments personally, but obviously they were historically inaccurate," Obama said. "African-American presidential candidates like Jesse Jackson, Shirley Chisholm, Carol Moseley Braun and Al Sharpton gave a voice to many important issues through their campaigns, and no one would call them inarticulate."

Civil rights leader Jesse Jackson said Wednesday night, "It was a gaffe. It was not an intentional racially pejorative statement. It could be interpreted that way, but that's not what he meant."

Sen. Biden apologizes for remarks on Obama

The best they could say was that Biden wasn't "intentionally" racist, but that suggests he was a racist without knowing he was. Are you, like Biden, a racist without realizing it? Is that why you can't see the problem with his statement?

Once AGAIN "Everybody knows" IS NOT ARGUMENT. You need to draw a logical conclusion and you CAN'T DO IT.

Nothing in the Biden statement suggests one race is superior to another. We can and do take issue with the word "first" of course but that's irrelevant to your fake point. YOU CAN'T GET THERE from what you have.

The greater point here is that you're parroting a myth without ever bothering to think it through. If you'd actually broken a brain sweat to do that you'd know it doesn't work.

Prove me wrong and show how it does. And when you can't --- stop parroting bullshit just because some wag tells you to.

And just as an aside I would definitely NOT call Al Sharpton "articulate". He's a clown, nothing more.
Again, Obama saw it and Jesse Jackson saw it and if you can't see it, perhaps that says something about you.

AGAIN, when you can't articulate your point YOU AIN'T GOT ONE.
*NOR* did O'bama or Jackson "see" what you pretend to see in your blind PC ignorance.


O'bama: "African-American presidential candidates like Jesse Jackson, Shirley Chisholm, Carol Moseley Braun and Al Sharpton gave a voice to many important issues through their campaigns, and no one would call them inarticulate."

Jaxon: "It was a gaffe. It was not an intentional racially pejorative statement. It could be interpreted that way, but that's not what he meant."

When Jackson said it was not intentionally racist or pejorative, he was saying it was offensive and pejorative but Biden didn't realize it. Why do you have such a hard time understanding this?
Excellent. I haven't seen the "everybody knows it just IS" fallacy in, must be several minutes. Thanks for that, takes me back.

As I always say, if you can't articulate your point --- you never had one.
Every honest person who isn't a racist knows it is a racist statement, so again, perhaps you should examine yourself to see why you can't see it. Obama and Jesse Jackson certainly could see it.

But late Wednesday, Obama released a statement seizing on Biden's use of the word "articulate."

"I didn't take Sen. Biden's comments personally, but obviously they were historically inaccurate," Obama said. "African-American presidential candidates like Jesse Jackson, Shirley Chisholm, Carol Moseley Braun and Al Sharpton gave a voice to many important issues through their campaigns, and no one would call them inarticulate."

Civil rights leader Jesse Jackson said Wednesday night, "It was a gaffe. It was not an intentional racially pejorative statement. It could be interpreted that way, but that's not what he meant."

Sen. Biden apologizes for remarks on Obama

The best they could say was that Biden wasn't "intentionally" racist, but that suggests he was a racist without knowing he was. Are you, like Biden, a racist without realizing it? Is that why you can't see the problem with his statement?

Once AGAIN "Everybody knows" IS NOT ARGUMENT. You need to draw a logical conclusion and you CAN'T DO IT.

Nothing in the Biden statement suggests one race is superior to another. We can and do take issue with the word "first" of course but that's irrelevant to your fake point. YOU CAN'T GET THERE from what you have.

The greater point here is that you're parroting a myth without ever bothering to think it through. If you'd actually broken a brain sweat to do that you'd know it doesn't work.

Prove me wrong and show how it does. And when you can't --- stop parroting bullshit just because some wag tells you to.

And just as an aside I would definitely NOT call Al Sharpton "articulate". He's a clown, nothing more.
Again, Obama saw it and Jesse Jackson saw it and if you can't see it, perhaps that says something about you.

AGAIN, when you can't articulate your point YOU AIN'T GOT ONE.
*NOR* did O'bama or Jackson "see" what you pretend to see in your blind PC ignorance.


O'bama: "African-American presidential candidates like Jesse Jackson, Shirley Chisholm, Carol Moseley Braun and Al Sharpton gave a voice to many important issues through their campaigns, and no one would call them inarticulate."

Jaxon: "It was a gaffe. It was not an intentional racially pejorative statement. It could be interpreted that way, but that's not what he meant."

When Jackson said it was not intentionally racist or pejorative, he was saying it was offensive and pejorative but Biden didn't realize it. Why do you have such a hard time understanding this?

No, actually he was saying he can read better than you partisan hacks can.
The thread is about Trump .

The guy can’t bring himself to bash neo Nazis but he will shit on Hispanic immingrants at the drop of a hat.

So far it looks to me like no one can find anything more than hearsay, like O'Donnell from his book:

“I’ve got black accountants at Trump Castle and Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day… . I think the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It’s not anything they can control.“

So it's always taking someone else's word that he is a racist. I'm waiting for direct recordings, film footage. Anyone can say anything in a court case too, you can imagine how many people want to get a quick settlement from a billionaire.

So far it looks to me like no one can find anything more than hearsay, like O'Donnell from his book:

“I’ve got black accountants at Trump Castle and Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day… . I think the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It’s not anything they can control.“

So it's always taking someone else's word that he is a racist. I'm waiting for direct recordings, film footage. Anyone can say anything in a court case too, you can imagine how many people want to get a quick settlement from a billionaire.

Ah, so anything said in court "doesn't count", and anything quoted in a book "doesn't count" either. Even though Rump himself acknowledged what the author wrote was accurate.

Tell us more about this self-delusionary world. Do you have to take a pill or something?
I’m still waiting for Republicans to tell us why the inside of the moon is it made from a soft and creamy white cheese. If they can believe in magical creation, why not believe that? You can’t prove it’s not true.

Besides, some Mexicans don’t rape, Obama was born in Kenya, Africans live in huts, and African countries are sh!t hole countries. What could be racist about any of that?

So far it looks to me like no one can find anything more than hearsay, like O'Donnell from his book:

“I’ve got black accountants at Trump Castle and Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day… . I think the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It’s not anything they can control.“

So it's always taking someone else's word that he is a racist. I'm waiting for direct recordings, film footage. Anyone can say anything in a court case too, you can imagine how many people want to get a quick settlement from a billionaire.

Ah, so anything said in court "doesn't count", and anything quoted in a book "doesn't count" either. Even though Rump himself acknowledged what the author wrote was accurate.

Tell us more about this self-delusionary world. Do you have to take a pill or something?

Oh wait. You wanted some clips.

I’m still waiting for Republicans to tell us why the inside of the moon is it made from a soft and creamy white cheese. If they can believe in magical creation, why not believe that? You can’t prove it’s not true.

Besides, some Mexicans don’t rape, Obama was born in Kenya, Africans live in huts, and African countries are sh!t hole countries. What could be racist about any of that?
Most likely because in Africa they are a few centuries behind at least in many ways. I am sorry but when the world was opened up to foreign investment and capitalism investment in technology and plants Africa did not grab the ring. East Asia did. Tell me different. Africa ways are going to destroy South Africa soon. This is about survival and a good life. Not about kizzing stinking azz.
In his long career as a real estate builder and investor Donald Trump probably employed more people of color and offered them a decent wage than the entire eight years of the pathetic Obama administration.
what a liar you are, boy. not sure why you bring obama, who kicks racist trump's ass up and down the block, into this, unless you like proving what a moron you are, but when trump first was given a chance to be in the real estate business by his rich dad, he and his dad were sued for racial discrimination in their rental policies. they lost the case. trump famously bitched about why did this country have so many immigrants from shithole countries (african and/or central and south american) and not more from Norway- white guy city. Get it, dumbass? even an inbred cracker banjo playing punk like you should be able to see the racism shining out from this punk ass bitch conman Trump like a diamond shining in a goat's ass, since you are probably very well acquainted with what the backside of a goat looks like, in a very up close, personal way.
Teump said:
" I'm the least racist person you can meet"
Lol and you guys discussing if he is racist or not ?

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