I Challenge You to Prove Trump is a Racist.

Its all covered on the page Racial Views of Trump, with 222 references.
Is there enough truth there?
Show us on The Doll where Putin touched you.
see the hand?
The hand you have on Putin's Gold Member, Troll?

Funny thing about that cartoon. No one has done more for those three countries than Hillary Clinton and Obama Bin Lying.

Can you tell me why Clinton and Obama took bribes from Putin to approve The Uranium One Deal, resulting in America giving up control of 20% of it's strategic Uranium.

Clinton got $145 Million from Putin for the crooked Rosatom-Uranium One Deal, and Obama got $64 Million.

We were told it would never leave the US continent, and now it is being exported to Iran, who by the way, Obama Illegally and In Violation of International Treaty Law gave $150 Billion to, so Iran could by Uranium, Russian Missiles, and Expertise, anti Missile Batteries, and Export Russian Weapons to HAMAS, The PLO and other Terrorist Groups.

And if you want to talk about Terrorism in The Middle East, explain to me how Obama was allowed to give money and weapons to Al Queda in Libya, and The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt to launch COUPS and Assassinations

No One Lies, like a LibTard lies. They go to bed dreaming of lies, and they wake up first thing in the morning telling lies, and tell them all day long. Rinse, Lather, Repeat.
Uranium 145 million has a false rating, and was fully investigated by FBI and no evidence of wrong doing found.

Since Trump is best buddies with dictators around the world, you cant defend Trump, so you have to b-b-but Obama, b-b-but Hillary.

You're such a fucking liar, but so very stupid...

Of course the president is less flexible while he is campaigning for re-election. Obama is just stating fact.

Does this have anything to do with Uranium One?
Trump is a mentally ill, malignant narcissist who views all people as objects. He is a racist, but the race he despises is the human race.

Actually, it's you who is mentally ill. Lowest black unemployment in history - that fills you with RAGE. Lowest Hispanic unemployment in history - that fills you with RAGE. Lowest white unemployment in 70 years - that fills you with RAGE. Even with the 600 point slide, highest stock market in history - that fills you with RAGE.

You're a sick motherfucker, you want misery and destruction. You want misery because the ONLY thing you care about is your party taking power - you don't give a FUCK about Americans. You want America to suffer, you want us put in our place.
Oh my...call out the cult leader for what he is, and his buttsuckers degenerate into quivering little amorphous blobs of impotent anger, haha

If you don't get help at Charter, get help somewhere.

Hate filled and stupid is no way to go through life.
Show us on The Doll where Putin touched you.
see the hand?
The hand you have on Putin's Gold Member, Troll?

Funny thing about that cartoon. No one has done more for those three countries than Hillary Clinton and Obama Bin Lying.

Can you tell me why Clinton and Obama took bribes from Putin to approve The Uranium One Deal, resulting in America giving up control of 20% of it's strategic Uranium.

Clinton got $145 Million from Putin for the crooked Rosatom-Uranium One Deal, and Obama got $64 Million.

We were told it would never leave the US continent, and now it is being exported to Iran, who by the way, Obama Illegally and In Violation of International Treaty Law gave $150 Billion to, so Iran could by Uranium, Russian Missiles, and Expertise, anti Missile Batteries, and Export Russian Weapons to HAMAS, The PLO and other Terrorist Groups.

And if you want to talk about Terrorism in The Middle East, explain to me how Obama was allowed to give money and weapons to Al Queda in Libya, and The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt to launch COUPS and Assassinations

No One Lies, like a LibTard lies. They go to bed dreaming of lies, and they wake up first thing in the morning telling lies, and tell them all day long. Rinse, Lather, Repeat.
Uranium 145 million has a false rating, and was fully investigated by FBI and no evidence of wrong doing found.

Since Trump is best buddies with dictators around the world, you cant defend Trump, so you have to b-b-but Obama, b-b-but Hillary.

You're such a fucking liar, but so very stupid...

Of course the president is less flexible while he is campaigning for re-election. Obama is just stating fact.

Does this have anything to do with Uranium One?


You're just a hack demagogue. This years version of Heinreich Himmler.
Not one answer to the Op.
This thread is full of examples of Trump racism, starting on page one.

Then point one out, Herr Himmler.
It is obvious you will deny examples of Trump racism no matter how many are provided.
In the early '70s, Trump was hauled into federal court for discriminating against blacks by refusing to rent or sell his apartments or condominiums to African Americans.
Multiple employees have reported him using the N-word for describing African Americans.
The list goes on and on, but as already stated, you will simply stay in denial no matter how many examples are or have been shown.
Trump has been called a "racist" countless times, so one must assume there is clear evidence of this alleged "fact".

I request that anyone having clear and concise evidence of Trump's racism post it here.
No such evidence exist.
Not one answer to the Op.
This thread is full of examples of Trump racism, starting on page one.

Then point one out, Herr Himmler.
It is obvious you will deny examples of Trump racism no matter how many are provided.
In the early '70s, Trump was hauled into federal court for discriminating against blacks by refusing to rent or sell his apartments or condominiums to African Americans.
Multiple employees have reported him using the N-word for describing African Americans.
The list goes on and on, but as already stated, you will simply stay in denial no matter how many examples are or have been shown.
There is no shortage of disgruntled back stabbing former employees in the world.
see the hand?
The hand you have on Putin's Gold Member, Troll?

Funny thing about that cartoon. No one has done more for those three countries than Hillary Clinton and Obama Bin Lying.

Can you tell me why Clinton and Obama took bribes from Putin to approve The Uranium One Deal, resulting in America giving up control of 20% of it's strategic Uranium.

Clinton got $145 Million from Putin for the crooked Rosatom-Uranium One Deal, and Obama got $64 Million.

We were told it would never leave the US continent, and now it is being exported to Iran, who by the way, Obama Illegally and In Violation of International Treaty Law gave $150 Billion to, so Iran could by Uranium, Russian Missiles, and Expertise, anti Missile Batteries, and Export Russian Weapons to HAMAS, The PLO and other Terrorist Groups.

And if you want to talk about Terrorism in The Middle East, explain to me how Obama was allowed to give money and weapons to Al Queda in Libya, and The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt to launch COUPS and Assassinations

No One Lies, like a LibTard lies. They go to bed dreaming of lies, and they wake up first thing in the morning telling lies, and tell them all day long. Rinse, Lather, Repeat.
Uranium 145 million has a false rating, and was fully investigated by FBI and no evidence of wrong doing found.

Since Trump is best buddies with dictators around the world, you cant defend Trump, so you have to b-b-but Obama, b-b-but Hillary.

You're such a fucking liar, but so very stupid...

Of course the president is less flexible while he is campaigning for re-election. Obama is just stating fact.

Does this have anything to do with Uranium One?


You're just a hack demagogue. This years version of Heinreich Himmler.

So, does not being as flexible during re-election have anything to do with Uranium One?
Not one answer to the Op.
This thread is full of examples of Trump racism, starting on page one.

Then point one out, Herr Himmler.
It is obvious you will deny examples of Trump racism no matter how many are provided.
In the early '70s, Trump was hauled into federal court for discriminating against blacks by refusing to rent or sell his apartments or condominiums to African Americans.
Multiple employees have reported him using the N-word for describing African Americans.
The list goes on and on, but as already stated, you will simply stay in denial no matter how many examples are or have been shown.
You were there and saw the whole thing right? I can't tell you how many times some black pos cries he was called the nword when he wasn't. Prove something liar.
Not one answer to the Op.
This thread is full of examples of Trump racism, starting on page one.

Then point one out, Herr Himmler.
It is obvious you will deny examples of Trump racism no matter how many are provided.
In the early '70s, Trump was hauled into federal court for discriminating against blacks by refusing to rent or sell his apartments or condominiums to African Americans.
Multiple employees have reported him using the N-word for describing African Americans.
The list goes on and on, but as already stated, you will simply stay in denial no matter how many examples are or have been shown.
You were there and saw the whole thing right? I can't tell you how many times some black pos cries he was called the nword when he wasn't. Prove something liar.
What did I lie about asshole? And you know, the guy in your avatar played one of the most famous assholes and traitors in Hollywood history. How did you get so dumb?
Not one answer to the Op.
This thread is full of examples of Trump racism, starting on page one.

Then point one out, Herr Himmler.
It is obvious you will deny examples of Trump racism no matter how many are provided.
In the early '70s, Trump was hauled into federal court for discriminating against blacks by refusing to rent or sell his apartments or condominiums to African Americans.
Multiple employees have reported him using the N-word for describing African Americans.
The list goes on and on, but as already stated, you will simply stay in denial no matter how many examples are or have been shown.
You were there and saw the whole thing right? I can't tell you how many times some black pos cries he was called the nword when he wasn't. Prove something liar.
What did I lie about asshole? And you know, the guy in your avatar played one of the most famous assholes and traitors in Hollywood history. How did you get so dumb?
I'm smart, I'm not like you say, dumb. You still haven't shown one thing racist he did. He said she said isn't proof liar. Look how low the parrot libs have sunk, attacking fictional avatars now. lol
Not one answer to the Op.
This thread is full of examples of Trump racism, starting on page one.

Then point one out, Herr Himmler.
It is obvious you will deny examples of Trump racism no matter how many are provided.
In the early '70s, Trump was hauled into federal court for discriminating against blacks by refusing to rent or sell his apartments or condominiums to African Americans.
Multiple employees have reported him using the N-word for describing African Americans.
The list goes on and on, but as already stated, you will simply stay in denial no matter how many examples are or have been shown.

You, nor any other Stalinist here has shown anything even approaching racism from Trump.

Obama rigged the election, it failed.
Hillary was in collusion with the Russians with the Steele Dossier to stop Trump, it failed.
The Obama FBI leaked the fake dossier to Buzzfeed to influence the election, it failed
The Obama FBI wire tapped Trump tower to spy on the opposition candidate, it failed
The Obama NSA spied on the President elect of the United States to try and blackmail him, it failed
The Obama FBI engaged in perjury to obtain a FISA warrant meant to entrap Trump, it failed
The DNC and their corrupt press ran a 2 year Inquisition that was going to entrap Trump, it failed
The DNC and their corrupt press were going to get Robert Mueller to incriminate Trump in front of congress, it failed.
The Obama FBI attempted a coup against Trump, it failed

So now you evil fucks think that you can lie that he is racist.

You are pathetic, evil scum. Traitors.

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