I Challenge You to Prove Trump is a Racist.

If Trump is such a racist, WHY has the black community doing BETTER in every measurable way under Trump than under race-baiting Obama? Under Trump, blacks have their lowest unemployment rate in forty years and their high rate of small business owners ever!
If Trump is such a racist, WHY has the black community doing BETTER in every measurable way under Trump than under race-baiting Obama? Under Trump, blacks have their lowest unemployment rate in forty years and their high rate of small business owners ever!

Black unemployment dropped nine percent under the Great Obama
Trump is bragging about a one percent drop

Trump has been called a "racist" countless times, so one must assume there is clear evidence of this alleged "fact".

I request that anyone having clear and concise evidence of Trump's racism post it here.
Trump is a racist piece of shit! Duh!
By racism are we only talking about racism against blacks or racism against Mexicans, Muslims, Puerto Rican’s, people who live in shithole countries?

Have you ever been to North Africa, Rural Mexico, outside the hotel zones in the Carribean? No, you haven't, they are ALL shitholes dumbass.
43% of immigrants from those ‘shithole’ African countries have a bachelor’s degree or higher, compared to 33% of the overall American population. “Nigerian-Americans, for instance, have a median household income well above the American average.” I say we need more immigrants from shithole countries.
Trump has been called a "racist" countless times, so one must assume there is clear evidence of this alleged "fact".

I request that anyone having clear and concise evidence of Trump's racism post it here.
Trump is a racist piece of shit! Duh!
Yes, that has become common knowledge throughout the country and the world which thrills his supporters.
Liberalfilth will NOT respond to your challenge in a logical, factual manner; even though all countries enforce their borders, liberalfilth think it's WAAAAAAAYYYYYYCIST for the United States to do the same. Also, liberalfilth STILL think Islam is a race, when it's actually a murderous hate ideology that includes ALL races, including white; when my now-disowned second cousin-whore converted to Pisslam, that did not edit her DNA to make her any less white.

It isn't a "challenge" Nimrod. It's a "strawman". As is your second sentence here.

Sucks to be stupid.

We already know you suck. And that you're stupid. No need to prove it daily. Noticing your lack of proof as well. You are dismissed. Again.

"Proof" Gummo? The proof is right there in his own post. Go learn to read.

Hey illiterate one. The challenge was show Trump is a racist. But you can't. So STFU, go back to lying about Sandman and getting your ass kicked there. YOU go learn to read.
The best evidence of Trump's racism is to listen to his supporters. I love to hear them talking about the Mud People. I hope they campaign for him.
If Trump is such a racist, WHY has the black community doing BETTER in every measurable way under Trump than under race-baiting Obama? Under Trump, blacks have their lowest unemployment rate in forty years and their high rate of small business owners ever!
The racial wealth gap is worsening and the administration appears to have done little, if anything, to specifically address it.
TRump comments

"both sides were to blame for the violence" what is the meaning of that statement.It was clear the white supremacist ran over a crowd of anti supremacist protesters. He could call not call out the white supremacist and his beliefs who actually did something bad.

New Zealand incident which was a clear race hating incident. Yet he could not condemn the white supremacist movement

PM of NZ statement of the incident

Rhetoric of racism, division and extremism has no place in NZ but I would say in a society as a whole

Trump statement

We support you yada yada and then moves on to border security and pro Israel statements

Not one word condemning a white supremacist for doing a racist killing and he doesn't mention or offer the Muslim community his condolences just the general phrase of "people of NZ"

he continues with a small group of people with sick ideas and falls to mention white supremacist by name or their beliefs

Now what do white supremacist want and why does trump support them by not calling them out when clearly he has a history of calling out his enemies


Way back Machine - when he was sued by the US government for discrimination in renting to blacks in NYC

Trump comments - The government was trying to force him to rent to “welfare recipients”

They did a Consent agreement in the end

but that is just that they will change their practices if the government drops the suit.

Yet black prospective tenants were denied with no vacancy and when a white person showed up then there was a vacancy
By racism are we only talking about racism against blacks or racism against Mexicans, Muslims, Puerto Rican’s, people who live in shithole countries?

Have you ever been to North Africa, Rural Mexico, outside the hotel zones in the Carribean? No, you haven't, they are ALL shitholes dumbass.
43% of immigrants from those ‘shithole’ African countries have a bachelor’s degree or higher, compared to 33% of the overall American population. “Nigerian-Americans, for instance, have a median household income well above the American average.” I say we need more immigrants from shithole countries.

You are purposely ignoring the truth. they countries are shitholes.
Is Trump a racist?

If the standard is that we need to know what is in his heart, we have no way of knowing

If it is his words and deeds, then the answer is yes
New Zealand incident which was a clear race hating incident. Yet he could not condemn the white supremacist movement
This twisted logic is stupid, but let's go with it...

I've made a quick search of posts by Kilroy2, and I can't find a single one where he condemns pedophilia. Should baby rapers be members here?
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It’s not even always about what he says. Remember the letter C, for colored?
When a Troglocrat wakes-up in the morning the first thing that they think of is who can they accuse of being a racist today.
That is what their lives are all about.
When a Troglocrat wakes-up in the morning the first thing that they think of is who can they accuse of being a racist today.
That is what their lives are all about.
We don’t have to think up who is a racist. We just have to listen to what they say. Like Steve King and David dukes and Donald Trump and other Republicans.
You’d have to be deaf to not hear them.

I don’t remember a democrat saying they would enjoy public hangings. We know exactly what that means in a state with a history of lynchings.
If Trump is not a racist, he does a damned good impersonation of one
I almost said, that's like the pot calling the kettle black, but then you would probably have called me a racist for saying black.

There is no rational basis for calling Trump a racist, but clearly the Democrats are racists. A racist is someone who sees people in terms of race, ethnicity etc. and that is exactly what identity politics is. And don't say this is a benign sort of racism because this racism that is the core value of the Democratic Party is exactly why the Democrats didn't censure Omar's anti semitic rants: being a Muslim, black and a woman, she is one of their sacred cows and can't ever be criticized in public. The Congressional Black Caucus put their collective foot down about his and Nancy Pelosi came to heel.
It goes beyond that...

It involves generating hate, fear and resentment towards those you feel are inferior

A large part of Trumps 2016 campaign
Simply not true, but "generating hate, fear and resentment towards those you feel are inferior" was the entirety of Clinton's campaign. Racism is the heart and soul of the Democratic Party. In the Democratic Party it doesn't matter what you do if you have the right race and ethnic credentials you are untouchable.
New Zealand incident which was a clear race hating incident. Yet he could not condemn the white supremacist movement
This twisted logic is stupid, but let's go with it...

I've made a quick search of posts by Kilroy2, and I can't find a single one where he condemns pedophilia. Should baby rapers be members here?

The concept of "proving a negative" continues to elude you I see.

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