I couldn't care less about what Hillary says or does


Dim Bulb

I forgot about her 24 hours after the election was over. I just don't care. Dustbin of history. The opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference, which is where I am on her. The endless bleating about Hillary and Obama (same dustbin) on a daily basis, to me, makes us seem like sore winners. Or insecure winners. Stop whining and move on, I say. Makes the conservative movement look like deconstructive haters, not builders. And we are builders.
I forgot about her 24 hours after the election was over. I just don't care. Dustbin of history. The opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference, which is where I am on her. The endless bleating about Hillary and Obama (same dustbin) on a daily basis, to me, makes us seem like sore winners. Or insecure winners. Stop whining and move on, I say. Makes the conservative movement look like deconstructive haters, not builders. And we are builders.

24 hours...it took you that long, LOL.
I forgot about her 24 hours after the election was over. I just don't care. Dustbin of history. The opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference, which is where I am on her. The endless bleating about Hillary and Obama (same dustbin) on a daily basis, to me, makes us seem like sore winners. Or insecure winners. Stop whining and move on, I say. Makes the conservative movement look like deconstructive haters, not builders. And we are builders.
If you are builders - no one would know it as there is absolutely no evidence of such a thing.

The GOP can't govern for shit. And they are even worse than usual this time under the Orange Menace.
I forgot about her 24 hours after the election was over. I just don't care. Dustbin of history. The opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference, which is where I am on her. The endless bleating about Hillary and Obama (same dustbin) on a daily basis, to me, makes us seem like sore winners. Or insecure winners. Stop whining and move on, I say. Makes the conservative movement look like deconstructive haters, not builders. And we are builders.
If you are builders - no one would know it as there is absolutely no evidence of such a thing.

The GOP can't govern for shit. And they are even worse than usual this time under the Orange Menace.
I respectfully disagree. The GOP can indeed govern, as can the Democratic party. And frankly up until recently the GOP has been better at pushing legislative policy. Currently that has not happened yet, but hopefully it will on Tax Reform, Immigration reform, etc.
I forgot about her 24 hours after the election was over. I just don't care. Dustbin of history. The opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference, which is where I am on her. The endless bleating about Hillary and Obama (same dustbin) on a daily basis, to me, makes us seem like sore winners. Or insecure winners. Stop whining and move on, I say. Makes the conservative movement look like deconstructive haters, not builders. And we are builders.
If you are builders - no one would know it as there is absolutely no evidence of such a thing.

The GOP can't govern for shit. And they are even worse than usual this time under the Orange Menace.
I respectfully disagree. The GOP can indeed govern, as can the Democratic party. And frankly up until recently the GOP has been better at pushing legislative policy. Currently that has not happened yet, but hopefully it will on Tax Reform, Immigration reform, etc.
All major legislation is DOA at this point. Trump has lost so much political capital with his fucked up nature and the Congress can't find its ass with 535 sets of hands. The only thing the Congress will be doing is dealing with the fallout of the proposed budget and legislation (which goes against what the majority wants) and the multiple scandals of Trump's Russian salad bar. Forget about anything else, there isn't time, money, or will.
I forgot about her 24 hours after the election was over. I just don't care. Dustbin of history. The opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference, which is where I am on her. The endless bleating about Hillary and Obama (same dustbin) on a daily basis, to me, makes us seem like sore winners. Or insecure winners. Stop whining and move on, I say. Makes the conservative movement look like deconstructive haters, not builders. And we are builders.
If you are builders - no one would know it as there is absolutely no evidence of such a thing.

The GOP can't govern for shit. And they are even worse than usual this time under the Orange Menace.
I respectfully disagree. The GOP can indeed govern, as can the Democratic party. And frankly up until recently the GOP has been better at pushing legislative policy. Currently that has not happened yet, but hopefully it will on Tax Reform, Immigration reform, etc.
All major legislation is DOA at this point. Trump has lost so much political capital with his fucked up nature and the Congress can't find its ass with 535 sets of hands. The only thing the Congress will be doing is dealing with the fallout of the proposed budget and legislation (which goes against what the majority wants) and the multiple scandals of Trump's Russian salad bar. Forget about anything else, there isn't time, money, or will.
Well, I don't disagree that the aim of the Democrats is certainly to mire DC in investigation paralysis which will stop any substantive legislations, but I hope that eventually, since we control three branches of government, that legislation will pass. (Although I am virulently against the Administration's proposal to eliminate the federal IRS deduction for state and local taxes.) I think that the Democratic strategy of creating uncertainty through the Russian investigations is a good strategy, but on the whole it is not an American strategy. I also thought the same about McConnell during the last administration too. Gridlock is not a good outcome for Americans. I felt like if McConnell had let some more of Obama's policies go through that the people might have seen clearly how bad they were and he might not have won a second term.

In short, when someone is in control of the Congress, legislate. If you don't like the results, you can vote them out in TWO YEARS. The country can last that long.
The problem with GOP governance is that they are still operating under original Constitutional principles which assumed good faith and fair dealing by all parties. This does not work in the modern context, where the Dems march in lock-stepped conformance to the commands of their leaders. Unless the GOP adapts to this new reality, it will ultimately fall prey to their opponents' propaganda machine.
The problem with GOP governance is that they are still operating under original Constitutional principles which assumed good faith and fair dealing by all parties. This does not work in the modern context, where the Dems march in lock-stepped conformance to the commands of their leaders. Unless the GOP adapts to this new reality, it will ultimately fall prey to their opponents' propaganda machine.
Yeah, make Obama a one-term President was so "good faith and fair dealing". You reap what you sow, Snowflakes.
Not really all that different from the love affair that the left had with Palin long after Obama won.

It seems to be a silly fascination with politics here.
Not really all that different from the love affair that the left had with Palin long after Obama won.

It seems to be a silly fascination with politics here.
Truth. Ultimately, as I said elsewhere, humans tend to become what they hate.
What I find amazing is how many snowflakes can't understand why Americans did not want a sickly grandmother for a president.
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