I Dare "you" (all of you) to Read this and refute it-

The media was not fooled by Trump's bullshit.
Oh but you're wrong- so are you- the media tells you what to think by showing or reporting on what they are told to report on-and you still haven't refuted anything the article said-
That grifter is not defending anything. He is usurping.
And you're being publicly stupid- a sheeple controlled by your betters- the media- and you've still not refuted anything said in the article-
Trump supporters have always excluded the groups I noted.
That doesn't even address anything in the article- so,again, you haven't refuted anything it said or I said- all you have is public display of stupid trying to do what is anyone;s guess-
Trump supporters have always excluded the groups I noted.
That doesn't even address anything in the article- so,again, you haven't refuted anything it said or I said- all you have is public display of stupid trying to do what is anyone;s guess-

The article started off with a lie. There is no reason to go further than that.
The article started off with a lie. There is no reason to go further than that
Says who- You? BFD - and you can't refute anything the article said- since you didn't read but instead make a claim that you haven't backed-
That grifter is not defending anything. He is usurping.
And you're being publicly stupid- a sheeple controlled by your betters- the media- and you've still not refuted anything said in the article-
And you are being publicly stupid-a sheepie controlled by a grifter (Donald Trump).
The media gives an honest analysis of Trump's shenanigans and asks questions that Trump will not answer.
The article started off with a lie. There is no reason to go further than that
Says who- You? BFD - and you can't refute anything the article said- since you didn't read but instead make a claim that you haven't backed-

The article stated off with a false statement so I didn't read any further. That's what I generally do. If you have a valid point to make you don't have to start it with a lie.
And you are being publicly stupid-a sheepie controlled by a grifter (Donald Trump).
The media gives an honest analysis of Trump's shenanigans and asks questions that Trump will not answer.
I don't buy media bullshit- Period. The media is tied with the US gov't for being the lyingest entity on the planet, stupid, with a 200+ year history as evidence-
The media was not fooled by Trump's bullshit.
Oh but you're wrong- so are you- the media tells you what to think by showing or reporting on what they are told to report on-and you still haven't refuted anything the article said-
Nonsense. The media listens to Trump just as you and I do and asks questions to
get answers. Any fool knows that Trump is a serial liar and needs to be held accountable. "Who's gonna pay for the wall?" TAXPAYERS. Etc., etc.
And you are being publicly stupid-a sheepie controlled by a grifter (Donald Trump).
The media gives an honest analysis of Trump's shenanigans and asks questions that Trump will not answer.
I don't buy media bullshit- Period. The media is tied with the US gov't for being the lyingest entity on the planet, stupid, with a 200+ year history as evidence-
You do buy Trump bullshit, though.
The media was not fooled by Trump's bullshit.
Oh but you're wrong- so are you- the media tells you what to think by showing or reporting on what they are told to report on-and you still haven't refuted anything the article said-
Nonsense. The media listens to Trump just as you and I do and asks questions to
get answers. Any fool knows that Trump is a serial liar and needs to be held accountable. "Who's gonna pay for the wall?" TAXPAYERS. Etc., etc.
I don't listen, or watch the media- I look only at head lines and a few articles here- and I make up my mind, based on an objective (that's not subjective, stupid) analysis, using recent and early History, 50 years of cognizant observation vs results, to form a conclusion- the conclusion(s) I come to is, the media and DC lie and cannot be trusted-
The media was not fooled by Trump's bullshit.
Oh but you're wrong- so are you- the media tells you what to think by showing or reporting on what they are told to report on-and you still haven't refuted anything the article said-
Nonsense. The media listens to Trump just as you and I do and asks questions to
get answers. Any fool knows that Trump is a serial liar and needs to be held accountable. "Who's gonna pay for the wall?" TAXPAYERS. Etc., etc.

Trump isn't the only one but Trump certainly did this a lot. An example of lying even when the honest answer is better.

Trump: We will build the wall with taxes on............

Trump: We will take money from..........to build the wall.

Instead he has to create a stupid lie.
You do buy Trump bullshit, though.
No- I took on conservatives too during the obama fiasco- but, hey, go ahead and believe it's all gonna be sun shine and lolli pops for you- I will LMFAO at you clowns-
Trump isn't the only one but Trump certainly did this a lot. An example of lying even when the honest answer is better.

Trump: We will build the wall with taxes on............

Trump: We will take money from..........to build the wall.

Instead he has to create a stupid lie.
So fucking what- you can keep your Dr- you have to read it to see what's in it- 3 planes hit 2 bldgs in 2 different locations and brought down 3 bldgs in near identical fashion and hillary had to dodge bullets getting off a helicopter- a thinking person would reason that playing tit for tat about politician lies would, at some point, be the prudent thing to not do-

SMH- fucking politics of personality has ruined this country- thanks to lying politicans and their betters in the fucking media who parrot bullshit pretending they're intelligent and have some esoteric knowledge of things when they are complicit in the restricting of liberty, which is contrary to the original intent of this country's founding (BTW) they are no better than the dim wits who vote for liars time and again and really believe there's going to be a difference- even when history says differently- the only difference is less liberty every time a puppet or puppets in the District of Criminals accept another crafted by outsiders law to ensure less liberty is the result-

geezus- you people are pathetic-

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