I Do Not Believe in Black Racism

I don't care if the guy called his gramma and baby sister syphllitic whores. NO words excuse that rotten shit those empty headed fucking little thugs were up to. It is too bad that old man didn't have a gun. I wouldn't have minded seeing the video end that way.
It's about time you warped, pathetic punks learn that freedom of speech applies to everyone in America, not just you hysterical bastards that think the appropriate response to hearing words you don't care for means you get to commit domestic terrorism.
I would spit on you.
Freedom of speech IS a wonderful thing. I have the right to say anything I choose, BUT if I choose to say something that is hateful, derogatory, spiteful, insensitive, am I using my freedom wisely? As an adult I have the right to drink, but I choose not to because I have seen the negative results of drinking and do not want to be controlled by any substance. I have the right to smoke, but I choose not to because I value my health. I have the right to own a gun, but I choose not to because I believe in a Higher Power for my protection. We should use our freedoms wisely. We should choose our words carefully, because sometimes spoken words have consequences. And the pen is mightier than the sword.

The old man should have kept his mouth shut, he was an idiot, however he I defend his right to say what he wants. That is no and I mean no excuse for violence. We are not a nation of anarchy, we are a nation of laws and we have a Constitution that protects our right for speech. Yes, there are consequences for being an idiot however violence was wrong and there is no excuse for it, none.

Just end with he was wrong and end it at that because the moment somebody says whites did something they actually have done those like you start hollering about black racism because you want to shut down our freedom of speech.

Nonsense, Whites are great people.

It's the Mediterranean's who are f*cked up.

According to Haak a leading geneticist the English are significantly more Mediterranean than other Northern Europeans.

Orange below represents Neolithic peoples from the Near-East.


Mediterranean has nothing to do with this..

How do you figure that?

Portuguese, and Spaniards (Mediterranean's) took the majority of Black slaves from Africa in the Atlantic Slave Trade, and Arabs (Mediterranean's)( took even more Black slaves than the Atlantic Slave Trade.

Meanwhile the Northern Europeans with the most Mediterranean DNA, the English took the most slaves out of Northern Europe.

So, absolutely, Id say it's Mediterranean's, no?
As a black person I will say Delores has got it spot on. This isn't just about slavery. What happened when slavery ended? Up until 52 years ago we were not afforded equal constitutional rights and protections because of laws made by whites. When I was born I did not have equal projection by law. And even though the law forbids overt racism now whites still practice it while enacting policies they know are targeted for people of color. Such as gutting voting rights, the attack on Affirmative action, the lies abut what affirmative action actually is, the attack on welfare and similar programs targeting poverty So I do think that when whites start whining about blacks one anyone else f color being racists they need to consider exactly what white racism has entailed first. Because it hasn't stopped and that's why Donald Trump is the president of the United States right now.

If you hate it so much, and feel so oppressed, you can feel free to move to Africa.

I'm tlaking about demanding reparations from the governments a every level because these governments , federal, state, county and local made the laws. Now shut up.

Why stop there?

Should Arab countries pay reparations for the Arab Slave Trade?

Should Africans pay reparations for selling their slaves to Europeans, and Arabs?


Not only did the Arab slave trade take more slaves, it never truly ended, it still has gone on in recent years in places like Darfur, or Mauritania.

Besides, I've read many Sub-Saharan Africans admit that Arab nations are more intolerant, and racist against Blacks, than European ones.

So, why do you hate Whites, rather than Arabs?

Is it because Whites look more different than you?

I'm going to hazard a guess it's because he was raised in a liberal, Northern shithole ghetto.

Either that or he's from Cobb county.
If you hate it so much, and feel so oppressed, you can feel free to move to Africa.

I'm tlaking about demanding reparations from the governments a every level because these governments , federal, state, county and local made the laws. Now shut up.

Why stop there?

Should Arab countries pay reparations for the Arab Slave Trade?

Should Africans pay reparations for selling their slaves to Europeans, and Arabs?


Not only did the Arab slave trade take more slaves, it never truly ended, it still has gone on in recent years in places like Darfur, or Mauritania.

Besides, I've read many Sub-Saharan Africans admit that Arab nations are more intolerant, and racist against Blacks, than European ones.

So, why do you hate Whites, rather than Arabs?

Is it because Whites look more different than you?

I'm going to hazard a guess it's because he was raised in a liberal, Northern shithole ghetto.

Either that or he's from Cobb county.

Well since I don't live in Africa and Arabs are not responsible for what happened here, you get a

If you hate it so much, and feel so oppressed, you can feel free to move to Africa.

I'm tlaking about demanding reparations from the governments a every level because these governments , federal, state, county and local made the laws. Now shut up.

Why stop there?

Should Arab countries pay reparations for the Arab Slave Trade?

Should Africans pay reparations for selling their slaves to Europeans, and Arabs?


Not only did the Arab slave trade take more slaves, it never truly ended, it still has gone on in recent years in places like Darfur, or Mauritania.

Besides, I've read many Sub-Saharan Africans admit that Arab nations are more intolerant, and racist against Blacks, than European ones.

So, why do you hate Whites, rather than Arabs?

Is it because Whites look more different than you?

I'm going to hazard a guess it's because he was raised in a liberal, Northern shithole ghetto.

Either that or he's from Cobb county.


I'm tlaking about demanding reparations from the governments a every level because these governments , federal, state, county and local made the laws. Now shut up.

Why stop there?

Should Arab countries pay reparations for the Arab Slave Trade?

Should Africans pay reparations for selling their slaves to Europeans, and Arabs?


Not only did the Arab slave trade take more slaves, it never truly ended, it still has gone on in recent years in places like Darfur, or Mauritania.

Besides, I've read many Sub-Saharan Africans admit that Arab nations are more intolerant, and racist against Blacks, than European ones.

So, why do you hate Whites, rather than Arabs?

Is it because Whites look more different than you?

I'm going to hazard a guess it's because he was raised in a liberal, Northern shithole ghetto.

Either that or he's from Cobb county.

Well since I don't live in Africa and Arabs are not responsible for what happened here, you get a


About 3% of White Americans in 1860, were slave owners.

That means close to 97% of White Americans back then didn't own slaves.

But, since 1860, many Irish, Germans, Italians, Poles, and Jews etc. saturated White America too.

So, what makes you so sure that so many Whitey's owe you?
I'm tlaking about demanding reparations from the governments a every level because these governments , federal, state, county and local made the laws. Now shut up.

Why stop there?

Should Arab countries pay reparations for the Arab Slave Trade?

Should Africans pay reparations for selling their slaves to Europeans, and Arabs?


Not only did the Arab slave trade take more slaves, it never truly ended, it still has gone on in recent years in places like Darfur, or Mauritania.

Besides, I've read many Sub-Saharan Africans admit that Arab nations are more intolerant, and racist against Blacks, than European ones.

So, why do you hate Whites, rather than Arabs?

Is it because Whites look more different than you?

I'm going to hazard a guess it's because he was raised in a liberal, Northern shithole ghetto.

Either that or he's from Cobb county.

Well since I don't live in Africa and Arabs are not responsible for what happened here, you get a


You should live in Africa though, why the heck would you want to live among the evil, Whitey oppressors, are you some kind of moron, or some kind of masochist?
Why stop there?

Should Arab countries pay reparations for the Arab Slave Trade?

Should Africans pay reparations for selling their slaves to Europeans, and Arabs?


Not only did the Arab slave trade take more slaves, it never truly ended, it still has gone on in recent years in places like Darfur, or Mauritania.

Besides, I've read many Sub-Saharan Africans admit that Arab nations are more intolerant, and racist against Blacks, than European ones.

So, why do you hate Whites, rather than Arabs?

Is it because Whites look more different than you?

I'm going to hazard a guess it's because he was raised in a liberal, Northern shithole ghetto.

Either that or he's from Cobb county.

Well since I don't live in Africa and Arabs are not responsible for what happened here, you get a


About 3% of White Americans in 1860, were slave owners.

That means close to 97% of White Americans back then didn't own slaves.

But, since 1860, many Irish, Germans, Italians, Poles, and Jews etc. saturated White America too.

So, what makes you so sure that so many Whitey's owe you?

And 100 percent of the government was white and they made the laws.

This is not just about slavery.

This is about the time from 1618 until at least 1965. There was a 100 year period after slavery. Can you explain what happened during this time?

And since the various governments made those laws to, then we are owed for that because of the damages those laws caused.

That's what makes me s sure.

What you are trying to argue is not even close to what I'm talking about.

Not only did the Arab slave trade take more slaves, it never truly ended, it still has gone on in recent years in places like Darfur, or Mauritania.

Besides, I've read many Sub-Saharan Africans admit that Arab nations are more intolerant, and racist against Blacks, than European ones.

So, why do you hate Whites, rather than Arabs?

Is it because Whites look more different than you?

I'm going to hazard a guess it's because he was raised in a liberal, Northern shithole ghetto.

Either that or he's from Cobb county.

Well since I don't live in Africa and Arabs are not responsible for what happened here, you get a


About 3% of White Americans in 1860, were slave owners.

That means close to 97% of White Americans back then didn't own slaves.

But, since 1860, many Irish, Germans, Italians, Poles, and Jews etc. saturated White America too.

So, what makes you so sure that so many Whitey's owe you?

And 100 percent of the government was white and they made the laws.

This is not just about slavery.

This is about the time from 1618 until at least 1965. There was a 100 year period after slavery. Can you explain what happened during this time?

And since the various governments made those laws to, then we are owed for that because of the damages those laws caused.

That's what makes me s sure.

What you are trying to argue is not even close to what I'm talking about.

Wasn't the first recorded American slave owner Anthony Johnson a Black man?

I guess slavery was "Cool" to Blacks, so long as they profited.

Keep in mind African Americans also went to Liberia to enslave Africans, too.
Why stop there?

Should Arab countries pay reparations for the Arab Slave Trade?

Should Africans pay reparations for selling their slaves to Europeans, and Arabs?


Not only did the Arab slave trade take more slaves, it never truly ended, it still has gone on in recent years in places like Darfur, or Mauritania.

Besides, I've read many Sub-Saharan Africans admit that Arab nations are more intolerant, and racist against Blacks, than European ones.

So, why do you hate Whites, rather than Arabs?

Is it because Whites look more different than you?

I'm going to hazard a guess it's because he was raised in a liberal, Northern shithole ghetto.

Either that or he's from Cobb county.

Well since I don't live in Africa and Arabs are not responsible for what happened here, you get a


You should live in Africa though, why the heck would you want to live among the evil, Whitey oppressors, are you some kind of moron, or some kind of masochist?

I was born here. I want to see this change. I have the right to demand that it does change. Therefore I don't have to go anywhere because some loser white piece of shit suffers from psychosis. So fuck off.

Not only did the Arab slave trade take more slaves, it never truly ended, it still has gone on in recent years in places like Darfur, or Mauritania.

Besides, I've read many Sub-Saharan Africans admit that Arab nations are more intolerant, and racist against Blacks, than European ones.

So, why do you hate Whites, rather than Arabs?

Is it because Whites look more different than you?

I'm going to hazard a guess it's because he was raised in a liberal, Northern shithole ghetto.

Either that or he's from Cobb county.

Well since I don't live in Africa and Arabs are not responsible for what happened here, you get a


About 3% of White Americans in 1860, were slave owners.

That means close to 97% of White Americans back then didn't own slaves.

But, since 1860, many Irish, Germans, Italians, Poles, and Jews etc. saturated White America too.

So, what makes you so sure that so many Whitey's owe you?
then we are owed for that because of the damages those laws caused.

Blacks in the U.S.A are among the World's richest Blacks, right up there with those in the Cayman Islands, the Bahamas, and Bermuda.
(Keep in mind they all are former slaves)

As opposed to Ethiopia which wasn't colonized, and is poor, and backwards by African standards.

BTW, the Black slave population in the U.S grew faster than the population of Europe, this seems to be supporting evidence that European starving peasants had it worse than fed Black slaves

Not only did the Arab slave trade take more slaves, it never truly ended, it still has gone on in recent years in places like Darfur, or Mauritania.

Besides, I've read many Sub-Saharan Africans admit that Arab nations are more intolerant, and racist against Blacks, than European ones.

So, why do you hate Whites, rather than Arabs?

Is it because Whites look more different than you?

I'm going to hazard a guess it's because he was raised in a liberal, Northern shithole ghetto.

Either that or he's from Cobb county.

Well since I don't live in Africa and Arabs are not responsible for what happened here, you get a


You should live in Africa though, why the heck would you want to live among the evil, Whitey oppressors, are you some kind of moron, or some kind of masochist?

I was born here. I want to see this change. I have the right to demand that it does change. Therefore I don't have to go anywhere because some loser white piece of shit suffers from psychosis. So fuck off.

I asked you earlier what "Prejudices" you've experienced for being Black?
You REFUSED to answer.

It seems you just make up a bunch of cr@p about being so oppressed, but you're not.

Not only did the Arab slave trade take more slaves, it never truly ended, it still has gone on in recent years in places like Darfur, or Mauritania.

Besides, I've read many Sub-Saharan Africans admit that Arab nations are more intolerant, and racist against Blacks, than European ones.

So, why do you hate Whites, rather than Arabs?

Is it because Whites look more different than you?

I'm going to hazard a guess it's because he was raised in a liberal, Northern shithole ghetto.

Either that or he's from Cobb county.

Well since I don't live in Africa and Arabs are not responsible for what happened here, you get a


About 3% of White Americans in 1860, were slave owners.

That means close to 97% of White Americans back then didn't own slaves.

But, since 1860, many Irish, Germans, Italians, Poles, and Jews etc. saturated White America too.

So, what makes you so sure that so many Whitey's owe you?

And 100 percent of the government was white and they made the laws.

This is not just about slavery.

This is about the time from 1618 until at least 1965. There was a 100 year period after slavery. Can you explain what happened during this time?

And since the various governments made those laws to, then we are owed for that because of the damages those laws caused.

That's what makes me s sure.

What you are trying to argue is not even close to what I'm talking about.

You're not owed a damn thing. Now stop with the fucktarded delusion the govt's gonna pay you reparations for being black.

Are you even sure your ancestors were slaves?

Many black people's ancestors in America were not slaves.

This is America, come up with something else to make money, it can be done. :)
Not only did the Arab slave trade take more slaves, it never truly ended, it still has gone on in recent years in places like Darfur, or Mauritania.

Besides, I've read many Sub-Saharan Africans admit that Arab nations are more intolerant, and racist against Blacks, than European ones.

So, why do you hate Whites, rather than Arabs?

Is it because Whites look more different than you?

I'm going to hazard a guess it's because he was raised in a liberal, Northern shithole ghetto.

Either that or he's from Cobb county.

Well since I don't live in Africa and Arabs are not responsible for what happened here, you get a


About 3% of White Americans in 1860, were slave owners.

That means close to 97% of White Americans back then didn't own slaves.

But, since 1860, many Irish, Germans, Italians, Poles, and Jews etc. saturated White America too.

So, what makes you so sure that so many Whitey's owe you?

And 100 percent of the government was white and they made the laws.

This is not just about slavery.

This is about the time from 1618 until at least 1965. There was a 100 year period after slavery. Can you explain what happened during this time?

And since the various governments made those laws to, then we are owed for that because of the damages those laws caused.

That's what makes me s sure.

What you are trying to argue is not even close to what I'm talking about.

Wasn't the first recorded American slave owner Anthony Johnson a Black man?

I guess slavery was "Cool" to Blacks, so long as they profited.

Keep in mind African Americans also went to Liberia to enslave Africans, too.

No. The first recorded slave owner was a guy named Hugh Gywnn from Virginia who owned a save named John Punch at least 15 years before Johnson. So again this is about those who made the laws that made owning slavery legal. No, African Americans did not go to Liberia to enslave Africans.

You're out of your league here son. Stay in your lane and just make senseless remarks trying to troll.
I'm going to hazard a guess it's because he was raised in a liberal, Northern shithole ghetto.

Either that or he's from Cobb county.

Well since I don't live in Africa and Arabs are not responsible for what happened here, you get a


About 3% of White Americans in 1860, were slave owners.

That means close to 97% of White Americans back then didn't own slaves.

But, since 1860, many Irish, Germans, Italians, Poles, and Jews etc. saturated White America too.

So, what makes you so sure that so many Whitey's owe you?

And 100 percent of the government was white and they made the laws.

This is not just about slavery.

This is about the time from 1618 until at least 1965. There was a 100 year period after slavery. Can you explain what happened during this time?

And since the various governments made those laws to, then we are owed for that because of the damages those laws caused.

That's what makes me s sure.

What you are trying to argue is not even close to what I'm talking about.

Wasn't the first recorded American slave owner Anthony Johnson a Black man?

I guess slavery was "Cool" to Blacks, so long as they profited.

Keep in mind African Americans also went to Liberia to enslave Africans, too.

No. The first recorded slave owner was a guy named Hugh Gywnn from Virginia who owned a save named John Punch at least 15 years before Johnson. So again this is about those who made the laws that made owning slavery legal. No, African Americans did not go to Liberia to enslave Africans.

You're out of your league here son. Stay in your lane and just make senseless remarks trying to troll.

Being I have seen the limit of your intelligence and seen Polish boy's for quite some time now, you're fucked. If he's AAA league, you are T-ball. :badgrin:

In b4 he starts talking cranium sizes and all that. :p
Not only did the Arab slave trade take more slaves, it never truly ended, it still has gone on in recent years in places like Darfur, or Mauritania.

Besides, I've read many Sub-Saharan Africans admit that Arab nations are more intolerant, and racist against Blacks, than European ones.

So, why do you hate Whites, rather than Arabs?

Is it because Whites look more different than you?

I'm going to hazard a guess it's because he was raised in a liberal, Northern shithole ghetto.

Either that or he's from Cobb county.

Well since I don't live in Africa and Arabs are not responsible for what happened here, you get a


You should live in Africa though, why the heck would you want to live among the evil, Whitey oppressors, are you some kind of moron, or some kind of masochist?

I was born here. I want to see this change. I have the right to demand that it does change. Therefore I don't have to go anywhere because some loser white piece of shit suffers from psychosis. So fuck off.

I asked you earlier what "Prejudices" you've experienced for being Black?
You REFUSED to answer.

It seems you just make up a bunch of cr@p about being so oppressed, but you're not.

Yes and I will keep refusing to answer because the evidence of white racism is here in your face in these threads.
Well since I don't live in Africa and Arabs are not responsible for what happened here, you get a


About 3% of White Americans in 1860, were slave owners.

That means close to 97% of White Americans back then didn't own slaves.

But, since 1860, many Irish, Germans, Italians, Poles, and Jews etc. saturated White America too.

So, what makes you so sure that so many Whitey's owe you?

And 100 percent of the government was white and they made the laws.

This is not just about slavery.

This is about the time from 1618 until at least 1965. There was a 100 year period after slavery. Can you explain what happened during this time?

And since the various governments made those laws to, then we are owed for that because of the damages those laws caused.

That's what makes me s sure.

What you are trying to argue is not even close to what I'm talking about.

Wasn't the first recorded American slave owner Anthony Johnson a Black man?

I guess slavery was "Cool" to Blacks, so long as they profited.

Keep in mind African Americans also went to Liberia to enslave Africans, too.

No. The first recorded slave owner was a guy named Hugh Gywnn from Virginia who owned a save named John Punch at least 15 years before Johnson. So again this is about those who made the laws that made owning slavery legal. No, African Americans did not go to Liberia to enslave Africans.

You're out of your league here son. Stay in your lane and just make senseless remarks trying to troll.

Being I have seen the limit of your intelligence and seen Polish boy's for quite some time now, you're fucked. If he's AAA league, you are T-ball. :badgrin:

In b4 he starts talking cranium sizes and all that. :p

Nah. If he is in AAA, I'm in Cooperstown.
I'm going to hazard a guess it's because he was raised in a liberal, Northern shithole ghetto.

Either that or he's from Cobb county.

Well since I don't live in Africa and Arabs are not responsible for what happened here, you get a


About 3% of White Americans in 1860, were slave owners.

That means close to 97% of White Americans back then didn't own slaves.

But, since 1860, many Irish, Germans, Italians, Poles, and Jews etc. saturated White America too.

So, what makes you so sure that so many Whitey's owe you?

And 100 percent of the government was white and they made the laws.

This is not just about slavery.

This is about the time from 1618 until at least 1965. There was a 100 year period after slavery. Can you explain what happened during this time?

And since the various governments made those laws to, then we are owed for that because of the damages those laws caused.

That's what makes me s sure.

What you are trying to argue is not even close to what I'm talking about.

Wasn't the first recorded American slave owner Anthony Johnson a Black man?

I guess slavery was "Cool" to Blacks, so long as they profited.

Keep in mind African Americans also went to Liberia to enslave Africans, too.

No. The first recorded slave owner was a guy named Hugh Gywnn from Virginia who owned a save named John Punch at least 15 years before Johnson. So again this is about those who made the laws that made owning slavery legal. No, African Americans did not go to Liberia to enslave Africans.

You're out of your league here son. Stay in your lane and just make senseless remarks trying to troll.

Anthony Johnson a Black man was still among the earliest slave owners.

How many slave owners were Polish?

Actually I can only think of an opposite case of Polish General Kosciuszko, who used his money to free, and educate Black slaves.
I'm going to hazard a guess it's because he was raised in a liberal, Northern shithole ghetto.

Either that or he's from Cobb county.

Well since I don't live in Africa and Arabs are not responsible for what happened here, you get a


You should live in Africa though, why the heck would you want to live among the evil, Whitey oppressors, are you some kind of moron, or some kind of masochist?

I was born here. I want to see this change. I have the right to demand that it does change. Therefore I don't have to go anywhere because some loser white piece of shit suffers from psychosis. So fuck off.

I asked you earlier what "Prejudices" you've experienced for being Black?
You REFUSED to answer.

It seems you just make up a bunch of cr@p about being so oppressed, but you're not.

Yes and I will keep refusing to answer because the evidence of white racism is here in your face in these threads.

What about in person?
How many people have mocked Black people in your face?
Not only did the Arab slave trade take more slaves, it never truly ended, it still has gone on in recent years in places like Darfur, or Mauritania.

Besides, I've read many Sub-Saharan Africans admit that Arab nations are more intolerant, and racist against Blacks, than European ones.

So, why do you hate Whites, rather than Arabs?

Is it because Whites look more different than you?

I'm going to hazard a guess it's because he was raised in a liberal, Northern shithole ghetto.

Either that or he's from Cobb county.

Well since I don't live in Africa and Arabs are not responsible for what happened here, you get a


About 3% of White Americans in 1860, were slave owners.

That means close to 97% of White Americans back then didn't own slaves.

But, since 1860, many Irish, Germans, Italians, Poles, and Jews etc. saturated White America too.

So, what makes you so sure that so many Whitey's owe you?

And 100 percent of the government was white and they made the laws.

This is not just about slavery.

This is about the time from 1618 until at least 1965. There was a 100 year period after slavery. Can you explain what happened during this time?

And since the various governments made those laws to, then we are owed for that because of the damages those laws caused.

That's what makes me s sure.

What you are trying to argue is not even close to what I'm talking about.

You're not owed a damn thing. Now stop with the fucktarded delusion the govt's gonna pay you reparations for being black.

Are you even sure your ancestors were slaves?

Many black people's ancestors in America were not slaves.

This is America, come up with something else to make money, it can be done. :)

We are owed a conservative estimate of 6.4 trillion dollars. Every year idiots like you say ad believe as you do, your dumb asses cost this nation 2 trillion dollars. so it's a matter of time son. .The issue is not just slavery fool. Slavery did not just end and everyone was treated equally and with the same equal opportunities, so then try shutting your pie hole because your argument has no merit..

This is America where whites were given free land by the government, given low cost loans to buy homes ad start businesses by the government and provided jobs others could not have by the government.
I'm going to hazard a guess it's because he was raised in a liberal, Northern shithole ghetto.

Either that or he's from Cobb county.

Well since I don't live in Africa and Arabs are not responsible for what happened here, you get a


About 3% of White Americans in 1860, were slave owners.

That means close to 97% of White Americans back then didn't own slaves.

But, since 1860, many Irish, Germans, Italians, Poles, and Jews etc. saturated White America too.

So, what makes you so sure that so many Whitey's owe you?

And 100 percent of the government was white and they made the laws.

This is not just about slavery.

This is about the time from 1618 until at least 1965. There was a 100 year period after slavery. Can you explain what happened during this time?

And since the various governments made those laws to, then we are owed for that because of the damages those laws caused.

That's what makes me s sure.

What you are trying to argue is not even close to what I'm talking about.

Wasn't the first recorded American slave owner Anthony Johnson a Black man?

I guess slavery was "Cool" to Blacks, so long as they profited.

Keep in mind African Americans also went to Liberia to enslave Africans, too.
No, African Americans did not go to Liberia to enslave Africans.

What evidence do you have that African Americans didn't enslave Africans in Liberia?

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