I Do Not Believe in Black Racism

And 100 percent of the government was white and they made the laws.

This is not just about slavery.

This is about the time from 1618 until at least 1965. There was a 100 year period after slavery. Can you explain what happened during this time?

And since the various governments made those laws to, then we are owed for that because of the damages those laws caused.

That's what makes me s sure.

What you are trying to argue is not even close to what I'm talking about.

Wasn't the first recorded American slave owner Anthony Johnson a Black man?

I guess slavery was "Cool" to Blacks, so long as they profited.

Keep in mind African Americans also went to Liberia to enslave Africans, too.

No. The first recorded slave owner was a guy named Hugh Gywnn from Virginia who owned a save named John Punch at least 15 years before Johnson. So again this is about those who made the laws that made owning slavery legal. No, African Americans did not go to Liberia to enslave Africans.

You're out of your league here son. Stay in your lane and just make senseless remarks trying to troll.

Being I have seen the limit of your intelligence and seen Polish boy's for quite some time now, you're fucked. If he's AAA league, you are T-ball. :badgrin:

In b4 he starts talking cranium sizes and all that. :p

They're both at preschool soccer level.

Nah, Polish dude is a notch smarter. ...

Evidently not.
Wasn't the first recorded American slave owner Anthony Johnson a Black man?

I guess slavery was "Cool" to Blacks, so long as they profited.

Keep in mind African Americans also went to Liberia to enslave Africans, too.

No. The first recorded slave owner was a guy named Hugh Gywnn from Virginia who owned a save named John Punch at least 15 years before Johnson. So again this is about those who made the laws that made owning slavery legal. No, African Americans did not go to Liberia to enslave Africans.

You're out of your league here son. Stay in your lane and just make senseless remarks trying to troll.

Being I have seen the limit of your intelligence and seen Polish boy's for quite some time now, you're fucked. If he's AAA league, you are T-ball. :badgrin:

In b4 he starts talking cranium sizes and all that. :p

They're both at preschool soccer level.

Nah, Polish dude is a notch smarter. ...

Evidently not.

Contrary to your OCD, everything isn't equal, and as much as your OCD likes to put everything into equal boxes, doesn't make that true, either.

Absolutely, being of Irish descent, as you admitted you most likely have OCD tendencies.

A lot of Irish have pink skin from Histamine flushes, which Histamine causes low Serotonin, thus OCD, to make matters worse, a lot of Irish have Red-Head genes, which Red-Heads also produce less Serotonin, causing OCD.
One idiot can't tell us what prejudices he's experienced in person for being Black, despite claiming to be "Oh so oppressed"

The other idiot can't tell us what evidence he has for Black equality? In light of the fact of free Blacks faring worse than oppressed Blacks?

Anyways, I can't be here any longer, because I actually have a job to go to now.

What about you guys?
Do you have jobs besides being fail trolls?
This is the kind of disgusting behavior I'm talking about.

Seems like the man called the guy a racial slur. That was the disgusting behavior.

So that excuses a young, able-bodied boy beating up on the elderly man who is clearly unable to defend himself, correct?

No, and the bad lil mofo's friend was egging him on.

That old man would have been well within his rights to pull out a gun and blow the punk

Seems that you want to excuse the racial slur that old man made. That old racist should not have made the racial slur if he was unable to defend himself..

I don't care if the guy called his gramma and baby sister syphllitic whores. NO words excuse that rotten shit those empty headed fucking little thugs were up to. It is too bad that old man didn't have a gun. I wouldn't have minded seeing the video end that way.
It's about time you warped, pathetic punks learn that freedom of speech applies to everyone in America, not just you hysterical bastards that think the appropriate response to hearing words you don't care for means you get to commit domestic terrorism.
I would spit on you.

Freedom of speech IS a wonderful thing. I have the right to say anything I choose, BUT if I choose to say something that is hateful, derogatory, spiteful, insensitive, am I using my freedom wisely? As an adult I have the right to drink, but I choose not to because I have seen the negative results of drinking and do not want to be controlled by any substance. I have the right to smoke, but I choose not to because I value my health. I have the right to own a gun, but I choose not to because I believe in a Higher Power for my protection. We should use our freedoms wisely. We should choose our words carefully, because sometimes spoken words have consequences. And the pen is mightier than the sword.

Agreed. Because you can do something doesn't mean you should. But those who choose to still have the freedom to do so. And, while the pen is mightier than the sword, sticks and stones will break bones, but words can never hurt me. Use your tools wisely, I agree. But there are too many using the "sword" unwisely, unkindly, and dangerously. Just as many use words as a cudgel to beat those with whom they disagree into submission.
If you hate it so much, and feel so oppressed, you can feel free to move to Africa.

When you move back to Poland I'll do that.

Don't start with me with anther dumb ass white racist rant. I'm tlaking about demanding reparations from the governments a every level because these governments , federal, state, county and local made the laws. Now shut up.


Ok mongo, you go on' 'head and demand reparations in one hand and poop in the other.

See which one fills up 1st.

Yep, you's a iggggggggggnint sumbitch.

Nobody owes you anything. Suck it up, Buttercup.


We will get paid what we ae owed, because we ae owed, or this nation will be destroyed, Now these are the two inevitable outcomes.

So talk stupid all you want, it doesn't matter.

Bend over... I'll give ya what you're owed

I don't participate in homosexual activities. It appears that you enjoy them frequently.
OMG! You really are the daftest thing around, aren't you? OK, you are very, very young and miss references frequently.
Ever hear of a good, swift kick in the ass? Of course not, your generation has been inundated with homosexual references.
I agree. The politicians game is to keep us looking at each other, fighting each other, concentrating all of our efforts of "the others" and not noticing that they are the cause of our problems. I noted before the story: There are 10 coins on the table, one guy grabs 9 of them and says, "quick, that other guy is stealing your money?" While we argue with each other, the larger sins of the government go unnoticed.

It's not just the politicians. They are elected. If the people who elect them do not believe this, why are they there?
Good question. It's supposed to be a government of the people, by the people and for the people. I believe it has become a government of, by and for the wealthy elites, who put so much dark money into buying elections.

You don't vote?

This is a dumb question. I say this because you can vote, your candidate loses and the winner represents everything that has been mentioned as the problem.

Do you understand how voting works?
Dude, I'm not sure he/she/it realizes that mommy changing his diaper isn't magic.
Seems that you want to excuse the racial slur that old man made. That old racist should not have made the racial slur if he was unable to defend himself..

I don't care if the guy called his gramma and baby sister syphllitic whores. NO words excuse that rotten shit those empty headed fucking little thugs were up to. It is too bad that old man didn't have a gun. I wouldn't have minded seeing the video end that way.
It's about time you warped, pathetic punks learn that freedom of speech applies to everyone in America, not just you hysterical bastards that think the appropriate response to hearing words you don't care for means you get to commit domestic terrorism.
I would spit on you.
Freedom of speech IS a wonderful thing. I have the right to say anything I choose, BUT if I choose to say something that is hateful, derogatory, spiteful, insensitive, am I using my freedom wisely? As an adult I have the right to drink, but I choose not to because I have seen the negative results of drinking and do not want to be controlled by any substance. I have the right to smoke, but I choose not to because I value my health. I have the right to own a gun, but I choose not to because I believe in a Higher Power for my protection. We should use our freedoms wisely. We should choose our words carefully, because sometimes spoken words have consequences. And the pen is mightier than the sword.

The old man should have kept his mouth shut, he was an idiot, however he I defend his right to say what he wants. That is no and I mean no excuse for violence. We are not a nation of anarchy, we are a nation of laws and we have a Constitution that protects our right for speech. Yes, there are consequences for being an idiot however violence was wrong and there is no excuse for it, none.

Just end with he was wrong and end it at that because the moment somebody says whites did something they actually have done those like you start hollering about black racism because you want to shut down our freedom of speech.

You seem to have a strange notion of freedom of speech.
He/she/it has freedom to speak as it desires. You are a racist, so STFU, you do not have freedom to speak. [sarcasm alert!]
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As a black person I will say Delores has got it spot on. This isn't just about slavery. What happened when slavery ended? Up until 52 years ago we were not afforded equal constitutional rights and protections because of laws made by whites. When I was born I did not have equal projection by law. And even though the law forbids overt racism now whites still practice it while enacting policies they know are targeted for people of color. Such as gutting voting rights, the attack on Affirmative action, the lies abut what affirmative action actually is, the attack on welfare and similar programs targeting poverty So I do think that when whites start whining about blacks one anyone else f color being racists they need to consider exactly what white racism has entailed first. Because it hasn't stopped and that's why Donald Trump is the president of the United States right now.

If you hate it so much, and feel so oppressed, you can feel free to move to Africa.

I'm tlaking about demanding reparations from the governments a every level because these governments , federal, state, county and local made the laws. Now shut up.

Why stop there?

Should Arab countries pay reparations for the Arab Slave Trade?

Should Africans pay reparations for selling their slaves to Europeans, and Arabs?


Not only did the Arab slave trade take more slaves, it never truly ended, it still has gone on in recent years in places like Darfur, or Mauritania.

Besides, I've read many Sub-Saharan Africans admit that Arab nations are more intolerant, and racist against Blacks, than European ones.

So, why do you hate Whites, rather than Arabs?

Is it because Whites look more different than you?
Even more recently: the Chibok school girls were taken and enslaved by...blacks!!

Not only did the Arab slave trade take more slaves, it never truly ended, it still has gone on in recent years in places like Darfur, or Mauritania.

Besides, I've read many Sub-Saharan Africans admit that Arab nations are more intolerant, and racist against Blacks, than European ones.

So, why do you hate Whites, rather than Arabs?

Is it because Whites look more different than you?

I'm going to hazard a guess it's because he was raised in a liberal, Northern shithole ghetto.

Either that or he's from Cobb county.

Well since I don't live in Africa and Arabs are not responsible for what happened here, you get a


You should live in Africa though, why the heck would you want to live among the evil, Whitey oppressors, are you some kind of moron, or some kind of masochist?

I was born here. I want to see this change. I have the right to demand that it does change. Therefore I don't have to go anywhere because some loser white piece of shit suffers from psychosis. So fuck off.

You have the right to demand, and the right to die a bitter death of frustration as well. :lame2::dunno::fu:
Well since I don't live in Africa and Arabs are not responsible for what happened here, you get a


You should live in Africa though, why the heck would you want to live among the evil, Whitey oppressors, are you some kind of moron, or some kind of masochist?

I was born here. I want to see this change. I have the right to demand that it does change. Therefore I don't have to go anywhere because some loser white piece of shit suffers from psychosis. So fuck off.

I asked you earlier what "Prejudices" you've experienced for being Black?
You REFUSED to answer.

It seems you just make up a bunch of cr@p about being so oppressed, but you're not.

Yes and I will keep refusing to answer because the evidence of white racism is here in your face in these threads.

What about in person?
How many people have mocked Black people in your face?

Not only did the Arab slave trade take more slaves, it never truly ended, it still has gone on in recent years in places like Darfur, or Mauritania.

Besides, I've read many Sub-Saharan Africans admit that Arab nations are more intolerant, and racist against Blacks, than European ones.

So, why do you hate Whites, rather than Arabs?

Is it because Whites look more different than you?

I'm going to hazard a guess it's because he was raised in a liberal, Northern shithole ghetto.

Either that or he's from Cobb county.

Well since I don't live in Africa and Arabs are not responsible for what happened here, you get a


You should live in Africa though, why the heck would you want to live among the evil, Whitey oppressors, are you some kind of moron, or some kind of masochist?

I was born here. I want to see this change. I have the right to demand that it does change. Therefore I don't have to go anywhere because some loser white piece of shit suffers from psychosis. So fuck off.

I asked you earlier what "Prejudices" you've experienced for being Black?
You REFUSED to answer.

It seems you just make up a bunch of cr@p about being so oppressed, but you're not.

From the OP: "While I as a white person have experienced the ugliness of being hated and mistreated for who I am, I do not consider that experiencing racism. When a black person is hostile towards me, I do not view it as racism against me. I do not like it. I do not run from it. I deal with it as best I can. But I do not consider it racism."

According to it's own opening premise, it cannot have experienced any prejudices for being black, as it claimed to be a white person. That being said, and observing some of its statements throughout this thread, it cannot possibly have any idea what black people experience, it being a white person.
About 3% of White Americans in 1860, were slave owners.

That means close to 97% of White Americans back then didn't own slaves.

But, since 1860, many Irish, Germans, Italians, Poles, and Jews etc. saturated White America too.

So, what makes you so sure that so many Whitey's owe you?

And 100 percent of the government was white and they made the laws.

This is not just about slavery.

This is about the time from 1618 until at least 1965. There was a 100 year period after slavery. Can you explain what happened during this time?

And since the various governments made those laws to, then we are owed for that because of the damages those laws caused.

That's what makes me s sure.

What you are trying to argue is not even close to what I'm talking about.

Wasn't the first recorded American slave owner Anthony Johnson a Black man?

I guess slavery was "Cool" to Blacks, so long as they profited.

Keep in mind African Americans also went to Liberia to enslave Africans, too.

No. The first recorded slave owner was a guy named Hugh Gywnn from Virginia who owned a save named John Punch at least 15 years before Johnson. So again this is about those who made the laws that made owning slavery legal. No, African Americans did not go to Liberia to enslave Africans.

You're out of your league here son. Stay in your lane and just make senseless remarks trying to troll.

Anthony Johnson a Black man was still among the earliest slave owners.

How many slave owners were Polish?

Actually I can only think of an opposite case of Polish General Kosciuszko, who used his money to free, and educate Black slaves.

Again this is not about who owned the slaves dumb ass. It is about who made slavery legal. Get that?

Polish are white people.
Are you "white" people, or "black" people?
No. The first recorded slave owner was a guy named Hugh Gywnn from Virginia who owned a save named John Punch at least 15 years before Johnson. So again this is about those who made the laws that made owning slavery legal. No, African Americans did not go to Liberia to enslave Africans.

You're out of your league here son. Stay in your lane and just make senseless remarks trying to troll.

Being I have seen the limit of your intelligence and seen Polish boy's for quite some time now, you're fucked. If he's AAA league, you are T-ball. :badgrin:

In b4 he starts talking cranium sizes and all that. :p

They're both at preschool soccer level.

Nah, Polish dude is a notch smarter. ...

Evidently not.

.....everything isn't equal, ...

Oooooh, that's for sure...
[Qwouldn't OTE="Unkotare, post: 17393727, member: 31918"]
Don't answer a question with a question.

Is that against the rules?

You ask a dumb ass question because you know exactly what I am talking about,

And until people like you stop paying these childish games, things will mot change.

There can't be a decent conversation when whites think they get to male up all he rules of hat conversation. We can't tall decently about r ace web whites thimk that the only way to see it is the way they see it. That's an example of white racism. That the way you see this issue is superior to everybody elses no mater how false it is.

This is what's going on here right now.

Foe someone to be so stupid as to actually believe my talking about racism that exists right here in this forum in front of everyone's faces faces is doing so to inflame while all the cracks about blacks, welfare, food stamps etc, is a show of just how ignorant and obtuse some of you whites here are.

And even worse when we try talking to you then you go to the default position. Such as "Who have I mistreated?". Well this is not just about you dumb ass. This is about the white race. The white race has mistreated other faces terribly and continues to do so. This is documented fact. But instead of trying to be honest, you fall back into disingenuous mod. " I didn't own anybody." What did I do?" " Who did mistreat?, "Show me this, show me that." All of this is dishonest bullshit that certain whites use to deflect from the issue and to derail the conversation.

We are going to have this conversation folks. We can have it now and whites can work to change or whites can face the same thing they have put on us in about 15-20 years when whites become a minority in America, You can continue being arrogant ad end up being slaughtered by the young blacks and Hispanics who are already out of patience with how certain whites act and see things or you can begin the press of reconciliation and making amends.

I'm 56 and may not be around in 20 years, but to had better start thinking about your children or grandchildren and the America you want them to live in. Because at the time whites become the minority those out of patience young blacks and Hispanics will be grown men and women some in positions of power and authority. At that time, your threats of terror because you out number people as you do now will fall upon the words bring it.

The choice is yours. America is getting browner, not whiter.
And it will soon crumble if blacks or brown take over.

The reasonable response to a ridiculous statement is not to make another ridiculous statement.
Come on, you know its true.

You know it's a dumb thing to say.[/QUOTE]
I w
Don't answer a question with a question.

Is that against the rules?

You ask a dumb ass question because you know exactly what I am talking about,

And until people like you stop paying these childish games, things will mot change.

There can't be a decent conversation when whites think they get to male up all he rules of hat conversation. We can't tall decently about r ace web whites thimk that the only way to see it is the way they see it. That's an example of white racism. That the way you see this issue is superior to everybody elses no mater how false it is.

This is what's going on here right now.

Foe someone to be so stupid as to actually believe my talking about racism that exists right here in this forum in front of everyone's faces faces is doing so to inflame while all the cracks about blacks, welfare, food stamps etc, is a show of just how ignorant and obtuse some of you whites here are.

And even worse when we try talking to you then you go to the default position. Such as "Who have I mistreated?". Well this is not just about you dumb ass. This is about the white race. The white race has mistreated other faces terribly and continues to do so. This is documented fact. But instead of trying to be honest, you fall back into disingenuous mod. " I didn't own anybody." What did I do?" " Who did mistreat?, "Show me this, show me that." All of this is dishonest bullshit that certain whites use to deflect from the issue and to derail the conversation.

We are going to have this conversation folks. We can have it now and whites can work to change or whites can face the same thing they have put on us in about 15-20 years when whites become a minority in America, You can continue being arrogant ad end up being slaughtered by the young blacks and Hispanics who are already out of patience with how certain whites act and see things or you can begin the press of reconciliation and making amends.

I'm 56 and may not be around in 20 years, but to had better start thinking about your children or grandchildren and the America you want them to live in. Because at the time whites become the minority those out of patience young blacks and Hispanics will be grown men and women some in positions of power and authority. At that time, your threats of terror because you out number people as you do now will fall upon the words bring it.

The choice is yours. America is getting browner, not whiter.
And it will soon crumble if blacks or brown take over.

The reasonable response to a ridiculous statement is not to make another ridiculous statement.
Come on, you know its true.

You know it's a dumb thing to say.
Not dumb, logical.
And 100 percent of the government was white and they made the laws.

This is not just about slavery.

This is about the time from 1618 until at least 1965. There was a 100 year period after slavery. Can you explain what happened during this time?

And since the various governments made those laws to, then we are owed for that because of the damages those laws caused.

That's what makes me s sure.

What you are trying to argue is not even close to what I'm talking about.

Wasn't the first recorded American slave owner Anthony Johnson a Black man?

I guess slavery was "Cool" to Blacks, so long as they profited.

Keep in mind African Americans also went to Liberia to enslave Africans, too.

No. The first recorded slave owner was a guy named Hugh Gywnn from Virginia who owned a save named John Punch at least 15 years before Johnson. So again this is about those who made the laws that made owning slavery legal. No, African Americans did not go to Liberia to enslave Africans.

You're out of your league here son. Stay in your lane and just make senseless remarks trying to troll.

Anthony Johnson a Black man was still among the earliest slave owners.

How many slave owners were Polish?

Actually I can only think of an opposite case of Polish General Kosciuszko, who used his money to free, and educate Black slaves.

Again this is not about who owned the slaves dumb ass. It is about who made slavery legal. Get that?

Polish are white people.
Are you "white" people, or "black" people?

Thanks to white slave owners's raping women, we are all black AND white.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
[Qwouldn't OTE="Unkotare, post: 17393727, member: 31918"]
Don't answer a question with a question.

Is that against the rules?

You ask a dumb ass question because you know exactly what I am talking about,

And until people like you stop paying these childish games, things will mot change.

There can't be a decent conversation when whites think they get to male up all he rules of hat conversation. We can't tall decently about r ace web whites thimk that the only way to see it is the way they see it. That's an example of white racism. That the way you see this issue is superior to everybody elses no mater how false it is.

This is what's going on here right now.

Foe someone to be so stupid as to actually believe my talking about racism that exists right here in this forum in front of everyone's faces faces is doing so to inflame while all the cracks about blacks, welfare, food stamps etc, is a show of just how ignorant and obtuse some of you whites here are.

And even worse when we try talking to you then you go to the default position. Such as "Who have I mistreated?". Well this is not just about you dumb ass. This is about the white race. The white race has mistreated other faces terribly and continues to do so. This is documented fact. But instead of trying to be honest, you fall back into disingenuous mod. " I didn't own anybody." What did I do?" " Who did mistreat?, "Show me this, show me that." All of this is dishonest bullshit that certain whites use to deflect from the issue and to derail the conversation.

We are going to have this conversation folks. We can have it now and whites can work to change or whites can face the same thing they have put on us in about 15-20 years when whites become a minority in America, You can continue being arrogant ad end up being slaughtered by the young blacks and Hispanics who are already out of patience with how certain whites act and see things or you can begin the press of reconciliation and making amends.

I'm 56 and may not be around in 20 years, but to had better start thinking about your children or grandchildren and the America you want them to live in. Because at the time whites become the minority those out of patience young blacks and Hispanics will be grown men and women some in positions of power and authority. At that time, your threats of terror because you out number people as you do now will fall upon the words bring it.

The choice is yours. America is getting browner, not whiter.
And it will soon crumble if blacks or brown take over.

The reasonable response to a ridiculous statement is not to make another ridiculous statement.
Come on, you know its true.

You know it's a dumb thing to say.
I w
Is that against the rules?

You ask a dumb ass question because you know exactly what I am talking about,

And until people like you stop paying these childish games, things will mot change.

There can't be a decent conversation when whites think they get to male up all he rules of hat conversation. We can't tall decently about r ace web whites thimk that the only way to see it is the way they see it. That's an example of white racism. That the way you see this issue is superior to everybody elses no mater how false it is.

This is what's going on here right now.

Foe someone to be so stupid as to actually believe my talking about racism that exists right here in this forum in front of everyone's faces faces is doing so to inflame while all the cracks about blacks, welfare, food stamps etc, is a show of just how ignorant and obtuse some of you whites here are.

And even worse when we try talking to you then you go to the default position. Such as "Who have I mistreated?". Well this is not just about you dumb ass. This is about the white race. The white race has mistreated other faces terribly and continues to do so. This is documented fact. But instead of trying to be honest, you fall back into disingenuous mod. " I didn't own anybody." What did I do?" " Who did mistreat?, "Show me this, show me that." All of this is dishonest bullshit that certain whites use to deflect from the issue and to derail the conversation.

We are going to have this conversation folks. We can have it now and whites can work to change or whites can face the same thing they have put on us in about 15-20 years when whites become a minority in America, You can continue being arrogant ad end up being slaughtered by the young blacks and Hispanics who are already out of patience with how certain whites act and see things or you can begin the press of reconciliation and making amends.

I'm 56 and may not be around in 20 years, but to had better start thinking about your children or grandchildren and the America you want them to live in. Because at the time whites become the minority those out of patience young blacks and Hispanics will be grown men and women some in positions of power and authority. At that time, your threats of terror because you out number people as you do now will fall upon the words bring it.

The choice is yours. America is getting browner, not whiter.
And it will soon crumble if blacks or brown take over.

The reasonable response to a ridiculous statement is not to make another ridiculous statement.
Come on, you know its true.

You know it's a dumb thing to say.
Not dumb, logical.[/QUOTE]

Seems like the man called the guy a racial slur. That was the disgusting behavior.

So that excuses a young, able-bodied boy beating up on the elderly man who is clearly unable to defend himself, correct?

No, and the bad lil mofo's friend was egging him on.

That old man would have been well within his rights to pull out a gun and blow the punk

Seems that you want to excuse the racial slur that old man made. That old racist should not have made the racial slur if he was unable to defend himself..

I don't care if the guy called his gramma and baby sister syphllitic whores. NO words excuse that rotten shit those empty headed fucking little thugs were up to. It is too bad that old man didn't have a gun. I wouldn't have minded seeing the video end that way.
It's about time you warped, pathetic punks learn that freedom of speech applies to everyone in America, not just you hysterical bastards that think the appropriate response to hearing words you don't care for means you get to commit domestic terrorism.
I would spit on you.
Freedom of speech IS a wonderful thing. I have the right to say anything I choose, BUT if I choose to say something that is hateful, derogatory, spiteful, insensitive, am I using my freedom wisely? As an adult I have the right to drink, but I choose not to because I have seen the negative results of drinking and do not want to be controlled by any substance. I have the right to smoke, but I choose not to because I value my health. I have the right to own a gun, but I choose not to because I believe in a Higher Power for my protection. We should use our freedoms wisely. We should choose our words carefully, because sometimes spoken words have consequences. And the pen is mightier than the sword.
Agreed. Because you can do something doesn't mean you should. But those who choose to still have the freedom to do so. And, while the pen is mightier than the sword, sticks and stones will break bones, but words can never hurt me. Use your tools wisely, I agree. But there are too many using the "sword" unwisely, unkindly, and dangerously. Just as many use words as a cudgel to beat those with whom they disagree into submission.
I've actually never agreed that words can never hurt me. People say mean hurtful things to each other all the time and I believe they really do hurt. Maybe not in the physical sense, but in the emotional and psychological sense. That's why it's so important to be positive and supportive in our words to children. They can have a life long effect.
So that excuses a young, able-bodied boy beating up on the elderly man who is clearly unable to defend himself, correct?

No, and the bad lil mofo's friend was egging him on.

That old man would have been well within his rights to pull out a gun and blow the punk

Seems that you want to excuse the racial slur that old man made. That old racist should not have made the racial slur if he was unable to defend himself..

I don't care if the guy called his gramma and baby sister syphllitic whores. NO words excuse that rotten shit those empty headed fucking little thugs were up to. It is too bad that old man didn't have a gun. I wouldn't have minded seeing the video end that way.
It's about time you warped, pathetic punks learn that freedom of speech applies to everyone in America, not just you hysterical bastards that think the appropriate response to hearing words you don't care for means you get to commit domestic terrorism.
I would spit on you.
Freedom of speech IS a wonderful thing. I have the right to say anything I choose, BUT if I choose to say something that is hateful, derogatory, spiteful, insensitive, am I using my freedom wisely? As an adult I have the right to drink, but I choose not to because I have seen the negative results of drinking and do not want to be controlled by any substance. I have the right to smoke, but I choose not to because I value my health. I have the right to own a gun, but I choose not to because I believe in a Higher Power for my protection. We should use our freedoms wisely. We should choose our words carefully, because sometimes spoken words have consequences. And the pen is mightier than the sword.
Agreed. Because you can do something doesn't mean you should. But those who choose to still have the freedom to do so. And, while the pen is mightier than the sword, sticks and stones will break bones, but words can never hurt me. Use your tools wisely, I agree. But there are too many using the "sword" unwisely, unkindly, and dangerously. Just as many use words as a cudgel to beat those with whom they disagree into submission.
I've actually never agreed that words can never hurt me. People say mean hurtful things to each other all the time and I believe they really do hurt. Maybe not in the physical sense, but in the emotional and psychological sense. That's why it's so important to be positive and supportive in our words to children. They can have a life long effect.

God bless ya for being so positive.
Being I have seen the limit of your intelligence and seen Polish boy's for quite some time now, you're fucked. If he's AAA league, you are T-ball. :badgrin:

In b4 he starts talking cranium sizes and all that. :p

They're both at preschool soccer level.

Nah, Polish dude is a notch smarter. ...

Evidently not.

.....everything isn't equal, ...

Oooooh, that's for sure...
Being I have seen the limit of your intelligence and seen Polish boy's for quite some time now, you're fucked. If he's AAA league, you are T-ball. :badgrin:

In b4 he starts talking cranium sizes and all that. :p

They're both at preschool soccer level.

Nah, Polish dude is a notch smarter. ...

Evidently not.

.....everything isn't equal, ...

Oooooh, that's for sure...

So, racial equality is a fantasy, no?
[Qwouldn't OTE="Unkotare, post: 17393727, member: 31918"]
Is that against the rules?

You ask a dumb ass question because you know exactly what I am talking about,

And until people like you stop paying these childish games, things will mot change.

There can't be a decent conversation when whites think they get to male up all he rules of hat conversation. We can't tall decently about r ace web whites thimk that the only way to see it is the way they see it. That's an example of white racism. That the way you see this issue is superior to everybody elses no mater how false it is.

This is what's going on here right now.

Foe someone to be so stupid as to actually believe my talking about racism that exists right here in this forum in front of everyone's faces faces is doing so to inflame while all the cracks about blacks, welfare, food stamps etc, is a show of just how ignorant and obtuse some of you whites here are.

And even worse when we try talking to you then you go to the default position. Such as "Who have I mistreated?". Well this is not just about you dumb ass. This is about the white race. The white race has mistreated other faces terribly and continues to do so. This is documented fact. But instead of trying to be honest, you fall back into disingenuous mod. " I didn't own anybody." What did I do?" " Who did mistreat?, "Show me this, show me that." All of this is dishonest bullshit that certain whites use to deflect from the issue and to derail the conversation.

We are going to have this conversation folks. We can have it now and whites can work to change or whites can face the same thing they have put on us in about 15-20 years when whites become a minority in America, You can continue being arrogant ad end up being slaughtered by the young blacks and Hispanics who are already out of patience with how certain whites act and see things or you can begin the press of reconciliation and making amends.

I'm 56 and may not be around in 20 years, but to had better start thinking about your children or grandchildren and the America you want them to live in. Because at the time whites become the minority those out of patience young blacks and Hispanics will be grown men and women some in positions of power and authority. At that time, your threats of terror because you out number people as you do now will fall upon the words bring it.

The choice is yours. America is getting browner, not whiter.
And it will soon crumble if blacks or brown take over.

The reasonable response to a ridiculous statement is not to make another ridiculous statement.
Come on, you know its true.

You know it's a dumb thing to say.
I w
Is that against the rules?

You ask a dumb ass question because you know exactly what I am talking about,

And until people like you stop paying these childish games, things will mot change.

There can't be a decent conversation when whites think they get to male up all he rules of hat conversation. We can't tall decently about r ace web whites thimk that the only way to see it is the way they see it. That's an example of white racism. That the way you see this issue is superior to everybody elses no mater how false it is.

This is what's going on here right now.

Foe someone to be so stupid as to actually believe my talking about racism that exists right here in this forum in front of everyone's faces faces is doing so to inflame while all the cracks about blacks, welfare, food stamps etc, is a show of just how ignorant and obtuse some of you whites here are.

And even worse when we try talking to you then you go to the default position. Such as "Who have I mistreated?". Well this is not just about you dumb ass. This is about the white race. The white race has mistreated other faces terribly and continues to do so. This is documented fact. But instead of trying to be honest, you fall back into disingenuous mod. " I didn't own anybody." What did I do?" " Who did mistreat?, "Show me this, show me that." All of this is dishonest bullshit that certain whites use to deflect from the issue and to derail the conversation.

We are going to have this conversation folks. We can have it now and whites can work to change or whites can face the same thing they have put on us in about 15-20 years when whites become a minority in America, You can continue being arrogant ad end up being slaughtered by the young blacks and Hispanics who are already out of patience with how certain whites act and see things or you can begin the press of reconciliation and making amends.

I'm 56 and may not be around in 20 years, but to had better start thinking about your children or grandchildren and the America you want them to live in. Because at the time whites become the minority those out of patience young blacks and Hispanics will be grown men and women some in positions of power and authority. At that time, your threats of terror because you out number people as you do now will fall upon the words bring it.

The choice is yours. America is getting browner, not whiter.
And it will soon crumble if blacks or brown take over.

The reasonable response to a ridiculous statement is not to make another ridiculous statement.
Come on, you know its true.

You know it's a dumb thing to say.
Not dumb, logical.


Do you have a job?
Wasn't the first recorded American slave owner Anthony Johnson a Black man?

I guess slavery was "Cool" to Blacks, so long as they profited.

Keep in mind African Americans also went to Liberia to enslave Africans, too.

No. The first recorded slave owner was a guy named Hugh Gywnn from Virginia who owned a save named John Punch at least 15 years before Johnson. So again this is about those who made the laws that made owning slavery legal. No, African Americans did not go to Liberia to enslave Africans.

You're out of your league here son. Stay in your lane and just make senseless remarks trying to troll.

Anthony Johnson a Black man was still among the earliest slave owners.

How many slave owners were Polish?

Actually I can only think of an opposite case of Polish General Kosciuszko, who used his money to free, and educate Black slaves.

Again this is not about who owned the slaves dumb ass. It is about who made slavery legal. Get that?

Polish are white people.
Are you "white" people, or "black" people?

Thanks to white slave owners's raping women, we are all black AND white.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

How do you figure that?

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