I do not like executive orders

But I like the content of today's order on healthcare.

It's not how our system is supposed to work - but both houses are basically useless.
Same with Obama, the only way a President can move anything forward without months and months or even years of party bickering, watering down or tacking on $10 billion in pork projects is executive orders.
The constitution bans both the president and congress from any involvement in health insurance.
This EO seems to want to create 2 parallel markets. One cheaper one that includes healthy people and one that will become unfavorable to a significant segment of the population. A segment that will include a lot of grampa's.
That's the spin being put out by the liberal media.

Not just healthy people can join these associations. That's a total crock of shit lie by the media.

Anyone who is eligible to join will join. Just like they join credit unions regardless of their credit health.

This allows people to join associations which will have greater collective bargaining power with insurance companies than an individual on their own has. It will greatly reduce insurance costs for millions of Americans. Anyone who paints it any other way is an asshole.
But I like the content of today's order on healthcare.

the forebrain is the EXECUTIVE of the conscious brain. ---frontal lobes------last to be created on the evolutionary elaboration of the rostral neuron CLUMP. The forebrain
exerts lots of CONTROL on the barbarian levels of the neuron clump-------none of it is actually CONSENSUAL.-----the rebellious ID must be SUPPRESSED against its will----sorry, you lose
Trump circumvented Congress. When Obama used his pen, the pseudocons demanded immediate impeachment.

It's Okay If Trump Does It!™
I find it hard to support ANY EO that abuses power.
This particular order relieves the abuse of the government's overreach into my healthcare.
What overreach? Can I ask how you believe insurance in general works. This EO seems to want to create 2 parallel markets. One cheaper one that includes healthy people and one that will become unfavorable to a significant segment of the population. A segment that will include a lot of grandpa's.
I am not going to relitigate the merits Obamacare again.

But i will say if Obamacare flops quicker as a result of this EO, good. That bill should have never become law.
Even if that's true,calling for health insurance to fail is cynical to say the least, considering the bottom line of that equation is human lives. And I don't ask you to re-litigate ACA, I'm asking you to make your point as to how this EO makes it better. A valid question since you started this OP because you like it. I gave you the basic problem. It is an EO designed to create 2 different markets, one cheap one and one expensive one for the age group you belong too. So make your case please?
It makes it better because it removes it as a requirement. Why should I, a healthy person, be forced to pay more because someone else is unhealthy?
It's not how our system is supposed to work - but both houses are basically useless.
Same with Obama, the only way a President can move anything forward without months and months or even years of party bickering, watering down or tacking on $10 billion in pork projects is executive orders.

There's an alternative to both congressional statutes and EOs. Do nothing. The feds should have never gotten into health insurance. The constitution says they are not allowed to anyway. THINK
The measure of an executive order is what it actually does, not what the President claims it will do.

Since the executive order itself has not been published, it is impossible to judge whether it is "good" or not.
Impossible? Hardly. Companies will rush to serve this new market. It will help usher in the collapse of Obamacare at the same time.
The measure of an executive order is what it actually does, not what the President claims it will do.

Since the executive order itself has not been published, it is impossible to judge whether it is "good" or not.
Impossible? Hardly. Companies will rush to serve this new market. It will help usher in the collapse of Obamacare at the same time.

What is this "new market" you refer to?
It's not how our system is supposed to work - but both houses are basically useless.
Same with Obama, the only way a President can move anything forward without months and months or even years of party bickering, watering down or tacking on $10 billion in pork projects is executive orders.

There's an alternative to both congressional statutes and EOs. Do nothing. The feds should have never gotten into health insurance. The constitution says they are not allowed to anyway. THINK
The constitution says we must have the shittiest, most expensive, most inefficient health"care" system on the planet amongst advanced post industrial nations?
It's not how our system is supposed to work - but both houses are basically useless.
Same with Obama, the only way a President can move anything forward without months and months or even years of party bickering, watering down or tacking on $10 billion in pork projects is executive orders.

There's an alternative to both congressional statutes and EOs. Do nothing. The feds should have never gotten into health insurance. The constitution says they are not allowed to anyway. THINK
The constitution says we must have the shittiest, most expensive, most inefficient health"care" system on the planet amongst advanced post industrial nations?
Exactly why we need to get government out of healthcare as much as possible.

Every time government increases its reach into healthcare, things get worse. And for some reason beyond all fathoming, liberals then scream for MOAR government!
I find it hard to support ANY EO that abuses power.
This particular order relieves the abuse of the government's overreach into my healthcare.
What overreach? Can I ask how you believe insurance in general works. This EO seems to want to create 2 parallel markets. One cheaper one that includes healthy people and one that will become unfavorable to a significant segment of the population. A segment that will include a lot of grandpa's.
I am not going to relitigate the merits Obamacare again.

But i will say if Obamacare flops quicker as a result of this EO, good. That bill should have never become law.
Even if that's true,calling for health insurance to fail is cynical to say the least, considering the bottom line of that equation is human lives. And I don't ask you to re-litigate ACA, I'm asking you to make your point as to how this EO makes it better. A valid question since you started this OP because you like it. I gave you the basic problem. It is an EO designed to create 2 different markets, one cheap one and one expensive one for the age group you belong too. So make your case please?
It makes it better because it removes it as a requirement. Why should I, a healthy person, be forced to pay more because someone else is unhealthy?
Because that's how insurance works. Insurance is there to insure yourself against UNFORESEEN expenses. They calculate a risk and then let the entire pool of people pay a certain amount so that regardless of circumstances everybody is covered. Like I mentioned you as an older person are at a higher risk for health problems. A risk that is covered by healthier people paying in too the plan too. The whole idea that one should only pay for their current health status is fundamentally flawed.
The measure of an executive order is what it actually does, not what the President claims it will do.

Since the executive order itself has not been published, it is impossible to judge whether it is "good" or not.
Impossible? Hardly. Companies will rush to serve this new market. It will help usher in the collapse of Obamacare at the same time.

What is this "new market" you refer to?
Group plans that no longer have the attached minimum mandates of Obamacare. Plans that can be tailored to your individual needs/wants.
For the record, FDR placed Japanese Americans in concentration camps and Harry Truman sent Troops to Korea on an executive order.
Look how well that shit worked out.

FDR was handicapped by a youth spent in the rarefied
atmosphere of a garden party
Kinda like Don in that regard, ain't he.

Trump's more like Hoover than FDR, though.

It sure is funny to hear a guy who shits on a golden toilet whining about elites.

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