I do not like executive orders

The reason it rose so dramatically is because not everybody bought into the pool. I do sympathize that you had to pay a lot more but you are now claiming to like an EO that shrinks the pool even further by offering a different one for low risk people. While you are most likely in the pool that will get its premiums even hiked up more. You don't like ACA, I get that, if you have to pay about 3 times the amount I don't blame you. It isn't perfect but it would serve you well to first understand the basic principles that make it flawed before looking for ANYTHING different regardless of it having an actual chance of improving your situation.
I dropped out of the system and joined a co-op for medical needs.

With this I may be able to get back in proper & begin offering insurance to my employees.

And you thinking I should have focused on "fixes" for Obamacare is just silly. I have no power over that law and the ones that do have proven themselves inept.
No fixes have been offered, congress is making sure of that. My point is that you still haven't given me a mechanism why this EO is better.
I already covered this earlier in the thread.
What you said is this EO removes the requirement and that ACA put everybody in the same risk pool. How does either of those things have a chance in reducing your premiums when you are personally an elderly man and you employ people who do a high risk job?
I'm not elderly lol. 49
Point taken I adjusted my post, now please answer my question please.
I dropped out of the system and joined a co-op for medical needs.

With this I may be able to get back in proper & begin offering insurance to my employees.

And you thinking I should have focused on "fixes" for Obamacare is just silly. I have no power over that law and the ones that do have proven themselves inept.
No fixes have been offered, congress is making sure of that. My point is that you still haven't given me a mechanism why this EO is better.
I already covered this earlier in the thread.
What you said is this EO removes the requirement and that ACA put everybody in the same risk pool. How does either of those things have a chance in reducing your premiums when you are personally an elderly man and you employ people who do a high risk job?
I'm not elderly lol. 49
Point taken I adjusted my post, now please answer my question please.
I already explained my position and I have 0 interest in beating a dead horse or chasing my tail. Have a nice day.
No fixes have been offered, congress is making sure of that. My point is that you still haven't given me a mechanism why this EO is better.
I already covered this earlier in the thread.
What you said is this EO removes the requirement and that ACA put everybody in the same risk pool. How does either of those things have a chance in reducing your premiums when you are personally an elderly man and you employ people who do a high risk job?
I'm not elderly lol. 49
Point taken I adjusted my post, now please answer my question please.
I already explained my position and I have 0 interest in beating a dead horse or chasing my tail. Have a nice day.
Your position is, it's better so I don't need to give a reasoning. Well a very insightfull OP you offer. Ok, see you later then.
I find it hard to support ANY EO that abuses power.
This particular order relieves the abuse of the government's overreach into my healthcare.
What overreach? Can I ask how you believe insurance in general works. This EO seems to want to create 2 parallel markets. One cheaper one that includes healthy people and one that will become unfavorable to a significant segment of the population. A segment that will include a lot of grandpa's.
I am not going to relitigate the merits Obamacare again.

But i will say if Obamacare flops quicker as a result of this EO, good. That bill should have never become law.
Even if that's true,calling for health insurance to fail is cynical to say the least, considering the bottom line of that equation is human lives. And I don't ask you to re-litigate ACA, I'm asking you to make your point as to how this EO makes it better. A valid question since you started this OP because you like it. I gave you the basic problem. It is an EO designed to create 2 different markets, one cheap one and one expensive one for the age group you belong too. So make your case please?

Healthcare was call to fail the moment when government got involved in it. Even if ACA was constitutional, and in my opinion it wasn't, it was set to fail the moment it was passed in Congress. Along with Barry's EOs that followed it became even more overreaching. Trumps EOs eliminates some of the burden, but I'll rather see it gone completely.
But I like the content of today's order on healthcare.

I love executive orders, and the more trump uses, the better, since all sides seem hell bent on stopping anything he wants to do.. right or wrong...
Obama felt that way too.

Not sure how - he got elected twice. I'm not saying the GOP just wants to be difficult, but....
Obamas EOs were largely a way around congress. The left loved the IN YOUR FACE route but now hate trump doing it.

I hate any president doing that.
All sides = the GOP

It's hard to get anything done for the working class when politicians, government, and big business are against you

Trump can't even get repeal of obamacare through congress.
And he has a republican majority in both houses.
And Trump said it would be easy
And the house did it 60+ times under Obama
But I like the content of today's order on healthcare.

I love executive orders, and the more trump uses, the better, since all sides seem hell bent on stopping anything he wants to do.. right or wrong...
Obama felt that way too.

Not sure how - he got elected twice. I'm not saying the GOP just wants to be difficult, but....
Obamas EOs were largely a way around congress. The left loved the IN YOUR FACE route but now hate trump doing it.

I hate any president doing that.
I hate congress people who refuse to do the job the people asked them to do.
But I like the content of today's order on healthcare.

I love executive orders, and the more trump uses, the better, since all sides seem hell bent on stopping anything he wants to do.. right or wrong...
Obama felt that way too.

Not sure how - he got elected twice. I'm not saying the GOP just wants to be difficult, but....
Obamas EOs were largely a way around congress. The left loved the IN YOUR FACE route but now hate trump doing it.

I hate any president doing that.

If it helps the US, I don't care who does it.
If it makes us stronger and more functional. Please EO away
But I like the content of today's order on healthcare.

I love executive orders, and the more trump uses, the better, since all sides seem hell bent on stopping anything he wants to do.. right or wrong...
Obama felt that way too.

Not sure how - he got elected twice. I'm not saying the GOP just wants to be difficult, but....
Obamas EOs were largely a way around congress. The left loved the IN YOUR FACE route but now hate trump doing it.

I hate any president doing that.
I hate congress people who refuse to do the job the people asked them to do.

Unfortunately, your vote is a waste. All men/women are equally corrupt and willing to be bribed and play the illicit game
maybe Trump will be successful this time, and yank healthcare out from under millions of people right before the next election.
All sides = the GOP

It's hard to get anything done for the working class when politicians, government, and big business are against you

Trump can't even get repeal of obamacare through congress.
And he has a republican majority in both houses.
And Trump said it would be easy
And the house did it 60+ times under Obama

It would've been easy if Republicans kept the promises they run on.

Time for primary challenges for all that broke the promise.

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