I Don't Care if Trump followed the Law and Didn't Pay Taxes.

You are a fool thinking that 6 lost investments out of hundreds makes him a risk! This certainly is the guy to handle our budget. Problem is we also have to deal with congress who think of themselves first and not the country when making laws.

he lost close to a billion dollars in one year! did you know, he was such a bad risk- that the banks holding all those loan notes actually put him on an allowance back in the '90s?

Yet Hillary and her establishment cronies have spent almost $20 trillion we don't have and you don't bat an eye

Trump's won some, lost some, but deserves the lifestyle he leads because he's worked for his money. The clintons never lost any of their own money and became billionaires with a jet set life style in a few short years by selling out our government.

he got a nice chunk of change from his father to start out with... not to mention that was after being brought up in a very comfortable lifestyle.
So? Jealous?

lol.... i know, i know.... you are just pissed that i threw some accurate & factual info at you which was concrete proof that your orange overlord is a deadbeat & had to be put on an allowance.

i am quite comfy with my own lifestyle sweety & guess what? i pay my bills. too bad, so sad you can't say the same about tribbles.
what happened to playtime, he done playing and getting his arse whooped?

you're kidding, right? how exactly did you kick my arse? lol......................................... you'll need more than a can of spinach & a hallucination for that to happen.

ummmmm..... if he lost a billion dollars & he didn't pay taxes for nearly 20 years, that's a shitload of money that would have been put in the treasury for the benefit of you, me, joe the plumber, & another bomb not built to defeat ISIS.

so, in effect- we all lose out.

You can't fault Trump for taking advantages of tax loopholes however, that's not the source of his huge tax losses. These losses are due to his poor businesses decisions and reckless handling of creditors and investors funds that lead to a string bankruptcies. These aren't the qualifications needed for the guy that's going to be responsible for a 4 trillion dollar budget and the safety of nation.
You are a fool thinking that 6 lost investments out of hundreds makes him a risk! This certainly is the guy to handle our budget. Problem is we also have to deal with congress who think of themselves first and not the country when making laws.

he lost close to a billion dollars in one year! did you know, he was such a bad risk- that the banks holding all those loan notes actually put him on an allowance back in the '90s?

lol... okey dokey sweety, here it is & please note what year it was written. now don't choke on the truth too hard m'k?

Quick: Who'd Have Trouble Living on $450,000 a Month?
Published: June 26, 1990

Donald J. Trump, who has lectured America about architecture, foreign policy and, most of all, how to do deals, may be about to learn a lesson of his own: how to live in Manhattan on $450,000 a month.

That scarcely onerous restriction is being imposed by Mr. Trump's bankers, who have insisted that the man who has made conspicuous consumption a personal trademark must curb his spending a bit.

Moreover, the $450,000-a-month allowance excludes some of the largest of Mr. Trump's daunting expenses, the bankers say. These extras, based on Mr. Trump's spending in May, include the costs of maintaining his personal 727 jetliner ($246,000) and his 282-foot yacht ($841,000). The yacht and the personal jet, to be sure, may be sold to trim the real estate developer's mountainous debts.

In May, Mr. Trump also paid interest of $2.1 million on his personal debt, while his legal, charitable and business expenses totaled $382,000. His interest payments and various expenses do not count as personal spending, either.

Still, the $450,000-a-month limit will require some belt-tightening on Mr. Trump's part. In May, his bankers report, Mr. Trump's personal spending amounted to $583,000 for day-to-day necessities of the ultrarich life style, which range from his $2,000 suits to the costs of maids, gardeners and chefs at his three homes.

So to meet the bankers' target, Mr. Trump must trim his personal expenses by more than $100,000 from the May level. If he can do that, the banks will agree to lend Mr. Trump even more money.

The terms are being required by the banks, which are attempting to structure a loan to Mr. Trump to keep his faltering empire out of bankruptcy court.

Quick: Who'd Have Trouble Living on $450,000 a Month?

you are so very welcome :spinner:
wow and that was back in 1990. He's still floating in 2016. what is that like 26 years ago? And you're concerned why?

he still stiffs as many people as he can. he has not changed. he doesn't pay his bills, he doesn't pay his taxes & he uses OPM to get as many freebies as he can. sound familiar? ya.............. he's the mother of all welfare leeches, & you cheer him on as he's lifting your wallet.

lol...... dupe.
lol... love the wild hyperbole..........

$19.5 trillion isn't almost $20 trillion?.

that I don't bat an eye.
so why is hundreds of million such a concern?

because HIS billion dollar loss was his alone to lose but when he did that- it cost us all. even you.
his money so it was his risk and he made it.

absolutely. his money. but claiming bankruptcy, it's ultimately the tax payer & the people he stiffed that gets left holding the bag. & he claimed bankruptcy multiple times.
he lost close to a billion dollars in one year! did you know, he was such a bad risk- that the banks holding all those loan notes actually put him on an allowance back in the '90s?

Yet Hillary and her establishment cronies have spent almost $20 trillion we don't have and you don't bat an eye

Trump's won some, lost some, but deserves the lifestyle he leads because he's worked for his money. The clintons never lost any of their own money and became billionaires with a jet set life style in a few short years by selling out our government.

he got a nice chunk of change from his father to start out with... not to mention that was after being brought up in a very comfortable lifestyle.
So? Jealous?

lol.... i know, i know.... you are just pissed that i threw some accurate & factual info at you which was concrete proof that your orange overlord is a deadbeat & had to be put on an allowance.

i am quite comfy with my own lifestyle sweety & guess what? i pay my bills. too bad, so sad you can't say the same about tribbles.

Wow, so your politics is about other people paying your bills. Which is OK, because ...

Why is that again? You don't pay your own bills?
$19.5 trillion isn't almost $20 trillion?.

that I don't bat an eye.
so why is hundreds of million such a concern?

because HIS billion dollar loss was his alone to lose but when he did that- it cost us all. even you.
his money so it was his risk and he made it.

absolutely. his money. but claiming bankruptcy, it's ultimately the tax payer & the people he stiffed that gets left holding the bag. & he claimed bankruptcy multiple times.

On the other hand ... Hillary spends trillions of other people's money, and if they object, she destroys them for "shutting down Washington." Because.

Sorry man, what was your point again?
Yet Hillary and her establishment cronies have spent almost $20 trillion we don't have and you don't bat an eye

Trump's won some, lost some, but deserves the lifestyle he leads because he's worked for his money. The clintons never lost any of their own money and became billionaires with a jet set life style in a few short years by selling out our government.

he got a nice chunk of change from his father to start out with... not to mention that was after being brought up in a very comfortable lifestyle.
So? Jealous?

lol.... i know, i know.... you are just pissed that i threw some accurate & factual info at you which was concrete proof that your orange overlord is a deadbeat & had to be put on an allowance.

i am quite comfy with my own lifestyle sweety & guess what? i pay my bills. too bad, so sad you can't say the same about tribbles.

Wow, so your politics is about other people paying your bills. Which is OK, because ...

Why is that again? You don't pay your own bills?

try learning to comprehend what is written.
that I don't bat an eye.
so why is hundreds of million such a concern?

because HIS billion dollar loss was his alone to lose but when he did that- it cost us all. even you.
his money so it was his risk and he made it.

absolutely. his money. but claiming bankruptcy, it's ultimately the tax payer & the people he stiffed that gets left holding the bag. & he claimed bankruptcy multiple times.

On the other hand ... Hillary spends trillions of other people's money, and if they object, she destroys them for "shutting down Washington." Because.

Sorry man, what was your point again?

the republicans shut the govment down. learn your history.
Does that affect me? No. Half the country doesn't pay taxes and their income is from the government! Do the laws have to be changed? Yes! The rich should lose their loopholes and the people who those that are on the government teat should have some skin in the game as well.

Let's talk about the important issues of this election. Security for the US; immigration laws followed; building a wall to discourage boundary runners; bringing back jobs for American citizens.

How does it affect you? Well the President could be a guy who will continue for rich people to pay no tax so he himself profits at your expense. Think how much LESS tax you'd have had to pay in the last 25 years had Trump had to pay taxes.
you have no idea he didn't pay any taxes and it isn't any of your business. As far as all of the employees he has working at his businesses, he most likely has quite a lot of revenue going to the IRS. so you are 180 degrees off course bubba.

It isn't any of my business? If Hillary hadn't have released her tax returns the right would be all over her. Why? Because the guy is running to be president. He's lying, squirming his way out of things. If a guy who is going to be President hasn't paid taxes, what kind of president is he going to be? Perhaps one that wants to keep things as they are. Shouldn't people know that he wants to keep laws in place to keep himself rich? Because clearly if Trump had had to pay taxes, he wouldn't be wealthy.
so why is hundreds of million such a concern?

because HIS billion dollar loss was his alone to lose but when he did that- it cost us all. even you.
his money so it was his risk and he made it.

absolutely. his money. but claiming bankruptcy, it's ultimately the tax payer & the people he stiffed that gets left holding the bag. & he claimed bankruptcy multiple times.

On the other hand ... Hillary spends trillions of other people's money, and if they object, she destroys them for "shutting down Washington." Because.

Sorry man, what was your point again?

the republicans shut the govment down. learn your history.
And cost the economy 1% GDP growth for nothing. A few times...a disgrace.

typical rightwingnut who has zero understanding of any issue.


Actually, it is because you Hillary supporters simply will not discuss any of Hillary's stated proposals concerning the issues.
like define what middle class is.

actually it's the ecumenists who are non-partisan who say dumb donald would be a disaster economically. the economist actually said a trump win would be an international disaster on par with another major terrorist attack like 9/11/

feel free to use your little google finger and look it up.

reality.... it's a wonderful concept.....including what middle class means.
are they the same ones that told us about obamacare? how's that going? :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Great in blue states where it's not sabotaged by GOP/crony insurers.

That would classify as a major gotcha!
Trump's won some, lost some, but deserves the lifestyle he leads because he's worked for his money. The clintons never lost any of their own money and became billionaires with a jet set life style in a few short years by selling out our government.

he got a nice chunk of change from his father to start out with... not to mention that was after being brought up in a very comfortable lifestyle.
So? Jealous?

lol.... i know, i know.... you are just pissed that i threw some accurate & factual info at you which was concrete proof that your orange overlord is a deadbeat & had to be put on an allowance.

i am quite comfy with my own lifestyle sweety & guess what? i pay my bills. too bad, so sad you can't say the same about tribbles.

Wow, so your politics is about other people paying your bills. Which is OK, because ...

Why is that again? You don't pay your own bills?

try learning to comprehend what is written.

I just removed the spin
so why is hundreds of million such a concern?

because HIS billion dollar loss was his alone to lose but when he did that- it cost us all. even you.
his money so it was his risk and he made it.

absolutely. his money. but claiming bankruptcy, it's ultimately the tax payer & the people he stiffed that gets left holding the bag. & he claimed bankruptcy multiple times.

On the other hand ... Hillary spends trillions of other people's money, and if they object, she destroys them for "shutting down Washington." Because.

Sorry man, what was your point again?

the republicans shut the govment down. learn your history.

Say what? All you did is repeat what I just said. "Hillary spends trillions of other people's money, and if they object, she destroys them for "shutting down Washington.""

That's her money management experience. Spend trillions of other people's money, destroy anyone who wants to put a limit on her unlimited credit card.
because HIS billion dollar loss was his alone to lose but when he did that- it cost us all. even you.
his money so it was his risk and he made it.

absolutely. his money. but claiming bankruptcy, it's ultimately the tax payer & the people he stiffed that gets left holding the bag. & he claimed bankruptcy multiple times.

On the other hand ... Hillary spends trillions of other people's money, and if they object, she destroys them for "shutting down Washington." Because.

Sorry man, what was your point again?

the republicans shut the govment down. learn your history.

Say what? All you did is repeat what I just said. "Hillary spends trillions of other people's money, and if they object, she destroys them for "shutting down Washington.""

That's her money management experience. Spend trillions of other people's money, destroy anyone who wants to put a limit on her unlimited credit card.
What trillions? Destroys people? lol. Each BS shutdown caused a 1% loss of GDP. Mindless. "The no compromise, un-American TP GOP"-TIME. Now imploding.
Trump gives millions to charity.

Except he doesn't as far as anyone can actually verify.

It's just one of those things he claims in loud superlatives about himself (“ardent philanthropist”!) and uncritical Trumpsters tout as fact.

Trump promised millions to charity. We found less than $10,000 over 7 years.

What a fucking disgrace.

Tell me how you blasted Obama and Biden for their charitible contributions.

I'll be honest, I think this is a lame political attack based on total hypocrisy. But I'll leave it up to you to show it isn't
How do you know what Trump's wealth is? I hope you're not going by what he says. Bloomberg estimates his net worth at 4 billion. Forbes has him at 3.7 billion. And BTW, the casino business was excellent in the 80's and 90's and the 90's were among the best in recent history for business in America.

Tax write offs using loopholes like intangible drilling costs, accelerated depreciation, revenue swaps with foreign subsidiaries, etc.. are smart business practices. Making bad decisions leading to bankruptcy is not. Anyone including Trump that thinks making decisions leading to losing nearly a billion dollars is smart business is just a bit nuts.

Donald Trump

well again, you're confusing business with individual. learn the tax codes.
No, I'm not confusing personal and business taxes. As I said, taking advantage of tax loopholes is good business however, that's not what this is about. Trump had massive write offs due to his bad business decisions. In the Taj, he paid Merv Griffin way too much to get full control of the property, he interfered with Harrah's who had the casino management contract, failed to provide the required parking, and his prime contractor turned the property over to management with major faults.
how is that any part of his individual taxes?
His individual tax return is what the New York Times released. It's a joint return which shows a 915 million dollar loss.
it is not a federal return, and you have no idea what is in it.
I didn't make any such claim.
The state return shows Trump's federal adjusted gross income as a negative $915,729,293
Trump knows if he released his federal tax returns, losing the election would be the least of his worries.
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Does that affect me? No. Half the country doesn't pay taxes and their income is from the government! Do the laws have to be changed? Yes! The rich should lose their loopholes and the people who those that are on the government teat should have some skin in the game as well.

Let's talk about the important issues of this election. Security for the US; immigration laws followed; building a wall to discourage boundary runners; bringing back jobs for American citizens.

"Half the country doesn't pay taxes" is false.

It's a misconception spun by Fox News.

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