I dont care if you are for or against gay marriage. This is just creepy to me

What a sleazebag! Have they no shame when it comes to their agenda?

They can't interview adults, so turn to innocent children.
Figures. No liberals wanted to touch this one. The truth hurts, so time to deny it, attack the source or change the subject and attack the right, if all else fails. This sort of thing is becoming more common and the media is getting away with it.

Resorting to using/abusing children in any manner just isn't acceptable.
I saw a funny article on hotair.com about it...the pressing question...what next? Sage advice from 5 year olds on abortion and anal sex?
To liberals children should get used to homosexuality at the youngest possible age to prefer it. Didn't one liberal mother just get popped for anally penetrating her two year old son? To liberals that is supposed to be normal parenting.
What is the problem? Seriously.

The problem is the mother is brain washing the child ... If the child had questions and the mother answered them honestly I would see no problem but why bring it up to a child THIS YOUNG . Unless you have some agenda behind it
Apparently liberals dont want kids to enojy an innocent childhood, they have to be pawns in their political arguements, and they hide behind children when they cant make an arguement themselves, which is quite often.
I dont care if you are for or against gay marriage.

Obviously you do, or you wouldn’t have started the thread; and The Blaze wouldn’t have posted the video.

This is yet another example of conservatives, opponents of equal protection rights, conceding defeat, and their desperate attempt to influence public discourse with subjective, irrelevant emotionalism.

It’s pure demagoguery, and will fail accordingly.
What is the problem? Seriously.

If you can't see the problem, you shouldn't be a parent. Children should be allowed to be children, not brainwashed mouthpieces for their parents' political views.

I am a parent. And I don't see a problem. This is her own child...she is a reporter...do you think some of her inquisitiveness about issues might have rubbed off on her own daughter, who seems quite bright in that video.

Now you might not want to talk about that with your child...your choice. I won't call you a bad parent for it either.
Teaching kids that homosexuality is normal is the worst kind of child abuse. ... :evil:

how does it harm them?

Why should kids know or care about homos? Let kids be kids
Second are you gay? Or have you tried it? Just curious.

I am gay...and a parent. And our child is quite well adjusted. And she and many many other people in the world have no problem with homosexuals and homosexuality. It doesn't scare them into a frenzy anymore like it does some here.
I dont care if you are for or against gay marriage.

Obviously you do, or you wouldn’t have started the thread; and The Blaze wouldn’t have posted the video.

This is yet another example of conservatives, opponents of equal protection rights, conceding defeat, and their desperate attempt to influence public discourse with subjective, irrelevant emotionalism.

It’s pure demagoguery, and will fail accordingly.

It's been failing more and more each week. Now people just roll their eyes at their pearl clutching and moaning "Think about the children"....well, folks...the children are just fine.
OP-We get it, you hate "homos". Little kids don't give a daman about your hates until you teach them, a-holes LOL. See South Pacific, "You must be taught very well"...
To liberals children should get used to homosexuality at the youngest possible age to prefer it. Didn't one liberal mother just get popped for anally penetrating her two year old son? To liberals that is supposed to be normal parenting.

I'm thinking Liberals should be encouraged to be gay. Inside of 2 generations, they'll all die out.

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