I Don't Consider Myself A Trump Supporter Anymore

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No, I don’t.
Then get back to me with some substance, buddy. I mean, come on, I have been reading your posts for 11 years, and have yet to see you do anything that wasn't anger.

Anger is not an argument.
They must exist in an echo chamber. If their arguments had merit, they wouldn't have to insulate and protect themselves from critique of them.

i heard that anything re: J6 cannot get posted in donny's truth social bubble.
Something else you'll never understand as well as I do. You just keep on failing.
And when you make one, I'll be truly impressed. Kind of like when I'm impressed when I see a dog walking on it's hind legs. Not that it does it well, but that it does it at all.
You just going to keep repeating yourself, fool? Why don't you tell us a million more times how much you hate Mormons?

Except I back that up with dissections of their history, beliefs and the conduct of their cult to back it up.

You see, THAT'S what an argument looks like.

Happy to have cleared that up for you.
What do you care? You don't even bleev in a higher power. . .


The next God...
Obama said..."this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal ..."

The Omniscient Obama... the ...God...
Newsweekto standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."
https:/ -god

YET this "God" allowed the NIH to fund the COVID-19 pandemic?
ANY one seen any article pointing this out from the MSM?
Only a retarded person has the mindset of "You don't like Trump? Then you must like Biden!" :rolleyes:

Thank you, OP, for your honesty, and I don't blame you one bit. Arrogance and lack of humility are indeed unbecoming character traits.
:thankusmile: indeed,I know at least a handful of people on here who like neither trump or Biden.why does someone assume just cause they ate not trump supporters know thst they like Biden all of a sudden especially sense the op has said many many times in the past she doesn’t like Biden one bit at all?:uhoh3:
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