I Don't Consider Myself A Trump Supporter Anymore

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You appear to suggest that these pigeons move easily from one Grifter's coop to another's.
Well, they don't want to, because they're still in thrall. Full-bore TDS. But they know they may have to when the whole charade becomes so freaking (isn't it already?) obvious that they know they won't be able to be anywhere near it.

They know that we all know they sold their soul, so this will have to be a careful dance. They know they can't simply throw him under the bus -- ironic, since HE would do that to THEM -- so they'll try not to be too clumsy about it.

Right now, the line is, "he was the greatest President ever, but he has too much baggage now." The question will be whether De Santis is willing to be as shameless as Trump was. Otherwise, Lake is playing the game and ready to go.
Leo123 they have been running the country for decades my friend.kennedy tried to get rid of them and they killed him fir it.trump is working with the military behind the scenes to try and get rid of them.
Well, they don't want to, because they're still in thrall. Full-bore TDS. But they know they may have to when the whole charade becomes so freaking (isn't it already?) obvious that they know they won't be able to be anywhere near it.

They know that we all know they sold their soul, so this will have to be a careful dance. They know they can't simply throw him under the bus -- ironic, since HE would do that to THEM -- so they'll try not to be too clumsy about it.

Right now, the line is, "he was the greatest President ever, but he has too much baggage now." The question will be whether De Santis is willing to be as shameless as Trump was. Otherwise, Lake is playing the game and ready to go.
Are these people Morans?

Is it OK to call them that?

How about asking about the nature of this unbridled passion?
I dislike Trump and have never even voted republican before.
But the ridiculous attacks on Trump, like 2 fake impeachments, the fake insurrection hearings, the fake search warrant for Mar-a-lago, etc., and now we all owe Trump for letting these evil things be done to him.
I hate to have to vote for him, but I certainly can't vote for anyone guilty of doing these crimes to Trump.
The only person I could vote for instead would be someone who took no part in the crimes, like maybe Tulsi Gabbard.
That is why trump will always get my vote,he is the first president sense kennedy to upset thse status quoe and because of that is a threat to the deep state,they can’t kill him like they would like to and as they did kennedy because he is always one step ahead of them because of technology we have now.when the deep state is doing eveything they can to try and get him arrested,you know he is a threat to the corrupt two party system and the elite so i overlooks
his lack of tact and arrogance.
Yeah, I'd still much rather have Trump than Biden,.. but I am SO sick of Trump being all about Trump more than being about America.
/——/ Trump can’t do anything for America unless he’s re-elected.
What is a "MORAN"?????
HEY...Since you don't know how to spell "MORON " YOU are a "MORON"!
Even if there was somebody better like DeSantis, or are you sticking with Trump no matter what?

Does it matter? If DeSantis gets the nomination, Trump burns the GOP to the ground.

Its Trump, or a conspiracy shit storm.
This ^^^^^ spin is STILL an EPIC failure.

And it's hilarious you actually believe this ^^^^ and you still can't PROVE FRAUD.

I remember trump crying FRAUD and RIGGED election before the 2016 results.
Then he won, and started blaming Hillary.
Calling Jan 6th an insurrection is the real epic failure. The Jan 6th, 'never Trump' Pelosi hand picked committee is a fraud of epic proportions. You sure like to misremember.
He did.

"A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution."

Good luck getting that reelected.
/——-/ He’s talking about certitudes, not the entire constitution. And how many demcRaTs would like to get rid of the 1st, 2nd and 4th amendments?
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/——-/ He’s talking about certitudes, not the entire constit. And how many demcRaTs would like to get rid of the 1st, 2nd and 4th amendments?

He's talking about terminating the constitution.....so he can regain power.

"Do you throw the Presidential Election Results of 2020 OUT and declare the RIGHTFUL WINNER, or do you have a NEW ELECTION? A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution"

Good luck with reelecting that.
He's talking about terminating the constitution.....so he can regain power.

"Do you throw the Presidential Election Results of 2020 OUT and declare the RIGHTFUL WINNER, or do you have a NEW ELECTION? A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution"

Good luck with reelecting that.
/——-/ Of the president had the power to throw out the constitution, Obama would have done it on day one. He even said it was fundamentally flawed. Any fake outrage over that?
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