I don't get it. Do republicans even acknowledge the colossal mess of our nation's infrastructure?

Look at NYC Infrastructure, Democrats run the MTA and its $35B in Debt with a $22B projected capital shortfall. They tried to build a Second Avenue Subway, ran years late, billions over budget and they're going to have to cut the tunnel short because they ran out of money. The Democrat answer? Let's take money away from master builders like Steve Ross and Donald Trump and use it to fund the MTA. Morons. Let the builders build the tunnel and infrastructure. Privatize the infrastructure

Now you see why they made Detroit and Baltimore and every other failed city they control
Governors Join Obama in Infrastructure Spending Plea

The nation’s governors on Tuesday joined President Obama in urging Congress to boost spending this year on highway, bridges, power grids and other infrastructure to meet the growing demand and help keep the economic recovery alive.

“To be frank, too little federal investment in infrastructure is handicapping U.S. business in global markets,” Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, chair of the National Governors Association, said during the NGA’s third annual “State of the States” address at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. “What was new 65 years ago now has to be rebuilt or repaired. . . Governors know that you can’t build a competitive economy without the foundation provided by modernized infrastructure.”[...]

The American Society of Civil Engineers pegs the infrastructure spending gap at $125 billion a year just to maintain and repair highways and bridges. The civil engineers group in a report card gave the nation’s infrastructure a grade of D+, noting a tremendous backlog and a “pressing need for modernization.”

After years of massive highway construction, Congress and state governments allowed their capital budgets to wither in the past decade as they struggled with the recession and budget deficits.

Governors huh? well which ones were they? oh Gov. Hincklehopper what's his name. and the American Society of engineers? of course they are going to say that. It's how they get monies off us taxpayers
I pay taxes for our roads and bridges to be maintained. You republicans want us looking like a third world shit hole??? Now who's destroying America.

sure we do. That's why we want this FEDERAL GOVERNMENT cut down to size. Eliminate a bunch of the ABC agencies (epa, dea, blm, dep, abcdefghijklmnop, etc) and we'd have MORE money right there to put into your third world shit hole cities you live in. So put the blame where it belongs. On you people who can't bring yourself to see ONE AGENCY in Government cut out of OUR LIVES.
It's amazing to me how republicans in power bitch about entitlement programs, yet won't do a fucking thing to fix our infrastructure. Not only do they refuse to cut any defense spending to pay for it, but they refuse to raise taxes on the wealthy. Taxing the wealthy is the ONLY way this mess is going to be fixed without adding more unnecessary government debt.

The GOP is all about magic and misdirection....

It's amazing to me how republicans in power bitch about entitlement programs, yet won't do a fucking thing to fix our infrastructure. Not only do they refuse to cut any defense spending to pay for it, but they refuse to raise taxes on the wealthy. Taxing the wealthy is the ONLY way this mess is going to be fixed without adding more unnecessary government debt.
Wrong. If you are spending yourself into debt you reduce your spending you don't go over to your neighbor's house and rob him. Well, most of us anyway.

Don't blame Republicans for Democrats backwards priorities. If they would rather take our money and give it to the lazy while bridges are falling down that's on them. And anyone stupid enough to not notice.
So it's now the fault of others that you can't read a damn map?!

I can read a map and follow the directions of my in-laws. The way to their place is the Veterans...sure, I could go miles out of my way to avoid the ludicrous tolls...

Florida Drivers Take Excessive Measures to Avoid Tolls


Actually, per two DIFFERENT sites (and checking a paper street atlas), the tollway is LONGER.

No, it wasn't. The tollway is the shortest and quickest route to my in laws home from the airport.
I know this will sound really crazy, but what the hell:

Let's start at the bottom line: Does our infrastructure need improvements or not?

If so, what types of improvements and to what degree?


Yes. In the hundreds of billions.
Republicans are aware that we need to work on infrastructure. We'd be willing to spend some money there if the Democrats would stop giving it all away to buy the votes of the parasitic class.
Seems the OP has forgot what a fine bang up job Democrats are doing on infastucture in cities like Baltimore/St Louis/Detroit/Chicago/Oakland and a host of other major cities.

No, they haven't forgotten. they just can't bring themselves to BLAME one damn thing on their party, EVER. What the frick happened to that almost a TRILLION dollars stimulus Obama stole from us taxpayers? All I ever saw for it was this stupid sign posted along some roads and not even our HIGHWAYS
Oh my god Stephanie you are so stupid. Not only are you completely unaware of what the stimulus cost, you don't even know what was in it. The stimulus cost 787 billion. 280 billion of the 787 was extending TAX CUTS. The rest was spent on unemployment benefits for the millions of people who lost their jobs in the Bush recession, energy investments, and infrastructure. The tax cut for the middle class and extension of unemployment benefits created close to 3 million private jobs.

And shovel ready jobs that Obama said wasn't so shovel ready. You seem to have conveniently forgotten about that.
The money that was for infrastructure did not work because it never went for infrastructure.
Dems take the money for infrastructure and use it to pay for their welfare programs. But many on the left will not accept this fact.
So it's now the fault of others that you can't read a damn map?!

I can read a map and follow the directions of my in-laws. The way to their place is the Veterans...sure, I could go miles out of my way to avoid the ludicrous tolls...

Florida Drivers Take Excessive Measures to Avoid Tolls


Actually, per two DIFFERENT sites (and checking a paper street atlas), the tollway is LONGER.

No, it wasn't. The tollway is the shortest and quickest route to my in laws home from the airport.

You didn't say it was the airport! Note that avoiding the tollway adds a a whopping nine minutes and eight miles to the trip.
So it's now the fault of others that you can't read a damn map?!

I can read a map and follow the directions of my in-laws. The way to their place is the Veterans...sure, I could go miles out of my way to avoid the ludicrous tolls...

Florida Drivers Take Excessive Measures to Avoid Tolls


Actually, per two DIFFERENT sites (and checking a paper street atlas), the tollway is LONGER.

No, it wasn't. The tollway is the shortest and quickest route to my in laws home from the airport.

You didn't say it was the airport! Note that avoiding the tollway adds a a whopping nine minutes and eight miles to the trip.

Yeah I did. Go back and look.
So it's now the fault of others that you can't read a damn map?!

I can read a map and follow the directions of my in-laws. The way to their place is the Veterans...sure, I could go miles out of my way to avoid the ludicrous tolls...

Florida Drivers Take Excessive Measures to Avoid Tolls


Actually, per two DIFFERENT sites (and checking a paper street atlas), the tollway is LONGER.

No, it wasn't. The tollway is the shortest and quickest route to my in laws home from the airport.

You didn't say it was the airport! Note that avoiding the tollway adds a a whopping nine minutes and eight miles to the trip.

Yes she did.
It's amazing to me how republicans in power bitch about entitlement programs, yet won't do a fucking thing to fix our infrastructure. Not only do they refuse to cut any defense spending to pay for it, but they refuse to raise taxes on the wealthy. Taxing the wealthy is the ONLY way this mess is going to be fixed without adding more unnecessary government debt.
Where does the federal government need to spend money on infrastructure?

If nothing else, to secure the power/data/and telecom lines that often travel hundreds of miles across state lines
When you're spending more on your military than most of the rest of the world combined, and when you're defending other countries interests at your expense,

and when those countries can use the amount they are saving on defense, at our expense, for other interests such as their infrastructure,

then of course, you make your own infrastructure spending a bigger problem.

We do not have to defend against just one country, but all countries. Go look up the armies of our top 5 enemies. They outnumber us nearly 20 to 1.

I don't want a nation that can just barely defend itself when the top priority of government is to protect us. Top priority means it gets top spending priority.

Name our enemies...
We have like 100 times the land mass of Sweden too. Who gives a shit about Sweden?

Wow...you don't even realize you supported my point. :lol:

Now that IS funny.
You're right. I dont realize it. Because I didnt.
Why is Sweden an apt comparison to the US?

I'm guessing you don't believe any country is an apt comparison to the US, because if you acknowledged any were you'd get trapped.
I'm guessing you cannot say why Sweden is an apt comparison.
I'm also guessing you have to look up the word "apt".

You haven't proven they aren't comparable.
The burden is on the person making the comparison to show that it is apt.
You fail.
We do not have to defend against just one country, but all countries. Go look up the armies of our top 5 enemies. They outnumber us nearly 20 to 1.

I don't want a nation that can just barely defend itself when the top priority of government is to protect us. Top priority means it gets top spending priority.

Let's start with the fact that the Founders didn't even want a standing army (hence the well regulated militia part of the 2nd amendment)

Let's finish with this:

That is supposed to prove, what, exactly?
I know this will sound really crazy, but what the hell:

Let's start at the bottom line: Does our infrastructure need improvements or not?

If so, what types of improvements and to what degree?


Yes. In the hundreds of billions.
So, for the (financial only) cost of Iraq, we'd be sitting pretty, huh?

Iraq is but a drop in the bucket, compared to the 22 TRILLION spent on the war on poverty. We could have solid gold bridges if the parasites would just get jobs.
It's amazing to me how republicans in power bitch about entitlement programs, yet won't do a fucking thing to fix our infrastructure. Not only do they refuse to cut any defense spending to pay for it, but they refuse to raise taxes on the wealthy. Taxing the wealthy is the ONLY way this mess is going to be fixed without adding more unnecessary government debt.
Where does the federal government need to spend money on infrastructure?

If nothing else, to secure the power/data/and telecom lines that often travel hundreds of miles across state lines
What's wrong with them now?
It's amazing to me how republicans in power bitch about entitlement programs, yet won't do a fucking thing to fix our infrastructure. Not only do they refuse to cut any defense spending to pay for it, but they refuse to raise taxes on the wealthy. Taxing the wealthy is the ONLY way this mess is going to be fixed without adding more unnecessary government debt.

Unless we are talking about FEDERAL highways, the FEDERAL Government has no place paying for it. That's a STATE issue.

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