I don't get it. Do republicans even acknowledge the colossal mess of our nation's infrastructure?

I'd rather be delusional than be some snobby self righteous horses ass such as you and the op are.

As if you idiots are going to try and tell us ALL the Democrats in THIS COUNTRY is marching in lockstep with you and all your foot stomping and wailing over our infrastructure . WE PAY state TAXES for that and our STATES keeps up our roads, bridges, etc etc. If your state doesn't that isn't Republicans fault. It's because you probably live in state run by Democrats. now go sit down Your ugliness is worn out already
Our total infrastructure spending accounts for 5% of the federal budget. It is very much both a federal AND state issue. There are systems of nation's infrastructure funded by the federal government. This is way more than just highways for Christ's sakes, which by the way, are funded by the federal government.

Interstate highways are 90% funded by the federal government but most of the highways are state or county highways and are funded by the state or county by gas taxes and in some cases tolls. The federal govenrment collects gas taxes as well as DOZENS of user fees for other infrastructure.
...fix our infrastructure.

"I am a proud, pro-government liberal"

well then tell your fucking libercommie Gvmt. to start fixing infrastructure rather than supporting worthless :asshole: illegal aliens and stop importing muslime terrorists..., O fucking K

you people are so fucking stupid and brain-washed it is pitiful. :up:

:up_yours: ...................... :asshole:
California has 4 times the population and 3 times the road miles, and spends 6 times less than Sweden in infrastructure......

This is the most progressive state in the Union. Where is the outcry that the Democrats (who wholly own) in California are letting their infrastructure crumble!
I pay taxes for our roads and bridges to be maintained. You republicans want us looking like a third world shit hole??? Now who's destroying America.

Just think how much better it could be if the money raised by fuel tax was ACTUALLY used for maintaining roads, instead of as a slush fund!
Best what? Waste of money?
I'd like to have the best economy. And that doesnt come from confiscatory taxes and regulation.

Then what's your plan for upgrading our infrastructure?
Move those goalposts!

I asked you what your plan was for upgrading our infrastructure. That was based on your claim that you want the best economy. See? I highlighted it for you.

Do you get the best economy with an infrastructure that's falling apart?

A nation of toll roads where
I'm sure the private sector will fix all our roads and bridges someday. You know, that private sector that the RWers claim can do everything better than the public sector.

Yeah, the same private sector that has outsourced most of our industry to effin China! We pay tax dollars to maintain this infrastructure and all the republicans do is drag their fucking feet. bastards.

Oh my freaking god, no shit. I'm vacationing in Florida...fucking toll roads EVERYWHERE. Cost $8 in tolls ONE WAY to drive an hour from Tampa to Brooksville. Ludicrous!

BULLSHIT! I just checked, and there are NO tolls on that drive! Fuckin' liar.
It's amazing to me how republicans in power bitch about entitlement programs, yet won't do a fucking thing to fix our infrastructure. Not only do they refuse to cut any defense spending to pay for it, but they refuse to raise taxes on the wealthy. Taxing the wealthy is the ONLY way this mess is going to be fixed without adding more unnecessary government debt.

What's wrong with our infrastructure?
Then what's your plan for upgrading our infrastructure?
Move those goalposts!

I asked you what your plan was for upgrading our infrastructure. That was based on your claim that you want the best economy. See? I highlighted it for you.

Do you get the best economy with an infrastructure that's falling apart?

A nation of toll roads where
I'm sure the private sector will fix all our roads and bridges someday. You know, that private sector that the RWers claim can do everything better than the public sector.

Yeah, the same private sector that has outsourced most of our industry to effin China! We pay tax dollars to maintain this infrastructure and all the republicans do is drag their fucking feet. bastards.

Oh my freaking god, no shit. I'm vacationing in Florida...fucking toll roads EVERYWHERE. Cost $8 in tolls ONE WAY to drive an hour from Tampa to Brooksville. Ludicrous!

BULLSHIT! I just checked, and there are NO tolls on that drive! Fuckin' liar.

I just drove it assfuck. Veterans Expressway. Look that up, shit for brains.
Just checked again: most of the drive (52 miles) is on I-275 and I-75, the rest is county road 41 and US98. Again: there are NO tolls on the route!
It's amazing to me how republicans in power bitch about entitlement programs, yet won't do a fucking thing to fix our infrastructure. Not only do they refuse to cut any defense spending to pay for it, but they refuse to raise taxes on the wealthy. Taxing the wealthy is the ONLY way this mess is going to be fixed without adding more unnecessary government debt.
Oh they acknowledge the problem. And after 15 years of cutting corporate taxes and taxes to the rich and refusing to raise taxes, now GOP governor rick Snyder wants to raise sales taxes on us little people because "where else are we going to get the money" how did we ever survive before the lotto?
So it's now the fault of others that you can't read a damn map?!

I can read a map and follow the directions of my in-laws. The way to their place is the Veterans...sure, I could go miles out of my way to avoid the ludicrous tolls...

Florida Drivers Take Excessive Measures to Avoid Tolls

It's amazing to me how republicans in power bitch about entitlement programs, yet won't do a fucking thing to fix our infrastructure. Not only do they refuse to cut any defense spending to pay for it, but they refuse to raise taxes on the wealthy. Taxing the wealthy is the ONLY way this mess is going to be fixed without adding more unnecessary government debt.
It's not just Republicans. the Democrats have been the majority till just a few months ago but they did nothing for the America infrastructure. Seems that both parties care more about the infrastructure of foreign countries.
It's amazing to me how republicans in power bitch about entitlement programs, yet won't do a fucking thing to fix our infrastructure. Not only do they refuse to cut any defense spending to pay for it, but they refuse to raise taxes on the wealthy. Taxing the wealthy is the ONLY way this mess is going to be fixed without adding more unnecessary government debt.
It's not just Republicans. the Democrats have been the majority till just a few months ago but they did nothing for the America infrastructure. Seems that both parties care more about the infrastructure of foreign countries.
I'm all for spending on infrastructure. Just as soon as we have a full accounting of what we have already spent on it over the past 10 years.

I refuse to support continuing to throwing money down a rat hole.
I know this will sound really crazy, but what the hell:

Let's start at the bottom line: Does our infrastructure need improvements or not?

If so, what types of improvements and to what degree?

It's amazing to me how republicans in power bitch about entitlement programs, yet won't do a fucking thing to fix our infrastructure. Not only do they refuse to cut any defense spending to pay for it, but they refuse to raise taxes on the wealthy. Taxing the wealthy is the ONLY way this mess is going to be fixed without adding more unnecessary government debt.
It's not just Republicans. the Democrats have been the majority till just a few months ago but they did nothing for the America infrastructure. Seems that both parties care more about the infrastructure of foreign countries.
I'm all for spending on infrastructure. Just as soon as we have a full accounting of what we have already spent on it over the past 10 years.

I refuse to support continuing to throwing money down a rat hole.

I hope you fee; the same way about our foreign policy in the Mid East.
It's amazing to me how republicans in power bitch about entitlement programs, yet won't do a fucking thing to fix our infrastructure. Not only do they refuse to cut any defense spending to pay for it, but they refuse to raise taxes on the wealthy. Taxing the wealthy is the ONLY way this mess is going to be fixed without adding more unnecessary government debt.
It's not just Republicans. the Democrats have been the majority till just a few months ago but they did nothing for the America infrastructure. Seems that both parties care more about the infrastructure of foreign countries.
I'm all for spending on infrastructure. Just as soon as we have a full accounting of what we have already spent on it over the past 10 years.

I refuse to support continuing to throwing money down a rat hole.

I hope you fee; the same way about our foreign policy in the Mid East.
I feel that way about each and every government function. And not just a one time deal either, but as an ongoing or annual basis. I am not opposed to spending money on our interests abroad, but only if they are truly being protected and not as some shill to 'buy' friends.
It's amazing to me how republicans in power bitch about entitlement programs, yet won't do a fucking thing to fix our infrastructure. Not only do they refuse to cut any defense spending to pay for it, but they refuse to raise taxes on the wealthy. Taxing the wealthy is the ONLY way this mess is going to be fixed without adding more unnecessary government debt.
It's not just Republicans. the Democrats have been the majority till just a few months ago but they did nothing for the America infrastructure. Seems that both parties care more about the infrastructure of foreign countries.
I'm all for spending on infrastructure. Just as soon as we have a full accounting of what we have already spent on it over the past 10 years.

I refuse to support continuing to throwing money down a rat hole.

I hope you fee; the same way about our foreign policy in the Mid East.
I feel that way about each and every government function. And not just a one time deal either, but as an ongoing or annual basis. I am not opposed to spending money on our interests abroad, but only if they are truly being protected and not as some shill to 'buy' friends.
I agree with most of what you say but at this point in time I feel we should not be spending money outside this country, we need to put America first and take care of our problems here at home.

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