I dont get the confederate flag hysteria

Muslims murder thousands of americans in the name of Allah and the Koran, but there doesnt seem to be anyone wanting to ban the Koran or Mosques?

In this same way, there HAVE been groups rallying to ban Shariah Law and Mosques
(and people threatening to burn Qurans), including conservative candidates pushing campaigns and legislation as in Tennessee to ban Mosques.

So yes, to answer your question, yes there is that push going on.

The same way the Mosque in NY had every right to expand their center near the 9/11 ground zero site,
but the public rallied to stop this "out of respect" for the association with the attackers and Islam,
in this case people are asking to remove the Confederate flag "out of respect" for the association with
anti-Black racism linked to the KKK in the South. This is not a required interpretation of that symbol,
and neither is there a direct link between the Jihadist terrorists in 9/11 and the Muslim Mosque that
happens to be situated near the historic site of the attacks. It is out of courtesy, that people make those associations that we choose to respect that. But legally, religious freedom and free speech is protected,
and just like the Mohammad cartoon drawing contests, there is no law REQUIRING people to respect
people's personal religious interpretations. It is selective and depends on the people to respect
each other's personal limits on what symbols might mean, even if the law technically does not require that.

Please!!! How many companies have refused to sell Muslim religious symbols out of respect for the thousands of people murdered by Muslims. The guy down the street from me has a confederate flag on his pick up truck, yet he hasnt murdered anyone(or has he???)

I'm just saying that
the same way people have denounced and protested the Confederate Flag as an offensive racist symbol
there are people who have actively lobbied to ban Mosques and Shariah law.

There are groups that react that strongly,
while the rest of us don't take it that far.

There are people who sue to remove crosses or nativity scenes or Bibles from public places.
There are people who sue to declare the IRS or Federal Reserve unconstitutional and not required for them to follow.

I'm just saying yes there are people whose beliefs are so offended by one thing or another,
they do lobby to remove that thing, whatever it is, by legislation or lawsuit or protest.

(And yes there is a bias. it's okay for Atheists to sue to remove a cross that causes no harm, but simply on the grounds of "separation fo church and state" for excluding their beliefs and pushing one they don't believe in. But when it comes to laws like the ACA that pushes political beliefs, and offends, denies, excludes discriminates and even penalizes people of other creeds (who believe in free market and don't believe federal govt has the right to mandate insurance without a Constitutional amendment), that conflicting belief in public law isn't allowed to be removed. But the offended persons are expected to accept this as law required for everyone. Same with gay marriage being imposed against people's beliefs. That is expected to be tolerated and accepted. But when it comes to the Atheist suing to remove the cross, this argument to tolerate is not pushed, where the Atheist is NOT forced to tolerate religious diversity and let it be.

So there is a bias going on with liberal media and politics.)
I can see the justified hatred towards extremist Islam but I don't agree with the hatred for all Muslims. It's just plain ignorant.
Also, I guess I also have a problem with the attitude towards the Confederate flag. To me, the Confederate flag is a symbol of the growing pains of a nation and have no issue with people wanting to hang on to what to what I view as a heritage of a section of the US.

There are many extremeists who murder in the name of Allah, and 1 recently who was sympathetic to the confederacy. Lets simply be more tolerant like we are to our Muslim peaceful brethren. Many good people in SC who revere the confederacy dont murder anyone. Even though i am clearly stupid, i feel that this seems fair.
Muslims murder thousands of americans in the name of Allah and the Koran, but there doesnt seem to be anyone wanting to ban the Koran or Mosques?

In this same way, there HAVE been groups rallying to ban Shariah Law and Mosques
(and people threatening to burn Qurans), including conservative candidates pushing campaigns and legislation as in Tennessee to ban Mosques.

So yes, to answer your question, yes there is that push going on.

The same way the Mosque in NY had every right to expand their center near the 9/11 ground zero site,
but the public rallied to stop this "out of respect" for the association with the attackers and Islam,
in this case people are asking to remove the Confederate flag "out of respect" for the association with
anti-Black racism linked to the KKK in the South. This is not a required interpretation of that symbol,
and neither is there a direct link between the Jihadist terrorists in 9/11 and the Muslim Mosque that
happens to be situated near the historic site of the attacks. It is out of courtesy, that people make those associations that we choose to respect that. But legally, religious freedom and free speech is protected,
and just like the Mohammad cartoon drawing contests, there is no law REQUIRING people to respect
people's personal religious interpretations. It is selective and depends on the people to respect
each other's personal limits on what symbols might mean, even if the law technically does not require that.

Yo, not bad, but? The Mosque around ground zero? I do not believe they, the Muslims, should push their limits on the American People!!! To many illegitimate Mosque!!!

Muslims murder thousands of americans in the name of Allah and the Koran, but there doesnt seem to be anyone wanting to ban the Koran or Mosques?

In this same way, there HAVE been groups rallying to ban Shariah Law and Mosques
(and people threatening to burn Qurans), including conservative candidates pushing campaigns and legislation as in Tennessee to ban Mosques.

So yes, to answer your question, yes there is that push going on.

The same way the Mosque in NY had every right to expand their center near the 9/11 ground zero site,
but the public rallied to stop this "out of respect" for the association with the attackers and Islam,
in this case people are asking to remove the Confederate flag "out of respect" for the association with
anti-Black racism linked to the KKK in the South. This is not a required interpretation of that symbol,
and neither is there a direct link between the Jihadist terrorists in 9/11 and the Muslim Mosque that
happens to be situated near the historic site of the attacks. It is out of courtesy, that people make those associations that we choose to respect that. But legally, religious freedom and free speech is protected,
and just like the Mohammad cartoon drawing contests, there is no law REQUIRING people to respect
people's personal religious interpretations. It is selective and depends on the people to respect
each other's personal limits on what symbols might mean, even if the law technically does not require that.

Please!!! How many companies have refused to sell Muslim religious symbols out of respect for the thousands of people murdered by Muslims. The guy down the street from me has a confederate flag on his pick up truck, yet he hasnt murdered anyone(or has he???)

I'm just saying that
the same way people have denounced and protested the Confederate Flag as an offensive racist symbol
there are people who have actively lobbied to ban Mosques and Shariah law.

There are groups that react that strongly,
while the rest of us don't take it that far.

There are people who sue to remove crosses or nativity scenes or Bibles from public places.
There are people who sue to declare the IRS or Federal Reserve unconstitutional and not required for them to follow.

I'm just saying yes there are people whose beliefs are so offended by one thing or another,
they do lobby to remove that thing, whatever it is, by legislation or lawsuit or protest.

(And yes there is a bias. it's okay for Atheists to sue to remove a cross, that causes no harm, but simply excludes their beliefs and pushes one they don't believe in. But when it comes to laws like the ACA that pushes political beliefs, and offends, denies, excludes discriminates and even penalizes people of other creeds, that isn't allowed to be removed. But the offended persons are expected to accept this. Same with gay marriage being imposed against people's beliefs. That is expected to be tolerated and accepted. But when it comes to the Atheist suing to remove the cross, this argument is not pushed, that the Atheist should tolerate religious diversity and let it be.

So there is a bias going on with liberal media and politics.)

You have made a good point, my finr friend!!
I figure the Confederate Flag represents the Democrat Party and their pro-slavery history, their Jim Crow laws, their KKK affiliations and promotions, their varied levels of racist positions of the past and present. Granted, they would like to forget their past, pin it on others but alas they will always own it. The Democratic Party is the party of racism in America, perhaps, they should change their name to, "feel" better.
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I think you make an excellent point. I wish you would bring this up on the different radio talk shows
and get this idea out there. Raging Elephants has its own radio streamed online where listeners can chat and call in. There must be other stations, too, where you can get this point out.

I can see the justified hatred towards extremist Islam but I don't agree with the hatred for all Muslims. It's just plain ignorant.
Also, I guess I also have a problem with the attitude towards the Confederate flag. To me, the Confederate flag is a symbol of the growing pains of a nation and have no issue with people wanting to hang on to what to what I view as a heritage of a section of the US.

There are many extremeists who murder in the name of Allah, and 1 recently who was sympathetic to the confederacy. Lets simply be more tolerant like we are to our Muslim peaceful brethren. Many good people in SC who revere the confederacy dont murder anyone. Even though i am clearly stupid, i feel that this seems fair.

Well, why not suggest to place all the flags that are part of the history together.
In Texas, it is a well established tradition to show the Six Flags that flew over Texas.

A brief history of the six flags over Texas including the Confederate flag All Ablog Austin

So why not have the Betsy Ross Flag, the Confederate, the modern US Flag, South Carolina, etc.
If you put them all in context, it is merely historic and not trying to put one symbol above the others.
That might be a better way to reduce the attention on just the Confederate Flag. Why not post all of them?
I can see the justified hatred towards extremist Islam but I don't agree with the hatred for all Muslims. It's just plain ignorant.
Also, I guess I also have a problem with the attitude towards the Confederate flag. To me, the Confederate flag is a symbol of the growing pains of a nation and have no issue with people wanting to hang on to what to what I view as a heritage of a section of the US.

There are many extremeists who murder in the name of Allah, and 1 recently who was sympathetic to the confederacy. Lets simply be more tolerant like we are to our Muslim peaceful brethren. Many good people in SC who revere the confederacy dont murder anyone. Even though i am clearly stupid, i feel that this seems fair.

"There are many extremeists who murder in the name of Allah" -sarahgop

What percentage of the entire Muslim population would you estimate are the murdering extremist and how does that warrant your broad brush view of the Muslim world?
Bill C revered the confederate flag in AR but he is no murderer!! All he did was sexually molest women. Look what i just did!!! I just a valid argument that the confederate flag should be banned out of respect for molested interns!!
I can see the justified hatred towards extremist Islam but I don't agree with the hatred for all Muslims. It's just plain ignorant.
Also, I guess I also have a problem with the attitude towards the Confederate flag. To me, the Confederate flag is a symbol of the growing pains of a nation and have no issue with people wanting to hang on to what to what I view as a heritage of a section of the US.

There are many extremeists who murder in the name of Allah, and 1 recently who was sympathetic to the confederacy. Lets simply be more tolerant like we are to our Muslim peaceful brethren. Many good people in SC who revere the confederacy dont murder anyone. Even though i am clearly stupid, i feel that this seems fair.

"There are many extremeists who murder in the name of Allah" -sarahgop

What percentage of the entire Muslim population would you estimate are the murdering extremist and how does that warrant your broad brush view of the Muslim world?

a very small percent, yet i feel even a smaller percent of people who hold the confederay dear murder people.
I think you make an excellent point. I wish you would bring this up on the different radio talk shows
and get this idea out there. Raging Elephants has its own radio streamed online where listeners can chat and call in. There must be other stations, too, where you can get this point out.

I can see the justified hatred towards extremist Islam but I don't agree with the hatred for all Muslims. It's just plain ignorant.
Also, I guess I also have a problem with the attitude towards the Confederate flag. To me, the Confederate flag is a symbol of the growing pains of a nation and have no issue with people wanting to hang on to what to what I view as a heritage of a section of the US.

There are many extremeists who murder in the name of Allah, and 1 recently who was sympathetic to the confederacy. Lets simply be more tolerant like we are to our Muslim peaceful brethren. Many good people in SC who revere the confederacy dont murder anyone. Even though i am clearly stupid, i feel that this seems fair.

Well, why not suggest to place all the flags that are part of the history together.
In Texas, it is a well established tradition to show the Six Flags that flew over Texas.

A brief history of the six flags over Texas including the Confederate flag All Ablog Austin

So why not have the Betsy Ross Flag, the Confederate, the modern US Flag, South Carolina, etc.
If you put them all in context, it is merely historic and not trying to put one symbol above the others.
That might be a better way to reduce the attention on just the Confederate Flag. Why not post all of them?

That seems rather fair minded!!
Muslims murder thousands of americans in the name of Allah and the Koran, but there doesnt seem to be anyone wanting to ban the Koran or Mosques?
Thousands of Americans....in the US?
Many people see the confederate battle flag as a racist symbol.

Many people, especially in the south, see the confederate battle flag as a symbol of southern heritage and pride but not a racist symbol.

The left is trying to brand everone who likes the confederate battle flag as racist when that is not true. Since the confederate battle flag has become a decisive issue and a symbol of racism to many, it is time for it to be retired. However, many on the left are doing harm to the country by continuing to overplay the race card in regard to this issue.
Many people see the confederate battle flag as a racist symbol.

Many people, especially in the south, see the confederate battle flag as a symbol of southern heritage and pride but not a racist symbol.

The left is trying to brand everone who likes the confederate battle flag as racist when that is not true. Since the confederate battle flag has become a decisive issue and a symbol of racism to many, it is time for it to be retired. However, many on the left are doing harm to the country by continuing to overplay the race card in regard to this issue.

Hey why not call a mutual truce.
If the flag is going to be retired because it is controversial, it is seen as positive by some but negative by others,
why not yank the other "controversial" things that are offensive to some (even though others don't see it that way)

* the health care mandates are offensive to half the nation's political beliefs as a violation
* gay marriage is seen as natural to some, but completely against the beliefs of a good part of the population

So if you are going to start removing things that are controversial and against people's beliefs,
why not be fair and remove one-for-one. For each thing one side concedes, let the other do the same.

If it isn't equally acceptable to all the public, then keep it in private and don't make a public display or institution
of that thing; respect the limits of others whose beliefs you may not agree with but they have a right to them.
Muslims murder thousands of americans in the name of Allah and the Koran, but there doesnt seem to be anyone wanting to ban the Koran or Mosques?

Nobody has banned anything.

SC didn't think the Flag should be an official state subsidized symbol.

Secondly, nobody is asking the taxpayers of SC to display Muslim symbols above the capital. Nobody has asked that Allah's image be stamped on to a license plate.

The only person talking about banning anything is you.

Here is my advice son:

Get government out of the way and let free citizens worship whatever God they want, read whatever books they want, marry who they want, and wave any flag they choose.

Give people maximum freedom and let them stand before God.

We don't need your nanny state to protect us from the Koran. We can take care of ourselves.
I figure the Confederate Flag represents the Democrat Party and their pro-slavery history, their Jim Crow laws, their KKK affiliations and promotions, their varied levels of racist positions of the past and present. Granted, they would like to forget their past, pin it on others but alas they will always own it. The Democratic Party is the party of racism in America, perhaps, they should change their name to, "feel" better.

Then again you're the same clown that tried to tell us the Democratic Party invented the slave trade -- two hundred years before it was even founded. So we consider the source. :rolleyes:
There was no effort by the RWnuts to block the so-called ground zero mosque?

There were no accolades from the RWnuts for the preacher who was going to burn a Koran?

Are you sure?
Muslims murder thousands of americans in the name of Allah and the Koran, but there doesnt seem to be anyone wanting to ban the Koran or Mosques?
Both extremes just want another reason to yell at each other. It's pretty embarrassing as an American watching this ridiculous sillyness

Nobody is banning the confederate flag. This thread fails as a result.
The flag is just a convenient excuse for some of the morons on this board to call folks racist.

They probably wouldn't recognize a real racist is one bit em in the ass but hey, to each his own.
If you had thought about it for a couple of minutes you would not have to ask the question.

Is it because flying planes into building in the name of Allah is considered cool? Did i get it right?
No, it is unconstitutional to ban religion, terrorist activity is already highly illegal.

Perhaps what is needed is to RECLASSIFY Islam as a Cultural-Legal-Behavioral-Militant Code or Political Template, Disguised-as-a-Religion, rather than as a Religion itself?

And a HOSTILE Code or Template, at that.

That way, we can serve-up an antidote to that poison, without violating our Constitutional traditions.

There are several ways to skin a Jihad before it even gets started.

Somebody with the time and money to burn, should really try setting the stage, and making the argument in front of a properly-constituted SCOTUS, at some point in the not-too-distant future.

Sounds like great fun.

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