I dont get the confederate flag hysteria

There are many extremeists who murder in the name of Allah, and 1 recently who was sympathetic to the confederacy. Lets simply be more tolerant like we are to our Muslim peaceful brethren. Many good people in SC who revere the confederacy dont murder anyone. Even though i am clearly stupid, i feel that this seems fair.

the problem you guys have is that they "murder in the name of Allah".

Uh. No, they murder because we murder them. We killed hundreds of thousands of Muslims before 9/11. then we act all suprised when they counterattack.

Sticking our hands in a hornet's nest and wondering why we get stung. Our Middle East policy since WWII.
Perhaps what is needed is to RECLASSIFY Islam as a Cultural-Legal-Behavioral-Militant Code or Political Template, Disguised-as-a-Religion, rather than as a Religion itself?

And a HOSTILE Code or Template, at that.

That way, we can serve-up an antidote to that poison, without violating our Constitutional traditions.

Naw, guy. You should go all the way. Totally declare 'We really didn't mean that "freedom of religion'." thing. Then we can get around to banning all religion, and we'll all be better off.

Oh, yeah, when you invade someone else's country, they tend to get pretty hostile. But Islam is no m ore responsible for that in the Middle East than Communism was for that in Vietnam.

There are several ways to skin a Jihad before it even gets started.

Yes. Yes there is. The best way to stop a Jihad before it gets started is "not get involved in their countries". A better way would be "Don't arm a psychopath because he's willing to kill someone you don't like." (i.e. Saddam, Bin Laden, etc.)

Democrats are trying to drop their racist history down the memory hole

Democrats are trying to drop their racist history down the memory hole

But it's you wingnuts who are wrapping yourselves in the confederate flag...

You know, if you are going to be a tool of Corporations, like most of you are, you need to keep up on the memos.

Big Business has said, "No more Confederate Flags!" And your leaders are saying, "What is they bidding my master".
Perhaps what is needed is to RECLASSIFY Islam as a Cultural-Legal-Behavioral-Militant Code or Political Template, Disguised-as-a-Religion, rather than as a Religion itself?

And a HOSTILE Code or Template, at that.

That way, we can serve-up an antidote to that poison, without violating our Constitutional traditions.

Naw, guy. You should go all the way. Totally declare 'We really didn't mean that "freedom of religion'." thing. Then we can get around to banning all religion, and we'll all be better off...
No need.

Re-classifying Islam will do nicely, thank you.

...Oh, yeah, when you invade someone else's country, they tend to get pretty hostile. But Islam is no m ore responsible for that in the Middle East than Communism was for that in Vietnam. ..
Militant Islam has been re-awakening and re-militarizing for decades - albeit at a slower pace - ever since the end of WWII, when European Imperialism collapsed.

There are several ways to skin a Jihad before it even gets started.

Yes. Yes there is. The best way to stop a Jihad before it gets started is "not get involved in their countries". A better way would be "Don't arm a psychopath because he's willing to kill someone you don't like." (i.e. Saddam, Bin Laden, etc.)
Your isolationist mindset would have been quite popular back in pre-WWI times... good ol' Woodrow Wilson, eh? It is, however, impractical in today's world.
No need.

Re-classifying Islam will do nicely, thank you.

If we are going to re-classify religion based on how much human misery it has caused, Christianity has caused far more than Islam has.

Militant Islam has been re-awakening and re-militarizing for decades - albeit at a slower pace - ever since the end of WWII, when European Imperialism collapsed.

You mean they actually wanted their own countries back? How dare they!!!!

Hey here's a crazy idea. How about not picking up where the Europeans left off. If we want their resources, give them a fair price for them. Let's not bankrupt ourselves and fill our veterans hospitals with broken men trying to impose our values on them. What a crazy idea, huh?
Your isolationist mindset would have been quite popular back in pre-WWI times... good ol' Woodrow Wilson, eh? It is, however, impractical in today's world.

Guy, Islam is not Nazi Germany and it's not the USSR. It does not present an existential threat to the US.

If there is something we should be worried about, it's the transfer of the world's wealth to China, not that a few tribes are squabbling over who a magic sky pixie gave a desert to.
No need.

Re-classifying Islam will do nicely, thank you.

If we are going to re-classify religion based on how much human misery it has caused, Christianity has caused far more than Islam has.

Militant Islam has been re-awakening and re-militarizing for decades - albeit at a slower pace - ever since the end of WWII, when European Imperialism collapsed.

You mean they actually wanted their own countries back? How dare they!!!!

Hey here's a crazy idea. How about not picking up where the Europeans left off. If we want their resources, give them a fair price for them. Let's not bankrupt ourselves and fill our veterans hospitals with broken men trying to impose our values on them. What a crazy idea, huh?
Oh, you'll get no argument from me about our foolish approach to intervention in the Middle East.
Your isolationist mindset would have been quite popular back in pre-WWI times... good ol' Woodrow Wilson, eh? It is, however, impractical in today's world.

Guy, Islam is not Nazi Germany and it's not the USSR. It does not present an existential threat to the US.
Give it time... they're working on it... best to step on the head of a viper-hatchling before it matures.

Democrats are trying to drop their racist history down the memory hole

But it's you wingnuts who are wrapping yourselves in the confederate flag...

You know, if you are going to be a tool of Corporations, like most of you are, you need to keep up on the memos.

Big Business has said, "No more Confederate Flags!" And your leaders are saying, "What is they bidding my master".

Progressives wrap themselves in the hammer and Sickle flag while wearing their Che t-shirts
Give it time... they're working on it... best to step on the head of a viper-hatchling before it matures.

Guy, the Islamic World controls less territory than it did 300 years ago.

The best way to deal with a viper is to not disturb its nest.

Wrong, if left alone its left to multiply. Hunt it down and kill it before that happens. Like we should be doing with radical goat fuggers
It's all about getting rid of anything they find offensive.... next up on the hit list, NASCAR and Southern drawls.

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