I don't know....maybe I'm wrong but I think this is shitty.

but I have great advice; buy a paper this Sunday, read the funnies, read the sports, do the crossword puzzle, pull out the classified adds, tape them to the wall, get a dart, throw it at the paper, look at the add it hit and tell them you have a cdl, you will have a job by Friday.

good lord, cdl is in such huge demand

Not without experience. Read on all the ads, it says must have experience. I don't have driving experience, but I have 2 college degrees, and airplane mechanics license, a pilots license and even a HAM radio license. But no, I can't get a job because I don't have experience driving. Go figure.
That's a lie, go fuck yourself and your bullshit story.

There are demand of truck drivers all over the place. But he is not willing to travel or drive somewhere. He needed to get home every night. So the best job is local drivers, like spare parts delivery, pizza, florist or grocery.

None of those require a CDL. I'm looking more toward roll off, cement or dump truck.
Well good luck, it's winter...
I had to quit my job back in September because of numerous OSHA violations in our warehouse that I was forced to work with someone in even though it wasn't my job. Well, 2 weeks later he burned the facility to the ground so I know I made the right choice. I have had a few offers for jobs since but none were any good. I called a friend of mine I knew from another job and asked him what he had. He told me he could put me a truck. Well I needed a CDL to drive it and so I took him at his word, went to CDL school, spent a couple thousand dollars (mind you, I'm out of work right now) and got my CDL. After about a week he called me and said he got me a test drive. I go test drive, they want me to float, I always double clutch but floating isn't that hard. The guy comes in and tells the boss I did good. He says I'll hear from them that afternoon.

I call back the next day and they're waiting for my paperwork and background checks and shit. Ok cool. Fast forward a few days and I call and the boss got hurt and is now out of the office. He'll be back in on Monday. I call Monday, NOW THERE IS A FUCKING HIRING FREEZE AT THE COMPANY!!! I"m like WTF a hiring freeze over the fucking weekend? Turns out yes, the main owner of the company enacted a hiring freeze. Now I'm fucking stuck with a 2000 dollar CDL bill and no fucking job. Nobody else in the area is hiring new drivers, I knew that the only reason I enrolled was this guys word that he could get me in. He's pretty high up in the company but fuck.

Well I call him and very nicely give him a piece of my mind. He said that I'll be the first person they hire once the hiring freeze is lifted. I said well WHEN THE FUCK WILL THAT BE. He didn't know.

I would normally be the first person to say that a company has a right not to hire anyone they want, but after you tell them you'll give them a job, they spend the money to go to school and acquire all necessary licenses to do this job, then tell them oh no, sorry, hiring freeze.......I think thats pretty damn shitty.
Isn't the Free Market a bitch?
The boss didn't tell you you had a job, another driver, your friend did. You have only yourself to blame.
Stop whining and go shop your skills around elsewhere.

When you pay 2000 dollars to acquire skills to get a job someone says you have then pull the rug out under you, that's not bitching. That's shitty. And I've applied at over 400 jobs since Jan1, and had no calls back. People don't understand how tough it is down here. All the oilfield layoffs mean that when you apply for a job it'll say between 250 and 500 people have applied for the same position.
but I have great advice; buy a paper this Sunday, read the funnies, read the sports, do the crossword puzzle, pull out the classified adds, tape them to the wall, get a dart, throw it at the paper, look at the add it hit and tell them you have a cdl, you will have a job by Friday.

good lord, cdl is in such huge demand

Not without experience. Read on all the ads, it says must have experience. I don't have driving experience, but I have 2 college degrees, and airplane mechanics license, a pilots license and even a HAM radio license. But no, I can't get a job because I don't have experience driving. Go figure.
Do you have a clean driving record?

If so, you should be in high demand.
but I have great advice; buy a paper this Sunday, read the funnies, read the sports, do the crossword puzzle, pull out the classified adds, tape them to the wall, get a dart, throw it at the paper, look at the add it hit and tell them you have a cdl, you will have a job by Friday.

good lord, cdl is in such huge demand

Not without experience. Read on all the ads, it says must have experience. I don't have driving experience, but I have 2 college degrees, and airplane mechanics license, a pilots license and even a HAM radio license. But no, I can't get a job because I don't have experience driving. Go figure.
The Liberal cess-pool known as New York State welcomes you with open arms.
You and others on the right are in no position to whine because private companies are treating employees and prospective employees poorly, exactly as you want them to.

Yes he is in a position.

Why not turn the tables around - and let the private companies be on the poor end of the stick. Let the administrators of the private companies have to deal with some "bad luck".

How did the OSHA violations come about?

Who created......and / or... is responsible for the OSHA violations.

Some administration people work Monday through Friday : 8...maybe 9 hour days...with one hour lunch breaks - with weekends and holidays off - while the people that really make the company money and have to do with growth and prosperity.......get treated terribly.

If the "bean counters", senior admin people, supervision and managers had to endure what the "laborers" had to endure ; I believe they would be angered, gripe and throw a fit also.

But senior people and leadership.......never have to deal with the harshness.

Shadow 355
The boss didn't tell you you had a job, another driver, your friend did. You have only yourself to blame.

It wasn't a driver, it was a company representative. He's a supervisor.

And yes my driving record is clear.
One thing you learn in life, is get everything in writing. Does this supervisor traditionally have the power to hire? Did you ever have a formal interview? If you did, they hold some responsibility, but if you didn't get anything in writing, some of the responsibility is on your back. Take it as a lesson learned and one not to repeat. Unfortunately, a verbal agreement does not hold the same weight it used to. Too many chefs in the kitchen type thing.
I know someone that was hired by a guy that never let anyone else know he hired him, and nothing was in writing-all verbal. They moved from out of state to take the job. When he showed up, the guy that hired him had left the company. Fortunarely, they honored the hiring but had a freeze as well, and he didn't get on the payroll for another month. Needless to say, he learned a valuable lesson.
The boss didn't tell you you had a job, another driver, your friend did. You have only yourself to blame.

It wasn't a driver, it was a company representative. He's a supervisor.

And yes my driving record is clear.
Well, I mean it wasn't in writing but the hiring manager is the one who arranged the schedule for my test drive so its not like this all happened under the table. The guy I knew is the one who got the ball rolling, but the plant manager set up the actual test drive and said that I would get the call back later about if they hire me or not.
So, by your deciding to take a chance and take the schooling before an actual firm offer, you got pissed when it didn't happen yet.

Look at it this way, you bettered yourself,and now have even more skills under your belt, thus giving yourself a greater chance at a job. You will be an asset to someone, even if this doesn't pan out. Yeah, it's disappointing what happened, but no matter you are better skilled and have opened up even more options for yourself.
Turn this into a plus. Look at lessons learned, and then go out there and sell yourself to someone else. Make the best of it. Remember hiring freezes could be a sign of troubles ahead, you never know. Sometimes things happen for a reason we can't now see or understand.

I know, keep my opinions to myself.
Well, I mean it wasn't in writing but the hiring manager is the one who arranged the schedule for my test drive so its not like this all happened under the table. The guy I knew is the one who got the ball rolling, but the plant manager set up the actual test drive and said that I would get the call back later about if they hire me or not.
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Well I call him and very nicely give him a piece of my mind. He said that I'll be the first person they hire once the hiring freeze is lifted. I said well WHEN THE FUCK WILL THAT BE. He didn't know.

Labor is a buyers market and that attitude is not going to endear you to any prospective employers.
Well after I'm told I have a job and then the carpet is pulled out from under me in a nice little dishonest move, I tend to get a little pissed. I told him while his company is sitting with a hiring freeze Wells Fargo hasn't frozen the mortgage payments that I have to make every month.

And who was responsible for the OSHA violations at my old job? My old boss. For years I'd spoken to him about numerous problems. One of them was that the warehouse had a second level where a bunch of shit was stored. Well, it had no railings. It was about a 16 foot drop to the concrete below and the floor just ended. I was pulling some wire that was hung up in some old lights one time going get something for our sister company and I was taking steps back and felt my foot do something weird. I turned around and my back foot was halfway off the end. Literally another inch and I would have fallen to my death to the concrete below. I talked to him about it, and he told me to do research on railings they could install. I did, and I emailed him everything. Nothing happened.

Fast forward. I was told to go help someone weld in the warehouse on a truck. Now mind you, I'm an office guy. There are other office people that actually work for his company, but its only me that they constantly pick on. Why? Because in the past I've said yes, everyone else lies and says they're too busy to help. Well, I get back there and they tell me to hold this piece of metal, with absolutely no PPE available, and watch the sparks while this idiot welds to make sure nothing catches on fire and if it does, go run somewhere and find a fire extinguisher and put it out. There was flammable shit everywhere, it was a warehouse for gods sakes. I told the boss about this and he said he would look into it. Nothing ever changed.

Fast forward to the day I quit. A shipment of chairs came in and needed to be unloaded. I was the only one available for my own company to answer phones, input data and dispatch the 12 trucks I was responsible for. Well, the same idiot that did the welding demanded I help him on my only break of the day, a few minutes to shove a sandwhich down my throat, to help him unload. I knew the damn chair were on a pallet and could be unloaded in about 1 minute with our forklift but for some reason the moron wanted me to unload this stack of chairs by hand. Well I told him no and he went run to the owner of the company saying I refused to help him.

Now keep in mind, in the YEARS I worked there, not a single time did ANYONE offer to help me when I needed help. Not once. Even though I'd helped everyone in that office at least two dozen times. Even going so far as having one of my friends bring this girl a quart of oil for her car since it was low and she couldn't drive anywhere to get one. But no help for me, nope not once. So I didn't feel any remorse, people will run all over you if you let them, and I wasn't letting any of those people run over me. I kept telling them don't mistake kindness for weakness. I was pissing off my drivers helping everyone else because if I was helping them I wasn't in my dispatch chair taking care of business.

At that point, after being the only one keeping my own company and trucks going and getting no appreciation and no pay raises despite my workload at least quadroupling in the previous 3 months, I told them take this job and shove it, I refuse to help that idiot in that dangerous ass warehouse.

Two weeks later that idiot welding guy burned the warehouse down because there was nobody that was willing to go be his bitch and watch for his fire that would inevitably happen. When I heard on the news there was a warehouse fire at my old company I immediately texted my friend and told him this is who it was and this is what happened, I know exactly what it was. Sure enough, at the 6 oclock news update they said what had happened and it was exactly what I'd said happened. My friend was like holy shit how did you know? I said its part of the reason I quit.

I talked to a buddy of mine who worked for my old company as one of my drivers and after I quit, he said they had to hire 4 people to replace me I was doing so much work for the company. I was asking for a dollar an hour raise, and they refused. Now he's got to pay 4 people almost what he was paying me, for the same labor and they're all women so none will be able to go help in the warehouse like I did.

Oh the fuck well. I don't miss that shitty place at all.
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Could anyone imagine having to work with a whiny little bitch like this OP loser? ^^^^^^^
Yea a lack of a rebuttal usually means a personal attack. It's all you've got, and its sad.

Yea, whiny bitch because I refuse to do everyone's work for free while they get paid more than me. Until you've done it yourself, STFU. I turned down two other higher paying job offers I got while working for that company because I wanted to see if things improved with time. No, they got worse. Turned down a job making double what I was making, DAMN that was stupid.
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I had to quit my job back in September because of numerous OSHA violations in our warehouse that I was forced to work with someone in even though it wasn't my job. Well, 2 weeks later he burned the facility to the ground so I know I made the right choice. I have had a few offers for jobs since but none were any good. I called a friend of mine I knew from another job and asked him what he had. He told me he could put me a truck. Well I needed a CDL to drive it and so I took him at his word, went to CDL school, spent a couple thousand dollars (mind you, I'm out of work right now) and got my CDL. After about a week he called me and said he got me a test drive. I go test drive, they want me to float, I always double clutch but floating isn't that hard. The guy comes in and tells the boss I did good. He says I'll hear from them that afternoon.

I call back the next day and they're waiting for my paperwork and background checks and shit. Ok cool. Fast forward a few days and I call and the boss got hurt and is now out of the office. He'll be back in on Monday. I call Monday, NOW THERE IS A FUCKING HIRING FREEZE AT THE COMPANY!!! I"m like WTF a hiring freeze over the fucking weekend? Turns out yes, the main owner of the company enacted a hiring freeze. Now I'm fucking stuck with a 2000 dollar CDL bill and no fucking job. Nobody else in the area is hiring new drivers, I knew that the only reason I enrolled was this guys word that he could get me in. He's pretty high up in the company but fuck.

Well I call him and very nicely give him a piece of my mind. He said that I'll be the first person they hire once the hiring freeze is lifted. I said well WHEN THE FUCK WILL THAT BE. He didn't know.

I would normally be the first person to say that a company has a right not to hire anyone they want, but after you tell them you'll give them a job, they spend the money to go to school and acquire all necessary licenses to do this job, then tell them oh no, sorry, hiring freeze.......I think thats pretty damn shitty.

At least they did not promise you free health care.

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