I don't really understand the Dems' "need," for lack of a better word, for a national $15 min wage.

Just because... I can't sleep. I will shortly I'm sure...

Good example of what I'm trying to say about Micro State economies.

Cali has a Cost of Living Index of 151.7

This means that the average is 100, and to live in Cali in comparison to the rest of the United States average you have to make 51.7% more money than the average US citizen for the same lifestyle.

Iowa, where I live, is at 90.1%.

This means that it's 9.9% cheaper to live here than the average US citizen.

So... 51.7% +9.9% = 61.6% difference in cost of living. So what you can do in Cali with 100k a year, I can do in Iowa for 61.6k... That's essentially 48 dollars an hour vs 30... That's a 18 dollar an hour difference, for the same kind of shit. $15 an hour minimum wage makes sense for Cali. That's 30k a year, a shit wage for Cali because their cost of living is so high. That's essentially 18k here in Iowa in comparison. I absolutely understand why they want a 15 dollar minimum wage. Doesn't make any sense here in Iowa.

You gotta let the STATE set minimum wage... Not the Federal government. You just can't do a one size fits all... So far we've learned that, I hope to god we don't unlearn it. Leave it to feels over logic president/congress/senate to fuck it up though.

Edit: Using Cali because they ARE going to do a minimum $15 an hour min... It's already on the way. Using Iowa, because I live here. If I were to use Hawaii and Mississippi, the highest and lowest index, holy shit.
Last edited:
Then again... If I had to be on welfare, I sure as hell don't want to be in a place that has a high cost of living.

I don't know. Seems too speculative to me.

Maybe people are flocking to these particular states because the cost of living is lower or maybe these states just have a comparatively large amount of people on food stamps due to poor economic planning. It could be both, but I would guess it's much more of the latter.

This chart is specifically dealing with food stamps, which I don't think varies too much and wouldn't be a huge cost-of-living variable. The big difference is housing and, to my understanding, there are other state programs that help provide assistance for that anyway.
Oh it's not completely cut and dry either.. I don't want to make it seem that way. Not all the states you had shown there had a lower cost of living. But that thought hit me as I was typing the post out. I didn't put that much thought into it, but it did get me down the road of the previous post to make a point.. So I thank you.
You say it's worse, I say it isn't,
I explained what would happen and why... You say that wouldn't be worse. We disagree. Again... if you give me an "oh shit moment" I didn't think of that. I'll thank you.

Minimum wages have been raised ever since there has been one. You are arguing that the working poor should fall further and further behind.

If companies still want to offshore and we want to do nothing about that, I'll be voting for those who promise a guaranteed income.

(Bloomberg) -- The U.S. central bank should not prematurely withdraw pandemic support for the U.S. economy just because some people are getting rich in the stock market, said San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank President Mary Daly.

“We’re building this bridge, which is barely having many communities hang on, and the stock market is running pretty good and many people who already have money are getting more money,” she said Friday during a virtual discussion hosted by the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

Fed’s Daly Pushes Back Against Pulling Policy Aid to Curb Stocks

But the working poor shouldn't get anything. Screw that.
Again why do you want to pay more for the same thing? If you want to do charity fine by me but leave the rest of us out of it.

I don't doubt or disagree with NYC or other urban areas, esp progressive ones, logically wanting the raise. Or the need of workers. But in rural states, min wage jobs sometimes just supplement rural life of raising and growing one's own food. It will kill jobs, because the people who buy retail goods are the same ones working the jobs. Employers will consolidate gas stations, small grocery's and maybe even Wal-Marts. It just seems typical leftwing elitism to think places like Ala and Miss and WV can't figure out their own state economies.
They want to punish rural, Republican, areas.

They know damned well that a $15 minimum wage would put a lot of people out of work in rural areas where standard of living is a fraction of big cities.
You say it's worse, I say it isn't,
I explained what would happen and why... You say that wouldn't be worse. We disagree. Again... if you give me an "oh shit moment" I didn't think of that. I'll thank you.

Minimum wages have been raised ever since there has been one. You are arguing that the working poor should fall further and further behind.

If companies still want to offshore and we want to do nothing about that, I'll be voting for those who promise a guaranteed income.

(Bloomberg) -- The U.S. central bank should not prematurely withdraw pandemic support for the U.S. economy just because some people are getting rich in the stock market, said San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank President Mary Daly.

“We’re building this bridge, which is barely having many communities hang on, and the stock market is running pretty good and many people who already have money are getting more money,” she said Friday during a virtual discussion hosted by the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

Fed’s Daly Pushes Back Against Pulling Policy Aid to Curb Stocks

But the working poor shouldn't get anything. Screw that.

Minimum wages have been raised ever since there has been one. You are arguing that the working poor should fall further and further behind.

No that is a stupid claim. Absolutely stupid.

What makes the working poor fall further behind, is you jacking up the cost of labor, so they end up unemployed, and can't find a job.

You are the one who wants the working poor to be out of work, and fall further behind.

Every single time they raise the minimum wage, people lose their jobs. No exception.

As long as people like you, do not force people out of jobs with your idiotic policies, people can advance up the income ladder.

No one anywhere wants people to stay poor.

The difference is, we believe the solution to being poor, and people moving themselves up the income ladder.

You believe that people are incapable of doing that, because you are smug arrogant jerks... so you think you need government to fix the lives of other people.

But that never works. What works, is people working their way up. Not sitting around waiting for your fake savior government, to somehow make a law saying your life is better.

Did that work for Greece? They had a minimum wage indexed to inflation. Unemployment got so bad, that they CUT the minimum wage, and what a shock.... unemployed fell, as employers were able to higher people. Crazy how that works.

Almost like we on the right wing have predicted that for almost a hundred years.

Circles. We have already covered this. When they are out of jobs you will pay them a living wage for not working.
The welfare whores are already getting paid for not working
That's fine. When all the production leaves and people far exceed jobs, as I said, we will pay people to not work.
You don't think we won't protect ourselves with Tariffs before that happens? Which... We could do RIGHT NOW to help the dollar stay strong and give the people more buying power... Why do you choose the worst option to do?

And then give the corporations it harms billions more?

Trump's Road to Socialism | Tho Bishop
Company's move from country to country looking for those who will work for less money. That is how you build more profit, Most stuff is now made or grown in other country's. The American wage problem, IS an increase the only or best solution? why haven't we increased it a little every few years so business had time to adjust? or would it have mattered? where did this idea that those who start working for mim wage & get pay increases based on time with the company & doing good work that those jobs are s- - t & people doing them are stupid or some other negative you choice to label them. fact is not every one cares about getting rich, many people just want to do a days work go home & leave the job behind. And you used to be able to house & feed on those wages, what happened? I have way more questions than answers.

That's partially true. So I worked at a company that outsourced to China. I was there, talking with the executives, when this issue came up.

The reason they outsourced to China was not as simple as "We make X profit here, and we'll make more profit there".

It was not a decision between we'll only make $50 Billion here, and if we outsource to there, we'll make $100 Billion.

Instead it was choice of "We'll make no profit if we make it here. We'll make a profit, if we make it there.".

The bottom line was, we could not produce the product in the US, and make any profit. It was either outsource and make profits from the outsourcing... or.... not make the product at all.


I went shoe shopping with the wife. I'm checking out the tennis shoes. All made in Vietnam, Indonesia and China. Priced from $50-$90. There is NO WAY we couldn't manufacture shoes here paying people $15 an hour and do it profitably at those prices.

Then do it. Prove your words with actions.

Because other people have tried that, and they went bankrupt. So instead of barking about it... how about you back your words with actions, and start your own shoe company. Let's see you do it. If you can, then I will admit I'm wrong.

But just using the facts we have right now.... American Apparel went bankrupt following what you claim can be done.

Ethically Made - Sweatshop Free | American Apparel

Yes. It's a lie. Their clothing is made in Honduras.

Go look it up. They went bankrupt, and the people who bought them out, closed all the factories. Nothing of theirs is made in the USA.

The "greatest" country in the world can't profitably make a $90 shoe? Is that really your argument?

So that's wrong. Anyone can make a $90 shoe. But your $90 shoe will be crap compared to the $90 shoes from Honduras, which is why few will buy it, and you'll be out of business like American Apparel. Which they by the way. The company sold off, and they are actually owned by Canadians, and have their factories in Honduras.

So the label still exists, but the company that created American Apparel does not.

I've seen boots and shoes made in the US, that were $200 each. I'm not paying $200 for some boots, when I can buy just as good boots for $50.

So the greatest country in the world can only make crap $90 shoes. Great argument.
You say it's worse, I say it isn't,
I explained what would happen and why... You say that wouldn't be worse. We disagree. Again... if you give me an "oh shit moment" I didn't think of that. I'll thank you.

Minimum wages have been raised ever since there has been one. You are arguing that the working poor should fall further and further behind.

If companies still want to offshore and we want to do nothing about that, I'll be voting for those who promise a guaranteed income.

(Bloomberg) -- The U.S. central bank should not prematurely withdraw pandemic support for the U.S. economy just because some people are getting rich in the stock market, said San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank President Mary Daly.

“We’re building this bridge, which is barely having many communities hang on, and the stock market is running pretty good and many people who already have money are getting more money,” she said Friday during a virtual discussion hosted by the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

Fed’s Daly Pushes Back Against Pulling Policy Aid to Curb Stocks

But the working poor shouldn't get anything. Screw that.

Minimum wages have been raised ever since there has been one. You are arguing that the working poor should fall further and further behind.

No that is a stupid claim. Absolutely stupid.

What makes the working poor fall further behind, is you jacking up the cost of labor, so they end up unemployed, and can't find a job.

You are the one who wants the working poor to be out of work, and fall further behind.

Every single time they raise the minimum wage, people lose their jobs. No exception.

As long as people like you, do not force people out of jobs with your idiotic policies, people can advance up the income ladder.

No one anywhere wants people to stay poor.

The difference is, we believe the solution to being poor, and people moving themselves up the income ladder.

You believe that people are incapable of doing that, because you are smug arrogant jerks... so you think you need government to fix the lives of other people.

But that never works. What works, is people working their way up. Not sitting around waiting for your fake savior government, to somehow make a law saying your life is better.

Did that work for Greece? They had a minimum wage indexed to inflation. Unemployment got so bad, that they CUT the minimum wage, and what a shock.... unemployed fell, as employers were able to higher people. Crazy how that works.

Almost like we on the right wing have predicted that for almost a hundred years.

Circles. We have already covered this. When they are out of jobs you will pay them a living wage for not working.
The welfare whores are already getting paid for not working

We will add millions more.
I went shoe shopping with the wife. I'm checking out the tennis shoes. All made in Vietnam, Indonesia and China. Priced from $50-$90. There is NO WAY we couldn't manufacture shoes here paying people $15 an hour and not do it profitably at those prices.
But they wont' do it. Why would they? They can get people in Vietnam, Indonesia and China to do it for cheaper.

That's fine. When all the production leaves and people far exceed jobs, as I said, we will pay people to not work.

Impossible. Where will they get money to pay people to not work, especially if all the people who pay taxes (such as those who run companies that manufacture) all leave the country?

Besides, that isn't even true. Manufacturing in the US today is larger than in the past 50 years.

Manufacturing is not all leaving.

There wasn't a single show made in the USA. Are you really arguing that the greatest country in the world can't profitably make a $90 shoe?

It's not my argument that the jobs are going to leave when we raise the minimum wage and we are going to do that.

So perhaps I am misunderstanding your position, and that could very well be, and I apologize if that's the case.

However, what you appear to be saying, seems to be extremely contradictory.

You seem to be saying that raising the minimum wage would not cause jobs to leave the US.

I'm saying it does not have to.

Yet, I think it's a given that manufacturing has left the US.... correct? And I think we all agree one reason is because labor costs are cheaper elsewhere..... correct?

So how can you say that jacking up the cost of labor, will not result in job loss to other countries?

How can you admit it is cheaper to produce things outside the country, and this is why manufacturing has moved out of the country, and at the same time, claim that increasing the minimum wage won't cause job loss?

I am saying it does not have to. Businesses can move overseas OR pay people to not work.
I went shoe shopping with the wife. I'm checking out the tennis shoes. All made in Vietnam, Indonesia and China. Priced from $50-$90. There is NO WAY we couldn't manufacture shoes here paying people $15 an hour and not do it profitably at those prices.

If it could be done profitably to sell your sneakers at $50-$90 a pair. Someone would be doing so and making that profit.

If you have a business plan, gather your friends together and offer them an opportunity to get in on the ground floor with you and launch just such a company. You'll be RICH!

Or, are you lying again!

So the greatest country in the world can't make a $90 shoe profitably? No, they do elsewhere because it's better for their stock prices. That's all that matters in this country now.
You say it's worse, I say it isn't,
I explained what would happen and why... You say that wouldn't be worse. We disagree. Again... if you give me an "oh shit moment" I didn't think of that. I'll thank you.

Minimum wages have been raised ever since there has been one. You are arguing that the working poor should fall further and further behind.

If companies still want to offshore and we want to do nothing about that, I'll be voting for those who promise a guaranteed income.

(Bloomberg) -- The U.S. central bank should not prematurely withdraw pandemic support for the U.S. economy just because some people are getting rich in the stock market, said San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank President Mary Daly.

“We’re building this bridge, which is barely having many communities hang on, and the stock market is running pretty good and many people who already have money are getting more money,” she said Friday during a virtual discussion hosted by the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

Fed’s Daly Pushes Back Against Pulling Policy Aid to Curb Stocks

But the working poor shouldn't get anything. Screw that.

Minimum wages have been raised ever since there has been one. You are arguing that the working poor should fall further and further behind.

No that is a stupid claim. Absolutely stupid.

What makes the working poor fall further behind, is you jacking up the cost of labor, so they end up unemployed, and can't find a job.

You are the one who wants the working poor to be out of work, and fall further behind.

Every single time they raise the minimum wage, people lose their jobs. No exception.

As long as people like you, do not force people out of jobs with your idiotic policies, people can advance up the income ladder.

No one anywhere wants people to stay poor.

The difference is, we believe the solution to being poor, and people moving themselves up the income ladder.

You believe that people are incapable of doing that, because you are smug arrogant jerks... so you think you need government to fix the lives of other people.

But that never works. What works, is people working their way up. Not sitting around waiting for your fake savior government, to somehow make a law saying your life is better.

Did that work for Greece? They had a minimum wage indexed to inflation. Unemployment got so bad, that they CUT the minimum wage, and what a shock.... unemployed fell, as employers were able to higher people. Crazy how that works.

Almost like we on the right wing have predicted that for almost a hundred years.

Circles. We have already covered this. When they are out of jobs you will pay them a living wage for not working.

First, we would have to tax people massive high taxes, in order to do that. So you are going to make everyone poor, so that people can sit at home not working?

This gets old........it's not about me. I'm simply stating what is going to happen.

That would be a disaster.

It's inevitable. There will be no other choice. You either pay people to survive or they steal from you to survive.

No... that's not true. In the 1990s, when they passed welfare reform under the GOP contract with America, they kicked millions of people off welfare and food stamps, dropping rolls by less than half.

They didn't go out and start stealing. They got jobs, and earned their keep.

Ahem......the jobs are leaving.

Only if you make them go with higher minimum wage. They certainly were not leaving before. Unemployment fell from 10% in 2010, to 3.8% in 2019. How do you explain that?

Millions unable to pay their rent.
You say it's worse, I say it isn't,
I explained what would happen and why... You say that wouldn't be worse. We disagree. Again... if you give me an "oh shit moment" I didn't think of that. I'll thank you.

Minimum wages have been raised ever since there has been one. You are arguing that the working poor should fall further and further behind.

If companies still want to offshore and we want to do nothing about that, I'll be voting for those who promise a guaranteed income.

(Bloomberg) -- The U.S. central bank should not prematurely withdraw pandemic support for the U.S. economy just because some people are getting rich in the stock market, said San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank President Mary Daly.

“We’re building this bridge, which is barely having many communities hang on, and the stock market is running pretty good and many people who already have money are getting more money,” she said Friday during a virtual discussion hosted by the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

Fed’s Daly Pushes Back Against Pulling Policy Aid to Curb Stocks

But the working poor shouldn't get anything. Screw that.

Minimum wages have been raised ever since there has been one. You are arguing that the working poor should fall further and further behind.

No that is a stupid claim. Absolutely stupid.

What makes the working poor fall further behind, is you jacking up the cost of labor, so they end up unemployed, and can't find a job.

You are the one who wants the working poor to be out of work, and fall further behind.

Every single time they raise the minimum wage, people lose their jobs. No exception.

As long as people like you, do not force people out of jobs with your idiotic policies, people can advance up the income ladder.

No one anywhere wants people to stay poor.

The difference is, we believe the solution to being poor, and people moving themselves up the income ladder.

You believe that people are incapable of doing that, because you are smug arrogant jerks... so you think you need government to fix the lives of other people.

But that never works. What works, is people working their way up. Not sitting around waiting for your fake savior government, to somehow make a law saying your life is better.

Did that work for Greece? They had a minimum wage indexed to inflation. Unemployment got so bad, that they CUT the minimum wage, and what a shock.... unemployed fell, as employers were able to higher people. Crazy how that works.

Almost like we on the right wing have predicted that for almost a hundred years.

Circles. We have already covered this. When they are out of jobs you will pay them a living wage for not working.
The welfare whores are already getting paid for not working


Trump's Road to Socialism | Tho Bishop

I don't doubt or disagree with NYC or other urban areas, esp progressive ones, logically wanting the raise. Or the need of workers. But in rural states, min wage jobs sometimes just supplement rural life of raising and growing one's own food. It will kill jobs, because the people who buy retail goods are the same ones working the jobs. Employers will consolidate gas stations, small grocery's and maybe even Wal-Marts. It just seems typical leftwing elitism to think places like Ala and Miss and WV can't figure out their own state economies.

The Democrats want to raise the minimum wage to the point where employers will choose to automate their businesses, reduce staff, or eliminate low-wage workers altogether. We're already seeing this in the fast food and hospitality industries.

The Democrats' goal is, of course, to drive low-wage workers to unemployment and then onto welfare, where they can be more easily controlled. If the government is paying for your food rather than your employer, wouldn't you be more "willing" to go along with things like mandatory vaccines, only "approved" content on your social media, not questioning what your kids are being taught in school, etc.?
Wow. I forgot how legs tingle on the aisle to the left when control-freakism is duly enhanced. :dunno:
You say it's worse, I say it isn't,
I explained what would happen and why... You say that wouldn't be worse. We disagree. Again... if you give me an "oh shit moment" I didn't think of that. I'll thank you.

Minimum wages have been raised ever since there has been one. You are arguing that the working poor should fall further and further behind.

If companies still want to offshore and we want to do nothing about that, I'll be voting for those who promise a guaranteed income.

(Bloomberg) -- The U.S. central bank should not prematurely withdraw pandemic support for the U.S. economy just because some people are getting rich in the stock market, said San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank President Mary Daly.

“We’re building this bridge, which is barely having many communities hang on, and the stock market is running pretty good and many people who already have money are getting more money,” she said Friday during a virtual discussion hosted by the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

Fed’s Daly Pushes Back Against Pulling Policy Aid to Curb Stocks

But the working poor shouldn't get anything. Screw that.

Minimum wages have been raised ever since there has been one. You are arguing that the working poor should fall further and further behind.

No that is a stupid claim. Absolutely stupid.

What makes the working poor fall further behind, is you jacking up the cost of labor, so they end up unemployed, and can't find a job.

You are the one who wants the working poor to be out of work, and fall further behind.

Every single time they raise the minimum wage, people lose their jobs. No exception.

As long as people like you, do not force people out of jobs with your idiotic policies, people can advance up the income ladder.

No one anywhere wants people to stay poor.

The difference is, we believe the solution to being poor, and people moving themselves up the income ladder.

You believe that people are incapable of doing that, because you are smug arrogant jerks... so you think you need government to fix the lives of other people.

But that never works. What works, is people working their way up. Not sitting around waiting for your fake savior government, to somehow make a law saying your life is better.

Did that work for Greece? They had a minimum wage indexed to inflation. Unemployment got so bad, that they CUT the minimum wage, and what a shock.... unemployed fell, as employers were able to higher people. Crazy how that works.

Almost like we on the right wing have predicted that for almost a hundred years.

Circles. We have already covered this. When they are out of jobs you will pay them a living wage for not working.

First, we would have to tax people massive high taxes, in order to do that. So you are going to make everyone poor, so that people can sit at home not working?

This gets old........it's not about me. I'm simply stating what is going to happen.

That would be a disaster.

It's inevitable. There will be no other choice. You either pay people to survive or they steal from you to survive.

No... that's not true. In the 1990s, when they passed welfare reform under the GOP contract with America, they kicked millions of people off welfare and food stamps, dropping rolls by less than half.

They didn't go out and start stealing. They got jobs, and earned their keep.

Ahem......the jobs are leaving.

Only if you make them go with higher minimum wage. They certainly were not leaving before. Unemployment fell from 10% in 2010, to 3.8% in 2019. How do you explain that?

Millions unable to pay their rent.
That won't change in neighborhoods where pushers just raise the prices on illegal mind-altering drugs with every windfall their customers get. Do the Demmies even care where all that free money goes, that first shuts businesses down? :rolleyes-41:
You say it's worse, I say it isn't,
I explained what would happen and why... You say that wouldn't be worse. We disagree. Again... if you give me an "oh shit moment" I didn't think of that. I'll thank you.

Minimum wages have been raised ever since there has been one. You are arguing that the working poor should fall further and further behind.

If companies still want to offshore and we want to do nothing about that, I'll be voting for those who promise a guaranteed income.

(Bloomberg) -- The U.S. central bank should not prematurely withdraw pandemic support for the U.S. economy just because some people are getting rich in the stock market, said San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank President Mary Daly.

“We’re building this bridge, which is barely having many communities hang on, and the stock market is running pretty good and many people who already have money are getting more money,” she said Friday during a virtual discussion hosted by the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

Fed’s Daly Pushes Back Against Pulling Policy Aid to Curb Stocks

But the working poor shouldn't get anything. Screw that.

Minimum wages have been raised ever since there has been one. You are arguing that the working poor should fall further and further behind.

No that is a stupid claim. Absolutely stupid.

What makes the working poor fall further behind, is you jacking up the cost of labor, so they end up unemployed, and can't find a job.

You are the one who wants the working poor to be out of work, and fall further behind.

Every single time they raise the minimum wage, people lose their jobs. No exception.

As long as people like you, do not force people out of jobs with your idiotic policies, people can advance up the income ladder.

No one anywhere wants people to stay poor.

The difference is, we believe the solution to being poor, and people moving themselves up the income ladder.

You believe that people are incapable of doing that, because you are smug arrogant jerks... so you think you need government to fix the lives of other people.

But that never works. What works, is people working their way up. Not sitting around waiting for your fake savior government, to somehow make a law saying your life is better.

Did that work for Greece? They had a minimum wage indexed to inflation. Unemployment got so bad, that they CUT the minimum wage, and what a shock.... unemployed fell, as employers were able to higher people. Crazy how that works.

Almost like we on the right wing have predicted that for almost a hundred years.

Circles. We have already covered this. When they are out of jobs you will pay them a living wage for not working.

First, we would have to tax people massive high taxes, in order to do that. So you are going to make everyone poor, so that people can sit at home not working?

This gets old........it's not about me. I'm simply stating what is going to happen.

That would be a disaster.

It's inevitable. There will be no other choice. You either pay people to survive or they steal from you to survive.

No... that's not true. In the 1990s, when they passed welfare reform under the GOP contract with America, they kicked millions of people off welfare and food stamps, dropping rolls by less than half.

They didn't go out and start stealing. They got jobs, and earned their keep.

Ahem......the jobs are leaving.

Only if you make them go with higher minimum wage. They certainly were not leaving before. Unemployment fell from 10% in 2010, to 3.8% in 2019. How do you explain that?

Millions unable to pay their rent.
That won't change in neighborhoods where pushers just raise the prices on illegal mind-altering drugs with every windfall their customers get. Do the Demmies even care where all that free money goes, that first shuts businesses down? :rolleyes-41:

Your concern, not mine.
That's fine. When all the production leaves and people far exceed jobs, as I said, we will pay people to not work.
You don't think we won't protect ourselves with Tariffs before that happens? Which... We could do RIGHT NOW to help the dollar stay strong and give the people more buying power... Why do you choose the worst option to do?

And then give the corporations it harms billions more?

Trump's Road to Socialism | Tho Bishop
McDonald's is a job for a teenager or a retired guy to keep busy, It is a job, not a career.:hyper::hyper:
If you work, you should make a living wage, period.
LOL - really? Regardless of the work?

So, let's say I like to paint pictures. If I work every day painting pictures (they're terrible btw), should I be guaranteed a "living wage"?

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