I don't say this lightly, but President Obama just LIED

Oh..relying on the Daily Caller?

A internet rag in trouble for trying to pin Child Prostitutes on Senator Menedez?

Have you no shame?

Yet you have no problem with your ilk putting up stink progress or huffo puffo links??

Oh.. BTW.. how is THIS as a source??? Remarks by the President at a DCCC Event -- San Francisco, CA | The White House

Yeah Davey..you see me using them all the time..for really important stuff..right?


Anyways..the Huffington Post has won journalism awards. I still don't use them.

The Daily Caller? May have been involved in BRIBING prostitutes to LIE.

Gotta love it.

Again avoiding the topic. Are you really that afraid to address the President either lying or being a complete ignoramous about the incident he considered the worst tragedy during his Presidency?

Let's give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he has his facts wrong, does it bother you that the President can be so completely wrong about an incident he says is one of the most important of his Presidency? If he is misinformed on this topic, how much worse is he on events that are even less important?

And if he isnt misinformed, he is deliberately lying for his agenda. Do you really support that?
Oh..relying on the Daily Caller?

A internet rag in trouble for trying to pin Child Prostitutes on Senator Menedez?

Have you no shame?

Yet you have no problem with your ilk putting up stink progress or huffo puffo links??

Oh.. BTW.. how is THIS as a source??? Remarks by the President at a DCCC Event -- San Francisco, CA | The White House

Yeah Davey..you see me using them all the time..for really important stuff..right?


Anyways..the Huffington Post has won journalism awards. I still don't use them.

The Daily Caller? May have been involved in BRIBING prostitutes to LIE.

Gotta love it.
So... did the Obama lie, or is He simply ignorant?
Tim McVeigh was right in the same belief system you are in.

he wore a dont tread on me Tee when he was arrested

No he wasnt. I don't believe in murdering people.

That's one reason I dont support abortion.
Politicians are infamous for bending words to create misdirection without actually lying.

This time, Obama lied...outright:

Obama...referred for the first time to an alleged “fully automatic weapon” involved in the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.

That rifle Lanza used was nothing more than a simple semi auto, just like the vast majority of firearms out there. It was NOT a 'fully automatic' weapon.

And please, don't give us that shit that he 'misspoke'. He damn well knows the difference and if he doesn't, he has no business talking about laws concerning firearms.


Obama: Newtown children killed with 'fully automatic weapon' | The Daily Caller
The idiots now trying to compose gun control laws do not understand how guns work. I too am sure that Obama was deliberately lying when he spoke this. There is some bitch in California trying to write a gun ban bill and she does not understand how gun clips and magazines work. She thinks they come pre-loaded and are discarded after firing the bullets. There is another stupid bitch trying to outlaw guns with "barrel shrouds" and she has admitted that she does not even know what a barrel shroud is. These people are absolute fucking lunatics seeking nothing but control of people they do not agree with.

Beam me up, Scottie!

Can I come with you Please!!!!
He was avenging Randy Weaver who you admitt is your hero on the right

Hero? The man had his family gunned down by the Government after they set him up and then lied about the court date. There is nothing heroic about that. Just extremely tragic.
Your chest puffing and bluster just doesnt scare people anymore.

Your gun waving jsut pisses more Americans off now.

the NRA is seen as a bad JOKE now.

Your done.

enjoy your last mouthful of tar on the way down into the pit

Hey you stupid racist, obama lied, period. Don't try to deflect.
They were all right wing looney gun nutters.

Just like you fools

Your day is done

You can say that again and again. It doesnt change the fact that the President either lied or is extremely incompetant when it comes to collecting facts about self professed important events of his presidency.

The fact that you are avoiding that tells me alot about how you are desperate to avoid the truth on the topic.
The fact that you are avoiding that tells me alot about how you are desperate to avoid the truth on the topic.


Yep. That, or the bowl of paint chips it had this morning is 'kicking in'. The subsequent meltdowns are, if nothing else, entertaining.
You shouldn't talk about obama like that, fast and furious. Anyway abortion doctors are the evil ones amonst us.

nope your idiots heros like Tim McVeigh are

Lol, your so dumb you thought the grape nuts was a veneral disease and peter pan was a hospital utensil. What does obama's gun smuggling have to do with mc viegh. I was just showing you how evil "by your words" your messiah is.

She starts drinking early.
Yet you have no problem with your ilk putting up stink progress or huffo puffo links??

Oh.. BTW.. how is THIS as a source??? Remarks by the President at a DCCC Event -- San Francisco, CA | The White House

Yeah Davey..you see me using them all the time..for really important stuff..right?


Anyways..the Huffington Post has won journalism awards. I still don't use them.

The Daily Caller? May have been involved in BRIBING prostitutes to LIE.

Gotta love it.
So... did the Obama lie, or is He simply ignorant?

Obama is many things, evil, corrupt, and a liar, but he isn't ignorant.
Lol, your so dumb you thought the grape nuts was a veneral disease and peter pan was a hospital utensil. What does obama's gun smuggling have to do with mc viegh. I was just showing you how evil "by your words" your messiah is.

She starts drinking early.

Please don't call it a 'she'. Thanks.

gee you dont like to treat humans like humans huh?

does that make it easier fofr you to kill people with your guns?

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