I Don't Think Many Of You Know What "Confronted" Means

Zimmerman apparently has no white blood in him. He's hispanic with an amalgum of other races most notably black.
His mother is Peruvian and his father is white.

The police report notes him as "white."

To most observers, he is white.

Where you get your "amalgam of other races most notably black" one can only guess.

well dangnation.. obama's mama was from Kansas and daddykins was from Kenya, to most observers he must be white too.. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

And note that another twerp form the left has to focus on the race of the alledged perp?
It's an easily sensationalized story for the 24-hour news networks to pull in the usual crowd of people that can't get enough of other people's misery and get ratings. In short, it sells.

To politicize it is just par for the course in today's political discourse, but as you say, it's sickening.

This happened over three weeks ago. If not for the family "politicizing" it, the case would have been swept under the rug

A whole three weeks ago? Really? And clarify what you mean when you say 'swept under the rug.'
This happened over three weeks ago. If not for the family "politicizing" it, the case would have been swept under the rug

And you know this HOW?? You know whether the investigators are sweeping it under the rug or doing their due diligence to make sure that if charges are brought against anyone, that they stick because there are not holes in the case because they rushed things??

And it is not the family politicizing and using this as a stage... it is everyone from politicians, extremist groups, vigilante groups, talk show hosts, media networks, etc that are politicizing this....

It is a shame that this grandstanding is taking away from a tragic death of someone young.... condolences should be going to the family so that they can get beyond this and heal in whatever way they can.... and that will not happen when you have grandstanding by talking heads and agenda driven assholes

I know this how the police took his story at face value
I know this how and armed civilian who just killed a kid was never brought in for questioning
I know this how Zimmerman was allowed to leave the scene with the murder weapon
I know this how the guy was never clearly established as part of a neighborhood watch or involved in a formal patrol at the time

If not for the family raising a stink......nothing would have been done. Given the delay, nothing will probably get done

I heard they gave the Victim a drug and alcohol test and not the shooter. :confused: Yeah, it's Sharptons fault for bringing light to this issue. How is this a bad thing? I dunno...People say Sharpton and turn on the auto-hate feature in their brains
His mother is Peruvian and his father is white.

The police report notes him as "white."

To most observers, he is white.

Where you get your "amalgam of other races most notably black" one can only guess.

well dangnation.. obama's mama was from Kansas and daddykins was from Kenya, to most observers he must be white too.. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

And note that another twerp form the left has to focus on the race of the alledged perp?

I'm just trying to get to their logic,, lesseee white plus hispanic (brown) gets white..

white plus black gets you black..

now when white kills black for no reason the whole nation is in an uproar. but when black sets white on fire they shrug it off and says "what's race got to do with it." :eusa_shifty:
It's an easily sensationalized story for the 24-hour news networks to pull in the usual crowd of people that can't get enough of other people's misery and get ratings. In short, it sells.

To politicize it is just par for the course in today's political discourse, but as you say, it's sickening.

This happened over three weeks ago. If not for the family "politicizing" it, the case would have been swept under the rug

A whole three weeks ago? Really? And clarify what you mean when you say 'swept under the rug.'

Seems to me the rug has been yanked and the mess is here for all to see.

Shame there are so many politicizing a tragedy that can be handled by the State without massive morons like Sharpton and Obama/FED getting involved.
That is as much a myth as "I think he said punks not coons".

Just like Catholics can see the image of Jesus in a slice of toast, liberals can hear "coons" in an inaudible sound on a tape.

Even if he said "coons", so what? People who use Politically Incorrect language don't have a right of self-defense?

Some coon attacked a man with a gun, and the coon got shot. And, because liberals hate white people, they want the man to go to prison.
The way people are politicizing this tragedy that never shouldve happened is sickening. With the evidence we as those on the outside looking in should, to any reasonable person, show you Zimmerman should at the very least be charged and put on trial. You've got Al Sharptongue out there leeching off the situation and a bunch of assholes trying to link this to the Stand Your Ground law in FL and bringing up the banning of guns. The guy obviously went after the kid and started the whole thing. I don't have any respect for these people trying to promote their pet causes piggy backing off the unnecessary death of a young man.

I feel for the family and believe that they are right in demanding he be charged and tried, I wouldn't blame them for wanting Zimmerman put to death. But these marching idiots making it a racial issue are nothing more than agitators. I can understand Trayvon's family, friends, neighbors protesting. But alot these people making speeches and marching and commenting on the news who don't know him are just out to promote their causes, they didn't know this young man, nor do they genuinely care about his death in general, and it shows when they turn it into a race issue.

I don't believe in hate crime legislation. Murder is murder, the reasoning for the murder should only count if it proves intent. As far as sentencing it should have no bearing. No life is worth more than another. So let's knock off the bullshit and just let what happens happen. If Zimmerman faces trial, as I believe he should, it shouldnt be because of marches, tv comments, and peoples feelings.

It should be because of the evidence.

Alright.... Done ranting. I had to get that off my chest. Spent a good hour arguing with my father over this this morning.

except that it IS about race. if a black man killed a white kid after pursuing them for no reason, we'd be talking about whether the guy should do life or get the death penalty.

so you can complain, but a lot of people marched for civil rights, too.

That story would be the wet dream of every fox news host. 24-7
This happened over three weeks ago. If not for the family "politicizing" it, the case would have been swept under the rug

A whole three weeks ago? Really? And clarify what you mean when you say 'swept under the rug.'

Seems to me the rug has been yanked and the mess is here for all to see.

Shame there are so many politicizing a tragedy that can be handled by the State without massive morons like Sharpton and Obama/FED getting involved.
Almost anything can be handled without Al Sharpton getting involved.
except that it IS about race. if a black man killed a white kid after pursuing them for no reason, we'd be talking about whether the guy should do life or get the death penalty.

so you can complain, but a lot of people marched for civil rights, too.

Zimmerman apparently has no white blood in him. He's hispanic with an amalgum of other races most notably black.
His mother is Peruvian and his father is white.

The police report notes him as "white."

To most observers, he is white.

Where you get your "amalgam of other races most notably black" one can only guess.

In a minute, I'll get the link.
His mother is Peruvian and his father is white.

The police report notes him as "white."

To most observers, he is white.

Where you get your "amalgam of other races most notably black" one can only guess.

well dangnation.. obama's mama was from Kansas and daddykins was from Kenya, to most observers he must be white too.. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

And note that another twerp form the left has to focus on the race of the alledged perp?
I never thought of Pred Fan as a liberal twerp, but have it your way, Tommy.
well dangnation.. obama's mama was from Kansas and daddykins was from Kenya, to most observers he must be white too.. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

And note that another twerp form the left has to focus on the race of the alledged perp?

I'm just trying to get to their logic,, lesseee white plus hispanic (brown) gets white..
white plus black gets you black..
now when white kills black for no reason the whole nation is in an uproar. but when black sets white on fire they shrug it off and says "what's race got to do with it." :eusa_shifty:

As long as you dont use your eyes I guess you would be confused wiwwow.
And you know this HOW?? You know whether the investigators are sweeping it under the rug or doing their due diligence to make sure that if charges are brought against anyone, that they stick because there are not holes in the case because they rushed things??

And it is not the family politicizing and using this as a stage... it is everyone from politicians, extremist groups, vigilante groups, talk show hosts, media networks, etc that are politicizing this....

It is a shame that this grandstanding is taking away from a tragic death of someone young.... condolences should be going to the family so that they can get beyond this and heal in whatever way they can.... and that will not happen when you have grandstanding by talking heads and agenda driven assholes

I know this how the police took his story at face value
I know this how and armed civilian who just killed a kid was never brought in for questioning
I know this how Zimmerman was allowed to leave the scene with the murder weapon
I know this how the guy was never clearly established as part of a neighborhood watch or involved in a formal patrol at the time

If not for the family raising a stink......nothing would have been done. Given the delay, nothing will probably get done

I heard they gave the Victim a drug and alcohol test and not the shooter. :confused: Yeah, it's Sharptons fault for bringing light to this issue. How is this a bad thing? I dunno...People say Sharpton and turn on the auto-hate feature in their brains

You heard :rolleyes:

Well.. that's all the proof I need :rolleyes:
except that it IS about race. if a black man killed a white kid after pursuing them for no reason, we'd be talking about whether the guy should do life or get the death penalty.

so you can complain, but a lot of people marched for civil rights, too.

Zimmerman apparently has no white blood in him. He's hispanic with an amalgum of other races most notably black.
His mother is Peruvian and his father is white.

The police report notes him as "white."

To most observers, he is white.

Where you get your "amalgam of other races most notably black" one can only guess.

Here's the first link where his family describes him as "Multi-racial Hispanic". There is another article that I read just today that stated that he has very close family members that were black. I'm still trying to find that article.

Zimmerman was on the ground being punched when he shot Trayvon Martin - Charleston Charleston Conservative | Examiner.com
well dangnation.. obama's mama was from Kansas and daddykins was from Kenya, to most observers he must be white too.. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

And note that another twerp form the left has to focus on the race of the alledged perp?

I'm just trying to get to their logic,, lesseee white plus hispanic (brown) gets white..

white plus black gets you black..

now when white kills black for no reason the whole nation is in an uproar. but when black sets white on fire they shrug it off and says "what's race got to do with it." :eusa_shifty:

Agreed. YOU demonstrated the absurdity by being such yourself.

Good job! You nailed it.
Jesus (hey zeus) Christ! This guy could be me or you. wtf is wrong with people? has the mob mentality taken over the nation?

46 Calls - The Daily Beast
Apparently so. More should notice.

More should value the process.

This shit is scary. Cons, libs, progressives, all get nutso where race is concerned. People forget process.

I want to start a fund for George even if he is a racist fuck. Which I don't believe.

I'm ashamed to be a member of the human race today. :eusa_shifty:

George is a murderer. I can't believe this is how you see things. He was a right wing extremist with guns and racism.

Now, on the other hand, I also agree with Geraldo and Fox that black people need to stop dressing like criminals. If the kid was dressed in dockers and a polo shirt, he would not have gotten shot. Kids, and that goes for you Wiggers too, stop dressing like gangstas. If George would have shot a kid wearing polo and pants that don't show his underwear, he'd be in jail. Dress appropriately. You aren't impressing any of us. But you are scaring the shit out of some of us.

Again, George should go to jail for stalking and chasing that kid and murdering him in cold blood.
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