I Don't Think Many Of You Know What "Confronted" Means

Zimmerman has an extensive history of violence towards others. But we should ignore that, and only talk about Martin's past, right?

And that should be a warning to people to not attack people, because they might have a history of violence and might shoot you in self defense.

Perhaps idiots like Zimmerman should not go chasing down people who are running away from them, or corner them in other people's back yards. They might fear for their lives and defend themselves.

Being that unbiased fact finder again?
A record of violence, he assaulted a police officer, got off through Pre Trial diversion. Had an Injunction against him for domestic violence, dismissed after he filed one also.

Was rejected from a police academy, reasons unknown. Set himself up as the "Neighborhood Watch" in his community.

Called 911 the EVENING he killed an armed teenager, Trayvon Martin. Ignored the advice given, and continued following the teenager.

Suffered minor wounds at some point in the encounter. Zimmerman was found standing over the young man he killed when police arrived minutes later. He went to a doctor the next day. Never entered a hospital, the police describe his injuries as NOT SERIOUS.

He remains free, in hiding, allegedly remorseful; why he might be remorseful after he killed in "self defense" is also unknown.

The evidence in the case is stale, no toxicology tests were done on the killer. Little evidence collected by the Sanford PD, no further investigation until the killing was publicized.

Why do many anti crime, usual victims' advocates, turn this 28 year old man into a sympathetic figure? The 17 year old victim will never see the light of day again. Trayvon Martin is the victim, not George Zimmerman.
Called 911 the EVENING he killed an armed teenager, Trayvon Martin. Ignored the advice given, and continued following the teenager.

Actually that's a lie

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6aVwPqXc-bk]George Zimmerman Trayvon Martin 911 Call - YouTube[/ame]

Zimmerman when told to not follow he stopped it was Trayvon when approach Zimmerman.
I think it's worth pointing out that the picture we keep seeing of Trayvon is him when he was 12 years old. When he died he was 17 years old, 6'-3" tall, and weighed 140 pounds. They should start showing a more recent photo of him, because this one of him as child is distorting who he actually was. He was big enough to get Zimmerman on the ground, get on top of him, break his nose, and smash his head into the pavement.

When the first call was made by Zimmerman, the time was 7:00 pm. In Orlando the sun had set at 6:23 (37 minutes earler) and civil dusk had come at 6:50. Civil dusk is a state of light such that you can still see outlines but not details.

I say that last about the light because Juan Williams on FNC repeatedly says that a white kid carrying skittles and a can of ice tea would not be shot, and that explains why this was a racist act. With the light available it might have easily been possible to see that the person did not have a white face, but what he was carrying (including a cellphone) would not have been easily discerned.
Well except the 911 tape is evidence that not martin but Zimmerman was yelling for help

I didn't claim to know it was anyone.

Just stop.

Do you bother to read threads you post in? After I said that the original poster clarified what the tape was, and who said what. I guess keeping up with all that fact finding requires you to not pay attention to inconvenient posts right?

And what kind of blathering bullshit excuse is that for the fact that you're contradicting yourself? Back to my previous question, how do you "know" that it was Zimmerman who was screaming?
Zimmerman has an extensive history of violence towards others. But we should ignore that, and only talk about Martin's past, right?

And that should be a warning to people to not attack people, because they might have a history of violence and might shoot you in self defense.

Perhaps idiot sissies like Zimmerman should not go chasing down people who are running away from them, or corner them in other people's back yards. They might fear for their lives and defend themselves.
Wrong Trayvon approached Zimmerman
There are 30 people named George Zimmerman in the white pages in Florida. If he is one of these people, then this is all for naught really.

I still say, what spike lee did was wrong. It hurts us who really want justice served.

(Oh and they are going to do everything they can to discredit the victim. I already see it.)
No matter what happens at this point in this case. the rabid left have made sure of the impossibility of Mr. Zimmerman getting a fair and impartial jury.. should it come to that..Way to go libturds..

The unbalanced coverage of this is my biggest complaint. I have followed several cases that were wrongful convictions, which were overturned, and one thing many of those cases have in common is a bias media willing to convict them before they set foot in a court room.

We all have the right to a fair trial and I don't see how that is possible when the media taints the jury pool. How many people hate Zimmerman and are hoping like hell they get a chance to be on the jury? They will lie about being bias and say what they need to in order to get chosen even though they have already made up their minds and could care less about what is presented in court.


If there was no media circus about this, there would be NO trial at all - the police were content to let Zimmerman go home, and ignore the dead kid.

He still hasn't been arrested yet, but it's nice to see how worried you are about whether he gets a "fair trial".

Would no trial at all been "fair"?

If Zimmerman had been arrested from the get-go, there would be no media at all. This would be like hundreds of other manslaughter cases across the country...ignored.
And that should be a warning to people to not attack people, because they might have a history of violence and might shoot you in self defense.

Perhaps idiots like Zimmerman should not go chasing down people who are running away from them, or corner them in other people's back yards. They might fear for their lives and defend themselves.

Being that unbiased fact finder again?

When is he ever unbiased? Doesn't matter.
Just stop.

Do you bother to read threads you post in? After I said that the original poster clarified what the tape was, and who said what. I guess keeping up with all that fact finding requires you to not pay attention to inconvenient posts right?

And what kind of blathering bullshit excuse is that for the fact that you're contradicting yourself? Back to my previous question, how do you "know" that it was Zimmerman who was screaming?
Are you stupid? The original poster of the tape clarified it IN THIS THREAD, I quoted it for you. The Husband of the woman that made the call stated it was Zimmerman calling for help. Do try to keep up with all that fact finding of yours.
Just stop.

Do you bother to read threads you post in? After I said that the original poster clarified what the tape was, and who said what. I guess keeping up with all that fact finding requires you to not pay attention to inconvenient posts right?

And what kind of blathering bullshit excuse is that for the fact that you're contradicting yourself? Back to my previous question, how do you "know" that it was Zimmerman who was screaming?

Well, according to Trayvon's father, it wasn't Trayvon.
I think it's worth pointing out that the picture we keep seeing of Trayvon is him when he was 12 years old. When he died he was 17 years old, 6'-3" tall, and weighed 140 pounds. They should start showing a more recent photo of him, because this one of him as child is distorting who he actually was. He was big enough to get Zimmerman on the ground, get on top of him, break his nose, and smash his head into the pavement.

When the first call was made by Zimmerman, the time was 7:00 pm. In Orlando the sun had set at 6:23 (37 minutes earler) and civil dusk had come at 6:50. Civil dusk is a state of light such that you can still see outlines but not details.

I say that last about the light because Juan Williams on FNC repeatedly says that a white kid carrying skittles and a can of ice tea would not be shot, and that explains why this was a racist act. With the light available it might have easily been possible to see that the person did not have a white face, but what he was carrying (including a cellphone) would not have been easily discerned.

It was easy to see because Zimmerman said the kid was black to the dispatcher...
I think it's worth pointing out that the picture we keep seeing of Trayvon is him when he was 12 years old. When he died he was 17 years old, 6'-3" tall, and weighed 140 pounds. They should start showing a more recent photo of him, because this one of him as child is distorting who he actually was. He was big enough to get Zimmerman on the ground, get on top of him, break his nose, and smash his head into the pavement.

When the first call was made by Zimmerman, the time was 7:00 pm. In Orlando the sun had set at 6:23 (37 minutes earler) and civil dusk had come at 6:50. Civil dusk is a state of light such that you can still see outlines but not details.

I say that last about the light because Juan Williams on FNC repeatedly says that a white kid carrying skittles and a can of ice tea would not be shot, and that explains why this was a racist act. With the light available it might have easily been possible to see that the person did not have a white face, but what he was carrying (including a cellphone) would not have been easily discerned.

It was easy to see because Zimmerman said the kid was black to the dispatcher...

Do you bother to read threads you post in? After I said that the original poster clarified what the tape was, and who said what. I guess keeping up with all that fact finding requires you to not pay attention to inconvenient posts right?

And what kind of blathering bullshit excuse is that for the fact that you're contradicting yourself? Back to my previous question, how do you "know" that it was Zimmerman who was screaming?

Well, according to Trayvon's father, it wasn't Trayvon.
actually it does not sound like a young black male screaming

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=okGY4EHwHsY]Black Teen Death Caught On Tape ( Trayvon Martin ) - YouTube[/ame]
I think it's worth pointing out that the picture we keep seeing of Trayvon is him when he was 12 years old. When he died he was 17 years old, 6'-3" tall, and weighed 140 pounds. They should start showing a more recent photo of him, because this one of him as child is distorting who he actually was. He was big enough to get Zimmerman on the ground, get on top of him, break his nose, and smash his head into the pavement.

When the first call was made by Zimmerman, the time was 7:00 pm. In Orlando the sun had set at 6:23 (37 minutes earler) and civil dusk had come at 6:50. Civil dusk is a state of light such that you can still see outlines but not details.

I say that last about the light because Juan Williams on FNC repeatedly says that a white kid carrying skittles and a can of ice tea would not be shot, and that explains why this was a racist act. With the light available it might have easily been possible to see that the person did not have a white face, but what he was carrying (including a cellphone) would not have been easily discerned.

Nice try but Zimmerman had already identified him as a black youth on the phone...and not just by calling him a fucking c word for black person.

6' 3" and 140 pounds? Kid would fall down a drain he was so skinny.

Are you forgetting that Zimmerman pursued this young man who was doing nothing more than walking home after getting a snack?
Trayvon Martin: Jeb Bush says "stand your ground" law doesn't apply to George Zimmerman's reported actions - Orlando Sentinel

The death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin has put Florida's "stand your ground" law under scrutiny after police cited it as one reason they did not arrest George Zimmerman, the 28-year-old Neighborhood Watch volunteer who said he shot Trayvon in self-defense.

But the man who signed "stand your ground" into law says officials have it wrong. Speaking Friday in Texas, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush said "stand your ground" doesn't apply to this case."Stand your ground means stand your ground. It doesn't mean chase after somebody who's turned their back," Bush told The Dallas Morning News.

My bad, he said "fucking" coons. I dont want to misrepresent this fine gentleman.

Does this make any difference in your mind?

He also said "they always get away". Who are they and what exactly was that kid doing wrong?

Again, any differnce?

Goon or coon? I can't tell and neither could many experts, but you seem to be able to, interesting, and who could they be? Criminals, kids, but you go again directly to the race card. Interesting.

Yeah..it was coons. In any case..it follows the narrative that 911 tapes show. And Zimmerman's previous calls..all which were made on black people.

They were not black, they were "goons" apparently. :confused:
Yes, Zimmerman clearly was not in accordance with the Stand Your Ground law. All the argument of how its a bad law because of the Martin murder, is completely moot.
I think it's worth pointing out that the picture we keep seeing of Trayvon is him when he was 12 years old. When he died he was 17 years old, 6'-3" tall, and weighed 140 pounds. They should start showing a more recent photo of him, because this one of him as child is distorting who he actually was. He was big enough to get Zimmerman on the ground, get on top of him, break his nose, and smash his head into the pavement.

When the first call was made by Zimmerman, the time was 7:00 pm. In Orlando the sun had set at 6:23 (37 minutes earler) and civil dusk had come at 6:50. Civil dusk is a state of light such that you can still see outlines but not details.

I say that last about the light because Juan Williams on FNC repeatedly says that a white kid carrying skittles and a can of ice tea would not be shot, and that explains why this was a racist act. With the light available it might have easily been possible to see that the person did not have a white face, but what he was carrying (including a cellphone) would not have been easily discerned.

he was told not to follow. so it almost doesn't matter what was in the kid's hand.
Are you stupid? The original poster of the tape clarified it IN THIS THREAD, I quoted it for you. The Husband of the woman that made the call stated it was Zimmerman calling for help. Do try to keep up with all that fact finding of yours.

Wait, are you basing it off of the witness or the 911 tape? Which one? What about the witness who said it was Martin screaming? Yet again, you are being a textbook example of confirmation bias. You are ignoring the evidence that conflicts with your conclusion, and trumpeting only those things that would support your conclusion. And you seem completely unable to give any good reason why to reject and affirm those particular pieces of evidence that you've chosen to reject and confirm. And you have the audacity to say that I'm being biased? I'm the only one looking for a CONSISTENT explanation in all of this.
I think it's worth pointing out that the picture we keep seeing of Trayvon is him when he was 12 years old. When he died he was 17 years old, 6'-3" tall, and weighed 140 pounds. They should start showing a more recent photo of him, because this one of him as child is distorting who he actually was. He was big enough to get Zimmerman on the ground, get on top of him, break his nose, and smash his head into the pavement.

When the first call was made by Zimmerman, the time was 7:00 pm. In Orlando the sun had set at 6:23 (37 minutes earler) and civil dusk had come at 6:50. Civil dusk is a state of light such that you can still see outlines but not details.

I say that last about the light because Juan Williams on FNC repeatedly says that a white kid carrying skittles and a can of ice tea would not be shot, and that explains why this was a racist act. With the light available it might have easily been possible to see that the person did not have a white face, but what he was carrying (including a cellphone) would not have been easily discerned.

It was easy to see because Zimmerman said the kid was black to the dispatcher...



Yeah, now he’s coming toward me. He’s got his hands in his waist band.

And he’s a black male.[1:03]

911 dispatcher:

How old would you say he is?

George Zimmerman's 911 call transcribed

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