I Don't Think Many Of You Know What "Confronted" Means

No matter what happens at this point in this case. the rabid left have made sure of the impossibility of Mr. Zimmerman getting a fair and impartial jury.. should it come to that..Way to go libturds..

Thank you. Now how long before someone stands their ground on Zimmerman?
No matter what happens at this point in this case. the rabid left have made sure of the impossibility of Mr. Zimmerman getting a fair and impartial jury.. should it come to that..Way to go libturds..

Thank you. Now how long before someone stands their ground on Zimmerman?
I'm sure one of your Black Panther friends would be more than happy to make himself a political prisoner.
But of course you AREN'T right? You know what happened, who to believe and what story is right? I got that part right?

I'm processing all the available information and running it through the filter of logic, and extrapolating those portions of information that are consistent with others, and those that are inconsistent with others, and weighing the veracity of all the various claims accordingly based on various factors of how and why a person's account might be inaccurate, etc.

What I see is that the idea of Zimmerman's innocence cannot be logically reached, because all the attempted rationales for various issues are contradictory to each other and make it impossible to achieve a singular, consistent explanation of the events and the evidence. Even if we limit the scope to Zimmerman's claims specifically, his claims produce irreconcilable inconsistencies. He claims that he was attacked from behind, yet he claims that when he was attacked Martin smashed the back of his head against the pavement. This, alone, shows Zimmerman's claims just don't make sense. He claims that he was brutally attacked and being punched repeatedly to such a degree that it invoked him to scream such bloody murder as is heard on the 911 tape. Yet Zimmerman lacked injuries that would be consistent with such a brutal beating. Zimmerman claims he didn't pull out his gun until he "feared for his life" but claims he feared for his life because Martin tried to grab his gun. These claims are inconsistent with each other. Zimmerman admits that Martin was running away from him, yet he claims that he was walking away from Martin. This claim is a rather extraordinary claim. It's a much more reasonable to expect that Martin would have taken the opportunity to once again get away from Zimmerman.
So Zimmerman was taking a major ass kicking from the kid. That's hard enough to believe in and of itself. If some kid half my size were on top of me kicking my ass like that, it would be pretty easy to just push him off. But that's okay, let's just go with that for a moment.....

How did Zimmerman manage to pull out his gun in all of that? Was he not at least using his arms and hands to try to fend off the blows? If Zimmerman stopped blocking shots long enough to pull out his gun, how was he not more seriously injured? How was he not injured enough that he would have needed to go to the hospital? Why wasn't his face beaten to a pulp? How did he end up having nothing more than a bloody nose? Where's the bloody mouth, the facial swelling, the black eyes? For that matter, where are the interruptions in the screaming heard in the 911 tapes? Are we supposed to believe that Martin was giving Zimmerman titty-twisters?

Half his size? You realize that pictures of Trayvon floating around online are from several years ago right?

Martin was 6 foot 3 inches tall. A football player with what appears to be a past of violence towards others. But lets not let facts like Zimmerman's broken nose and wound to the back of his head get in the way now.

A history of violence? The only hint of violence is the allegation he may have "swung at a bus driver"; the killer had a real history of violence, an arrest for assaulting a police officer, injunction against domestic violence. It still may have been self defense on the part of the killer, but it is a bit early to canonize him. The young man is DEAD; Zimmerman is very good at violence. Zimmerman's injuries were not serious, he went to the police station, not a hospital, and visited his doctor the next day.
Bullshit, he has family members that are black, has close personal friends that are black

My boss at work has is engaged to a black man. Actually, he works for our company too, in a different department. Real nice guy, one of my favorite people to work with (I used to work in the department he is in now). Of course, that doesn't stop her from complaining about the, shall we say "trends," regarding how black customers behave. The head accountant at our company was just married two weeks ago, to a black man. They've been together for a decade, and have two children together. Cute boys, then then again mixed ethnicities tend to have an edge when it comes to attractiveness. She does the same thing. Then there's the manager of another department who used to work in my department, and occasionally comes over to do a day shift with us when we're short handed. She's half black and her husband is black. Yet wouldn't you know that she does the same thing.

Now, I could be crazy. But racially based prejudice tends to be alot more complex than "I have black friends and family."

you are hearing what you want to hear, as well as ignoring eye witness testimony.

No, you're distorting the witness accounts. Nobody saw Martin attack Zimmerman. The only account given has claimed that they observed a confrontation and claim that Martin has the upper hand at the particular moment. Even if we accept the account, it's just as possible that Zimmerman started the altercation and Martin managed to gain the upper hand.

That being said, YOU are ignoring the fact that there is also witness accounts that contradict your theory. There's the witnesses who said that it was Martin screaming, and the witnesses that have said that the police altered the statements they verbal provided, and insisted that those people were wrong. You're providing a textbook example of confirmation bias.

I think the precedent was set back during the Newsom/Christian murders that if you have friends or date people of the race of people you victimized, then it can't be called a hate crime.
"There is absolutely no proof of a hate crime," said John Gill, special counsel to Knox County District Atty. Randy Nichols. "It was a terrible crime, a horrendous crime, but race was not a motive. We know from our investigation that the people charged in this case were friends with white people, socialized with white people, dated white people. So not only is there no evidence of any racial animus, there's evidence to the contrary."

What is a hate crime? - chicagotribune.com
No matter what happens at this point in this case. the rabid left have made sure of the impossibility of Mr. Zimmerman getting a fair and impartial jury.. should it come to that..Way to go libturds..

The unbalanced coverage of this is my biggest complaint. I have followed several cases that were wrongful convictions, which were overturned, and one thing many of those cases have in common is a bias media willing to convict them before they set foot in a court room.

We all have the right to a fair trial and I don't see how that is possible when the media taints the jury pool. How many people hate Zimmerman and are hoping like hell they get a chance to be on the jury? They will lie about being bias and say what they need to in order to get chosen even though they have already made up their minds and could care less about what is presented in court.


If there was no media circus about this, there would be NO trial at all - the police were content to let Zimmerman go home, and ignore the dead kid.

He still hasn't been arrested yet, but it's nice to see how worried you are about whether he gets a "fair trial".

Would no trial at all been "fair"?
Maybe everyone should try getting all the facts and hearing the whole story before making decision just a thought.

Because most were ready to let this slide into the files forever. The police allowed this to become what it is.
No matter what happens at this point in this case. the rabid left have made sure of the impossibility of Mr. Zimmerman getting a fair and impartial jury.. should it come to that..Way to go libturds..

The unbalanced coverage of this is my biggest complaint. I have followed several cases that were wrongful convictions, which were overturned, and one thing many of those cases have in common is a bias media willing to convict them before they set foot in a court room.

We all have the right to a fair trial and I don't see how that is possible when the media taints the jury pool. How many people hate Zimmerman and are hoping like hell they get a chance to be on the jury? They will lie about being bias and say what they need to in order to get chosen even though they have already made up their minds and could care less about what is presented in court.


If there was no media circus about this, there would be NO trial at all - the police were content to let Zimmerman go home, and ignore the dead kid.

He still hasn't been arrested yet, but it's nice to see how worried you are about whether he gets a "fair trial".

Would no trial at all been "fair"?

How do you try someone that did not break any laws?
It is unfortunate but you can not believe anything said at this time from the media. If there is no story they make a story. They place some information in front of us and keep other evidence away from us that might calm the story. This community watchman actually may be the victim but that would not be much of a story. Quite frankly any of us that have been involved in law enforcement feel the media would like nothing better than a full scale riot.

Characters such as Al Sharpton benefit so much from these type stories. He has become a very rich man from such news events.
They might have a hard time finding a judge. If he doesn't find Zimmerman guilty, he could be responsible for nationwide riots. No matter what the evidence is.

So far, it doesn't look the best for Trayvon Martin.

That jibes with what Cheryl Brown's teenage son witnessed while walking his dog that night. Thirteen-year-old Austin stepped out his front door and heard people fighting, he told the Orlando Sentinel on Thursday.

"I heard screaming and crying for help," he said. "I heard, 'Help me.' "

It was dark, and the boy did not see how the fight started, in fact, he only saw one person, a man in a red shirt — Zimmerman — who was on the ground.

The boy said he is not sure who called for help. After a moment, his dog escaped, and he turned to catch it and a few seconds later heard a gunshot, he said.

"When I heard the shot, the screaming stopped," he said.

He then rushed inside and told his sister to call police.

In his letter, Robert Zimmerman wrote that what happened that night was "tragic … and very sad for all concerned. The Martin family, our family and the entire community have been forever changed."

George Zimmerman has not talked publicly about what happened, his father said, because that's the advice police gave him. Both Zimmerman families have moved out of their homes, at least temporarily, Robert Zimmerman said, because they've received death threats.

Police on Tuesday turned the case over to the State Attorney's Office, saying they did not have evidence to justify George Zimmerman's arrest on a charge of manslaughter.

Cut on the back of the head, bloody broken nose, it sure looks like it's building towards self-defense.
Where is the evidence of such injuries?
Has he gone to the hospital?
Where are the records?
A black eye or black eyes are typical of a broken nose.
Does Zimmerman have at least A black eye?
All here say.
Martin was 6 foot 3 inches tall. A football player with what appears to be a past of violence towards others. But lets not let facts like Zimmerman's broken nose and wound to the back of his head get in the way now.

Zimmerman has an extensive history of violence towards others. But we should ignore that, and only talk about Martin's past, right?
But of course you AREN'T right? You know what happened, who to believe and what story is right? I got that part right?

I'm processing all the available information and running it through the filter of logic, and extrapolating those portions of information that are consistent with others, and those that are inconsistent with others, and weighing the veracity of all the various claims accordingly based on various factors of how and why a person's account might be inaccurate, etc.

What I see is that the idea of Zimmerman's innocence cannot be logically reached, because all the attempted rationales for various issues are contradictory to each other and make it impossible to achieve a singular, consistent explanation of the events and the evidence. Even if we limit the scope to Zimmerman's claims specifically, his claims produce irreconcilable inconsistencies. He claims that he was attacked from behind, yet he claims that when he was attacked Martin smashed the back of his head against the pavement. This, alone, shows Zimmerman's claims just don't make sense. He claims that he was brutally attacked and being punched repeatedly to such a degree that it invoked him to scream such bloody murder as is heard on the 911 tape. Yet Zimmerman lacked injuries that would be consistent with such a brutal beating. Zimmerman claims he didn't pull out his gun until he "feared for his life" but claims he feared for his life because Martin tried to grab his gun. These claims are inconsistent with each other. Zimmerman admits that Martin was running away from him, yet he claims that he was walking away from Martin. This claim is a rather extraordinary claim. It's a much more reasonable to expect that Martin would have taken the opportunity to once again get away from Zimmerman.

Well except the 911 tape is evidence that not martin but Zimmerman was yelling for help as reported by the Husband of the woman that made the call. Which supports another part of Zimmerman's claim. The girlfriend of Martin corroborates that all Zimmerman did is ask a question. Eye witnesses corroborate that Zimmerman was on the ground having his head pounded. Another Eye Witness stated that Martin threw the punch that started the fight. Again evidenced by Zimmerman having a broken nose.

Your supposed impartial claims aside YOU have created quite the falsehood in your statements based on what we seem to actually know about the case. Further evidenced by your absolute claim that you can hear a word most people can not.

Spike Lee wants to become a vigilante. He retweeted George Zimmerman's home address to the world.

Somebody correct me, but isn't this conspiracy to commit murder if somebody kills him as a result of everyone in the world knowing where he lives???

If I was Zimmerman I'd have my lawyer suing the SOB right now.

Spike Lee Retweets George Zimmerman’s Home Address | TheBlaze.com
Is Zimmerman in the local phone book?

If so, this is a non-story.
Martin was 6 foot 3 inches tall. A football player with what appears to be a past of violence towards others. But lets not let facts like Zimmerman's broken nose and wound to the back of his head get in the way now.

Zimmerman has an extensive history of violence towards others. But we should ignore that, and only talk about Martin's past, right?

And that should be a warning to people to not attack people, because they might have a history of violence and might shoot you in self defense.

Explain slowly for those of us without an agenda how YOU or the people putting out the tape know it was Martin?

Eye witness "John" said it was Zimmerman who was on his back screaming "HELP" as he was being beaten by Martin. This eye witness "John" ran inside, had his wife call 911 & I believe that call is the one in the recording in my post.

I guess in all your fact finding you just MISSED this post right?

Spike Lee wants to become a vigilante. He retweeted George Zimmerman's home address to the world.

Somebody correct me, but isn't this conspiracy to commit murder if somebody kills him as a result of everyone in the world knowing where he lives???

If I was Zimmerman I'd have my lawyer suing the SOB right now.

Spike Lee Retweets George Zimmerman’s Home Address | TheBlaze.com
Is Zimmerman in the local phone book?

If so, this is a non-story.
I never thought about that.
Martin was 6 foot 3 inches tall. A football player with what appears to be a past of violence towards others. But lets not let facts like Zimmerman's broken nose and wound to the back of his head get in the way now.

Zimmerman has an extensive history of violence towards others. But we should ignore that, and only talk about Martin's past, right?

And that should be a warning to people to not attack people, because they might have a history of violence and might shoot you in self defense.

Perhaps idiot sissies like Zimmerman should not go chasing down people who are running away from them, or corner them in other people's back yards. They might fear for their lives and defend themselves.

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