I Don't Think Many Of You Know What "Confronted" Means

No matter what happens at this point in this case. the rabid left have made sure of the impossibility of Mr. Zimmerman getting a fair and impartial jury.. should it come to that..Way to go libturds..
Bullshit, he has family members that are black, has close personal friends that are black

My boss at work has is engaged to a black man. Actually, he works for our company too, in a different department. Real nice guy, one of my favorite people to work with (I used to work in the department he is in now). Of course, that doesn't stop her from complaining about the, shall we say "trends," regarding how black customers behave. The head accountant at our company was just married two weeks ago, to a black man. They've been together for a decade, and have two children together. Cute boys, then then again mixed ethnicities tend to have an edge when it comes to attractiveness. She does the same thing. Then there's the manager of another department who used to work in my department, and occasionally comes over to do a day shift with us when we're short handed. She's half black and her husband is black. Yet wouldn't you know that she does the same thing.

Now, I could be crazy. But racially based prejudice tends to be alot more complex than "I have black friends and family."

you are hearing what you want to hear, as well as ignoring eye witness testimony.

No, you're distorting the witness accounts. Nobody saw Martin attack Zimmerman. The only account given has claimed that they observed a confrontation and claim that Martin has the upper hand at the particular moment. Even if we accept the account, it's just as possible that Zimmerman started the altercation and Martin managed to gain the upper hand.

That being said, YOU are ignoring the fact that there is also witness accounts that contradict your theory. There's the witnesses who said that it was Martin screaming, and the witnesses that have said that the police altered the statements they verbal provided, and insisted that those people were wrong. You're providing a textbook example of confirmation bias.
Credible, unimpeachable, un-bias eyewitness & 911 recordings puts Zimmerman on his back on the ground screaming for help more than 20 times while Martin continued to beat him. Zimmerman was justified in shooting Martin.

So Zimmerman was taking a major ass kicking from the kid. That's hard enough to believe in and of itself. If some kid half my size were on top of me kicking my ass like that, it would be pretty easy to just push him off. But that's okay, let's just go with that for a moment.....

How did Zimmerman manage to pull out his gun in all of that? Was he not at least using his arms and hands to try to fend off the blows? If Zimmerman stopped blocking shots long enough to pull out his gun, how was he not more seriously injured? How was he not injured enough that he would have needed to go to the hospital? Why wasn't his face beaten to a pulp? How did he end up having nothing more than a bloody nose? Where's the bloody mouth, the facial swelling, the black eyes? For that matter, where are the interruptions in the screaming heard in the 911 tapes? Are we supposed to believe that Martin was giving Zimmerman titty-twisters?

Here is one 911 recording

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hj4RHJ0taoc&feature=related"]Zimmerman Martin 911 Tape Screaming "Help"[/ame]

Explain slowly for those of us without an agenda how YOU or the people putting out the tape know it was Martin?
Please explain Zimmerman's injuries.

Oh, and large, bold text doesn't make your opinion any more important.

Doesn’t it strike you as strange that we suddenly hear of George Zimmerman’s bruises more than a month after the murder of Trayvon Martin?
No, he was not on "neighborhood watch" because that neighborhood did not have a watch group. He self-appointed himself to the position of captain of a non-existent watch group.

I've heard the tape. He very clearly says "coon".

Most watch groups are self appointed.... That's kind of obvious...
The Stand Your Ground Law does not give license to kill people unprovoked. Nothing thus far indicates Trayvon Martin had attacked George Zimmerman. I know. Today 3/26, attorney for George Zimmerman is suddenly alleging young Black Trayvon Martin had attacked gun-toting George Zimmerman, resulting in the stalking death of Trayvon Martin. One has to be a total imbecile to come up with the allegation that a young Black male had in fact walked up to a White male with a gun and attacked the white male unprovoked.
Ya know,, they have forensic specialists that can slow that tape down and know precisely if he used the word "coon" or "loon" or "goon" it will all come out in the wash. pass the Tide...
Credible, unimpeachable, un-bias eyewitness & 911 recordings puts Zimmerman on his back on the ground screaming for help more than 20 times while Martin continued to beat him. Zimmerman was justified in shooting Martin.

So Zimmerman was taking a major ass kicking from the kid. That's hard enough to believe in and of itself. If some kid half my size were on top of me kicking my ass like that, it would be pretty easy to just push him off. But that's okay, let's just go with that for a moment.....

How did Zimmerman manage to pull out his gun in all of that? Was he not at least using his arms and hands to try to fend off the blows? If Zimmerman stopped blocking shots long enough to pull out his gun, how was he not more seriously injured? How was he not injured enough that he would have needed to go to the hospital? Why wasn't his face beaten to a pulp? How did he end up having nothing more than a bloody nose? Where's the bloody mouth, the facial swelling, the black eyes? For that matter, where are the interruptions in the screaming heard in the 911 tapes? Are we supposed to believe that Martin was giving Zimmerman titty-twisters?

Half his size? You realize that pictures of Trayvon floating around online are from several years ago right?
I believe in defending myself, my family and my property, but have no right to harass and/or unjustly take the life of anyone merely using a public easement.
Bullshit, he has family members that are black, has close personal friends that are black

My boss at work has is engaged to a black man. Actually, he works for our company too, in a different department. Real nice guy, one of my favorite people to work with (I used to work in the department he is in now). Of course, that doesn't stop her from complaining about the, shall we say "trends," regarding how black customers behave. The head accountant at our company was just married two weeks ago, to a black man. They've been together for a decade, and have two children together. Cute boys, then then again mixed ethnicities tend to have an edge when it comes to attractiveness. She does the same thing. Then there's the manager of another department who used to work in my department, and occasionally comes over to do a day shift with us when we're short handed. She's half black and her husband is black. Yet wouldn't you know that she does the same thing.

Now, I could be crazy. But racially based prejudice tends to be alot more complex than "I have black friends and family."

you are hearing what you want to hear, as well as ignoring eye witness testimony.

No, you're distorting the witness accounts. Nobody saw Martin attack Zimmerman. The only account given has claimed that they observed a confrontation and claim that Martin has the upper hand at the particular moment. Even if we accept the account, it's just as possible that Zimmerman started the altercation and Martin managed to gain the upper hand.

That being said, YOU are ignoring the fact that there is also witness accounts that contradict your theory. There's the witnesses who said that it was Martin screaming, and the witnesses that have said that the police altered the statements they verbal provided, and insisted that those people were wrong. You're providing a textbook example of confirmation bias.

But of course you AREN'T right? You know what happened, who to believe and what story is right? I got that part right?
The State of Florida and Stanford police force did not need public outrage to act on a matter so clearly challenging an issue of law. Unless, of course, wannabe cop George Zimmerman had in fact been deputized and coached to harass and murder people his society deems a nuisance.
While all good humans are enraged at the murder of anyone just walking down a US street, I here plead with the Black Panthers to refrain from inciting more atrocity. If there ought to be a bounty for the Trayvon Martin case, then the bounty should be on the State of Florida, AG of Florida, Stanford police department, Florida DA office and Gun Licensing department.
Credible, unimpeachable, un-bias eyewitness & 911 recordings puts Zimmerman on his back on the ground screaming for help more than 20 times while Martin continued to beat him. Zimmerman was justified in shooting Martin.

So Zimmerman was taking a major ass kicking from the kid. That's hard enough to believe in and of itself. If some kid half my size were on top of me kicking my ass like that, it would be pretty easy to just push him off. But that's okay, let's just go with that for a moment.....

How did Zimmerman manage to pull out his gun in all of that? Was he not at least using his arms and hands to try to fend off the blows? If Zimmerman stopped blocking shots long enough to pull out his gun, how was he not more seriously injured? How was he not injured enough that he would have needed to go to the hospital? Why wasn't his face beaten to a pulp? How did he end up having nothing more than a bloody nose? Where's the bloody mouth, the facial swelling, the black eyes? For that matter, where are the interruptions in the screaming heard in the 911 tapes? Are we supposed to believe that Martin was giving Zimmerman titty-twisters?

Half his size? You realize that pictures of Trayvon floating around online are from several years ago right?

Martin was 6 foot 3 inches tall. A football player with what appears to be a past of violence towards others. But lets not let facts like Zimmerman's broken nose and wound to the back of his head get in the way now.
“You can fool some people sometimes, but you can’t fool all the people all of the time.”
Please explain Zimmerman's injuries.

Oh, and large, bold text doesn't make your opinion any more important.

Doesn’t it strike you as strange that we suddenly hear of George Zimmerman’s bruises more than a month after the murder of Trayvon Martin?

I found it strange that we heard about it at all. That being said, I also find it strange that, now that we have heard about it, it took damn near a month for any of the story to hit the naational news.

I also find it strange that there is no outrage over the three Black men who murdered a white college student in his dorm in Mississippi. Just sayin'...
There have been no reports that a witness saw the initial punch Zimmerman told police about

so its all heresay..

So is everything else that many are basing their opinions on. Some don't take it well when new information contradicts the version they bought into, but we'll never get to the truth until people calm down and take a critical look at the whole picture. I wish the media coverage was more honest. I hate having media try to give me an opinion and wish they'd stick with facts.
So Zimmerman was taking a major ass kicking from the kid. That's hard enough to believe in and of itself. If some kid half my size were on top of me kicking my ass like that, it would be pretty easy to just push him off. But that's okay, let's just go with that for a moment.....

How did Zimmerman manage to pull out his gun in all of that? Was he not at least using his arms and hands to try to fend off the blows? If Zimmerman stopped blocking shots long enough to pull out his gun, how was he not more seriously injured? How was he not injured enough that he would have needed to go to the hospital? Why wasn't his face beaten to a pulp? How did he end up having nothing more than a bloody nose? Where's the bloody mouth, the facial swelling, the black eyes? For that matter, where are the interruptions in the screaming heard in the 911 tapes? Are we supposed to believe that Martin was giving Zimmerman titty-twisters?

Here is one 911 recording

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hj4RHJ0taoc&feature=related"]Zimmerman Martin 911 Tape Screaming "Help"[/ame]

Explain slowly for those of us without an agenda how YOU or the people putting out the tape know it was Martin?

Eye witness "John" said it was Zimmerman who was on his back screaming "HELP" as he was being beaten by Martin. This eye witness "John" ran inside, had his wife call 911 & I believe that call is the one in the recording in my post.
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No matter what happens at this point in this case. the rabid left have made sure of the impossibility of Mr. Zimmerman getting a fair and impartial jury.. should it come to that..Way to go libturds..

The unbalanced coverage of this is my biggest complaint. I have followed several cases that were wrongful convictions, which were overturned, and one thing many of those cases have in common is a bias media willing to convict them before they set foot in a court room.

We all have the right to a fair trial and I don't see how that is possible when the media taints the jury pool. How many people hate Zimmerman and are hoping like hell they get a chance to be on the jury? They will lie about being bias and say what they need to in order to get chosen even though they have already made up their minds and could care less about what is presented in court.

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