I Don't Think Many Of You Know What "Confronted" Means

Hearsay covers both doing and saying.....

No it does not.

Absolutely it does. It covers unverified information - ie "So and so DID something" or "so-and-so SAID something"....

Hearsay is not unverified information, it is indirect information. Hearsay involves you getting talking to someone else and repeating what they said, period. You might talk about what they say they did, but you are still talking about what they said.

Feel free to provide any kind of link to prove me wrong, even a really bad crime novel.
Credible, unimpeachable, un-bias eyewitness & 911 recordings puts Zimmerman on his back on the ground screaming for help more than 20 times while Martin continued to beat him. Zimmerman was justified in shooting Martin.

The Grand Jury already met and released the findings? The victim is reported to have been on the phone until a couple minutes before the killing, police do not report taking twenty+ minutes to get there after the killer called and was cautioned. I see the pro KILLER groups are consistent in siding with the killer. Contribute to his defense fund, offer your home as a safe refuge, PLEASE.
Credible, unimpeachable, un-bias eyewitness & 911 recordings puts Zimmerman on his back on the ground screaming for help more than 20 times while Martin continued to beat him. Zimmerman was justified in shooting Martin.

Zimmerman would have never been on his back if he would have backed off as the police told him to do. If I had followed a kid with skittles in his hand a gun in mine I would expect to be pummeled while laying on my back, too.

There are a LOT of bleeding hearts for the killer here.
No it does not.

Absolutely it does. It covers unverified information - ie "So and so DID something" or "so-and-so SAID something"....

Hearsay is not unverified information, it is indirect information. Hearsay involves you getting talking to someone else and repeating what they said, period. You might talk about what they say they did, but you are still talking about what they said.

Feel free to provide any kind of link to prove me wrong, even a really bad crime novel.

How about the dictionary?

   /ˈhɪərˌseɪ/ Show Spelled[heer-sey] Show IPA
unverified, unofficial information gained or acquired from another and not part of one's direct knowledge: I pay no attention to hearsay.
an item of idle or unverified information or gossip; rumor: a malicious hearsay.
Credible, unimpeachable, un-bias eyewitness & 911 recordings puts Zimmerman on his back on the ground screaming for help more than 20 times while Martin continued to beat him. Zimmerman was justified in shooting Martin.

Zimmerman would have never been on his back if he would have backed off as the police told him to do. If I had followed a kid with skittles in his hand a gun in mine I would expect to be pummeled while laying on my back, too.

There are a LOT of bleeding hearts for the killer here.

We dont have all the facts. But you have cast judgement.

Nuff said.
How can the guy who expressed his concern about a guy following him suddenly become the aggressor? How does a young man walking home with tea and skittles become the agitator in this?

Bleeding hearts are about to hemorrhage with sympathy for the killer here.
Yeah, but rdean dated him from 1997-2002. So there is that to consider.

Elsewhere, some vacuous rw demands to know who would cheer a heart attack and yet, read this forum - you'll find a lot rw's making excuses for the wanton murder of a 17 year old kid and worse, making excuses for the killer.

Oh, but that's different, right?

You're right. It IS different.

Cheney isn't black.

What on Earth are you talking about? Cheney? Excuses?

Good Lord....
Why can't all the stories and hypothesis regarding Zimmerman's alleged innocence be consistent? In order for Zimmerman's innocence to be accepted we have to embrace a series of contradictory claims. Zimmerman did not run after Martin, except where Zimmerman told police that he was running after him. Zimmerman was attacked from behind, except where Zimmerman had his head bashed into the ground and not his face. Zimmerman was knocked down and had a wet back full of grass, except that he was attacked on the pavement. Zimmerman was brutally assaulted by an aggressor Martin and was virtually helpless and screamed the bloody murder that was heard on the 911 tapes, except that Zimmerman did not actually incur any serious injury and didn't even go to the hospital. Zimmerman was knocked flat on his back by Martin, who was sitting on top of him throwing punches and only then did he take out his gun, except that Zimmerman would have been laying on top of his gun. Zimmerman feared for his life because Martin tried to take his gun away, except that Zimmerman did not pull out his gun until he feared for his life. Martin used a soda can as a weapon to hit Zimmerman in the head, except that Martin caused the injuries to Zimmerman by beating his head into the pavement.
No, he was not on "neighborhood watch" because that neighborhood did not have a watch group. He self-appointed himself to the position of captain of a non-existent watch group.

I've heard the tape. He very clearly says "coon".
Credible, unimpeachable, un-bias eyewitness & 911 recordings puts Zimmerman on his back on the ground screaming for help more than 20 times while Martin continued to beat him. Zimmerman was justified in shooting Martin.

Zimmerman would have never been on his back if he would have backed off as the police told him to do. If I had followed a kid with skittles in his hand a gun in mine I would expect to be pummeled while laying on my back, too.

Lying I see, he did not have a gun in his hand and as a Neighborhood watch Captain he had a duty to investigate suspicious behavior.

And for all to see now the left is claiming if you ask someone what they are doing they can break your nose knock you to the ground pound your head in the ground and attempt to murder you with your own gun. And the assailant is the "victim".
Umm, no.

Hearsay is I say you said something, not me saying you did something.

its zimmermans words vs a dead kid....oh boy...

Still not hearsay. And, like it or not, there is evidence that supports Zimmerman's story, and witnesses that saw him on the ground under Martin.

But, like I said in my OP, I am not going to let facts change my opinion, Zimmermen should be hunted down and killed. It is good to see I am not the only one to think that way.

We don't hunt people down and kill them based on one's belief that they are guilty.
Let's see, we have the word of the lawyers hired by Trayvon's parents, who think that hanging out with Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton is okay and trademarking their not-yet-cold son's name so they can turn a quick buck, versus the word of the police, who can barely investigate their way out of a wet paper bag.

Yeah, the odds of the truth ever coming out in this situation are approximately zero.
A 17 year old boy goes out to get a snack and a can of tea. No prior record, no prior problems with fighting or aggressiveness. A man that has had prior problems on both accounts is out with a gun. He follows the boy, and, in spite of being told not to, confronts him. The boy asks "Why are you following me?", the man asks, "What are you doing here". That is the last we know of the exchange, what we do know, is that a fight ensued, and the man with the gun killed the boy.

From this alone, I would say a murder took place. The man had no right to confront the boy. At that point, the boy had the right to do whatever he could, not knowing what the fellow was up to.

Yet, once again, the wingnuts have come down on the side of the criminal.

Except for that pesky eye witness account of the Kid attacking Zimmerman. Except for the fact we have prior knowledge now that the "kid" has been violent with at least one bus driver. Except for the fact an eye witness saw Martin knock Zimmerman to the ground, pound his head on the ground. Yup lets ignore all those facts shall we?

not to mention Zimmerman bleeding. I can't fault the police for accepting the self defense claim.
Credible, unimpeachable, un-bias eyewitness & 911 recordings puts Zimmerman on his back on the ground screaming for help more than 20 times while Martin continued to beat him. Zimmerman was justified in shooting Martin.

The Grand Jury already met and released the findings? The victim is reported to have been on the phone until a couple minutes before the killing, police do not report taking twenty+ minutes to get there after the killer called and was cautioned. I see the pro KILLER groups are consistent in siding with the killer. Contribute to his defense fund, offer your home as a safe refuge, PLEASE.

I did not say 20 minutes. The 911 tape has Zimmerman screaming "HELP" 20+ times in about 3 second intervals before the shot was fired. Martin would not stop beating Zimmerman during this time as Zimmerman was subdued & screaming "HELP". That makes the shooting legal. Martin was being unreasonable by continuing to beat someone who was down & begging for help. Why would Zimmerman believe Martin would ever stop before killing him? Zimmerman had a valid reason to fear for his life.
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No, I wonder why THIS victim received so little attention from law enforcement until DEMONSTRATIONS took place, and why there is a firm defense of the killer by so many who decry street crimes.

Its been a month since he was shot by Zimmerman. Unlike the non-existent comparison that Trajan tries and fails to make, the police knew who the killer was and still let him go. They probably also knew his long and very violent history but they still let him go.

Since when do the parents of murdered children have to demonstrate in order to get theie child's killer arrested?

And, to my knowledge, this jerk STILL has not been arrested.

Why not?

that wasn't the point I making nimrod.


Reading Comprehension Connection: Home

get busy....
No, he was not on "neighborhood watch" because that neighborhood did not have a watch group. He self-appointed himself to the position of captain of a non-existent watch group.

I've heard the tape. He very clearly says "coon".

You are a bald faced LIAR. I listened to the tape as well and the word is unrecognizable. Of course having an agenda like Peach and the rest of you left wing loons explains how you can hear a word most people can not.
Zimmerman would have never been on his back if he would have backed off as the police told him to do. If I had followed a kid with skittles in his hand a gun in mine I would expect to be pummeled while laying on my back, too.

There are a LOT of bleeding hearts for the killer here.

We dont have all the facts. But you have cast judgement.

Nuff said.

No, it could be self defense, involuntary manslaughter, voluntary manslaughter, 2nd degree murder. I don't see 1st degree murder, but the first presentation of the evidence will be to the Grand Jury, such as it is. I do not see the purpose of bringing the Feds in either at this point, it could just cloud the proceedings.
Credible, unimpeachable, un-bias eyewitness & 911 recordings puts Zimmerman on his back on the ground screaming for help more than 20 times while Martin continued to beat him. Zimmerman was justified in shooting Martin.

So Zimmerman was taking a major ass kicking from the kid. That's hard enough to believe in and of itself. If some kid half my size were on top of me kicking my ass like that, it would be pretty easy to just push him off. But that's okay, let's just go with that for a moment.....

How did Zimmerman manage to pull out his gun in all of that? Was he not at least using his arms and hands to try to fend off the blows? If Zimmerman stopped blocking shots long enough to pull out his gun, how was he not more seriously injured? How was he not injured enough that he would have needed to go to the hospital? Why wasn't his face beaten to a pulp? How did he end up having nothing more than a bloody nose? Where's the bloody mouth, the facial swelling, the black eyes? For that matter, where are the interruptions in the screaming heard in the 911 tapes? Are we supposed to believe that Martin was giving Zimmerman titty-twisters?
How can the guy who expressed his concern about a guy following him suddenly become the aggressor? How does a young man walking home with tea and skittles become the agitator in this?

Captain Emotional Appeal to the RESCUUUUUUUUE!
There are a LOT of bleeding hearts for the killer here.

We dont have all the facts. But you have cast judgement.

Nuff said.

No, it could be self defense, involuntary manslaughter, voluntary manslaughter, 2nd degree murder. I don't see 1st degree murder, but the first presentation of the evidence will be to the Grand Jury, such as it is. I do not see the purpose of bringing the Feds in either at this point, it could just cloud the proceedings.

Ohh now after 4 pages of yu saying he is guilty suddenly it might be self defense? YOU started this thread with a claim he murdered him. NOW it might be self defense?

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