I Don't Think Many Of You Know What "Confronted" Means

Today the mother of this poor deceased kid filed trademark rights with the US Patent office so she can sell T shirts and hats and start a clothing line and cash in.
And the law firm that is "representing" the family signed the documents filed today.
No wonder Al and Jesse and professional "racism" thieves are there.
You folks are dumber than a box of rocks.
All about the $$$ first and foremost.
Mother Seeks Trayvon Martin Trademarks | The Smoking Gun
fyi, it DOES NOT SAY in the ad that she bought the trademarks to sell the stuff....it's possible but that's NOT what was said in your link....

MANY times, people trademark phrases and terms so to protect themselves and family, so that OTHERS do not abuse or take advantage of their family....or of them.

as example, keith obermann trademarked ''countdown'' years before he was let go....he never used the trademark outside of msnbc's show with him as the host....

but years later, when he quit or was pushed out, his trademark of ''countdown'' prevented msnbc to continue with the countdown show.....
Why do many anti crime, usual victims' advocates, turn this 28 year old man into a sympathetic figure? The 17 year old victim will never see the light of day again. Trayvon Martin is the victim, not George Zimmerman.

A question clearly rhetorical.

No, I wonder why THIS victim received so little attention from law enforcement until DEMONSTRATIONS took place, and why there is a firm defense of the killer by so many who decry street crimes.
A 17 year old boy goes out to get a snack and a can of tea. No prior record, no prior problems with fighting or aggressiveness. A man that has had prior problems on both accounts is out with a gun. He follows the boy, and, in spite of being told not to, confronts him. The boy asks "Why are you following me?", the man asks, "What are you doing here". That is the last we know of the exchange, what we do know, is that a fight ensued, and the man with the gun killed the boy.

From this alone, I would say a murder took place. The man had no right to confront the boy. At that point, the boy had the right to do whatever he could, not knowing what the fellow was up to.

Yet, once again, the wingnuts have come down on the side of the criminal.

Except for that pesky eye witness account of the Kid attacking Zimmerman. Except for the fact we have prior knowledge now that the "kid" has been violent with at least one bus driver. Except for the fact an eye witness saw Martin knock Zimmerman to the ground, pound his head on the ground. Yup lets ignore all those facts shall we?

Zimmerman's injuries, as reported by the police, and evidenced by his actions, are not consistent with that account. The killer has a defense attorney who makes public statements many are taking at face value, thus far.
A 17 year old boy goes out to get a snack and a can of tea. No prior record, no prior problems with fighting or aggressiveness. A man that has had prior problems on both accounts is out with a gun. He follows the boy, and, in spite of being told not to, confronts him. The boy asks "Why are you following me?", the man asks, "What are you doing here". That is the last we know of the exchange, what we do know, is that a fight ensued, and the man with the gun killed the boy.

From this alone, I would say a murder took place. The man had no right to confront the boy. At that point, the boy had the right to do whatever he could, not knowing what the fellow was up to.

Yet, once again, the wingnuts have come down on the side of the criminal.

Except for that pesky eye witness account of the Kid attacking Zimmerman. Except for the fact we have prior knowledge now that the "kid" has been violent with at least one bus driver. Except for the fact an eye witness saw Martin knock Zimmerman to the ground, pound his head on the ground. Yup lets ignore all those facts shall we?

Zimmerman's injuries, as reported by the police, and evidenced by his actions, are not consistent with that account. The killer has a defense attorney who makes public statements many are taking at face value, thus far.

What part of EYE Witness do you fail to grasp? You brought Zimmerman's past into, guess what? Martin has a past too and it is starting to come out. And it isn't looking so good. But you ignore all that. By the way? Zimmerman's nose was broken and he had an injury to the back of his head consistent with that eye witness account.
A 17 year old boy goes out to get a snack and a can of tea. No prior record, no prior problems with fighting or aggressiveness. A man that has had prior problems on both accounts is out with a gun. He follows the boy, and, in spite of being told not to, confronts him. The boy asks "Why are you following me?", the man asks, "What are you doing here". That is the last we know of the exchange, what we do know, is that a fight ensued, and the man with the gun killed the boy.

From this alone, I would say a murder took place. The man had no right to confront the boy. At that point, the boy had the right to do whatever he could, not knowing what the fellow was up to.

Yet, once again, the wingnuts have come down on the side of the criminal.

Except for that pesky eye witness account of the Kid attacking Zimmerman. Except for the fact we have prior knowledge now that the "kid" has been violent with at least one bus driver. Except for the fact an eye witness saw Martin knock Zimmerman to the ground, pound his head on the ground. Yup lets ignore all those facts shall we?

Zimmerman's injuries, as reported by the police, and evidenced by his actions, are not consistent with that account. The killer has a defense attorney who makes public statements many are taking at face value, thus far.

We should all take everything posted on USMB as fact. Wait...I didn't say that....
Yeah, but rdean dated him from 1997-2002. So there is that to consider.

Elsewhere, some vacuous rw demands to know who would cheer a heart attack and yet, read this forum - you'll find a lot rw's making excuses for the wanton murder of a 17 year old kid and worse, making excuses for the killer.

Oh, but that's different, right?

You're right. It IS different.

Cheney isn't black.
Yeah, but rdean dated him from 1997-2002. So there is that to consider.

Elsewhere, some vacuous rw demands to know who would cheer a heart attack and yet, read this forum - you'll find a lot rw's making excuses for the wanton murder of a 17 year old kid and worse, making excuses for the killer.

Oh, but that's different, right?

You're right. It IS different.

Cheney isn't black.

Rdean is white. How did you go racist on an rdean joke? You libs are a hoot.
Why do many anti crime, usual victims' advocates, turn this 28 year old man into a sympathetic figure? The 17 year old victim will never see the light of day again. Trayvon Martin is the victim, not George Zimmerman.

A question clearly rhetorical.

No, I wonder why THIS victim received so little attention from law enforcement until DEMONSTRATIONS took place, and why there is a firm defense of the killer by so many who decry street crimes.

yes, well I wonder why this received so little attention, where are HiJackson and Sharkskin?

Shooting death of 6–year-old girl punctuates lethal Chicago weekend
'She didn't deserve this,' mother says; 49 people are shot citywide, 10 fatally

March 20, 2012
Diana Aguilar was distraught with grief Monday as she sat in the purple-and-pink bedroom of her 6-year-old daughter, gripping photos of her "baby."

Two days earlier, on a sunny afternoon more like a June day, Aliyah Shell was sitting between her mother's legs on the family's Little Village front porch as Aguilar untangled her hair. The family had a friend's birthday party to attend.

Suddenly, shots rang out from a pickup truck. Aguilar said she knocked her 2-year-old daughter on her back and hugged Aliyah tightly. But Aliyah was shot several times and died that afternoon at a hospital.

"She didn't deserve this," the mother repeated over and over again Monday as she sat on her daughter's bed, which was covered with bright balloons, stuffed animals and family photos. "They're not people. They're animals for doing this to my baby. A person with a heart would never do this, so they're not people."

Aliyah's shooting was the most shocking of a particularly violent weekend in Chicago. According to an analysis by the Tribune, 49 people were shot — 10 of them fatally — from late Friday afternoon through early Monday, mostly on the South and Southwest sides. Chicago police, excluding Monday morning from the calculation, said nine homicides took place over the weekend.

The deadly weekend continues a violent start to 2012. From Jan. 1 through Sunday, homicides soared 42 percent, to 94 from 66 a year earlier, according to a police spokeswoman. So far in 2012, nonfatal shootings rose to 408, up from 296 a year earlier, a 38 percent jump, she said. That continues a troubling trend that started in the last quarter of 2011. Police say gangs are to blame for much of the violence, including Aliyah's killing.

more at-

Murder of 6-year-old girl caps violent weekend in Chicago - chicagotribune.com

We all know why, becasue the media and those 2 'persons' didn't have a race card to play, BUT and you can see it now, they are slowly very slowly but incrementally walking back the race angle...why?

Zimmerman despite his name, he is Hispanic, looks Hispanic and the last thing the Democratic party hence their media sympathizers wants is a Hispanics and blacks to come to blows over this.....

oh and the NY Times referred to Zimmerman as a ....wait for it-......."White Hispanic"...:lol:

I bet if he saved kids form a burning building or was running for office as a democrat or HE was shot by a 'real' white man in exactly the same situation, they would never ever refer to him as a "white" Hispanic.....simply shameless.
Yeah, but rdean dated him from 1997-2002. So there is that to consider.

Elsewhere, some vacuous rw demands to know who would cheer a heart attack and yet, read this forum - you'll find a lot rw's making excuses for the wanton murder of a 17 year old kid and worse, making excuses for the killer.

Oh, but that's different, right?

You're right. It IS different.

Cheney isn't black.

OK, so you're a RACIST, a race-baiter, and a HATER.

Nobody is "making excuses" for the "wanton murder of a 17 year old kid". But somebody (namely, YOU and your ilk), is jumping to conclusions.

Thus far, the KILLING is not a "murder", and the HISPANIC man acted in self-defense. That's the TRUE story, based on eye witness accounts.

Lastly, when race warlords like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton get involved, that's the signal that the CIRCUS is in town, and the whole situation has turned into an "event" chock full of clowns, magicians, carnival barkers, and other LOSERS.

I see you've already purchased your tickets, and you have front row seats. Enjoy the funnel cakes.
No, I wonder why THIS victim received so little attention from law enforcement until DEMONSTRATIONS took place, and why there is a firm defense of the killer by so many who decry street crimes.

Its been a month since he was shot by Zimmerman. Unlike the non-existent comparison that Trajan tries and fails to make, the police knew who the killer was and still let him go. They probably also knew his long and very violent history but they still let him go.

Since when do the parents of murdered children have to demonstrate in order to get theie child's killer arrested?

And, to my knowledge, this jerk STILL has not been arrested.

Why not?
A question clearly rhetorical.

No, I wonder why THIS victim received so little attention from law enforcement until DEMONSTRATIONS took place, and why there is a firm defense of the killer by so many who decry street crimes.

yes, well I wonder why this received so little attention, where are HiJackson and Sharkskin?

Shooting death of 6–year-old girl punctuates lethal Chicago weekend
'She didn't deserve this,' mother says; 49 people are shot citywide, 10 fatally

March 20, 2012
Diana Aguilar was distraught with grief Monday as she sat in the purple-and-pink bedroom of her 6-year-old daughter, gripping photos of her "baby."

Two days earlier, on a sunny afternoon more like a June day, Aliyah Shell was sitting between her mother's legs on the family's Little Village front porch as Aguilar untangled her hair. The family had a friend's birthday party to attend.

Suddenly, shots rang out from a pickup truck. Aguilar said she knocked her 2-year-old daughter on her back and hugged Aliyah tightly. But Aliyah was shot several times and died that afternoon at a hospital.

"She didn't deserve this," the mother repeated over and over again Monday as she sat on her daughter's bed, which was covered with bright balloons, stuffed animals and family photos. "They're not people. They're animals for doing this to my baby. A person with a heart would never do this, so they're not people."

Aliyah's shooting was the most shocking of a particularly violent weekend in Chicago. According to an analysis by the Tribune, 49 people were shot — 10 of them fatally — from late Friday afternoon through early Monday, mostly on the South and Southwest sides. Chicago police, excluding Monday morning from the calculation, said nine homicides took place over the weekend.

The deadly weekend continues a violent start to 2012. From Jan. 1 through Sunday, homicides soared 42 percent, to 94 from 66 a year earlier, according to a police spokeswoman. So far in 2012, nonfatal shootings rose to 408, up from 296 a year earlier, a 38 percent jump, she said. That continues a troubling trend that started in the last quarter of 2011. Police say gangs are to blame for much of the violence, including Aliyah's killing.

more at-

Murder of 6-year-old girl caps violent weekend in Chicago - chicagotribune.com

We all know why, becasue the media and those 2 'persons' didn't have a race card to play, BUT and you can see it now, they are slowly very slowly but incrementally walking back the race angle...why?

Zimmerman despite his name, he is Hispanic, looks Hispanic and the last thing the Democratic party hence their media sympathizers wants is a Hispanics and blacks to come to blows over this.....

oh and the NY Times referred to Zimmerman as a ....wait for it-......."White Hispanic"...:lol:

I bet if he saved kids form a burning building or was running for office as a democrat or HE was shot by a 'real' white man in exactly the same situation, they would never ever refer to him as a "white" Hispanic.....simply shameless.

Probably the same reason this... Women May Have Texted Killers' IDs From Trunk, As Authorities Confirm Bodies Found In Shallow Grave | Fox News is getting so little attention. Although the article doesn't say, I'm willing to bet that the shooters in this case aren't white.
A question clearly rhetorical.

No, I wonder why THIS victim received so little attention from law enforcement until DEMONSTRATIONS took place, and why there is a firm defense of the killer by so many who decry street crimes.

yes, well I wonder why this received so little attention, where are HiJackson and Sharkskin?

Shooting death of 6–year-old girl punctuates lethal Chicago weekend
'She didn't deserve this,' mother says; 49 people are shot citywide, 10 fatally

March 20, 2012
Diana Aguilar was distraught with grief Monday as she sat in the purple-and-pink bedroom of her 6-year-old daughter, gripping photos of her "baby."

Two days earlier, on a sunny afternoon more like a June day, Aliyah Shell was sitting between her mother's legs on the family's Little Village front porch as Aguilar untangled her hair. The family had a friend's birthday party to attend.

Suddenly, shots rang out from a pickup truck. Aguilar said she knocked her 2-year-old daughter on her back and hugged Aliyah tightly. But Aliyah was shot several times and died that afternoon at a hospital.

"She didn't deserve this," the mother repeated over and over again Monday as she sat on her daughter's bed, which was covered with bright balloons, stuffed animals and family photos. "They're not people. They're animals for doing this to my baby. A person with a heart would never do this, so they're not people."

Aliyah's shooting was the most shocking of a particularly violent weekend in Chicago. According to an analysis by the Tribune, 49 people were shot — 10 of them fatally — from late Friday afternoon through early Monday, mostly on the South and Southwest sides. Chicago police, excluding Monday morning from the calculation, said nine homicides took place over the weekend.

The deadly weekend continues a violent start to 2012. From Jan. 1 through Sunday, homicides soared 42 percent, to 94 from 66 a year earlier, according to a police spokeswoman. So far in 2012, nonfatal shootings rose to 408, up from 296 a year earlier, a 38 percent jump, she said. That continues a troubling trend that started in the last quarter of 2011. Police say gangs are to blame for much of the violence, including Aliyah's killing.

more at-

Murder of 6-year-old girl caps violent weekend in Chicago - chicagotribune.com

We all know why, becasue the media and those 2 'persons' didn't have a race card to play, BUT and you can see it now, they are slowly very slowly but incrementally walking back the race angle...why?

Zimmerman despite his name, he is Hispanic, looks Hispanic and the last thing the Democratic party hence their media sympathizers wants is a Hispanics and blacks to come to blows over this.....

oh and the NY Times referred to Zimmerman as a ....wait for it-......."White Hispanic"...:lol:

I bet if he saved kids form a burning building or was running for office as a democrat or HE was shot by a 'real' white man in exactly the same situation, they would never ever refer to him as a "white" Hispanic.....simply shameless.

Were the Chicago murders investigated promptly? No claims of self defense in these heinous crimes I gather. And Zimmerman's mother is Peruvian, HISPANIC is an ethnic term, not a RACE. If the police in Chicago didn't investigate ASAP, they need to be out of their jobs, same thing if the shooters walked free after police questioning.

Demographics Peru: The Peruvian census does not contain information about ethnicity so only rough estimates are available. Its population can be composed of Mestizos: 47%,[1] Amerindians: 31%,[2] European: 18.5%,[1] Afro-Peruvians: 2%,[3] Asians and others: 1%.[4]

Largely native tribal ancestry, Europeans, Native Americans. (HINT: Spain is part of Europe.)
Never thought I would say it, but rdean has been usurped as the most accomplished USMB moron.

Luddly holds the crown now.

Maybe they are the same person.....?
I can't find anything in the links in common with the Zimmerman killing.

What is known is that Zimmerman stalked this kid for no reason. Apparently the kid fought back, which, according to rw's makes him guilty of some crime. If Zimmerman had not chased the kid, had not been carrying a gun and been so damned willing to use it against what he called a "fucking coon", we wouldn't be discussing it.

And, sorry, but anyone who says "ilk" or "minion" should be ignored for the same reason those who bring Hitler into a thread should be. Its stupid and lame and lazy.
Not that I am going to let facts sway my opinion, Zimmerman is obviously guilty and needs to be hinted down and killed.


Zimmerman told them he lost sight of Trayvon and was walking back to his SUV when Trayvon approached him from the left rear, and they exchanged words.
Trayvon asked Zimmerman if he had a problem. Zimmerman said no and reached for his cell phone, he told police. Trayvon then said, "Well, you do now" or something similar and punched Zimmerman in the nose, according to the account he gave police.
Zimmerman fell to the ground and Trayvon got on top of him and began slamming his head into the sidewalk, he told police.
Zimmerman began yelling for help.
Several witnesses heard those cries, and there has been a dispute about whether they came from Zimmerman or Trayvon.
Lawyers for Trayvon's family say it was Trayvon, but police say their evidence indicates it was Zimmerman.
One witness, who has since talked to local television news reporters, told police he saw Zimmerman on the ground with Trayvon on top, pounding him — and was unequivocal that it was Zimmerman who was crying for help.
Trayvon Martin: George Zimmerman's account to police of the Trayvon Martin shooting. - Orlando Sentinel
No, I wonder why THIS victim received so little attention from law enforcement until DEMONSTRATIONS took place, and why there is a firm defense of the killer by so many who decry street crimes.

yes, well I wonder why this received so little attention, where are HiJackson and Sharkskin?

Shooting death of 6–year-old girl punctuates lethal Chicago weekend
'She didn't deserve this,' mother says; 49 people are shot citywide, 10 fatally

March 20, 2012
Diana Aguilar was distraught with grief Monday as she sat in the purple-and-pink bedroom of her 6-year-old daughter, gripping photos of her "baby."

Two days earlier, on a sunny afternoon more like a June day, Aliyah Shell was sitting between her mother's legs on the family's Little Village front porch as Aguilar untangled her hair. The family had a friend's birthday party to attend.

Suddenly, shots rang out from a pickup truck. Aguilar said she knocked her 2-year-old daughter on her back and hugged Aliyah tightly. But Aliyah was shot several times and died that afternoon at a hospital.

"She didn't deserve this," the mother repeated over and over again Monday as she sat on her daughter's bed, which was covered with bright balloons, stuffed animals and family photos. "They're not people. They're animals for doing this to my baby. A person with a heart would never do this, so they're not people."

Aliyah's shooting was the most shocking of a particularly violent weekend in Chicago. According to an analysis by the Tribune, 49 people were shot — 10 of them fatally — from late Friday afternoon through early Monday, mostly on the South and Southwest sides. Chicago police, excluding Monday morning from the calculation, said nine homicides took place over the weekend.

The deadly weekend continues a violent start to 2012. From Jan. 1 through Sunday, homicides soared 42 percent, to 94 from 66 a year earlier, according to a police spokeswoman. So far in 2012, nonfatal shootings rose to 408, up from 296 a year earlier, a 38 percent jump, she said. That continues a troubling trend that started in the last quarter of 2011. Police say gangs are to blame for much of the violence, including Aliyah's killing.

more at-

Murder of 6-year-old girl caps violent weekend in Chicago - chicagotribune.com

We all know why, becasue the media and those 2 'persons' didn't have a race card to play, BUT and you can see it now, they are slowly very slowly but incrementally walking back the race angle...why?

Zimmerman despite his name, he is Hispanic, looks Hispanic and the last thing the Democratic party hence their media sympathizers wants is a Hispanics and blacks to come to blows over this.....

oh and the NY Times referred to Zimmerman as a ....wait for it-......."White Hispanic"...:lol:

I bet if he saved kids form a burning building or was running for office as a democrat or HE was shot by a 'real' white man in exactly the same situation, they would never ever refer to him as a "white" Hispanic.....simply shameless.

Probably the same reason this... Women May Have Texted Killers' IDs From Trunk, As Authorities Confirm Bodies Found In Shallow Grave | Fox News is getting so little attention. Although the article doesn't say, I'm willing to bet that the shooters in this case aren't white.

Black, white, red, green, purple, arrest, investigate, file any appropriate charges, and put 'em on trial. Don't wait weeks to try to find scattered evidence. (I am a VICTIM sympathizer in almost all matters.)
A record of violence, he assaulted a police officer, got off through Pre Trial diversion. Had an Injunction against him for domestic violence, dismissed after he filed one also.

Was rejected from a police academy, reasons unknown. Set himself up as the "Neighborhood Watch" in his community.

Called 911 the EVENING he killed an armed teenager, Trayvon Martin. Ignored the advice given, and continued following the teenager.

Suffered minor wounds at some point in the encounter. Zimmerman was found standing over the young man he killed when police arrived minutes later. He went to a doctor the next day. Never entered a hospital, the police describe his injuries as NOT SERIOUS.

He remains free, in hiding, allegedly remorseful; why he might be remorseful after he killed in "self defense" is also unknown.

The evidence in the case is stale, no toxicology tests were done on the killer. Little evidence collected by the Sanford PD, no further investigation until the killing was publicized.

Why do many anti crime, usual victims' advocates, turn this 28 year old man into a sympathetic figure? The 17 year old victim will never see the light of day again. Trayvon Martin is the victim, not George Zimmerman.

Dont forget he called 911 over 40 times in about a month. Cool guy...
Except for that pesky eye witness account of the Kid attacking Zimmerman. Except for the fact we have prior knowledge now that the "kid" has been violent with at least one bus driver. Except for the fact an eye witness saw Martin knock Zimmerman to the ground, pound his head on the ground. Yup lets ignore all those facts shall we?

Zimmerman's injuries, as reported by the police, and evidenced by his actions, are not consistent with that account. The killer has a defense attorney who makes public statements many are taking at face value, thus far.

What part of EYE Witness do you fail to grasp? You brought Zimmerman's past into, guess what? Martin has a past too and it is starting to come out. And it isn't looking so good. But you ignore all that. By the way? Zimmerman's nose was broken and he had an injury to the back of his head consistent with that eye witness account.

If I was on a jury, Zimmerman's past would be more important to me than Trayvon's. Trayvon wasn't bothering anyone but walking alone with skittles an iced tea while Zimmerman was following him with a gun. What's wrong with that picture?
My bias is in favor of a complete investigation in in ANY killing; that did not happen here

My bias is in favor of the law, which doesn’t allow an investigation in the first place.

Why do many anti crime, usual victims' advocates, turn this 28 year old man into a sympathetic figure? The 17 year old victim will never see the light of day again. Trayvon Martin is the victim, not George Zimmerman.

A question clearly rhetorical.

No, I wonder why THIS victim received so little attention from law enforcement until DEMONSTRATIONS took place, and why there is a firm defense of the killer by so many who decry street crimes.

Asked and answered.

But again, if we must: an investigation wasn’t conducted because no crime occurred, in the context of the SYG statute. The police can’t investigate where there is no crime.

When the demonstrations took place, the incident moved from the legal realm to the political, where the rules of engagement are radically different.

In the political court of public opinion, facts of law are ruled inadmissible.
A record of violence, he assaulted a police officer, got off through Pre Trial diversion. Had an Injunction against him for domestic violence, dismissed after he filed one also.

Was rejected from a police academy, reasons unknown. Set himself up as the "Neighborhood Watch" in his community.

Called 911 the EVENING he killed an armed teenager, Trayvon Martin. Ignored the advice given, and continued following the teenager.

Suffered minor wounds at some point in the encounter. Zimmerman was found standing over the young man he killed when police arrived minutes later. He went to a doctor the next day. Never entered a hospital, the police describe his injuries as NOT SERIOUS.

He remains free, in hiding, allegedly remorseful; why he might be remorseful after he killed in "self defense" is also unknown.

The evidence in the case is stale, no toxicology tests were done on the killer. Little evidence collected by the Sanford PD, no further investigation until the killing was publicized.

Why do many anti crime, usual victims' advocates, turn this 28 year old man into a sympathetic figure? The 17 year old victim will never see the light of day again. Trayvon Martin is the victim, not George Zimmerman.

Dont forget he called 911 over 40 times in about a month. Cool guy...

I've read 50 times in about a year; open garage doors, windows etc. I've also read some praise him for his help. It could be anything from self defense to 2nd degree murder. I don't see 1st degree, but no one has all the evidence.
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