I Don't Think Many Of You Know What "Confronted" Means

Jesus could come back and state he was an eye witness to this and that would not be good enough for those that need to believe that Martin was not at fault in any way.
So why link anything?
Your mind is made up no matter what anyone says or testifies to.
Police just released a stamtement:
"the evidence indicates the teen attacked before the community watch officer shot him"
Well I will be damned.
Now the grand jury will have this evidence.
If the evidence indicates that Martin was the attacker then how many here now claim this is murder?
Still may be manslaughter and maybe the police are wrong.
But is the evidence wrong?
Evidence is never wrong. Evidence is impartial.

Front and center msn.comI sure feel bad for the Martin family in all of this. They have been conned by the media, Al Sharpton and the rush to judgment 30 second sound bite worshipers.
Prayers and thoughts to the Martin family. They were taken advantage of by the publicity whores.
There's nothing at your link that says what you claim. I suppose you are talking about the article stating that Zimmerman told the police that Martin attacked him. That isn't evidence, it is his statement. There's a lot more to evidence than someone's words.

Front and center msn.comI sure feel bad for the Martin family in all of this. They have been conned by the media, Al Sharpton and the rush to judgment 30 second sound bite worshipers.
Prayers and thoughts to the Martin family. They were taken advantage of by the publicity whores.
There's nothing at your link that says what you claim. I suppose you are talking about the article stating that Zimmerman told the police that Martin attacked him. That isn't evidence, it is his statement. There's a lot more to evidence than someone's words.

You are a dumb ass for sure "Police sources told the Sentinel that their evidence indicated it was Zimmerman" that were the cries of distress, not Martin.
"One witness said he saw Martin pounding Zimmerman on the ground"
Can't you read you fool?:
"Zimmerman told police that Martin knocked him down with a single punch and slammed his head into the sidewalk several times before the shooting, AN ACCOUNT THAT POLICE SAID WITNESSES HAVE CORROBARATED"

Like I said nothing will change your biased and prejudiced mind.
Witnesses corroborate, I doubt you even know what that means, Zimmerman's account.

But go ahead and hide like a 5 year old, whine, bitch and moan and keep sending me rude neg reps.
I like them, keep them coming.
Tells me you know you are beat.

Wham it zero on set, EP team on the ready for 1, 2nd KO team on the pads and 4th string D to coordinator group.
Its also coming out that the "innocent kid" was once suspended from school from being caught with an empty bag of weed.

I know it doesn't have anything to do with the case, but it sure doesn't fit the narrative the liberal media has been painting for us about this kid.

It does fit with Zimmerman's report that the kid looked like he was on drugs and explains why Martin was tested for drugs.

Treyvon Martin was a drug user, this just became justifiable homicide no matter what else happens.

The deceased was tested for drugs and alcohol, did the results come back positive? or are you just making this up?:doubt:

I thought I heard he was tested but came back negative.
Front and center msn.comI sure feel bad for the Martin family in all of this. They have been conned by the media, Al Sharpton and the rush to judgment 30 second sound bite worshipers.
Prayers and thoughts to the Martin family. They were taken advantage of by the publicity whores.
There's nothing at your link that says what you claim. I suppose you are talking about the article stating that Zimmerman told the police that Martin attacked him. That isn't evidence, it is his statement. There's a lot more to evidence than someone's words.

You are a dumb ass for sure "Police sources told the Sentinel that their evidence indicated it was Zimmerman" that were the cries of distress, not Martin.
"One witness said he saw Martin pounding Zimmerman on the ground"
Can't you read you fool?:
"Zimmerman told police that Martin knocked him down with a single punch and slammed his head into the sidewalk several times before the shooting, AN ACCOUNT THAT POLICE SAID WITNESSES HAVE CORROBARATED"

Like I said nothing will change your biased and prejudiced mind.
Witnesses corroborate, I doubt you even know what that means, Zimmerman's account.

But go ahead and hide like a 5 year old, whine, bitch and moan and keep sending me rude neg reps.
I like them, keep them coming.
Tells me you know you are beat.

Wham it zero on set, EP team on the ready for 1, 2nd KO team on the pads and 4th string D to coordinator group.
You still don't have a link. Big fucking surprise.

And your whine over a neg is noticed.
A record of violence, he assaulted a police officer, got off through Pre Trial diversion. Had an Injunction against him for domestic violence, dismissed after he filed one also.

Was rejected from a police academy, reasons unknown. Set himself up as the "Neighborhood Watch" in his community.

Called 911 the EVENING he killed an armed teenager, Trayvon Martin. Ignored the advice given, and continued following the teenager.

Suffered minor wounds at some point in the encounter. Zimmerman was found standing over the young man he killed when police arrived minutes later. He went to a doctor the next day. Never entered a hospital, the police describe his injuries as NOT SERIOUS.

He remains free, in hiding, allegedly remorseful; why he might be remorseful after he killed in "self defense" is also unknown.

The evidence in the case is stale, no toxicology tests were done on the killer. Little evidence collected by the Sanford PD, no further investigation until the killing was publicized.

Why do many anti crime, usual victims' advocates, turn this 28 year old man into a sympathetic figure? The 17 year old victim will never see the light of day again. Trayvon Martin is the victim, not George Zimmerman.
Today the mother of this poor deceased kid filed trademark rights with the US Patent office so she can sell T shirts and hats and start a clothing line and cash in.
And the law firm that is "representing" the family signed the documents filed today.
No wonder Al and Jesse and professional "racism" thieves are there.
You folks are dumber than a box of rocks.
All about the $$$ first and foremost.
Mother Seeks Trayvon Martin Trademarks | The Smoking Gun
Today the mother of this poor deceased kid filed trademark rights with the US Patent office so she can sell T shirts and hats and start a clothing line and cash in.
And the law firm that is "representing" the family signed the documents filed today.
No wonder Al and Jesse and professional "racism" thieves are there.
You folks are dumber than a box of rocks.
All about the $$$ first and foremost.
Mother Seeks Trayvon Martin Trademarks | The Smoking Gun
Right, because his mother's actions make him guilty.
Yeah, but rdean dated him from 1997-2002. So there is that to consider.

The death of a unarmed 17 year old, going to a store during half time of a basketball game, walking with Skittles & iced tea to his father's home, is a joke to some I gather. I pray it does not happen to any of your loved ones.
Yeah, but rdean dated him from 1997-2002. So there is that to consider.

The death of a unarmed 17 year old, going to a store during half time of a basketball game, walking with Skittles & iced tea to his father's home, is a joke to some I gather. I pray it does not happen to any of your loved ones.

Like you were there? Watched the whole thing. Sure.
Today the mother of this poor deceased kid filed trademark rights with the US Patent office so she can sell T shirts and hats and start a clothing line and cash in.
And the law firm that is "representing" the family signed the documents filed today.
No wonder Al and Jesse and professional "racism" thieves are there.
You folks are dumber than a box of rocks.
All about the $$$ first and foremost.
Mother Seeks Trayvon Martin Trademarks | The Smoking Gun
Right, because his mother's actions make him guilty.

Didn't say that.
But you bought hook line and sinker their con from the start.
The entire thing is a fraud.
Admit it and move on. They conned you and you bought it hook line and sinker.
Leave these things to us professionals.
I still say the indictment will be lower homicide charges and probably manslaughter.
Involuntary with a max of 1 year to serve on a 10 year sentence, the rest to be probated.
But Ravi, the sad part of this they had a GOOD civil case no matter what the criminal outcome is. Do you know why? I will once again teach you some law.
The burden in civil court is the preponderance of the evidence, NOT beyond a reasonable doubt. Of course any lawyer worth a nickel looks for the deep pocket in a civil case and so that would mean the association of the community where Zimmerman lived and the liability policy associated with that.
This patent filing RUINS that case from day one.
But hey! Trayvon T shirts, hats, CDs and flip flops rule and count more.
What size T shirt do you wear Ravi? How about a hat to go along with it.
Only in America where the dumbmasses rule the day.
I am sure you would admit the family is CORRUPT!?
S..........L..................A...................M D.................U...................N.....................K
A record of violence, he assaulted a police officer, got off through Pre Trial diversion. Had an Injunction against him for domestic violence, dismissed after he filed one also.

Was rejected from a police academy, reasons unknown. Set himself up as the "Neighborhood Watch" in his community.

Called 911 the EVENING he killed an armed teenager, Trayvon Martin. Ignored the advice given, and continued following the teenager.

Suffered minor wounds at some point in the encounter. Zimmerman was found standing over the young man he killed when police arrived minutes later. He went to a doctor the next day. Never entered a hospital, the police describe his injuries as NOT SERIOUS.

He remains free, in hiding, allegedly remorseful; why he might be remorseful after he killed in "self defense" is also unknown.

The evidence in the case is stale, no toxicology tests were done on the killer. Little evidence collected by the Sanford PD, no further investigation until the killing was publicized.

Why do many anti crime, usual victims' advocates, turn this 28 year old man into a sympathetic figure? The 17 year old victim will never see the light of day again. Trayvon Martin is the victim, not George Zimmerman.


Lets try this. Trayvon Martin shooting: New details emerge from Facebook and Twitter accounts, witness testimony | The Cutline - Yahoo! News

Seems the kid also swung on a bus driver and was slamming Zimmerman's head into the pavement. The kid attacked Zimmerman. As evidenced by EYEWITNESS testimony. That is a fact. It is also a fact he broke his nose and put a wound on the back of his head. All corroborated by EYEWITNESS testimony.

I think I will believe Zimmerman when he says he called for help and did not fire until he feared for his life. The fact his the girl friend confirms all he did is ask him a question. An eye witness confirms Martin ASSAULTED Zimmerman, knocked him to the ground with one blow and pounded his head into the pavement. His online activity shows he had at least one violent encounter with a bus driver as well.

Zimmerman claims he tried to take his gun, which would appear, based on EYEWITNESS testimony to appear to be what happened. Knocked to the ground with the assailant pounding his head on the ground he then grabs for the gun. Zimmerman defended himself.

But thanks for staying impartial and all.
Today the mother of this poor deceased kid filed trademark rights with the US Patent office so she can sell T shirts and hats and start a clothing line and cash in.
And the law firm that is "representing" the family signed the documents filed today.
No wonder Al and Jesse and professional "racism" thieves are there.
You folks are dumber than a box of rocks.
All about the $$$ first and foremost.
Mother Seeks Trayvon Martin Trademarks | The Smoking Gun
Right, because his mother's actions make him guilty.

Didn't say that.
But you bought hook line and sinker their con from the start.
The entire thing is a fraud.
Admit it and move on. They conned you and you bought it hook line and sinker.
Leave these things to us professionals.
I still say the indictment will be lower homicide charges and probably manslaughter.
Involuntary with a max of 1 year to serve on a 10 year sentence, the rest to be probated.
But Ravi, the sad part of this they had a GOOD civil case no matter what the criminal outcome is. Do you know why? I will once again teach you some law.
The burden in civil court is the preponderance of the evidence, NOT beyond a reasonable doubt. Of course any lawyer worth a nickel looks for the deep pocket in a civil case and so that would mean the association of the community where Zimmerman lived and the liability policy associated with that.
This patent filing RUINS that case from day one.
But hey! Trayvon T shirts, hats, CDs and flip flops rule and count more.
What size T shirt do you wear Ravi? How about a hat to go along with it.
Only in America where the dumbmasses rule the day.
I am sure you would admit the family is CORRUPT!?
S..........L..................A...................M D.................U...................N.....................K
You're no professional, you've been making up "facts" all along. Please post your real name so anyone and their brother knows to steer clear of you.

A 17 year old boy goes out to get a snack and a can of tea. No prior record, no prior problems with fighting or aggressiveness. A man that has had prior problems on both accounts is out with a gun. He follows the boy, and, in spite of being told not to, confronts him. The boy asks "Why are you following me?", the man asks, "What are you doing here". That is the last we know of the exchange, what we do know, is that a fight ensued, and the man with the gun killed the boy.

From this alone, I would say a murder took place. The man had no right to confront the boy. At that point, the boy had the right to do whatever he could, not knowing what the fellow was up to.

Yet, once again, the wingnuts have come down on the side of the criminal.
A record of violence, he assaulted a police officer, got off through Pre Trial diversion. Had an Injunction against him for domestic violence, dismissed after he filed one also.

Was rejected from a police academy, reasons unknown. Set himself up as the "Neighborhood Watch" in his community.

Called 911 the EVENING he killed an armed teenager, Trayvon Martin. Ignored the advice given, and continued following the teenager.

Suffered minor wounds at some point in the encounter. Zimmerman was found standing over the young man he killed when police arrived minutes later. He went to a doctor the next day. Never entered a hospital, the police describe his injuries as NOT SERIOUS.

He remains free, in hiding, allegedly remorseful; why he might be remorseful after he killed in "self defense" is also unknown.

The evidence in the case is stale, no toxicology tests were done on the killer. Little evidence collected by the Sanford PD, no further investigation until the killing was publicized.

Why do many anti crime, usual victims' advocates, turn this 28 year old man into a sympathetic figure? The 17 year old victim will never see the light of day again. Trayvon Martin is the victim, not George Zimmerman.

I guess you missed the part about Martin knocking Zimmerman to the ground and slamming Zimmerman's head to the pavement over and over again?

I guess you missed the part about Martin attacking Zimmerman being corroborated by SEVERAL witnesses?

Maybe you also missed the part about Zimmerman NOT being a "Jew".

Zimmerman is HISPANIC.

Does Zimmerman's race make ANY difference to you, or is this strictly another "poor and innocent and misunderstood black kid getting killed" story that has been blown way out of proportion by race warlords and people like you?
A 17 year old boy goes out to get a snack and a can of tea. No prior record, no prior problems with fighting or aggressiveness. A man that has had prior problems on both accounts is out with a gun. He follows the boy, and, in spite of being told not to, confronts him. The boy asks "Why are you following me?", the man asks, "What are you doing here". That is the last we know of the exchange, what we do know, is that a fight ensued, and the man with the gun killed the boy.

From this alone, I would say a murder took place. The man had no right to confront the boy. At that point, the boy had the right to do whatever he could, not knowing what the fellow was up to.

Yet, once again, the wingnuts have come down on the side of the criminal.

Except for that pesky eye witness account of the Kid attacking Zimmerman. Except for the fact we have prior knowledge now that the "kid" has been violent with at least one bus driver. Except for the fact an eye witness saw Martin knock Zimmerman to the ground, pound his head on the ground. Yup lets ignore all those facts shall we?
A record of violence, he assaulted a police officer, got off through Pre Trial diversion. Had an Injunction against him for domestic violence, dismissed after he filed one also.

Was rejected from a police academy, reasons unknown. Set himself up as the "Neighborhood Watch" in his community.

Called 911 the EVENING he killed an armed teenager, Trayvon Martin. Ignored the advice given, and continued following the teenager.

Suffered minor wounds at some point in the encounter. Zimmerman was found standing over the young man he killed when police arrived minutes later. He went to a doctor the next day. Never entered a hospital, the police describe his injuries as NOT SERIOUS.

He remains free, in hiding, allegedly remorseful; why he might be remorseful after he killed in "self defense" is also unknown.

The evidence in the case is stale, no toxicology tests were done on the killer. Little evidence collected by the Sanford PD, no further investigation until the killing was publicized.

Why do many anti crime, usual victims' advocates, turn this 28 year old man into a sympathetic figure? The 17 year old victim will never see the light of day again. Trayvon Martin is the victim, not George Zimmerman.


Lets try this. Trayvon Martin shooting: New details emerge from Facebook and Twitter accounts, witness testimony | The Cutline - Yahoo! News

Seems the kid also swung on a bus driver and was slamming Zimmerman's head into the pavement. The kid attacked Zimmerman. As evidenced by EYEWITNESS testimony. That is a fact. It is also a fact he broke his nose and put a wound on the back of his head. All corroborated by EYEWITNESS testimony.

I think I will believe Zimmerman when he says he called for help and did not fire until he feared for his life. The fact his the girl friend confirms all he did is ask him a question. An eye witness confirms Martin ASSAULTED Zimmerman, knocked him to the ground with one blow and pounded his head into the pavement. His online activity shows he had at least one violent encounter with a bus driver as well.

Zimmerman claims he tried to take his gun, which would appear, based on EYEWITNESS testimony to appear to be what happened. Knocked to the ground with the assailant pounding his head on the ground he then grabs for the gun. Zimmerman defended himself.

But thanks for staying impartial and all.

The head bashing is untrue, even the Sanford police reported NO SERIOUS INJURIES. I had a wound to his head which a DOCTOR treated, perhaps with pain medication. NO hospital visit. My bias is in favor of a complete investigation in in ANY killing; that did not happen here & it may do not know if Zimmerman did commit a crime; I DO know the shooting death should have a been priority with law enforcement in February, not late March.

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