I Don't Think Many Of You Know What "Confronted" Means

My bias is in favor of a complete investigation in in ANY killing; that did not happen here

My bias is in favor of the law, which doesn’t allow an investigation in the first place.

A question clearly rhetorical.

No, I wonder why THIS victim received so little attention from law enforcement until DEMONSTRATIONS took place, and why there is a firm defense of the killer by so many who decry street crimes.

Asked and answered.

But again, if we must: an investigation wasn’t conducted because no crime occurred, in the context of the SYG statute. The police can’t investigate where there is no crime.

When the demonstrations took place, the incident moved from the legal realm to the political, where the rules of engagement are radically different.

In the political court of public opinion, facts of law are ruled inadmissible.

Uh, CCJ, it isn't for law enforcement to INTERPRET statutes, remember?
My bias is in favor of a complete investigation in in ANY killing; that did not happen here

My bias is in favor of the law, which doesn’t allow an investigation in the first place.

A question clearly rhetorical.

No, I wonder why THIS victim received so little attention from law enforcement until DEMONSTRATIONS took place, and why there is a firm defense of the killer by so many who decry street crimes.

Asked and answered.

But again, if we must: an investigation wasn’t conducted because no crime occurred, in the context of the SYG statute. The police can’t investigate where there is no crime.

When the demonstrations took place, the incident moved from the legal realm to the political, where the rules of engagement are radically different.

In the political court of public opinion, facts of law are ruled inadmissible.

Now it looks like it could go federal and be investigated/tried as a hate crime. That's Zimmerman's doing but it will send the rw's into apoplectic fits!

Somehow, they'll nake it President Obama's "fault".
Credible, unimpeachable, un-bias eyewitness & 911 recordings puts Zimmerman on his back on the ground screaming for help more than 20 times while Martin continued to beat him. Zimmerman was justified in shooting Martin.
A question clearly rhetorical.

No, I wonder why THIS victim received so little attention from law enforcement until DEMONSTRATIONS took place, and why there is a firm defense of the killer by so many who decry street crimes.

yes, well I wonder why this received so little attention, where are HiJackson and Sharkskin?

Shooting death of 6–year-old girl punctuates lethal Chicago weekend
'She didn't deserve this,' mother says; 49 people are shot citywide, 10 fatally

March 20, 2012
Diana Aguilar was distraught with grief Monday as she sat in the purple-and-pink bedroom of her 6-year-old daughter, gripping photos of her "baby."

Two days earlier, on a sunny afternoon more like a June day, Aliyah Shell was sitting between her mother's legs on the family's Little Village front porch as Aguilar untangled her hair. The family had a friend's birthday party to attend.

Suddenly, shots rang out from a pickup truck. Aguilar said she knocked her 2-year-old daughter on her back and hugged Aliyah tightly. But Aliyah was shot several times and died that afternoon at a hospital.

"She didn't deserve this," the mother repeated over and over again Monday as she sat on her daughter's bed, which was covered with bright balloons, stuffed animals and family photos. "They're not people. They're animals for doing this to my baby. A person with a heart would never do this, so they're not people."

Aliyah's shooting was the most shocking of a particularly violent weekend in Chicago. According to an analysis by the Tribune, 49 people were shot — 10 of them fatally — from late Friday afternoon through early Monday, mostly on the South and Southwest sides. Chicago police, excluding Monday morning from the calculation, said nine homicides took place over the weekend.

The deadly weekend continues a violent start to 2012. From Jan. 1 through Sunday, homicides soared 42 percent, to 94 from 66 a year earlier, according to a police spokeswoman. So far in 2012, nonfatal shootings rose to 408, up from 296 a year earlier, a 38 percent jump, she said. That continues a troubling trend that started in the last quarter of 2011. Police say gangs are to blame for much of the violence, including Aliyah's killing.

more at-

Murder of 6-year-old girl caps violent weekend in Chicago - chicagotribune.com

We all know why, becasue the media and those 2 'persons' didn't have a race card to play, BUT and you can see it now, they are slowly very slowly but incrementally walking back the race angle...why?

Zimmerman despite his name, he is Hispanic, looks Hispanic and the last thing the Democratic party hence their media sympathizers wants is a Hispanics and blacks to come to blows over this.....

oh and the NY Times referred to Zimmerman as a ....wait for it-......."White Hispanic"...:lol:

I bet if he saved kids form a burning building or was running for office as a democrat or HE was shot by a 'real' white man in exactly the same situation, they would never ever refer to him as a "white" Hispanic.....simply shameless.

I hope Chicago law enforcement puts every resources they can into these murders.
Now that it is in the State's hands, let's wait for all of the facts without the MSM. And certainly without Sharpton and Jackson. Hard for me to wrap my common sense around the fact that Zimmerman had the right to follow anyone with a gun.

Quite honestly, it was time for someone to break that nose for putting it where it didn't belong.
Credible, unimpeachable, un-bias eyewitness & 911 recordings puts Zimmerman on his back on the ground screaming for help more than 20 times while Martin continued to beat him. Zimmerman was justified in shooting Martin.

Zimmerman would have never been on his back if he would have backed off as the police told him to do. If I had followed a kid with skittles in his hand a gun in mine I would expect to be pummeled while laying on my back, too.
so its all heresay..

Umm, no.

Hearsay is I say you said something, not me saying you did something.

its zimmermans words vs a dead kid....oh boy...

Still not hearsay. And, like it or not, there is evidence that supports Zimmerman's story, and witnesses that saw him on the ground under Martin.

But, like I said in my OP, I am not going to let facts change my opinion, Zimmermen should be hunted down and killed. It is good to see I am not the only one to think that way.
Credible, unimpeachable, un-bias eyewitness & 911 recordings puts Zimmerman on his back on the ground screaming for help more than 20 times while Martin continued to beat him. Zimmerman was justified in shooting Martin.

Zimmerman would have never been on his back if he would have backed off as the police told him to do. If I had followed a kid with skittles in his hand a gun in mine I would expect to be pummeled while laying on my back, too.

There is no proof that Zimmerman was after Martin with gun in hand. Zimmerman claims Martin attacked him from behind as he was heading back to his truck. No evidence to refute that story. Credible, unimpeachable, un-bias eyewitness & 911 recordings all back Zimmerman's account of events minutes before the shooting. There is no evidence to the contrary.
I don't see 1st degree, but no one has all the evidence.

I've thought the same thing but I wonder - I'm not an attorney or an expert on the law but wonder if his history of calling 911 about blacks, his saying "they always get away with it" ... "fucking coons" could be construed as "... both willful and premeditated, meaning that it was committed after planning or "lying in wait" for the victim..."

First Degree Murder Definition - FindLaw

("fucking coon" - I've also read that some relative has said he's not "racist". I wonder what he would call the kid if he were a racist ... )
How can the guy who expressed his concern about a guy following him suddenly become the aggressor? How does a young man walking home with tea and skittles become the agitator in this?
Shockingly enough, the guy still living claims the dead guy started it...

Shockingly enough, the guy with the gun who started it, stands over the dead guy and claims he hurt my nose.

And is not taken to a hospital after his head was "bashed in". Instead he goes in for questioning, and visits a doctor's office the next day. What a TOUGH guy with those NOT SERIOUS injuries the police reported.
I don't see 1st degree, but no one has all the evidence.

I've thought the same thing but I wonder - I'm not an attorney or an expert on the law but wonder if his history of calling 911 about blacks, his saying "they always get away with it" ... "fucking coons" could be construed as "... both willful and premeditated, meaning that it was committed after planning or "lying in wait" for the victim..."

First Degree Murder Definition - FindLaw

("fucking coon" - I've also read that some relative has said he's not "racist". I wonder what he would call the kid if he were a racist ... )

Zimmerman said "fucking punks" NOT "fucking coons". He called 911 several times because he was on neighborhood watch. Nothing out of the ordinary about that or racist about that.

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