I Don't Think Many Of You Know What "Confronted" Means

Damn......nobody wants to play anymore?

Guess common-sense and effective reasoning tends to do that.

Funny, all of that BS last year on Sarah Palin being the cause of the Gabby Gifford attack and I was able to totally debunk it in one sentence.

You didn't "debunk" shit.

What you did was spotlight either your hypocrisy or racism.

Your choice.



You got owned.

Naw..your bullshit got owned.

But your a legend in your own mind. :clap2:


My bad, he said "fucking" coons. I dont want to misrepresent this fine gentleman.

Does this make any difference in your mind?

He also said "they always get away". Who are they and what exactly was that kid doing wrong?

Again, any differnce?

Goon or coon? I can't tell and neither could many experts, but you seem to be able to, interesting, and who could they be? Criminals, kids, but you go again directly to the race card. Interesting.

Yeah..it was coons. In any case..it follows the narrative that 911 tapes show. And Zimmerman's previous calls..all which were made on black people.

Anyone can make something indiscernible sound the way they want it to sound. I doubt that you would have said that sounds like he said coon unless it was pointed out to you.
This illustrates what's wrong with the left.

They have an agenda, and they have a schedule. They spend all of their time faking events and twisting real ones beyond recognition.

What is real doesn't matter. They try to shape perceptions into the direction needed to prove whatever their ideology requires.

It doesn't matter that Zimmerman is Hispanic. They try to convince their ignorant followers he's Caucasian. It doesn't matter the facts of the incident. Paybacks are in order. So hateful fuck wads like Spike Lee get to act like Do Gooders when in fact they're instigating more and more hatred.
Last election California democrats published the addresses and posted pictures of the homes of registered republicans or those homes with "McCain" posters so that outraged criminals could target them.

That's why Ann Coulter's book "Demonic" was so perceptive. Liberals and their street thugs have the mob when they don't have the law.
Considering the media attention, and groups hating Zimmerman already, it was a rotten thing to do.

It is incitement to murder, which as far as I know IS a chargeable offense. It is also a violation of Zimmerman"s CIVIL RIGHTS. Also a chargeable offense.

The youtube adds about Rush Limbaugh fit that bill as well, as do the flyers for Zimmerman to be killed by the New Black Panthers.

But there will be no charges and no attempt to stop them by this administration.

Nope, because Obama and Holder are radical black racists with a deep seated hatred of white people. Just wait until the second term, we've been instructed to wait until then.

You ain't gonna do shit except troll this message board......
Goon or coon? I can't tell and neither could many experts, but you seem to be able to, interesting, and who could they be? Criminals, kids, but you go again directly to the race card. Interesting.

Yeah..it was coons. In any case..it follows the narrative that 911 tapes show. And Zimmerman's previous calls..all which were made on black people.

Anyone can make something indiscernible sound the way they want it to sound. I doubt that you would have said that sounds like he said coon unless it was pointed out to you.
Some are more susceptible to the power of suggestion than others. They are also the ones who can be hypnotized.

(I have tried, and I can't be.)

You got owned.

Naw..your bullshit got owned.

But your a legend in your own mind. :clap2:


Maybe you should start a poll and see if anyone's buying your BS or just seeing it for what it is......a face-saving attempt.

Not face "saving" at all. We are dealing with reality here. I posted several actions that were quite similar to the one Lee engaged in. By the way..I think what Lee, Palin, Operation Rescue and O'Reilly did was wrong.

Out of those choices..you believe only one person did something wrong.

That person was black. Spike Lee.

So..either you are using a racial exception or a political one.

You look bad either way.

Poll? On a mostly conservative board? Are you mad? Next you'll wanna bet me $10,000 dollars.

Yeah..it was coons. In any case..it follows the narrative that 911 tapes show. And Zimmerman's previous calls..all which were made on black people.

Anyone can make something indiscernible sound the way they want it to sound. I doubt that you would have said that sounds like he said coon unless it was pointed out to you.
Some are more susceptible to the power of suggestion than others. They are also the ones who can be hypnotized.

(I have tried, and I can't be.)

True enough tried the new fad hypnosis years ago to quite smoking, didn't work, The only thing that did was tell my mind enough is enough and I quite.
Naw..your bullshit got owned.

But your a legend in your own mind. :clap2:


Maybe you should start a poll and see if anyone's buying your BS or just seeing it for what it is......a face-saving attempt.

Not face "saving" at all. We are dealing with reality here. I posted several actions that were quite similar to the one Lee engaged in. By the way..I think what Lee, Palin, Operation Rescue and O'Reilly did was wrong.

Out of those choices..you believe only one person did something wrong.

That person was black. Spike Lee.

So..either you are using a racial exception or a political one.

You look bad either way.

Poll? On a mostly conservative board? Are you mad? Next you'll wanna bet me $10,000 dollars.


The only reality you'll admit to is that what Lee did was wrong.

Using moral relativism to attack Palin is weak.

The reasons I gave were valid.

So, you threw out the race-card because your argument is lame.
One can get a laceration on the back of the head if they are pushed or fall on their back.

And one can get shot if the gun goes off accidentally?

HAHAHAHAHA. Works every time.
Amazing how it does take a while some time to get folks to this point but this proves it.

You are willing to look at every possible scenario out there that makes Martin look good but ARE UNWILLING to give Zimmerman the SAME standard.
And Zimmerman is the accused! The accused under our law is ALWAYS given ther presimption of innocence.
You are a hypocrit.

I know the accused are given the presumption of innocence.

I also KNOW when I DON'T know everything. You asked how someone could get a laceration to the back of their head and I gave you an answer in addition to yours.

And, I dare you to evaluate my posts on this matter and tell me I'm assuming anything (that I don't already acknowledge as an assumption).

Sheesh. I have a leftie whackjob incessantly PMing me this morning telling me I am convinced that Zimmerman is without fault, and now you seem convinced that I think he IS at fault.


And, those who aren't can pound sand while they watch another thing that makes this country great be tossed aside.


Ok, I see where you are coming from. Thought devil's advocate would bring it out and did not mean to offend you.
Point is that there are always 2 sides to the argument and that is where I am coming.
I see that you are interested in looking at both sides.
My bad. Took it the wrong way. I was wrong about what you meant.
Allergy medications early in the morning with coffee.
Totally saw what you posted different and now see it as what you meant. Sorry.
And one can get shot if the gun goes off accidentally?

HAHAHAHAHA. Works every time.
Amazing how it does take a while some time to get folks to this point but this proves it.

You are willing to look at every possible scenario out there that makes Martin look good but ARE UNWILLING to give Zimmerman the SAME standard.
And Zimmerman is the accused! The accused under our law is ALWAYS given ther presimption of innocence.
You are a hypocrit.

I know the accused are given the presumption of innocence.

I also KNOW when I DON'T know everything. You asked how someone could get a laceration to the back of their head and I gave you an answer in addition to yours.

And, I dare you to evaluate my posts on this matter and tell me I'm assuming anything (that I don't already acknowledge as an assumption).

Sheesh. I have a leftie whackjob incessantly PMing me this morning telling me I am convinced that Zimmerman is without fault, and now you seem convinced that I think he IS at fault.


And, those who aren't can pound sand while they watch another thing that makes this country great be tossed aside.


Ok, I see where you are coming from. Thought devil's advocate would bring it out and did not mean to offend you.
Point is that there are always 2 sides to the argument and that is where I am coming.
I see that you are interested in looking at both sides.
My bad. Took it the wrong way. I was wrong about what you meant.
Allergy medications early in the morning with coffee.
Totally saw what you posted different and now see it as what you meant. Sorry.
So Liberals did not support and create and post videos demanding the death of Rush Limbaugh? Liberals did not create a "wanted dead or alive " poster of Zimmerman, followed by a liberal ensuring everyone knew his address? None of that happened? All with absolutely no action by the Government and no call for action by the Government?

You all demanded the Federal Government over rule the local authority and mount a criminal and civil rights investigation with absolutely no evidence a crime was committed and the statement from the local authorities that IN FACT no crime did occur.

But you make excuses and defend the absolute silence and failure to take action on open, obvious criminal activity. Claiming things like "golly it was just 10 guys that advocated murdering him. And it was only one guy that gave everyone his address. You Peach have made excuse after excuse to defend them.

Liberals did not create a wanted dead or alive poster. 10 idiots who call themselves the New black panther party did. I am a liberal and I nave NOTHING to do with them. Nothing.

You saying this is like me saying republicans shot that kid. it wasn't, it was Zimmerman. He has a lot of defenders on the right (see your post above) but he also has a few from the right saying he was wrong. (Although, I dont see too many in here on the right saying this). I am sure there are a few level headed actual non hack right wingers in here.

Provide evidence that he called the Kid a coon. Provide evidence he approached the kid weapon drawn, provide evidence he instigated the fight. It is neither illegal nor inappropriate to approach someone that does not seem to fit where they are and ask them why they are there.

He doesn't need any more "evidence" than that which has been publicized by the racist media. So far, actual facts of the investigation have been pretty tightly controlled. I am willing to wait for the professionals to finish their job. I'm betting that Zoom doesn't even live in the same county where this occurred.

Are you really trying to say, Zimmerman went up to that kid and calmly asked him for credentials? (you know, like you would be at Ft. Campbell).

He called him a coon, then approached him after hunting him and chasing him down. Tell me that is the same as asking you for identification on base. he was instructed to wait for the proper authorities but he didnt. Is that ok with you? He approached an unarmed kid, called him a racial epithet and shot and killed him. In what world is this ok? Oh yeah, in Florida and in here it seems.

Wow. I thought you were a little better than this.

Provide evidence your claim is factual.

You honestly dont know he called him a "coon"?

How do you know he did?
Police investigation and reports and evidence to the crime lab.
Good thing.
Interviews with all witnesses, evidence gathered and secured and statements taken at scene.
Good thing.
District attorneys notified within 48 hours with file, notes and statements sent.
Good thing.
Evidence sent to Florida crime lab for examination.
Good thing.
District attorney sets date for grand jury hearing based on time frame of when Florida crime lab may complete initial examinations.
Good thing.
Federal DOJ sends team to investigate.
Maybe an over reaction but the law is the law.
Good thing.
State of Florida enters the investigation.
Good thing.

So where is this "police corruption" and "nothing is getting done"?
Where is it?
From the start this case was handled exactly by the book from start to finish.
Regardless......sticks and stones.

Words are not legit reasons to try to kill someone or beat them senseless.

I'm just saying that if they are trying to make it a racial thing they need something better because that audio is not clear enough to say one way or another.

Dragging hate crime into this can obscure the KILLING. Sad to see.

That is absolutely correct and appears to be one of the unintended consequences. What might otherwise have been a far simpler case has now become extremely complicated because now the prosecution should have to prove what a man was thinking at a specific point in time. There is no such thing as a "hate" crime. People don't commit crimes because they care deeply for their victims.
Meaningless. Zimmerman's right to privacy was abrogated.

He certainly has grounds to sue Lee for a violation of his civil rights.

Or is that different? Somehow?

What right was violated? Spike Lee is not the government and addresses are publicly available information.

Intent could be applied, if Lee posted the tweet knowing that people would go find and harm Mr. Zimmerman it could be considered depraved indifference, it would be tough to prove however...

Besides, Lee would hire attorneys that none of us could afford. So he'd probably get off, like Simpson did.

He'd "get off" because he didn't do anything illegal.
Meaningless. Zimmerman's right to privacy was abrogated.

He certainly has grounds to sue Lee for a violation of his civil rights.

Or is that different? Somehow?

What right was violated? Spike Lee is not the government and addresses are publicly available information.

A gun doesn't become a danger till you put bullets in it.

Neither does an address till you add malice and bad intentions.

Giving out the address to somebody that is hated by thousands, if not millions of people, is instigating a crime.

Making a threat against anyone other than the President doesn't become a crime until you have the will and the opportunity to go through with that threat. Idle threats are meaningless, but knowing that there are folks out there looking for Zimmerman who want to kill him Spike Lee became an accomplice. If his twitter account becomes "Get Zimmerman Central", which it appears it has, he's in deep shit.

If that were true, there would be a lot of leading evangelicals sitting in prison right now for the abortion provider lists they put out.

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