I Don't Think Many Of You Know What "Confronted" Means

Its also coming out that the "innocent kid" was once suspended from school from being caught with an empty bag of weed.

I know it doesn't have anything to do with the case, but it sure doesn't fit the narrative the liberal media has been painting for us about this kid.
Its also coming out that the "innocent kid" was once suspended from school from being caught with an empty bag of weed.

I know it doesn't have anything to do with the case, but it sure doesn't fit the narrative the liberal media has been painting for us about this kid.

It does fit with Zimmerman's report that the kid looked like he was on drugs and explains why Martin was tested for drugs.

Treyvon Martin was a drug user, this just became justifiable homicide no matter what else happens.
Trayvon Martin Shooter Told Cops Teenager Went For His Gun - Yahoo!

The 6" 3" "kid went for Zimmerman's gun after knocking him down and breaking his nose. So much for an open and shut case of murder. Sure sounds like self defense to me.

Besides the fact he had no reason to attack Zimmerman.

In all fairness, someone follows me through an apartment complex in the dark, I'm going to cold cock them.

And try to get his gun before he shoots me.
Its also coming out that the "innocent kid" was once suspended from school from being caught with an empty bag of weed.

I know it doesn't have anything to do with the case, but it sure doesn't fit the narrative the liberal media has been painting for us about this kid.

It does fit with Zimmerman's report that the kid looked like he was on drugs and explains why Martin was tested for drugs.

Treyvon Martin was a drug user, this just became justifiable homicide no matter what else happens.

The deceased was tested for drugs and alcohol, did the results come back positive? or are you just making this up?:doubt:
Police just released a stamtement:
"the evidence indicates the teen attacked before the community watch officer shot him"
Well I will be damned.
Now the grand jury will have this evidence.
If the evidence indicates that Martin was the attacker then how many here now claim this is murder?
Still may be manslaughter and maybe the police are wrong.
But is the evidence wrong?
Evidence is never wrong. Evidence is impartial.
Police just released a stamtement:
"the evidence indicates the teen attacked before the community watch officer shot him"
Well I will be damned.
Now the grand jury will have this evidence.
If the evidence indicates that Martin was the attacker then how many here now claim this is murder?
Still may be manslaughter and maybe the police are wrong.
But is the evidence wrong?
Evidence is never wrong. Evidence is impartial.
Spike Lee publishes Zimmerman's address with the intention that someone collect the reward for bringing him to street justice. Someone takes uses that information to take up the reward offer. Florida still has a stand your ground law. The bounty hunter smashes in Zimmerman's door and goes down in a hail of gunfire.

Spike Lee gets arrested for murder along with the person who published the reward.

Spike Lee wants to become a vigilante. He retweeted George Zimmerman's home address to the world.

Somebody correct me, but isn't this conspiracy to commit murder if somebody kills him as a result of everyone in the world knowing where he lives???

If I was Zimmerman I'd have my lawyer suing the SOB right now.

Spike Lee Retweets George Zimmerman’s Home Address | TheBlaze.com


Operation Rescue and Sarah Palin targets people all the time.

No arrests.
Really? Palin has published the address of people with whom she disagrees?

You exact words:

1. That's not a residential address, so you're a liar.

2. Since it's not your real address, you're unwilling to do what you think is no big deal in Zimmerman's case, so you're a hypocrite.

3. Since it's not you're real address, you're a coward.

In summary, you're a lying, hypocritical, cowardly, racist, retard robot.

And that truly pathetic thing is you're not even ashamed of it.

You lie.
Yes, I said address, not neighborhood.

I was wrong.

And you're still a hypocritical, cowardly, racist, retard robot.

Actually Dave the address lee gave was to a house. google it.
I know. I was discussing racist asshole Salt's address.
Yeah..it was coons. In any case..it follows the narrative that 911 tapes show. And Zimmerman's previous calls..all which were made on black people.

Anyone can make something indiscernible sound the way they want it to sound. I doubt that you would have said that sounds like he said coon unless it was pointed out to you.
Some are more susceptible to the power of suggestion than others. They are also the ones who can be hypnotized.

(I have tried, and I can't be.)

I cannot be hypontized either Si. I tried to find something valuable belonging to my mother, WHICH I LOST. Neither of two hypnotists did much of anything but bore me...........................
It is incitement to murder, which as far as I know IS a chargeable offense. It is also a violation of Zimmerman"s CIVIL RIGHTS. Also a chargeable offense.

The youtube adds about Rush Limbaugh fit that bill as well, as do the flyers for Zimmerman to be killed by the New Black Panthers.

But there will be no charges and no attempt to stop them by this administration.

Nope, because Obama and Holder are radical black racists with a deep seated hatred of white people. Just wait until the second term, we've been instructed to wait until then.

You ain't gonna do shit except troll this message board......

When Saltie the Racist says 'we' he means himself and the voices in his head. The voices tell him to wait. No doubt white people across the country are trembling.... with laughter at his punk ass 'threats'. :lol::lol:
Its also coming out that the "innocent kid" was once suspended from school from being caught with an empty bag of weed.

I know it doesn't have anything to do with the case, but it sure doesn't fit the narrative the liberal media has been painting for us about this kid.

It does fit with Zimmerman's report that the kid looked like he was on drugs and explains why Martin was tested for drugs.

Treyvon Martin was a drug user, this just became justifiable homicide no matter what else happens.

The deceased was tested for drugs and alcohol, did the results come back positive? or are you just making this up?:doubt:

That's why he was suspended from school. He was a pot user. I posted that awhile ago.

He called himself the "No Limit Nigga". He was a member of a hash group called Team4dat.

Was Trayvon Martin a Drug Dealer?

My personal opinion is that the faster druggies get taken out the better off we all are. Let them use, but the public needs to be protected. It seems like Zimmerman was doing just that.
Nope, because Obama and Holder are radical black racists with a deep seated hatred of white people. Just wait until the second term, we've been instructed to wait until then.

You ain't gonna do shit except troll this message board......

When Saltie the Racist says 'we' he means himself and the voices in his head. The voices tell him to wait. No doubt white people across the country are trembling.... with laughter at his punk ass 'threats'. :lol::lol:

Salt basically said that Zimmerman deserved an ass-whipping for using a racial slur.

That's essentially the problem with blacks in America. Pride is one of those deadly sins that is killing more and more of them every day.

Learning to turn the other cheek is not taught. They teach their kids to carry a chip on their shoulders. Anyone disrespects you and you are supposed to react. Well I say that is what is wrong with black America.

Sometimes you have to take shit to keep an incident from happening. Sometimes you have to take shit from your boss or you have to take shit to keep the peace. If you fly off the handle at the slightest affront guess where you end up???

In prison......or dead.
Police just released a stamtement:
"the evidence indicates the teen attacked before the community watch officer shot him"
Well I will be damned.
Now the grand jury will have this evidence.
If the evidence indicates that Martin was the attacker then how many here now claim this is murder?
Still may be manslaughter and maybe the police are wrong.
But is the evidence wrong?
Evidence is never wrong. Evidence is impartial.

Front and center msn.comI sure feel bad for the Martin family in all of this. They have been conned by the media, Al Sharpton and the rush to judgment 30 second sound bite worshipers.
Prayers and thoughts to the Martin family. They were taken advantage of by the publicity whores.

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