I Don't Think Many Of You Know What "Confronted" Means

Jeb Bush says ....

did the police at the crime scene forget to ask Jeb first ??? oh shucks.

you know jeb was the person who signed the bill into law, right?

don't you think he knows what the legislative intent was?

or does that not jive with what passes for reality in rightwingnutworld?

Actually you would need to ask the Legislature not the Governor what the intent was. But then as a Lawyer you would know that, RIGHT?
so its all heresay..

Umm, no.

Hearsay is I say you said something, not me saying you did something.

Hearsay is any Unsubstantiated statement by an individual. If there is no way to independently corroborate what they say, it's Hearsay and it's worthless.

ummm... no.

hearsay is a statement made by someone without firsthand knowledge and used to prove the truth or falsity of a fact at issue.

e.g., i say "he told me that...."

hearsay is not a statement like "i said..." or "i saw..."
There are 30 people named George Zimmerman in the white pages in Florida. If he is one of these people, then this is all for naught really.

I still say, what spike lee did was wrong. It hurts us who really want justice served.

(Oh and they are going to do everything they can to discredit the victim. I already see it.)
Zimmerman's legal defense team has initiated a full-on media-smear campaign against the dead victim Trayvon Martin.

Only the choir's biting though.

Zimmmerman's TOAST!
Explain slowly for those of us without an agenda how YOU or the people putting out the tape know it was Martin?

Eye witness "John" said it was Zimmerman who was on his back screaming "HELP" as he was being beaten by Martin. This eye witness "John" ran inside, had his wife call 911 & I believe that call is the one in the recording in my post.

I guess in all your fact finding you just MISSED this post right?

First eye witness (adult male) saw Martin on top of & beating Zimmerman as Zimmerman yelled "HELP". That is recorded on 911 tape & news crew interviewed this witness on tape within hours.

Second eye witness (boy walking dog) saw Martin on top of Zimmerman as Zimmermann yelled "HELP". This was moments prior to shooting. That is also recorded on 911 tape.
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Jeb Bush says ....

did the police at the crime scene forget to ask Jeb first ??? oh shucks.

you know jeb was the person who signed the bill into law, right?

don't you think he knows what the legislative intent was?

or does that not jive with what passes for reality in rightwingnutworld?

you doubt the police did not have the correct interpretation implied by the legislation (by their actions) - knowing the intent of those who sponsored the bill ??? - been to Florida any time recently ...

- with Marten out of the way, Jeb has his carrier to think of.
There are 30 people named George Zimmerman in the white pages in Florida. If he is one of these people, then this is all for naught really.

I still say, what spike lee did was wrong. It hurts us who really want justice served.

(Oh and they are going to do everything they can to discredit the victim. I already see it.)
Zimmerman's legal defense team has initiated a full-on media-smear campaign against the dead victim Trayvon Martin.

Only the choir's biting though.

Zimmmerman's TOAST!

Smear like his ten day suspension from school? What could he have done to get a ten day out of school suspension?
Smear like his past tweets from his tweeter account
or smear like those from his myspace page?
While I lived in FL a man and his guide dog was thrown out of a restaruant by a cop who backed up the restaruant owner who said no dogs allowed.

A clear violation of law.
Cops mess up.
did the police at the crime scene forget to ask Jeb first ??? oh shucks.

you know jeb was the person who signed the bill into law, right?

don't you think he knows what the legislative intent was?

or does that not jive with what passes for reality in rightwingnutworld?

Actually you would need to ask the Legislature not the Governor what the intent was. But then as a Lawyer you would know that, RIGHT?
Ahh, so you are claiming that Governor Bush signed into law legislation that he didn't understand?
There are 30 people named George Zimmerman in the white pages in Florida. If he is one of these people, then this is all for naught really.

I still say, what spike lee did was wrong. It hurts us who really want justice served.

(Oh and they are going to do everything they can to discredit the victim. I already see it.)
Zimmerman's legal defense team has initiated a full-on media-smear campaign against the dead victim Trayvon Martin.

Only the choir's biting though.

Zimmmerman's TOAST!

Smear like his ten day suspension from school? What could he have done to get a ten day out of school suspension?
Smear like his past tweets from his tweeter account
or smear like those from his myspace page?
If you want to play this game...

The picture that's been posted of Zimmerman, is a jail picture.
Also, Zimmerman has a record of assaulting police officers.
He also has been arrested for domestic abuse.
The hits keep on coming.
Pun intended.

Let's play this game son. You. will. lose.
you know jeb was the person who signed the bill into law, right?

don't you think he knows what the legislative intent was?

or does that not jive with what passes for reality in rightwingnutworld?

Actually you would need to ask the Legislature not the Governor what the intent was. But then as a Lawyer you would know that, RIGHT?
Ahh, so you are claiming that Governor Bush signed into law legislation that he didn't understand?

sounds like several on here are, but I will bet they would vote for him for president :D
Speaking Friday in Texas, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush said "stand your ground" doesn't apply to this case."Stand your ground means stand your ground. It doesn't mean chase after some body who's turned their back," Bush told The Dallas Morning News.

No politician is going to defend Zimmerman because of the racial heat. But, only a bad politician is going to defend the African criminal.

Stand Your Ground was made for people like Zimmerman. It was made to give the self-defender the victory in controversial self-defense cases. Otherwise, pre-existing law would have been enough.
Actually you would need to ask the Legislature not the Governor what the intent was. But then as a Lawyer you would know that, RIGHT?
Ahh, so you are claiming that Governor Bush signed into law legislation that he didn't understand?

sounds like several on here are, but I will bet they would vote for him for president :D

In a heartbeat. No doubt.

What an absolute tragedy. It was predictable though.
Zimmerman's legal defense team has initiated a full-on media-smear campaign against the dead victim Trayvon Martin.

Only the choir's biting though.

Zimmmerman's TOAST!

Smear like his ten day suspension from school? What could he have done to get a ten day out of school suspension?
Smear like his past tweets from his tweeter account
or smear like those from his myspace page?
If you want to play this game...

The picture that's been posted of Zimmerman, is a jail picture.
Also, Zimmerman has a record of assaulting police officers.
He also has been arrested for domestic abuse.
The hits keep on coming.
Pun intended.

Let's play this game son. You. will. lose.

What game? I just wanted to know what smear you were talking about.
Was trayvon in a gang was he a drug dealer why was he suspended from school, was Trayvon a violent person?
Speaking Friday in Texas, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush said "stand your ground" doesn't apply to this case."Stand your ground means stand your ground. It doesn't mean chase after some body who's turned their back," Bush told The Dallas Morning News.

No politician is going to defend Zimmerman because of the racial heat. But, only a bad politician is going to defend the African criminal.

Stand Your Ground was made for people like Zimmerman. It was made to give the self-defender the victory in controversial self-defense cases. Otherwise, pre-existing law would have been enough.

so says someone who knows the intent of the law better than the governor that signed it into law?
No matter what happens at this point in this case. the rabid left have made sure of the impossibility of Mr. Zimmerman getting a fair and impartial jury.. should it come to that..Way to go libturds..

The unbalanced coverage of this is my biggest complaint. I have followed several cases that were wrongful convictions, which were overturned, and one thing many of those cases have in common is a bias media willing to convict them before they set foot in a court room.

We all have the right to a fair trial and I don't see how that is possible when the media taints the jury pool. How many people hate Zimmerman and are hoping like hell they get a chance to be on the jury? They will lie about being bias and say what they need to in order to get chosen even though they have already made up their minds and could care less about what is presented in court.


If there was no media circus about this, there would be NO trial at all - the police were content to let Zimmerman go home, and ignore the dead kid.

He still hasn't been arrested yet, but it's nice to see how worried you are about whether he gets a "fair trial".

Would no trial at all been "fair"?

The media is repeating lies, which does not help bring about justice. So far, they've managed to rile people up and embolden groups like the Black Panthers to make death threats against Zimmerman. The press has vilified Zimmerman and carefully hidden anything negative about Martin.

We can handle the truth and the public deserves it.

The police did investigate and since then, we've heard from more witnesses who are backing up Zimmerman's account. It's quite possible that the police did the right thing. They were there and saw the evidence and talked to witnesses. I know it hasn't occurred to some people, but maybe the police got it right. I know that doesn't go over well with the lynch mobs, but must be considered. Of course, now they are under pressure and with threats of violence looming, they have to go over things again. Whether it will change the outcome of the initial investigation isn't known, but when people out there can't control their tempers, we end up with a volatile situation, so it's necessary to double check and be thorough. It would help if people could have an open mind till they have all the facts, but that'll never happen.

No matter who gets arrested in this country, they have rights. Like it or not. Some of the same people who would happily deny Zimmerman his right to a fair trial would not tolerate their own rights trampled if they found themselves accused of a crime. Remember, we all have rights or none of us do. I think our rights, like our constitution, are sacred.

Too many people have taken a little information and rushed to judgement and now won't budge regardless of what comes to light. Breaking through that mob mentality is a difficult task at best.

And many have noted that the press is selective as to when/if they mentioned the color of either the victim or perp. Color is the detemining factor in how any incident will be covered, but will only be mentioned in certain circumstances.

There are so many rules and exceptions to the rules in how liberals insist people should be labeled.

If a Latino is an illegal alien, they are simply referred to as Latino or Hispanic undocumented immigrants.

If a Latino is accused of attacking a white person, they are simply called male or female suspect.

If a Latino is accused of attacking another Hispanic, they are simply called male or female suspect.

If a Latino is accused of attacking a black, they are referred to as white or the brand new, just revealed "white Hispanic", but the latter is only used if people notice the obvious Latino ethnicity.

If a white person says anything at all that any liberal disagrees with, they are referred to as racists.

If people like the Black Panthers make death threats to whites and encourage violence, no one says a damn thing.

When people in Florida sell out all their t-shirts with racist remarks towards whites, no one says a damn thing.

I've seen so many posts about how Zimmerman is guilty. Zimmerman would deserve it if the Black Panthers took an eye for an eye, a life for a life. Zimmerman has been called names and many assumptions have been made about him.

Then the same people who make inflammatory and hateful remarks about Zimmerman have the nerve to say they want truth and justice. Really? If they are interested in the truth, then why do they resist any new information if it doesn't compliment their foregone conclusions?

Thankfully, even considering the worst case scenario here, this is a rare incident. We have murders daily by gangs and other criminals and the media and politicians yawn, yet they have chosen to treat this one tragedy as if it's an epidemic. They are creating a crisis in order to advance an agenda. The result of the bias reporting is deepening racial tensions and calls from some politicians to take away more of our rights.

I feel bad for Trayvon's family. No matter what the circumstances, they have suffered a great deal.

Maybe Zimmerman will end up in jail. Maybe not. While the media has been bias in how they presented the two guys to the public and have pushed only one possible version of events, the truth may not be so cut and dried.
Actually you would need to ask the Legislature not the Governor what the intent was. But then as a Lawyer you would know that, RIGHT?
Ahh, so you are claiming that Governor Bush signed into law legislation that he didn't understand?

sounds like several on here are, but I will bet they would vote for him for president :D
I love when their own words make their politicians look like idiots.

Spike Lee wants to become a vigilante. He retweeted George Zimmerman's home address to the world.

Somebody correct me, but isn't this conspiracy to commit murder if somebody kills him as a result of everyone in the world knowing where he lives???

If I was Zimmerman I'd have my lawyer suing the SOB right now.

Spike Lee Retweets George Zimmerman’s Home Address | TheBlaze.com

He is black. So yeah, its definitely attempted murder.

Sue him for what exactly?
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