I Don't Think Many Of You Know What "Confronted" Means

Smear like his ten day suspension from school? What could he have done to get a ten day out of school suspension?
Smear like his past tweets from his tweeter account
or smear like those from his myspace page?
If you want to play this game...

The picture that's been posted of Zimmerman, is a jail picture.
Also, Zimmerman has a record of assaulting police officers.
He also has been arrested for domestic abuse.
The hits keep on coming.
Pun intended.

Let's play this game son. You. will. lose.

What game? I just wanted to know what smear you were talking about.
Was trayvon in a gang was he a drug dealer why was he suspended from school, was Trayvon a violent person?
Is Zimmerman a racist? A vigilante? Did he have a chip on his shoulder? A vendetta against black people? A cop wanna-be? I want answers.
In Spike Lee’s world, a crime only counts as a crime when any other ethnicity attacks a black man. If it happens the other way around, however, special consideration should be given. Black people storming a parking lot or a convenience store should be described as “youths” and killing a man because he is white/Hispanic cannot possibly be a hate crime but an act of social justice. The courts and the law do not apply to black people. See Obama and critical race theory.

What crime did Lee commit exactly?
If you want to play this game...

The picture that's been posted of Zimmerman, is a jail picture.
Also, Zimmerman has a record of assaulting police officers.
He also has been arrested for domestic abuse.
The hits keep on coming.
Pun intended.

Let's play this game son. You. will. lose.

What game? I just wanted to know what smear you were talking about.
Was trayvon in a gang was he a drug dealer why was he suspended from school, was Trayvon a violent person?
Is Zimmerman a racist? A vigilante? Did he have a chip on his shoulder? A vendetta against black people? A cop wanna-be? I want answers.

Not according to his black friend Zimmerman is not racist.
Kind of reminds you of America pre-civil rights movement doesn't it?

Considering the media attention, and groups hating Zimmerman already, it was a rotten thing to do.

It is incitement to murder, which as far as I know IS a chargeable offense.

Please show me the statue which defines posting someone's address that is already public knowledge is "incitement to murder" ?

It is also a violation of Zimmerman"s CIVIL RIGHTS. Also a chargeable offense.

Please show us that statute as well, thanks.

Also - please explain why you think only Spike Lee should be charged - and not the person who originated the tweet or the thousands of others who did the same. Do you have something against richers?
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What game? I just wanted to know what smear you were talking about.
Was trayvon in a gang was he a drug dealer why was he suspended from school, was Trayvon a violent person?
Is Zimmerman a racist? A vigilante? Did he have a chip on his shoulder? A vendetta against black people? A cop wanna-be? I want answers.

Not according to his black friend Zimmerman is not racist.
You mean the paid actor hired by the defense team to soften Zimmerman's public image?

What game? I just wanted to know what smear you were talking about.
Was trayvon in a gang was he a drug dealer why was he suspended from school, was Trayvon a violent person?
Is Zimmerman a racist? A vigilante? Did he have a chip on his shoulder? A vendetta against black people? A cop wanna-be? I want answers.

Not according to his black friend Zimmerman is not racist.

All racists have a black friend. Its pretty much a pre-requisite to being racist. I've never met a racist who didn't have a black friend.
MSNBC is pure poison onto this nation, just like NPR is also.... I just heard Rachael Maddow make up stuff about the so called "SHOOTER" in which she calls Zimmerman, claiming that he profiled Trayvon Martin because of his race in which began it all she implied, and that my friends is is a lie......I listen to the 9-11 call, and when Zimmerman was asked by the operator about the person who was being observed as suspicious, about his identity -Zimmerman then told the operator to wait for the identity report, as Trayvon walked closer to him, otherwise when Trayvon walked towards Zimmerman while being observed and while the 9-11 operator was on the phone, it allowed Zimmerman to then once Trayvon was close enough, to give information about Trayvon's identity at that point (color included), in which was all (AFTER ZIMMERMAN HAD CALLED 9-11 TO REPORT A SUSPICIOUS PERSON IN THE AREA), so where does Rachael Maddow get off saying that the "SHOOTER" she calls Zimmerman, racial profiled Trayvon to begin with, in which caused the whole incident ? How is it that these people can get away with their vile lies in which they tell on national TV, in which could lead people astray (this happend on her show around 12:20 AM on 3/27/12).. Does this woman hate so badly, that she will say or try anything to cause a situation maybe ?
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Is Zimmerman a racist? A vigilante? Did he have a chip on his shoulder? A vendetta against black people? A cop wanna-be? I want answers.

Not according to his black friend Zimmerman is not racist.

All racists have a black friend. Its pretty much a pre-requisite to being racist. I've never met a racist who didn't have a black friend.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WuUk5xJX-8s]Zimmerman's friend, Joe Oliver, speaks out - YouTube[/ame]
While I lived in FL a man and his guide dog was thrown out of a restaruant by a cop who backed up the restaruant owner who said no dogs allowed.

A clear violation of law.
Cops mess up.

What a poorly trained pig.

Did you speak up and inform the officer he was violating federal law?

Let's say you did - and the officer really believed you were right, he was violating federal law - do you think he'd give a shit? Or do you think he would have tazed you and hauled you off to prison for assaulting an officer and resisting arrest?
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Trayvon Martin: Jeb Bush says "stand your ground" law doesn't apply to George Zimmerman's reported actions - Orlando Sentinel

The death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin has put Florida's "stand your ground" law under scrutiny after police cited it as one reason they did not arrest George Zimmerman, the 28-year-old Neighborhood Watch volunteer who said he shot Trayvon in self-defense.

But the man who signed "stand your ground" into law says officials have it wrong. Speaking Friday in Texas, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush said "stand your ground" doesn't apply to this case."Stand your ground means stand your ground. It doesn't mean chase after somebody who's turned their back," Bush told The Dallas Morning News.

Yeah--pursuit was not included in this bill. It is a horrible tragedy that didn't need to happen. We had a self-appointed neighborhood watch guy that had called police 47 times in the last several months--which tells me this Zimmerman was looking for a confrontation.

The police should have arrested him immediately for violating their statement to not pursue--and he did it anyway.
Oh yeah...Zimmerman's "friend" has spoken....he's innocent. :rolleyes:
A record of violence, he assaulted a police officer, got off through Pre Trial diversion. Had an Injunction against him for domestic violence, dismissed after he filed one also.

Was rejected from a police academy, reasons unknown. Set himself up as the "Neighborhood Watch" in his community.

Called 911 the EVENING he killed an armed teenager, Trayvon Martin. Ignored the advice given, and continued following the teenager.

Suffered minor wounds at some point in the encounter. Zimmerman was found standing over the young man he killed when police arrived minutes later. He went to a doctor the next day. Never entered a hospital, the police describe his injuries as NOT SERIOUS.

He remains free, in hiding, allegedly remorseful; why he might be remorseful after he killed in "self defense" is also unknown.

The evidence in the case is stale, no toxicology tests were done on the killer. Little evidence collected by the Sanford PD, no further investigation until the killing was publicized.

Why do many anti crime, usual victims' advocates, turn this 28 year old man into a sympathetic figure? The 17 year old victim will never see the light of day again. Trayvon Martin is the victim, not George Zimmerman.

Do you have a link to all of this?
Zimmerman isn't the "shooter" he's the shooter, the killer.

Trayvon Martin is dead. Do you understand that. D.E.A.D.

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