I Don't Think the Stimulus is Working

I'm willing to bet there isn't a single con who posts here who has ever gone to Recovery.gov. They believe it's all lies. They also won't read the extensive analysis done by Greenbeard. That would mean their beliefs that Obama & Co sit in the White House and dream up Socialist/Communist plots in order to form a new social order might not be true. They might have to admit that, in fact, they had no choice.

Wrong. I go there about every other month. Sort of a watchdog function. I wouldn't call it lies. More like, enhanced projection. Totally off base on the Obama & Co. siting in the White House dreaming up a new social order. They do it out at the basketball court and golf course silly.

Finally, I find the, "they had no choice" comment off the charts. Often doing nothing and letting the cycle take its course is a possibility. Changing policy and holding the purse strings is another. No choices indeed.
I'm willing to bet there isn't a single con who posts here who has ever gone to Recovery.gov. They believe it's all lies. They also won't read the extensive analysis done by Greenbeard. That would mean their beliefs that Obama & Co sit in the White House and dream up Socialist/Communist plots in order to form a new social order might not be true. They might have to admit that, in fact, they had no choice.

Wrong. I go there about every other month. Sort of a watchdog function. I wouldn't call it lies. More like, enhanced projection. Totally off base on the Obama & Co. siting in the White House dreaming up a new social order. They do it out at the basketball court and golf course silly.

Finally, I find the, "they had no choice" comment off the charts. Often doing nothing and letting the cycle take its course is a possibility. Changing policy and holding the purse strings is another. No choices indeed.

OMBwatch is apparently working directly with the Obama Administration to help improve the site. OMBwatch gave the information on Recovery.Gov a scathing report for misleading information and inaccuracies in the fall last year, but more recently says they are doing better with about 60% of the previous wrong information now being corrected.

But other watchdogs are noting things that aren't really spelled out on Recovery.gov such as this:

President Obama is earmarking $1 billion in Stimulus money “to build FutureGen 2.0, a clean coal repowering program and carbon dioxide (CO2) storage network” in his home state of Illinois. According to a Department of Energy press release, this billion is being provided to ”FutureGen Alliance, Ameren Energy Resources, Babcock & Wilcox, and Air Liquide Process & Costruction, Inc. to build FutureGen 2.0, a clean coal repowering program and carbon dioxide (CO2) storage network.” That is right — $1 billion. This is the largest earmark of money in U.S. history and they are taking money right out of your pocket to pay for it.

The Department of Energy projects 1,900 jobs as a result of $1,000,000,000 in new spending. This works out to $526,315.79 of your tax dollars spent per job. A half million dollars per job seems to be a bad deal for the taxpayer.
Obama Earmarks $1 Billion in Stimulus Money for Company in Illinois | RedState
I didn't post the recovery.gov page. I posted the ProPublica page, which links to the recovery.gov site. Of course if you bothered to just navigate around, you would find all sorts of information. But as I said at one point, you people aren't interested in sourced information. All you're interested in doing is blaming Obama and/or the "liberals" and doing so with lame blanket accusations based on what someone else said within your little groupthink.

Unless you're a complete novice and don't have a clue how to use your mouse, it's quite easy to find a plethora of information at this site.

Eye on the Stimulus - ProPublica

I'm willing to bet there isn't a single con who posts here who has ever gone to Recovery.gov. They believe it's all lies.

I went there and cannot find anything to support your ridiculous assertations.

You're either dishonest, stupid, or both.

And you're a lazy ass. You DO know what that little "finger" is for, I hope. You point and click.

REPOSTED just for the guy who flunked Computers For Dummies:
Tools & Data - ProPublica

Its not there, or you could quote it.

Obviously, you haven't a clue what you're talking about. I doubt you've even been to Recovery.gov, but have rather been drinking cool-aid designed to make you parrot:

"Go to Recovery.com, its all there"
"Go to Recovery.com, its all there"
"Go to Recovery.com, its all there"
"Go to Recovery.com, its all there"

And meanwhile the beat goes on despite how many times Maggie can cite Recovery.gov :)

U.S. Sen. Tom Coburn wants to shed light on the wasteful spending in the federal stimulus and his list includes projects in his home state of Oklahoma.

One of the 100 examples Coburn has compiled is $1.5 million in “free” stimulus money for a new wastewater treatment plant resulting in higher utility costs for residents of Perkins, Okla. Another is $1.15 million for installation of a new guardrail for the non-existent Optima Lake in Oklahoma. There is no lake - it’s a dry hole. . . .

. . . .Dr. Coburn said Earl Devaney, head of the Recovery Act Accountability and Transparency (RAT) Board, estimates that at least $55 billion of stimulus funds may be lost to waste, fraud and abuse. However, the final number will likely be much higher. If stimulus funds do not promote economic growth, history may indicate that the vast majority of stimulate dollars would have been better off staying in taxpayers’ pockets, Coburn said.

Besides the two Oklahoma projects, Coburn emphasized the following eight projects:

• $1 billion for FutureGen in Mattoon, Illinois is the “biggest earmark of all time” for a power plant that may never work.

• $15 million for “shovel-ready” repairs to little-used bridges in rural Wisconsin are given priority over widely used bridges that are structurally deficient.

• $800,000 for little-used John Murtha Airport in Johnstown, Pennsylvania airport to repave a back-up runway; the “airport for nobody” has already received tens of millions in taxpayer dollars.

• $3.4 million for a wildlife “eco-passage” in Florida to take animals safely under a busy roadway.

• A Nevada non-profit gets a $2 million weatherization contract after recently being fired for same type of work.

• Nearly $10 million to renovate an abandoned train station that hasn’t been used in 30 years.

• Ten thousand dead people will get stimulus checks, but the Social Security Administration blames a tough deadline.

• Town of Union, New York, encouraged to spend a $578,000 grant it did not request for a homelessness problem it claims it does not have. . . .
Wasteful spending highlights the list of U.S. stimulus projects | Tulsa Beacon

We deserve better.
Stimulus bill has been uneven, but it's working

Read more: Stimulus bill has been uneven, but it's working - Nation - MiamiHerald.com


The Obama administration won't be able to fulfill its vow to track every stimulus dollar. The mechanism that's used to account for the expenditures is complicated, flawed and at times inaccurate.

" I know it's political rhetoric to say we have to know where every penny is spent,'' said Raymond Yee, a lecturer at the University of California Berkeley's School of Information. ..."But it's difficult to even understand where every billion dollars is spent......Maybe no one knows where this money has gone,'' said Yee, the University of California Berkeley lecturer.

Read more: Stimulus bill has been uneven, but it's working - Nation - MiamiHerald.com

How can anyone say the stimulous is working if you don't have any idea where the money has gone???
Hi Samson,

I know one place the stimulus bill isn't working and it's the state of California. We are so screwed here we couldn't figure out how to access the money.
Hi Samson,

I know one place the stimulus bill isn't working and it's the state of California. We are so screwed here we couldn't figure out how to access the money.

Hi Sky,

The article says that some states are experiencing more success than others

also I'm not sure that even if 3.5 million jobs had been created (OR "SAVED") with $750B federal spending, grants, tax breaks...that's a benchmark for success.

The $750B came from someone....who? where? when?

Our kids will bite the bullet that we couldn't.
Our kids are paying for this war. They are the ones that will have to pay off the debt we borrowed from China. We'd rather leave them that legacy than tax the war. The Iraq war is killing our economy.
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Stimulus bill has been uneven, but it's working

Read more: Stimulus bill has been uneven, but it's working - Nation - MiamiHerald.com


The Obama administration won't be able to fulfill its vow to track every stimulus dollar. The mechanism that's used to account for the expenditures is complicated, flawed and at times inaccurate.

" I know it's political rhetoric to say we have to know where every penny is spent,'' said Raymond Yee, a lecturer at the University of California Berkeley's School of Information. ..."But it's difficult to even understand where every billion dollars is spent......Maybe no one knows where this money has gone,'' said Yee, the University of California Berkeley lecturer.

Read more: Stimulus bill has been uneven, but it's working - Nation - MiamiHerald.com

How can anyone say the stimulous is working if you don't have any idea where the money has gone???

I assume under this reasoning no one can say the Occupation of Iraq is working, given $ billions have gone into a black hole.
I wonder about the outrage of waste, fraud and abuse now; it seems waste, fraud and abuse has been SOP for a very long time. BTW, where is Tom Delay and those friends of Jack Abramoff in this discussion?
Hypocrisy, a Republican Traditional Value.
Stimulus bill has been uneven, but it's working

Read more: Stimulus bill has been uneven, but it's working - Nation - MiamiHerald.com


The Obama administration won't be able to fulfill its vow to track every stimulus dollar. The mechanism that's used to account for the expenditures is complicated, flawed and at times inaccurate.

" I know it's political rhetoric to say we have to know where every penny is spent,'' said Raymond Yee, a lecturer at the University of California Berkeley's School of Information. ..."But it's difficult to even understand where every billion dollars is spent......Maybe no one knows where this money has gone,'' said Yee, the University of California Berkeley lecturer.

Read more: Stimulus bill has been uneven, but it's working - Nation - MiamiHerald.com

How can anyone say the stimulous is working if you don't have any idea where the money has gone???

I assume under this reasoning no one can say the Occupation of Iraq is working, given $ billions have gone into a black hole.
I wonder about the outrage of waste, fraud and abuse now; it seems waste, fraud and abuse has been SOP for a very long time. BTW, where is Tom Delay and those friends of Jack Abramoff in this discussion?
Hypocrisy, a Republican Traditional Value.

There was no Tom Delay or Abramoff or his friends involved in the bailouts or stimulus package. But by all means enjoy your red herrings.

If Obama and the Democrats saw Iraq and Afghanistan as an unacceptable drain on the treasury, they could have defunded the war and brought everybody home the last ten days in January, 2009. It is now 17 months later and they have increased funding.

Now how about showing us that we're getting our money's worth out of Tarp and the Stimulus Package as that is the subject of this thread. I'm sure many would like to be reassured that we aren't pouring hundreds of billions of dollars futilely down a rathole.
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Bottom Line: Civilian & Government Workforce is shrinking!!!
Deficit & Money Supply are Growing!!!
There is NO Recovery & Stimulus is NOT Working!!!


Read more: Stimulus bill has been uneven, but it's working - Nation - MiamiHerald.com

How can anyone say the stimulous is working if you don't have any idea where the money has gone???

I assume under this reasoning no one can say the Occupation of Iraq is working, given $ billions have gone into a black hole.
I wonder about the outrage of waste, fraud and abuse now; it seems waste, fraud and abuse has been SOP for a very long time. BTW, where is Tom Delay and those friends of Jack Abramoff in this discussion?
Hypocrisy, a Republican Traditional Value.

There was no Tom Delay or Abramoff or his friends involved in the bailouts or stimulus package. But by all means enjoy your red herrings.

If Obama and the Democrats saw Iraq and Afghanistan as an unacceptable drain on the treasury, they could have defunded the war and brought everybody home the last ten days in January, 2009. It is now 17 months later and they have increased funding.

Now how about showing us that we're getting our money's worth out of Tarp and the Stimulus Package as that is the subject of this thread. I'm sure many would like to be reassured that we aren't pouring hundreds of billions of dollars futilely down a rathole.

The post was in response to this question: "How can anyone say the stimulous is working if you don't have any idea where the money has gone???[/"

We do know where the money is going, at least those of us who read and stay abreast of current events. Funds to retrofit the Bay Bridge and money to complete a fourth bore (tunnel) connecting the East Bay to San Francsico & Silicon Valley are a couple of obvious projects.
Other projects are underway throughout the Bay Area, and I suppose in your area too. Maybe you aren't up to speed, or maybe you'd rather play the ain't it awful Obama sucks card which seems to be the policy of elected Republicans.
My point as to wasted dollars, btw, is not the non sequitur you hope it was. Under the prior administration tens of billions of dollars a month was spent on a war of choice, and some billions converted into arms and munitions disappeared.
That is relevent, exposing the hypocrisy of RWers is not only fair, but necessary if we are to avoid future mistakes.
The post was in response to this question: "How can anyone say the stimulous is working if you don't have any idea where the money has gone???"

We do know where the money is going, at least those of us who read and stay abreast of current events.

(See earlier postings)

The Miami Herald must not be reading and staying "abreast of current events.":lol:

Raymond Yee, a lecturer at the University of California Berkeley's School of Information also needs to stay abreast of current events.:lol:

Everyone but Wry Catcher is ignoring where the stimulous money is going.:(
I assume under this reasoning no one can say the Occupation of Iraq is working, given $ billions have gone into a black hole.
I wonder about the outrage of waste, fraud and abuse now; it seems waste, fraud and abuse has been SOP for a very long time. BTW, where is Tom Delay and those friends of Jack Abramoff in this discussion?
Hypocrisy, a Republican Traditional Value.

There was no Tom Delay or Abramoff or his friends involved in the bailouts or stimulus package. But by all means enjoy your red herrings.

If Obama and the Democrats saw Iraq and Afghanistan as an unacceptable drain on the treasury, they could have defunded the war and brought everybody home the last ten days in January, 2009. It is now 17 months later and they have increased funding.

Now how about showing us that we're getting our money's worth out of Tarp and the Stimulus Package as that is the subject of this thread. I'm sure many would like to be reassured that we aren't pouring hundreds of billions of dollars futilely down a rathole.

The post was in response to this question: "How can anyone say the stimulous is working if you don't have any idea where the money has gone???[/"

We do know where the money is going, at least those of us who read and stay abreast of current events. Funds to retrofit the Bay Bridge and money to complete a fourth bore (tunnel) connecting the East Bay to San Francsico & Silicon Valley are a couple of obvious projects.
Other projects are underway throughout the Bay Area, and I suppose in your area too. Maybe you aren't up to speed, or maybe you'd rather play the ain't it awful Obama sucks card which seems to be the policy of elected Republicans.
My point as to wasted dollars, btw, is not the non sequitur you hope it was. Under the prior administration tens of billions of dollars a month was spent on a war of choice, and some billions converted into arms and munitions disappeared.
That is relevent, exposing the hypocrisy of RWers is not only fair, but necessary if we are to avoid future mistakes.

Would those two projects be in Speaker Pelosi's district?
The post was in response to this question: "How can anyone say the stimulous is working if you don't have any idea where the money has gone???"

We do know where the money is going, at least those of us who read and stay abreast of current events.

(See earlier postings)

The Miami Herald must not be reading and staying "abreast of current events.":lol:

Raymond Yee, a lecturer at the University of California Berkeley's School of Information also needs to stay abreast of current events.:lol:

Everyone but Wry Catcher is ignoring where the stimulous money is going.:(

I know where some of the money is going, correct. The detractors suggest the act is filled with fraud and waste and only provides temporary jobs. Fraud and waste exist, of course, and always have, as has the hypocrisy of those who whine today and ignored the fraud and waste of past administrations.
And I don't suppose I'm the only one who knows where some of the money is going, but it's real glib to use superlatives, isn't it.

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