I don't understand Donald Trump

This issue typifies the difference between the Politician-President and the Businessman-President.

The politician wants to do everything the way it has always been done. The objective is not to look bad, because that will cost you votes. A direct negotiation with the Taliban could make Trump look bad, but it could also generate real results. And with the way the Media treat Trump, who cares if it makes him look bad? They will report everything he does in the worst possible way in any event, so it doesn't matter.

The decision to call off the discussions because of one terror attack was questionable. The Taliban is not a well-ordered military community; it's more like a giant street gang. Individual factions will do whatever they want and not do exactly as leadership demands.
Now the Trump repub moron wants to play nice with Iran Lift some sanctions to bring Tehran to negotiating table

This is the AH that ripped up Obama's treaty with them
I don't understand Donald Trump and why he wanted to meet Taliban and then cancelled. He is putting us Americans in danger. I'm not voting for him next year.

Not sure why it's hard to understand. TRUMP proposed pulling all our troops out of Afghanistan and everyone freaked out saying it would be a wrong move suggesting the US needs to work out a solution with the leaders of Afghanistan. TRUMP doesn't like to waste time with back and forth low level meetings and knew the leaders of Afghanistan don't have any authority over the Taliban.
Doesn't like to waste time with back and forth meetings??? WTF is the moron doing with NK ? waiting for them to use a nuke??
The Taliban hit both world trade Center and what makes you think that they won't come after us again
Maybe even the RNC building............in session?

why not hit the SOTU with a neutron bomb?

take care of all the partisans at once
Can you believe trump said these words?
President Trump had a simple, powerful message for his second State of the Union Address: “Choosing Greatness.” When our leaders in Washington put citizens first and their careers second—when they choose a spirit of compromise over the politics of retribution—there is no limit to what America can achieve.
You don't understand that they are killing Americans
Are Americans killing them?

When a foreign power invades your country, what would you do?
It's not the Taliban's country...it's the Afghani people's country and the Afghan govt's, isn't it?
The people support the Taliban far more than they do the US. It’s very likely they will run the country, once our criminal government gets the hell out.
I don't understand Donald Trump and why he wanted to meet Taliban and then cancelled. He is putting us Americans in danger. I'm not voting for him next year.

"I don't understand"...

Watch out, this is how the mental illness known as TDS starts.
Right anything but blind cult worship is TDS in your sheep brain.

Here is a good example what the end result of TDS is.
I don't understand Donald Trump and why he wanted to meet Taliban and then cancelled. He is putting us Americans in danger. I'm not voting for him next year.

"I don't understand"...

Watch out, this is how the mental illness known as TDS starts.
Right anything but blind cult worship is TDS in your sheep brain.

And to you anyone who voted for Trump is a racist and an idiot. We deal only in absolutes these days.
I don't understand Donald Trump and why he wanted to meet Taliban and then cancelled. He is putting us Americans in danger. I'm not voting for him next year.

I don't believe you voted for him last time. And I don't believe you have voted or will vote for any Republican.
I don't understand Donald Trump and why he wanted to meet Taliban and then cancelled. He is putting us Americans in danger. I'm not voting for him next year.
Simple, you ALWAYS meet an adversary for talks to see how they react. When Trump saw how they reacted, he cancelled the meeting. And the 9-11 date was not to insult us, but to remind them we know who THEY are. How do you think he put us in danger? In the meantime, Osama Bin Laden's son was killed. Interesting timing, don't you think?
I don't understand Donald Trump and why he wanted to meet Taliban and then cancelled. He is putting us Americans in danger. I'm not voting for him next year.
Simple, you ALWAYS meet an adversary for talks to see how they react. When Trump saw how they reacted, he cancelled the meeting. And the 9-11 date was not to insult us, but to remind them we know who THEY are. How do you think he put us in danger? In the meantime, Osama Bin Laden's son was killed. Interesting timing, don't you think?

This is how he knew:

It is almost habitual that Trump says something and then backs off it the next day. Some of it I blame on the media for taking it his words out of context and/or not recognizing he's just rattling a thought off the top of his head. On occasion he rambles and then best of luck to anybody trying to decipher what he just said. Finally there are other times it seems somebody has gotten to him and explained the situation to him.

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