I don't understand why republicans reject both a minimum wage hike and welfare for the poor

I'm not going to explain basic history to you people other than to say Reagan traded 3-1 tax cuts to Tip for spending cuts. Tip suckered him and never gave him the spending cuts. Also, Reagan's priority was to bring down the Soviet Union. So he made deals with Tip.

Neither of those support the ridiculous assertion that Reagan is the one who spent the money. If you want to continue this discussion then you have to accurately portray basic history. You are free to disagree with me, but not knowing anything or your actually contradicting history I'm not interested in doing

Reagan didn't sign off on the spending?
There is a reason Obama never accepted the Ryan budget. If the Pres signs it, he agreed to it and then owns it.

The Democrat congress over spent the Reagan budget, every single year. The president can give a suggested budget, but ultimately it's up to congress to spend the money. Just like under Clinton, the Republican congress UNDER spent the Clinton Budget every single year.

The Reagan administration tried to cut spending, and the government increased it every single time. Reagan even wrote about his frustration on this issue, in his personal journals.

Ultimately Ronnie signed it every time.
So with your logic, any bill the Repub congress passes and Obama signs, good, bad or otherwise, then the Repubs own it and Obama is not then responsible for what he signed into law?

They are all responsible, dim wit. Your view that any of them can be not responsible for what they did is ridiculous

Was the Ronnie forced to sign? He couldn't have negotiated a better deal for America?
Did those big bad dems bully little Ronnie : (
He could have vetoed it and shut down the government. But presidents were more responsible in those days.
No doubt it's going to be one of the key issues. There is a strong majority support for a MW increase. The demographics don't support the Repub position( on other issues as well), and allow for a win in 16'.



The GOP lost the Minimum Wage issue a long time ago. Most just don't realize it. Telling struggling workers to shut up and be happy making shite wages, isn't a winning message. I don't know how they think American Workers are gonna support them. They're completely clueless. They're living in a delusional Corporate-Bootlicking fantasy world. Out of touch for sure.

The minimum wage is evil. No one pays workers more than they are worth, which means all it does is deny the lowest skilled and most inexperienced workers any opportunity to improve their lot in life through work at all. I can't believe someone who claims to like Ron Paul would believe in government committing such an atrocity against the people who need an opportunity the most. It's sick, frankly. You pat yourself on the back for your utter arrogance of making other people's choices with no concern for the damage you cause. But hey, you then get to feel smug and superior. Totally worth it, ay?

Sill looking for your answer to the question I keep asking you. What policies should Republicans propose that increase freedom and appeal to ignorant voters?
Paulitician is not a libertarian. He just hates cops and authority. Unless the authority is doing what he thinks is good. Then it's cool.

You are correct sir. I'm not into labels anymore. I've moved on. I side with what's right. Hating and insulting hard-working people just trying to get by, is just wrong. I'm ashamed of most of my Republican friends on issues like this. Always so quick to lick those Corporate boots. It's always the struggling Workers' fault.

Personally, i'm happy anytime American Workers catch a break. It rarely happens. I hope they get much more. Because let's face it, even $15hr isn't much these days. I wish em the best of luck.

You're an authoritarian leftist who just endlessly begs the question and doesn't answer questions. You're an RW wanna be
He failed at being a libertarian. It doesnt go lower than that.
No doubt it's going to be one of the key issues. There is a strong majority support for a MW increase. The demographics don't support the Repub position( on other issues as well), and allow for a win in 16'.



The GOP lost the Minimum Wage issue a long time ago. Most just don't realize it. Telling struggling workers to shut up and be happy making shite wages, isn't a winning message. I don't know how they think American Workers are gonna support them. They're completely clueless. They're living in a delusional Corporate-Bootlicking fantasy world. Out of touch for sure.

The minimum wage is evil. No one pays workers more than they are worth, which means all it does is deny the lowest skilled and most inexperienced workers any opportunity to improve their lot in life through work at all. I can't believe someone who claims to like Ron Paul would believe in government committing such an atrocity against the people who need an opportunity the most. It's sick, frankly. You pat yourself on the back for your utter arrogance of making other people's choices with no concern for the damage you cause. But hey, you then get to feel smug and superior. Totally worth it, ay?

Sill looking for your answer to the question I keep asking you. What policies should Republicans propose that increase freedom and appeal to ignorant voters?
Paulitician is not a libertarian. He just hates cops and authority. Unless the authority is doing what he thinks is good. Then it's cool.

You are correct sir. I'm not into labels anymore. I've moved on. I side with what's right. Hating and insulting hard-working people just trying to get by, is just wrong. I'm ashamed of most of my Republican friends on issues like this. Always so quick to lick those Corporate boots. It's always the struggling Workers' fault.

Personally, i'm happy anytime American Workers catch a break. It rarely happens. I hope they get much more. Because let's face it, even $15hr isn't much these days. I wish em the best of luck.

You're an authoritarian leftist who just endlessly begs the question and doesn't answer questions. You're an RW wanna be

Fair enough. And you guys lick wealthy elite Corporate butthole and hate average hard-working Americans just trying to make it. You guys are all-in on that Corporate Propaganda thing.

Y'all can kiss the American Worker-vote goodbye forever. Good luck trying to get the White House back without those struggling workers you despise so much.
Reagan didn't sign off on the spending?
There is a reason Obama never accepted the Ryan budget. If the Pres signs it, he agreed to it and then owns it.

The Democrat congress over spent the Reagan budget, every single year. The president can give a suggested budget, but ultimately it's up to congress to spend the money. Just like under Clinton, the Republican congress UNDER spent the Clinton Budget every single year.

The Reagan administration tried to cut spending, and the government increased it every single time. Reagan even wrote about his frustration on this issue, in his personal journals.

Ultimately Ronnie signed it every time.
So with your logic, any bill the Repub congress passes and Obama signs, good, bad or otherwise, then the Repubs own it and Obama is not then responsible for what he signed into law?

They are all responsible, dim wit. Your view that any of them can be not responsible for what they did is ridiculous

Was the Ronnie forced to sign? He couldn't have negotiated a better deal for America?
Did those big bad dems bully little Ronnie : (
He could have vetoed it and shut down the government. But presidents were more responsible in those days.

Oh I see it was just a principled stand that screwed America. That clears it up.
The Democrat congress over spent the Reagan budget, every single year. The president can give a suggested budget, but ultimately it's up to congress to spend the money. Just like under Clinton, the Republican congress UNDER spent the Clinton Budget every single year.

The Reagan administration tried to cut spending, and the government increased it every single time. Reagan even wrote about his frustration on this issue, in his personal journals.

Ultimately Ronnie signed it every time.
So with your logic, any bill the Repub congress passes and Obama signs, good, bad or otherwise, then the Repubs own it and Obama is not then responsible for what he signed into law?

They are all responsible, dim wit. Your view that any of them can be not responsible for what they did is ridiculous

Was the Ronnie forced to sign? He couldn't have negotiated a better deal for America?
Did those big bad dems bully little Ronnie : (
He could have vetoed it and shut down the government. But presidents were more responsible in those days.

Oh I see it was just a principled stand that screwed America. That clears it up.
So what was Obama's stand when he allowed the biggest deficits in US history? Yeah, it clears it up. You'[re a partisan hack moron.
Ultimately Ronnie signed it every time.
So with your logic, any bill the Repub congress passes and Obama signs, good, bad or otherwise, then the Repubs own it and Obama is not then responsible for what he signed into law?

They are all responsible, dim wit. Your view that any of them can be not responsible for what they did is ridiculous

Was the Ronnie forced to sign? He couldn't have negotiated a better deal for America?
Did those big bad dems bully little Ronnie : (
He could have vetoed it and shut down the government. But presidents were more responsible in those days.

Oh I see it was just a principled stand that screwed America. That clears it up.
So what was Obama's stand when he allowed the biggest deficits in US history? Yeah, it clears it up. You'[re a partisan hack moron.

The Federal Budget Deficit Is Back to Normal
OCTOBER 10, 2014

The federal budget deficit has narrowed sharply, and is back to relatively normal levels.

With the government’s budget year having concluded at the end of September, the Congressional Budget Office now estimatesthat the deficit for 2014 was 2.8 percent of G.D.P., down from 4.1 percent last year. The deficit is now smaller than its average over the past 40 years of 3.1 percent.

Neocons are such hateful little hypocrites. They love Big Government when it benefits them. Thousands of Businesses all across America have their hands out for Government Cheese. They're always hittin Government up for Freebies. But God forbid, the poor struggling American Worker catch a break. They're the 'Evil Greedy' ones in hateful hyporcite Neocon world.

They're so full of shite. They absolutely adore Big Government. But only if benefits them and their greedy Corporate asshole friends. So let em bitch and hate on struggling American Workers. It'll come back to bite em in future Elections. Bet on that.
Neocons are such hateful little hypocrites. They love Big Government when it benefits them. Thousands of Businesses all across America have their hands out for Government Cheese. They're always hittin Government up for Freebies. But God forbid, the poor struggling American Worker catch a break. They're the 'Evil Greedy' ones in hateful hyporcite Neocon world.

They're so full of shite. They absolutely adore Big Government. But only if benefits them and their greedy Corporate asshole friends. So let em bitch and hate on struggling American Workers. It'll come back to bite em in future Elections. Bet on that.
But you're OK with government dictating wages that businesses pay, you little hypocrite.
Neocons are such hateful little hypocrites. They love Big Government when it benefits them. Thousands of Businesses all across America have their hands out for Government Cheese. They're always hittin Government up for Freebies. But God forbid, the poor struggling American Worker catch a break. They're the 'Evil Greedy' ones in hateful hyporcite Neocon world.

They're so full of shite. They absolutely adore Big Government. But only if benefits them and their greedy Corporate asshole friends. So let em bitch and hate on struggling American Workers. It'll come back to bite em in future Elections. Bet on that.

Ahhh...."American Workers"
Clearly that must mean govt civil servants, union employees, social workers, community organizers, and agricultural communal occutards.....
Neocons are such hateful little hypocrites. They love Big Government when it benefits them. Thousands of Businesses all across America have their hands out for Government Cheese. They're always hittin Government up for Freebies. But God forbid, the poor struggling American Worker catch a break. They're the 'Evil Greedy' ones in hateful hyporcite Neocon world.

They're so full of shite. They absolutely adore Big Government. But only if benefits them and their greedy Corporate asshole friends. So let em bitch and hate on struggling American Workers. It'll come back to bite em in future Elections. Bet on that.
But you're OK with government dictating wages that businesses pay, you little hypocrite.

You Neocons love Big Government. You only pretend to hate it when you feel someone or something other than yourself is gonna benefit from it. We're a Big Government Nation now, thanks to you Neocons and Communists/Progressives. That's the reality.

But you're not gonna always benefit from Big Government intervention. Sometimes others will. So it's time for you hateful greedy Neocons to shut up and learn to live with that. It is what it is.
Who signs the bill to make it a law Dr. Dumble?
Was there some point you are trying to make?

Yes, he's trying to make the point that when Democratic congresses spend money on Democratic priorities that is the Republicans spending money. Democrats are incapable of manning up to what they do

No! That's your assertion. You're trying to let Ronnie off the hook. If the Pres signs it , he owns it.

So when I say Democrats who passed the spending bills are responsible for what they did, that's just me trying to get Reagan off?

Congress can pass bills all day everyday but they are nothing until the Pres signs them into law. But you know that don't you? You're trying to use a halfwitted loophole to change history.

There are hundreds of ways Congress can pass spending increases without the President. If they do nothing at all, without a new budget resolution, the prior resolution remains in effect. The president doesn't have any say in the matter.

Additionally, it is very common for Congress to attach spending to things that are absolutely required. For example, a deployed unit of troops. Without that spending bill, those troops end up without food and ammunitions. A blood bath of American troops would result.

Congress knows this, and so attaches a spending bill for Food Stamps, or University funding. The President is never going to veto a bill for deployed troops, because it contains other unrelated spending provisions.

Also, there are other ways to increase spending, that don't need a presidential signature. For example Medicaid funding, is based on State law. If a State widens the requirements to get Medicaid, allowing more people to qualify, that part of that funding comes from the Federal government, which increases spending without the President signing anything. (one of the reasons Medicaid needs repealed completely).

If the President veto'd everything, you'd claim he was preventing Congress of fixing our problems. If he pushes for reduced spending, but signs popular bills into law, you claim he should have veto'd everything.

The hypocrite is you.
I'm not going to explain basic history to you people other than to say Reagan traded 3-1 tax cuts to Tip for spending cuts. Tip suckered him and never gave him the spending cuts. Also, Reagan's priority was to bring down the Soviet Union. So he made deals with Tip.

Neither of those support the ridiculous assertion that Reagan is the one who spent the money. If you want to continue this discussion then you have to accurately portray basic history. You are free to disagree with me, but not knowing anything or your actually contradicting history I'm not interested in doing

Reagan didn't sign off on the spending?
There is a reason Obama never accepted the Ryan budget. If the Pres signs it, he agreed to it and then owns it.

The Democrat congress over spent the Reagan budget, every single year. The president can give a suggested budget, but ultimately it's up to congress to spend the money. Just like under Clinton, the Republican congress UNDER spent the Clinton Budget every single year.

The Reagan administration tried to cut spending, and the government increased it every single time. Reagan even wrote about his frustration on this issue, in his personal journals.

Ultimately Ronnie signed it every time.
So with your logic, any bill the Repub congress passes and Obama signs, good, bad or otherwise, then the Repubs own it and Obama is not then responsible for what he signed into law?

They are all responsible, dim wit. Your view that any of them can be not responsible for what they did is ridiculous

Was the Ronnie forced to sign? He couldn't have negotiated a better deal for America?
Did those big bad dems bully little Ronnie : (

Of course they did. Republicans bullied Clinton into cutting spending, and welfare reform. Yes absolutely.

Congress has far more power than you seem to give them credit for. More power is with Congress, than with the President.
Neocons are such hateful little hypocrites. They love Big Government when it benefits them. Thousands of Businesses all across America have their hands out for Government Cheese. They're always hittin Government up for Freebies. But God forbid, the poor struggling American Worker catch a break. They're the 'Evil Greedy' ones in hateful hyporcite Neocon world.

They're so full of shite. They absolutely adore Big Government. But only if benefits them and their greedy Corporate asshole friends. So let em bitch and hate on struggling American Workers. It'll come back to bite em in future Elections. Bet on that.

Ahhh...."American Workers"
Clearly that must mean govt civil servants, union employees, social workers, community organizers, and agricultural communal occutards.....

Ha, you Big Government Neocons are every bit in favor of Big Government as Communists/Progressives are. You guys are just so consumed with hate & greed, that you only bitch about it when poor struggling Americans benefit from it.

Otherwise, you guys have absolutely no problem with Big Government. American Workers don't count on you. That's why they'll rush to vote for the other Party. WTG dummies.
Was there some point you are trying to make?

Yes, he's trying to make the point that when Democratic congresses spend money on Democratic priorities that is the Republicans spending money. Democrats are incapable of manning up to what they do

No! That's your assertion. You're trying to let Ronnie off the hook. If the Pres signs it , he owns it.

So when I say Democrats who passed the spending bills are responsible for what they did, that's just me trying to get Reagan off?

Congress can pass bills all day everyday but they are nothing until the Pres signs them into law. But you know that don't you? You're trying to use a halfwitted loophole to change history.

There are hundreds of ways Congress can pass spending increases without the President. If they do nothing at all, without a new budget resolution, the prior resolution remains in effect. The president doesn't have any say in the matter.

Additionally, it is very common for Congress to attach spending to things that are absolutely required. For example, a deployed unit of troops. Without that spending bill, those troops end up without food and ammunitions. A blood bath of American troops would result.

Congress knows this, and so attaches a spending bill for Food Stamps, or University funding. The President is never going to veto a bill for deployed troops, because it contains other unrelated spending provisions.

Also, there are other ways to increase spending, that don't need a presidential signature. For example Medicaid funding, is based on State law. If a State widens the requirements to get Medicaid, allowing more people to qualify, that part of that funding comes from the Federal government, which increases spending without the President signing anything. (one of the reasons Medicaid needs repealed completely).

If the President veto'd everything, you'd claim he was preventing Congress of fixing our problems. If he pushes for reduced spending, but signs popular bills into law, you claim he should have veto'd everything.

The hypocrite is you.

Don't assume you know my thinking. For some reason all you cons do that.
If a Pres signs something into law they accept it and own it. It becomes part of his record.
Don't let the Neocons fool ya. They love Big Government. They only pretend to hate it when it's convenient. But to be fair, the same can be said of Communists/Progressives. The reality is, they both wanted this Big Government Police State. So now they just play the game. They bitch about Big Government intervention when they feel someone or something other than themselves are gonna benefit from it.

But this is it folks. We are a Big Government Police State now. So that's that. However, i'm happy when struggling American Workers catch a break. They're the underdogs. Wealthy powerful fatcats don't need help or sympathy. Our struggling Americans do.
Neocons are such hateful little hypocrites. They love Big Government when it benefits them. Thousands of Businesses all across America have their hands out for Government Cheese. They're always hittin Government up for Freebies. But God forbid, the poor struggling American Worker catch a break. They're the 'Evil Greedy' ones in hateful hyporcite Neocon world.

They're so full of shite. They absolutely adore Big Government. But only if benefits them and their greedy Corporate asshole friends. So let em bitch and hate on struggling American Workers. It'll come back to bite em in future Elections. Bet on that.

Ahhh...."American Workers"
Clearly that must mean govt civil servants, union employees, social workers, community organizers, and agricultural communal occutards.....

Ha, you Big Government Neocons are every bit in favor of Big Government as Communists/Progressives are. You guys are just so consumed with hate & greed, that you only bitch about it when poor struggling Americans benefit from it.

Otherwise, you guys have absolutely no problem with Big Government. American Workers don't count on you. That's why they'll rush to vote for the other Party. WTG dummies.

You realize that there's no such thing as a Neo-con... right?

Neo-Cons are merely Progressives hanging out with Republicans... recognizing that the GOP is the only thing in US Government which retains a shred of anything close to 'credibility'.
Fair enough. And you guys lick wealthy elite Corporate butthole and hate average hard-working Americans just trying to make it. You guys are all-in on that Corporate Propaganda thing.

Yes, of course, to believe in free markets is to love corporations and hate workers. You don't know what free markets are, authoritarian leftists never do.

And when some kid with no experience, particularly an inner city one, wants a job to gain some skills or an unreliable worker with a spotty history wants to improve their life, they have to get by you. They work a deal with an employer, and in your massive arrogance you inform them they aren't qualified to take a job for what they can get, you will decide it for them. And you aren't allowing them to take a job for $7.25 an hour. You have in your superior knowledge over their life decided they should make $15 or whatever you support. The business that was going to hire them says sorry, wasn't my call and they remain jobless.

How do you get your head through doorways?

Y'all can kiss the American Worker-vote goodbye forever. Good luck trying to get the White House back without those struggling workers you despise so much.

Libertarians aren't getting the white house, simpleton
The Democrat congress over spent the Reagan budget, every single year. The president can give a suggested budget, but ultimately it's up to congress to spend the money. Just like under Clinton, the Republican congress UNDER spent the Clinton Budget every single year.

The Reagan administration tried to cut spending, and the government increased it every single time. Reagan even wrote about his frustration on this issue, in his personal journals.

Ultimately Ronnie signed it every time.
So with your logic, any bill the Repub congress passes and Obama signs, good, bad or otherwise, then the Repubs own it and Obama is not then responsible for what he signed into law?

They are all responsible, dim wit. Your view that any of them can be not responsible for what they did is ridiculous

Was the Ronnie forced to sign? He couldn't have negotiated a better deal for America?
Did those big bad dems bully little Ronnie : (
He could have vetoed it and shut down the government. But presidents were more responsible in those days.

Oh I see it was just a principled stand that screwed America. That clears it up.

So here's the question you keep evading. If Reagan said no, you'd blame Tip and the Democrats for the shutdown, right?

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