I don't understand why republicans reject both a minimum wage hike and welfare for the poor

I was once among the working poor living paycheck to paycheck. My wife and I both worked, we earned more than minimum wage, too much to qualify for any assistance, but too little to get ahead. We drove 10 year old used cars, at times we didn't have health insurance, we couldn't afford to have kids, get the picture? Trust me on this the Democrats are conniving liars. They are not going to come save you from that life, they are the ones keeping you down.

Democrats say vote for me I'll raise minimum wage. Meanwhile they are destroying the higher paying jobs the working poor need to rise up out of living paycheck to paycheck. They say vote for me I'll tax the rich and give you some of their money. Meanwhile they increase taxes on the working poor at every opportunity. Dem's were just recently advocating raising gas taxes, who does that hurt? Yes the working poor. They passed Obamacare which forces working poor young people to buy way more health insurance than they need, why, to fund their welfare freebies. They enslave you to mega debt with easy to get student loans.

With friends like Democrats who needs enemies.
Believe it or not, both the left and the right want to end welfare for the poor. The left just has a realistic and humane way of doing it.

$153 billion of public assistance is spent on people because of their low wage jobs. 18 million people make less than $10.10 per hour. How many more do you think make less than $15? If the minimum was raised to $10.10, republicans are to stupid/immature to realize that far less people would be eligible for programs like food stamps. It would dramatically fix the fucking problem of the poor on welfare!

Like it or not, $15 as a minimum wage would be a base wage kept up with the rate of inflation. The last time someone could live comfortably off 10.10 per hour was the fucking 60s. Since the recession, low wage jobs out number higher wage jobs. That means MILLIONS OF PEOPLE have no choice but to accept low wage jobs.

As long as it was gradually raised over a couple of years, the initial cost to the market would be minimized. Prices would go up, but not nearly enough to offset the consumer spending power created by it. Consumer spending would boom. The market would begin to create jobs. Way more than the jobs that would have been scrapped initially. Prices would also go down.

Look the only reason most (not all) CEOs are against raising wages is because it just easier to for them to keep the ridiculous money they make rather than invest in a strong labor force. The average CEO makes over 300x what the average worker makes. Sure we can all agree CEOs deserve a wealthy life for all their hard work, but do you really think they deserve 300x more?

Hell no.

Hell yes.

They stayed in school, got educated, got a marketable skill, didn't have a bunch of kids they couldn't afford and you want to reward those who did none of these things just because they breath. Bullshit.
You repubs have such one track minds. Yes obviously many single women have children that they shouldn't have had, but why don't you ever think of the kids? Should those kids grow up in poverty because of their irresponsible mother? They need public support if there aren't higher wages available.

Should we have had a welfare system that encouraged single women to have multiple children? That's what we've been doing for much of the last thirty years. How's that been working out? Are the kid's of the poor better off now than they were before our entitlement society?
What the fuck? Nothing about this system encourages women to have multiple children. Are you that dense? You're talking about $152 billion a year. A sum of money that mostly feeds kids who would starve otherwise you dip. The mother is not fucking profiting off of it Christ's sakes. What they actually get is fucking peanuts. They are dirt poor government help or none, It's madness the way you people bitch about this, Why dont you people freak out about the ridiculous amount we spend on defense?

It does when the case workers tell them in order to keep receiving benefits they need to have another kid. And they most definitely do tell them that.
Believe it or not, both the left and the right want to end welfare for the poor. The left just has a realistic and humane way of doing it.

$153 billion of public assistance is spent on people because of their low wage jobs. 18 million people make less than $10.10 per hour. How many more do you think make less than $15? If the minimum was raised to $10.10, republicans are to stupid/immature to realize that far less people would be eligible for programs like food stamps. It would dramatically fix the fucking problem of the poor on welfare!

Like it or not, $15 as a minimum wage would be a base wage kept up with the rate of inflation. The last time someone could live comfortably off 10.10 per hour was the fucking 60s. Since the recession, low wage jobs out number higher wage jobs. That means MILLIONS OF PEOPLE have no choice but to accept low wage jobs.

As long as it was gradually raised over a couple of years, the initial cost to the market would be minimized. Prices would go up, but not nearly enough to offset the consumer spending power created by it. Consumer spending would boom. The market would begin to create jobs. Way more than the jobs that would have been scrapped initially. Prices would also go down.

Look the only reason most (not all) CEOs are against raising wages is because it just easier to for them to keep the ridiculous money they make rather than invest in a strong labor force. The average CEO makes over 300x what the average worker makes. Sure we can all agree CEOs deserve a wealthy life for all their hard work, but do you really think they deserve 300x more?

Hell no.
I'm not so sure a min wage hike is a great thing. Perhaps a small one, but paying fast food workers over 30K is hardly helpful when some college degree jobs don't pay much more. Wages haven't kept up with the growth in the economy, which has gone mostly to the top 1%. Tax credits for healthcare and easing access to higher education should be things republicans favor.

you were making sense until you threw in the comment about the top 1%. that is total bullshit.
I always tell my Republican friends to steer clear of the Minimum Wage issue. It's a big Lose/Lose for them. Some of them actually argue that American Workers making pitiful wages is a 'Good Thing.' I just tell em to be quiet and stop digging that hole. They come off as greedy old fat white dudes. And that image kills them in the General Election.

They just seem way too quick to insult struggling Workers , while worshipping greedy Corporate bastards. That's just not a winning platform in General Elections. The People prefer Politicians who at least give the impression they're fighting for the struggling American Worker. Too many Republicans just don't give that impression. In fact, they give the opposite impression. So take my advice Republicans, don't touch the Minimum Wage issue anymore. You already lost bigtime on it.
It's hard to imagine how stupid lefties can get when they imagine that republicans object to helping the poor. As a matter of fact republicans probably help the poor more than liberals who just think they do. Government is the least efficient way to redistribute wealth. All republicans want to do is streamline the process. Lefties have convinced themselves that the world will be a better place if only businesses were forced to pay another $5.00 per hour to minimum wage workers. They don't have to think about it, all they have to do is imagine it. Seattle has shown us that small businesses operate on a thin profit margin and they would be forced under if they had to pay higher salaries. Bigger businesses would merely streamline and automate the operation and fire hourly workers.
Not a career but a stepping stone to something better. Kind of hard to move foreward if you work full time and still need food assistance to get by.

get a second job, thats what I did when I was young. Stop the whining and begging and self pity, and get off your ass and take responsibility for yourself.

I last worked a MW job
Not a career but a stepping stone to something better. Kind of hard to move foreward if you work full time and still need food assistance to get by.

get a second job, thats what I did when I was young. Stop the whining and begging and self pity, and get off your ass and take responsibility for yourself.

I last worked a MW job 32 years ago while in HS. At that time every cashier or stocker anywhere you went was a HS kid. Not so much today. Who do you see working the register at the grocery store or any retail store? Not kids. You all need to stop recalling your success with MW and look realistically at how and who MW affects. Times have changed.

and why have those changes come about? any idea? Why are there fewer new good paying jobs in the USA? Why have many manufacturing jobs left this country? Why is there no longer a textile industry in this country? Why is there no longer a vibrant steel industry in this country? why is there no longer a commercial shipbuilding industry in this country?

Think about it--------------------the answer, taxes, regulations, and unions. Fix those things and this country will boom again, keep dems and libs in power and the decline will continue.

it's cheaper to produce somewhere else and ship it back half-way around the world. That's called profit motive.

Thanks for admitting that there are rungs missing on that ladder to success you all like to tout. 30 years ago I could pay college tuition while working MW. 30 years ago I could get on at the GM plant, the phone company, or any number of places where I was trained on the job and could make a great living. Times have changed.

Yes, times have changed, raising the MW would only make things worse. The problem is not MW, its the US corporate tax rate (highest in the world), US regulations on business, union demands, and yes, cheap foreign labor. Why not put high tariffs on products made overseas by US corporations, lower corporate tax rate for work done in the US, and ease foolish EPA regs that cost billions and accomplish nothing?

I agree with corporate tax breaks for behavior that works for Americans. Bring back annual cost of living wage adjustments, corporate job training programs, investing in the US , etc.
Where I don't agree is that business is handicapped by "job killing" regulation.
Corporate profits have nearly tripled while Obama has been in office. Combine that with a killer market and overseas holdings and American business is flush with cash. Obviously not struggling under the weight of big gov't.
Simple: Because republicans like to create the storm (Like opposing the min wage hike) so they can complain about the rain (Welfare).

They live in a land where just because they created and supports the storm they believe that they shouldnt get wet as well.

Except when people are hungry, they dont care about what you think about it
Republicans are gonna have to shake their 'greedy old fat white guy' image, if they expect to ever win the White House again. Everytime they start arguing that American Workers making shite wages is a 'Good Thing', most immediately think 'greedy old fat white guy.' They don't realize they lost on the Minimum Wage issue a long time ago. It's time for them to accept that and move on.
Republicans are gonna have to shake their 'greedy old fat white guy' image, if they expect to ever win the White House again. Everytime they start arguing that American Workers making shite wages is a 'Good Thing', most immediately think 'greedy old fat white guy.' They don't realize they lost on the Minimum Wage issue a long time ago. It's time for them to accept that and move on.

But thats the problem...they cant back away from who they are
Simple: Because republicans like to create the storm (Like opposing the min wage hike) so they can complain about the rain (Welfare).

They live in a land where just because they created and supports the storm they believe that they shouldnt get wet as well.

Except when people are hungry, they dont care about what you think about it
Thnk globally, act locally.
You are so thick. You live in a fantasy land. All i am talking about is raising the minimum wage. THAT'S IT. The wealthy will still be wealthy. The world will keep turning. Capitalism will thrive you ass.

So, in your pinhead somebody aspiring to make a career out of a mindless, zero skill job isn't a problem? You lefties are such simpletons.

Not a career but a stepping stone to something better. Kind of hard to move foreward if you work full time and still need food assistance to get by.

get a second job, thats what I did when I was young. Stop the whining and begging and self pity, and get off your ass and take responsibility for yourself.

I last worked a MW job
You are so thick. You live in a fantasy land. All i am talking about is raising the minimum wage. THAT'S IT. The wealthy will still be wealthy. The world will keep turning. Capitalism will thrive you ass.

So, in your pinhead somebody aspiring to make a career out of a mindless, zero skill job isn't a problem? You lefties are such simpletons.

Not a career but a stepping stone to something better. Kind of hard to move foreward if you work full time and still need food assistance to get by.

get a second job, thats what I did when I was young. Stop the whining and begging and self pity, and get off your ass and take responsibility for yourself.

I last worked a MW job 32 years ago while in HS. At that time every cashier or stocker anywhere you went was a HS kid. Not so much today. Who do you see working the register at the grocery store or any retail store? Not kids. You all need to stop recalling your success with MW and look realistically at how and who MW affects. Times have changed.
Why do you suppose that is? It isnt that there are no jobs for those people. It's that you have people who are worth 10/hr, people worth 8/hr, people worth 5/hr and people worth 2/hr. But if you set the minimum at 10/hr you'll only hire people who are worth 10/hr. The people worth less than that wont get hired at all. Which is whyyou dont see them working at those jobs anymore.
What kind of logic is this?
That makes no sense whatsoever.
It's pretty obvious. It's not that they can't think of ways to make life easier for the poor. It's that they don't want to. They have this idea that poor people are only poor because they choose to be and that the best way to help them is to make them stop wanting to be poor.
Republicans are gonna have to shake their 'greedy old fat white guy' image, if they expect to ever win the White House again. Everytime they start arguing that American Workers making shite wages is a 'Good Thing', most immediately think 'greedy old fat white guy.' They don't realize they lost on the Minimum Wage issue a long time ago. It's time for them to accept that and move on.

But thats the problem...they cant back away from who they are

Yeah, i keep telling em insulting struggling American Workers isn't the way to go. But most won't listen. They continue on with their blind worship of Corporate bastards. That just doesn't play well in General Elections.

Struggling Americans want Politicians who at least give the impression they're fighting for them. Republicans will have to shake their 'greedy old fat white dude' image, if they want the White House back.
It's pretty obvious. It's not that they can't think of ways to make life easier for the poor. It's that they don't want to. They have this idea that poor people are only poor because they choose to be and that the best way to help them is to make them stop wanting to be poor.
That's very true. You put it beautifully too.
They opposed raising the MW for Walmart saying it would cripple the Waltons (yes, seriously)

Then when Walmart announced they were raising wages they supported it...and Walmart is still standing believe it or not.
Look, MW has been around for 78 years.
You all surround it with doom and gloom like it's an unknown. Can any of you show me how your scenarios have proven to be true for each increase in those 78years?

yer an idiot

The Minimum Wage Delusion And The Death Of Common Sense - Forbes


Case Against Raising The Minimum Wage - Business Insider



So your answer is ...." Idiot"?
77 years and not a single comprehensive report outlining the negative results of MW increases over time? Hmm..it seems like with the certainty you portray in your assessment it should be simple.

Another question.
With so many jobs being lost each time MW is increased, how is it that we have more MW jobs than ever now?
Kindly explain to me how you can raise one segment of the work force's pay without raising ALL of the work force's pay, Billy? Do you not grasp that's something that would have to happen?

Why don't you explain WHY you say that would have to happen? If I am working for a company making 20 bucks and hour and the MW workers of this company gets a 1.00 dollar an hour raise, why do I then demand the same increase? And why do I deserve it? And with no union representing most workers, who is going to force the issue that higher paid workers get the same increase that MW workers got?

Can you explain this? What you seem to be claiming is that every time one segment of the work force gets a raise that ALL workers of that same company get a raise. It don't work like that.

It does when the raise comes without merit.
Believe it or not, both the left and the right want to end welfare for the poor. The left just has a realistic and humane way of doing it.

$153 billion of public assistance is spent on people because of their low wage jobs. 18 million people make less than $10.10 per hour. How many more do you think make less than $15? If the minimum was raised to $10.10, republicans are to stupid/immature to realize that far less people would be eligible for programs like food stamps. It would dramatically fix the fucking problem of the poor on welfare!

Like it or not, $15 as a minimum wage would be a base wage kept up with the rate of inflation. The last time someone could live comfortably off 10.10 per hour was the fucking 60s. Since the recession, low wage jobs out number higher wage jobs. That means MILLIONS OF PEOPLE have no choice but to accept low wage jobs.

As long as it was gradually raised over a couple of years, the initial cost to the market would be minimized. Prices would go up, but not nearly enough to offset the consumer spending power created by it. Consumer spending would boom. The market would begin to create jobs. Way more than the jobs that would have been scrapped initially. Prices would also go down.

Look the only reason most (not all) CEOs are against raising wages is because it just easier to for them to keep the ridiculous money they make rather than invest in a strong labor force. The average CEO makes over 300x what the average worker makes. Sure we can all agree CEOs deserve a wealthy life for all their hard work, but do you really think they deserve 300x more?

Hell no.

Hell yes.

They stayed in school, got educated, got a marketable skill, didn't have a bunch of kids they couldn't afford and you want to reward those who did none of these things just because they breath. Bullshit.
Boy talk about stereotyping....But It don't bother me, not a one of the wealthy will make it top Heaven, so they better enjoy it now....

What ever.
So, in your pinhead somebody aspiring to make a career out of a mindless, zero skill job isn't a problem? You lefties are such simpletons.

Not a career but a stepping stone to something better. Kind of hard to move foreward if you work full time and still need food assistance to get by.

get a second job, thats what I did when I was young. Stop the whining and begging and self pity, and get off your ass and take responsibility for yourself.

I last worked a MW job
So, in your pinhead somebody aspiring to make a career out of a mindless, zero skill job isn't a problem? You lefties are such simpletons.

Not a career but a stepping stone to something better. Kind of hard to move foreward if you work full time and still need food assistance to get by.

get a second job, thats what I did when I was young. Stop the whining and begging and self pity, and get off your ass and take responsibility for yourself.

I last worked a MW job 32 years ago while in HS. At that time every cashier or stocker anywhere you went was a HS kid. Not so much today. Who do you see working the register at the grocery store or any retail store? Not kids. You all need to stop recalling your success with MW and look realistically at how and who MW affects. Times have changed.
Why do you suppose that is? It isnt that there are no jobs for those people. It's that you have people who are worth 10/hr, people worth 8/hr, people worth 5/hr and people worth 2/hr. But if you set the minimum at 10/hr you'll only hire people who are worth 10/hr. The people worth less than that wont get hired at all. Which is whyyou dont see them working at those jobs anymore.
What kind of logic is this?
That makes no sense whatsoever.
Thats because you're stupid.
WHat is hard to understand about some people being worth only 5/hr or 10/hr?

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