I Finally Got Windows 11

No, it doesn´t unless you allow it. People crying about MS and then sharing each and every visited site with Google need a doctor.
Yes it does.
It is in the browser settings. You cannot even activate it if you are using a local Windows account. The only purpose is to personalize web services. Like google when you send the websites for security purposes. The whine has no point anyway, no human in the world is able to use the large amounts of data collected.
It is in the browser settings. You cannot even activate it if you are using a local Windows account. The only purpose is to personalize web services. Like google when you send the websites for security purposes. The whine has no point anyway, no human in the world is able to use the large amounts of data collected.
Go screw yourself with calling it a "whine".
I have issues with companies that build monopolies, then give you no choice to agree to their terms or you can't use the product.
It is called "jailing". When you are no longer a customer, but a prisoner.
Same with utility companies. You are not a customer. They are the only provider. You either agree to their terms and unreasonable fees, or you don't have electricity. With M$ - they are VERY MUCH working towards a platform where they will control everything on your computer. Just look at their Beta roll out of the "S-Mode". M$ and Dell quietly made s-mode a default operating system where you can only use Microsoft Edge, and only download from the M$ app store. They call it "enhanced security" - industry leaders call it jailing.
Go screw yourself with calling it a "whine".
I have issues with companies that build monopolies, then give you no choice to agree to their terms or you can't use the product.
It is called "jailing". When you are no longer a customer, but a prisoner.
Same with utility companies. You are not a customer. They are the only provider. You either agree to their terms and unreasonable fees, or you don't have electricity. With M$ - they are VERY MUCH working towards a platform where they will control everything on your computer. Just look at their Beta roll out of the "S-Mode". M$ and Dell quietly made s-mode a default operating system where you can only use Microsoft Edge, and only download from the M$ app store. They call it "enhanced security" - industry leaders call it jailing.
S is around since Windows 8 and is designed for ARM-based devices. Browser will be available in the Store. The Computer that is dominated by MS is the only platform that officially allows for anything you like, including installing the OS of your choice.
S is around since Windows 8 and is designed for ARM-based devices. Browser will be available in the Store. The Computer that is dominated by MS is the only platform that officially allows for anything you like, including installing the OS of your choice.
Yeah and about 1 in 5000 people will figure it out that you can switch out of S Mode. Like I said, this is a Beta roll out exclusively with Dell
And M$ is counting on the fact most people won't know you can opt out - or even know they are restricted.
Yeah and about 1 in 5000 people will figure it out that you can switch out of S Mode. Like I said, this is a Beta roll out exclusively with Dell
And M$ is counting on the fact most people won't know you can opt out - or even know they are restricted.
Its a few clicks, not even hidden. It is also not like older Windows S, it is just a feature that allows Store apps only. People who won´t figure out how to disable it, don´t need to disable it. Store will also improve and offer exe based applications that won´t be updated via the Store.
You are basically complaining of something that is normal in Linux where only the store like program grants access to programs as they are simply not available as downloadable setup packages.
Its a few clicks, not even hidden. It is also not like older Windows S, it is just a feature that allows Store apps only. People who won´t figure out how to disable it, don´t need to disable it. Store will also improve and offer exe based applications that won´t be updated via the Store.
You are basically complaining of something that is normal in Linux where only the store like program grants access to programs as they are simply not available as downloadable setup packages.
Linux doesn't track you. Linux doesn't download data from you and sell it to advertisers.
And no you are not restricted to the Software Manager.
Software Manager is generally where I look first, but prolly only half the programs I have ran comes from there.
Linux doesn't track you. Linux doesn't download data from you and sell it to advertisers.
And no you are not restricted to the Software Manager.
Software Manager is generally where I look first, but prolly only half the programs I have ran comes from there.
You just have to disable s mode in Windows settings and store. Pretty easy. And Linux does not track you. But nobody uses it. People use Ubuntu, which tracks you.
Few programs like Firefox are available for Linux without manager.
You just have to disable s mode in Windows settings and store. Pretty easy. And Linux does not track you. But nobody uses it. People use Ubuntu, which tracks you.
Few programs like Firefox are available for Linux without manager.
Not true... the best backup software I know of is not on the manager. Rsync.
Check that, it is in manager now, didn't use to be.
The Government can break these juggernauts up. They broke up the Bell Telephone Company and technology took off with new competition. The downside was the phones at that time were tough. They lasted.

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