I give credit to you libs. You warned us cons if we voted for trump we'd get inflation and wars

Just how fucking stupid are you? The price of gasoline in May 2020 was $1.96 per gallon. That was before everybody started freaking out about COVID.

U.S. All Grades All Formulations Retail Gasoline Prices (Dollars per Gallon)

The first US case of COVID was in January of 2020, and the entire country didn't go into shutdown until the winter of 2020.

Sorry, but that time frame is WAY off. Remember the whole 'Trump is evil because he wants everyone back to work by Easter?' Things started shutting down in March/April of 2020. H3ll, we even lost the March Madness tournament.
Sorry, but that time frame is WAY off. Remember the whole 'Trump is evil because he wants everyone back to work by Easter?' Things started shutting down in March/April of 2020. H3ll, we even lost the March Madness tournament.

Even so, gas was still around $2.20 per gallon in November of 2020. It started rising dramatically after the election, which not only had to do with the pandemic, but the oil industry's response to the Biden election.
Fuel prices were extremely low because trucks were not moving. IS that true or not?

It is true, and it wasn't just trucks either. Our office gave everyone a choice to stay at the office or work from home, and I was one of the few who chose to keep going into the office. It's a 20 minute commute, and there were days where I would see fewer than 5 cars total going to and from work. I think the lowest I remember seeing gas in my area was around $1.15.

My parent's are retired, and I remember my Dad joking 'I'm getting about 3 weeks to a gallon!'
Even so, gas was still around $2.20 per gallon in November of 2020. It started rising dramatically after the election, which not only had to do with the pandemic, but the oil industry's response to the Biden election.

That's possible, i honestly don't recall what gas prices were in Nov 2020. I do remember that I was back to traveling for work in mid-August of 2020, and made several trips in September 2020, so things were definitely picking back up by then.
Lesser-of-two-evils has us voting for bad candidates on purpose. Any moron can see that's a losing proposition.
Another brilliant reply. You are my political discussion mentor. :auiqs.jpg:
Here's some questions. What party took a beating in recent elections? What party is going to take a beating in the midterms so badly that a record number of Democrats are deciding to retire instead of becoming the minority party? Oops, I think I accidently gave you the answer.
Here's some questions. What party took a beating in recent elections? What party is going to take a beating in the midterms so badly that a record number of Democrats are deciding to retire instead of becoming the minority party? Oops, I think I accidently gave you the answer.
I don't care, I am not a Democrat. I just try real hard not to join the stupid party. Rules out the Republican/Trump party.
There was no economy because the leftists talked Trump into locking things down and then turned right around and blamed Trump for the lockdown economy.
But you guys still can't say the gas was that cheap because the economy tanked. It is simply a fact. But it seems Trumpsters cant say it, something like blasphemy, I guess. And Trump made the decision, you also cannot blame that decision on the left. Trump, IN FACT, made the decision to lock down the economy.
This is a beauty. You remember that right leftists? Sure you do.

I voted for Trump too, blame me.
But you guys still can't say the gas was that cheap because the economy tanked. It is simply a fact. But it seems Trumpsters cant say it, something like blasphemy, I guess. And Trump made the decision, you also cannot blame that decision on the left. Trump, IN FACT, made the decision to lock down the economy.
Semantics. A recovering economy with a newly installed leader trashing every agenda of the previous President out of hate. Making any issues worse. And as of now, the stubbornness of the Prog Party is out there for all to see. The Repub revolution in 1994 reoriented Clinton and he became a more serviceable President. He jettisoned Hillary's interference and agendas he never talked about during the 1992 election to work with Repubs.
I don't care, I am not a Democrat. I just try real hard not to join the stupid party. Rules out the Republican/Trump party.
LOL. Seems to me like the stupid party is the party that doesn't listen to voters and tries to ram through their agenda anyway, to hell with the voters. That turned Virginia and even liberal San Francisco around recently and why Democrats are fleeing the Titanic before the midterms. They put their eggs in the Progessive socialist basket, apparently not realizing that the cargo was on board the Titanic.
But you guys still can't say the gas was that cheap because the economy tanked. It is simply a fact. But it seems Trumpsters cant say it, something like blasphemy, I guess. And Trump made the decision, you also cannot blame that decision on the left. Trump, IN FACT, made the decision to lock down the economy.
Explain that to the voters. But, they aren't listening to your BS. Gas and all other prices are rising quicker than you can say it's not your fault. Ever hear the term Karma? That's what's happening to Biden and the left since they shamelessly attacked Trump and now it is all coming back to bite them in the ass. They are getting a taste of all the same medicine they dished out on Trump. You guys laughedly claimed back then it was all Trump's fault and that Trump wouldn't take responsibility for anything and yet here you are, claiming that current event's aren't your fault and you aren't taking any responsibility for the mess we are in.
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