I graduated High School with Ketanji Brown, Biden’s SCOTUS nominee

Really, Harvard has quotas? Wow, maybe they would consider you if they've decided dimwits would be admitted.
We are at the point now of false intellect and paying people off and lowering standards that a potential foe told us to not interfere, or he will use nukes. This is how dimwitted we have become.
You mean like hiring somebody for their skin color and for their vagina?
Well, thank you, good poster Loser.
But my avatar doesn't require further help in making my point.
In fact, you are kinda over-driving the nail.

Nonetheless, me and my avatar wish you better luck in your future endeavors. :thup:
I have been surprised by the overt racism, misogyny, and crass vulgarity expressed by some here who claim they are Republican, or Conservative, or MAGA.
I cannot fathom how others of that political leaning.....but intelligent, thoughtful and socially aware, could welcome those who espouse what we see above-- below --as being like-minded fellow travelers in conservative principles.

Look, folks, I know full well what I posted earlier. (see above)
And I truly thought my point was clear.

Yet, too many of you keep piling on.
Trying to prove and prove and prove ...my point again.
You needn't do that.
Most readers here understood the point I was making about the type of poster I was alluding too.
You are over-driving my nail.
You gotta quit presenting your evidence.

Truthfully, it is only making y'all look worse.
Trust me on that. :thup:

To Wit:
  • Were there commonly beer boofs when she chugged out of the kegs?
  • any Negro bitch with a name like Ketanji is a worthless dumbass affirmative action piece of shit.
  • Yeah -------
  • an affirmative action toad.
  • She was well known for taking on the entire football team.
  • She could down a beer in seconds between blow jobs.

Look, folks, I know full well what I posted earlier. (see above)
And I truly thought my point was clear.

Yet, too many of you keep piling on.
Trying to prove and prove and prove ...my point again.
You needn't do that.
Most readers here understood the point I was making about the type of poster I was alluding too.
You are over-driving my nail.
You gotta quit presenting your evidence.

Truthfully, it is only making y'all look worse.
Trust me on that. :thup:

To Wit:
Methinks the bitch doth protest too much.

The thread topic was met with a few volleys of sarcastic humor directed primarily at the way her nomination could be treated like Kavanaugh’s was. Stop sniveling. It’s not making you look good. Trust me. Or, alternatively, just gfy.
Last edited:
Methinks the bitch doth protest too much.

The thread topic was met with a few volleys of sarcastic humor directed primarily at the way her nomination could be treated like Kavanaugh’s was. Stop sniveling. It’s not making you look good. Trust me. Or, alternatively, just gfy.
In Russia, everyone drinks with squee!!
Look, folks, I know full well what I posted earlier.
And I truly thought my point was clear.
Yet...... Yet, too many of you keep......
Trying to prove and prove and prove ...my point again.

Or, ........ just gfy.
(fyi --- 'Go F*ck Yourself'

Oh boy, a few just can't grasp the point.
I can lead the horse to water but ..... I can't teach him to fish.

Good poster BackAgain,let the game come to you.
Your 'f-bombs' makes it look like you are trying too hard.
Free advice: Don't do that.
It simply emphasizes my points ...and makes them more and more valid: About the education level, social awareness, and civility of a certain class of Conservative/Republican and MAGAs.
You are making y'all look worse and worse.

Trust me.
Methinks the bitch doth protest too much.

The thread topic was met with a few volleys of sarcastic humor directed primarily at the way her nomination could be treated like Kavanaugh’s was. Stop sniveling. It’s not making you look good. Trust me. Or, alternatively, just gfy.
There was also that "affirmative action negro" post nobody on the right refuted..
There was also that "affirmative action negro" post nobody on the right refuted..

Nor did any from this gossipboard's Right Field disavow these:

To Wit:
BackAgain said:
  • Were there commonly beer boofs when she chugged out of the kegs?
Flash said:
  • any Negro bitch with a name like Ketanji is a worthless dumbass affirmative action piece of shit.
two_iron said:
  • an affirmative action toad.
BS Filter said:
  • She was well known for taking on the entire football team.
BS Filter said:
  • She could down a beer in seconds between blow jobs.


(fyi --- 'Go F*ck Yourself'

Oh boy, a few just can't grasp the point.
I can lead the horse to water but ..... I can't teach him to fish.

Good poster BackAgain,let the game come to you.
Your 'f-bombs' makes it look like you are trying too hard.
Free advice: Don't do that.
It simply emphasizes my points ...and makes them more and more valid: About the education level, social awareness, and civility of a certain class of Conservative/Republican and MAGAs.
You are making y'all look worse and worse.

Trust me.
Free advice back at you hack poster, Chiliconfused. Your posts are amazingly vapid and you remain quite fully unpersuasive.

Nobody with a brain trusts you. You’re a hack and you have zero cred.
There was also that "affirmative action negro" post nobody on the right refuted..
I’d like to pretend I know the reference. But I don’t. I can guess, though. Probably some racist retard attacking the nominee based on her race? What is there to refute? Racist bullshit is already self-refuting.
I’d like to pretend I know the reference. But I don’t. I can guess, though. Probably some racist retard attacking the nominee based on her race? What is there to refute? Racist bullshit is already self-refuting.
There were about 10 references to her race on the very first page. The thread is now 5 pages long, and not a single person addressed it. Don't pretend you didn't see a single racist comment without acknowleding it.
There were about 10 references to her race on the very first page. The thread is now 5 pages long, and not a single person addressed it. Don't pretend you didn't see a single racist comment without acknowleding it.
I am not obligated to respond to any idiotic post. I also don’t take stage directions from you or your ilk. I have already shared my opinion about moronic racist comments.
I am not obligated to respond to any idiotic post. I also don’t take stage directions from you or your ilk. I have already shared my opinion about moronic racist comments.
Is that like how you ran away from your claim that NATO spending only started increasing when Trump demanded it.
And then you post a PDF of NATO spending showing it started going up under Obama, and just continued under Trump.

Of course, you cursed the dark, instead of turning on the light of truth.
I don't know about degrees, but for admissions, it looks that way:

View attachment 606875
Which means the AA slander is dumb as shit as that just gets one in the door. The work to achieve the degree still must be done. Which of course is really the bonafides that come with a Harvard law degree. An achievement none of the posters using it could imagine let alone ever actually achieve.
It was really bad optics for Sleepy joe to charade this today. Like he must not know our troops are very close having to go into combat.

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