I graduated High School with Ketanji Brown, Biden’s SCOTUS nominee

True story.

She was ranked #29 in the class, I was like #92 out of about 700.

I did not know her well personally, but I spoke to her a few times.

As you can imagine, she was very involved in school activities like student government and debate. She went to Harvard on academic scholarship.

She was well respected at school.


I disagree with her politics and I could LIE about her in public like Ford did to Kavanaugh.

“I cant recall when or where….but she assaulted me….I remember her laughing,”

A tactic like this is fair game in politics for lefties…so they should support me doing it JUST LIKE EVERY LEFTY SUPPORTED FORD’S LIES.
You grew up in Miami?
True story.

She was ranked #29 in the class, I was like #92 out of about 700.

I did not know her well personally, but I spoke to her a few times.

As you can imagine, she was very involved in school activities like student government and debate. She went to Harvard on academic scholarship.

She was well respected at school.


I disagree with her politics and I could LIE about her in public like Ford did to Kavanaugh.

“I cant recall when or where….but she assaulted me….I remember her laughing,”

A tactic like this is fair game in politics for lefties…so they should support me doing it JUST LIKE EVERY LEFTY SUPPORTED FORD’S LIES.
LOL you don't provide evidence that you were #92 in a class of 700; either you lied or the other 619 were not very bright. In fact I suspect you entire post is made up.
They just hand out degrees to the AA students?
Huh…Who knew? :dunno:

I don't know about degrees, but for admissions, it looks that way:

I've now contributed occasionally on this gossipboard for about a year.
And over that time I have been surprised by the overt racism, misogyny, and crass vulgarity expressed by some here who claim they are Republican, or Conservative, or MAGA.

For the life of me, I cannot fathom how others of that political leaning.....but intelligent, thoughtful and socially aware, could welcome those who espouse what we see above as being like-minded fellow travelers in conservative principles.

Why? What's up with that?

There comes a time when it must become rather, well, rather 'icky'. Rather repellant.

“Overt racism” / discrimination?
You mean like hiring somebody for their skin color and for their vagina?
Just so we know you’re credible, have you posted about that overt racism/discrimination…right?
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It's hard to know whether they believe all that crap or they just go along with it to be enriched and have an easy life.
That's a great point. Then there are some like AOC, who don't have an opinion. She's an actress reciting memorized lines.

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