I graduated High School with Ketanji Brown, Biden’s SCOTUS nominee

And yet she graduated Harvard Law, was a public defender, ended up on the DC Appeals court and even CLERKED for Breyer. Wow, stellar career and experience, but I'm sure the right-wing will come up with many, many excuses to disqualify her. None of them will be any good, but they will have plenty of them.
Maybe some rowdy sorority parties where she raped some poor guy?

What worked on Kavanaugh should apply to her too. ALL MEN MUST BE BELIEVED!!! :laughing0301:

It didn't work on Kavanaugh did it? He was confirmed, right?
  • "She's so brown that she'll suck all the light out of the Supreme Court,"
  • "Dumbass low IQ affirmative action Left Wing Negro bitch."
  • "He was looking for a nominee with the last name "Negro"......"
  • "it’s black with a vagina so it’s obviously perfect for the job."
I've now contributed occasionally on this gossipboard for about a year.
And over that time I have been surprised by the overt racism, misogyny, and crass vulgarity expressed by some here who claim they are Republican, or Conservative, or MAGA.

For the life of me, I cannot fathom how others of that political leaning.....but intelligent, thoughtful and socially aware, could welcome those who espouse what we see above as being like-minded fellow travelers in conservative principles.

Why? What's up with that?

There comes a time when it must become rather, well, rather 'icky'. Rather repellant.

Jeff Bezos and the Surgeon general, Vivek Murthy also went to my high school.

Bezos graduated in like 1985.

Murthy knocked on my door campaigning for Obama back in 2012.
Looks like she outdid you in the long run.
True. Though how can one top the melanin advantage Kentaji Brown has when cognitively disadvantaged Joe Biden has made skin tone a primary requirement for his court?

Hashtag: Joe Biden drives a stake through the heart of Martin Luther King's admonition to value the content
of one's character over the color of one's skin.
True story.

She was ranked #29 in the class, I was like #92 out of about 700.

I did not know her well personally, but I spoke to her a few times.

As you can imagine, she was very involved in school activities like student government and debate. She went to Harvard on academic scholarship.

She was well respected at school.


I disagree with her politics and I could LIE about her in public like Ford did to Kavanaugh.

“I cant recall when or where….but she assaulted me….I remember her laughing,”

A tactic like this is fair game in politics for lefties…so they should support me doing it JUST LIKE EVERY LEFTY SUPPORTED FORD’S LIES.

That's very cool.

And true story. Never mind they being poor judges of character, the left have the shortest memories.


I've now contributed occasionally on this gossipboard for about a year.
And over that time I have been surprised by the overt racism, misogyny, and crass vulgarity expressed by some here who claim they are Republican, or Conservative, or MAGA.

For the life of me, I cannot fathom how others of that political leaning.....but intelligent, thoughtful and socially aware, could welcome those who espouse what we see above as being like-minded fellow travelers in conservative principles.

Why? What's up with that?

There comes a time when it must become rather, well, rather 'icky'. Rather repellant.


I guarantee you any Negro bitch with a name like Ketanji is a worthless dumbass affirmative action piece of shit. Looks to be a dumb as those two dizzy confused bitches that The Worthless Negro appointed to the Supreme Court.

By the way, that idiot Potatohead said very clearly that he was going to use race and gender as a criteria for the Federal position. Isn't that against the 1964 Civil Rights Act?
She's a pretty little thing, I'll give her that much.... I mean for an affirmative action toad. That looks like the perfect marxist rubber stamp. Checks a lot of boxes.... hmm?

Did she rape any minors in the last 30 years? She'll need to prove she didn't, obviously.

And yet she graduated Harvard Law, was a public defender, ended up on the DC Appeals court and even CLERKED for Breyer. Wow, stellar career and experience, but I'm sure the right-wing will come up with many, many excuses to disqualify her. None of them will be any good, but they will have plenty of them.
Stand up and face South. The border is a sieve with up to tens of millions of illegals over the last few decades. Lift your left arm towards Africa. The Village with a continent struggling for an identity and to become wealthy and failing. This is what we are promoting. Lift the right arm facing East Asia. A hard-working people who are heavily disciplined that shed the yoke of a caste system and embraced capitalism, economics, science and finance. They are what we used to be. They are the future power of the world. No matter what you say or accuse me of, this is the truth. We lost the eye of the tiger by extremism decree. So, we will have more human infrastructure introspective by people like this candidate. The shadow on the land will grow until dusk becomes night and what comes with it. We will wait to see the light at the end of the tunnel which will be a while in coming. The warnings have been apparent, and we brush them off as a nation is in decline.
I've now contributed occasionally on this gossipboard for about a year.
And over that time I have been surprised by the overt racism, misogyny, and crass vulgarity expressed by some here who claim they are Republican, or Conservative, or MAGA.

For the life of me, I cannot fathom how others of that political leaning.....but intelligent, thoughtful and socially aware, could welcome those who espouse what we see above as being like-minded fellow travelers in conservative principles.

Why? What's up with that?

There comes a time when it must become rather, well, rather 'icky'. Rather repellant.


I often wonder how you and your party support this guy:


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