I Guess Taylor Swift Is a Liberal After All

She used to be a country singer but she has grown out of that and she is quite cool now.

Listen to Taylor Swift, be like Tommy.

I wouldnt say that I was a fan but its great to see young people engaged with the issues of the day.

How about that issue of your Muslim countrymen bombing the Ariana Grande concert? Was that ever addressed? Were they ever caught? How is the investigation going?
You mean did they catch the SUICIDE bomber ?
Oh dear.

It wasn't a suicide bomber, dumbass. 50 people died. There were 2 bombers. I don't even live in your country and I know this.
Do some research you thick fucker. None of that is correct.
She has clearly given this some thought and is explaining why she is voting this way. It doesnt appear to be instructing people to do likewise.

Running for Senate in the state of Tennessee is a woman named Marsha Blackburn.

As much as I have in the past and would like to continue voting for women in office, I cannot support Marsha Blackburn.

Her voting record in Congress appalls and terrifies me.

She voted against equal pay for women.

She voted against the Reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act, which attempts to protect women from domestic violence, stalking, and date rape.

She believes businesses have a right to refuse service to gay couples.

She also believes they should not have the right to marry.

These are not MY Tennessee values.

I will be voting for Phil Bredesen for Senate and Jim Cooper for House of Representatives.

Please, please educate yourself on the candidates running in your state and vote based on who most closely represents your values. For a lot of us, we may never find a candidate or party with whom we agree 100% on every issue, but we have to vote anyway.

I think that the last para is most instructive. Fancy asking people to eductate themselves and then vote ? Commie bitch !!
Listen to Taylor Swift, be like Tommy.

I wouldnt say that I was a fan but its great to see young people engaged with the issues of the day.

How about that issue of your Muslim countrymen bombing the Ariana Grande concert? Was that ever addressed? Were they ever caught? How is the investigation going?
You mean did they catch the SUICIDE bomber ?
Oh dear.

It wasn't a suicide bomber, dumbass. 50 people died. There were 2 bombers. I don't even live in your country and I know this.
Do some research you thick fucker. None of that is correct.

Hmm, I thought they had video of a guy dropping a backpack and leaving?

I guess it was a suicide bombing. You must be proud to be so diverse. I tell you what, in my neighborhood, after it got out the store guys liked the 9/11? They were gone that afternoon, and if they weren't? They would have been dead that night. They may have had something to do with it, IMO.

Ariana Grande Manchester Concert Ends in Explosion, Panic and Death
I wouldnt say that I was a fan but its great to see young people engaged with the issues of the day.

How about that issue of your Muslim countrymen bombing the Ariana Grande concert? Was that ever addressed? Were they ever caught? How is the investigation going?
You mean did they catch the SUICIDE bomber ?
Oh dear.

It wasn't a suicide bomber, dumbass. 50 people died. There were 2 bombers. I don't even live in your country and I know this.
Do some research you thick fucker. None of that is correct.

Hmm, I thought they had video of a guy dropping a backpack and leaving?

I guess it was a suicide bombing. You must be proud to be so diverse. I tell you what, in my neighborhood, after it got out the store guys liked the 9/11? They were gone that afternoon, and if they weren't? They would have been dead that night. They may have had something to do with it, IMO.

Ariana Grande Manchester Concert Ends in Explosion, Panic and Death

I'm trying to figure out what Taylor Swift voting in TN has one whit to do with Tommy in Wales or wherever the heck he is. Can you figure this out????
How about that issue of your Muslim countrymen bombing the Ariana Grande concert? Was that ever addressed? Were they ever caught? How is the investigation going?
You mean did they catch the SUICIDE bomber ?
Oh dear.

It wasn't a suicide bomber, dumbass. 50 people died. There were 2 bombers. I don't even live in your country and I know this.
Do some research you thick fucker. None of that is correct.

Hmm, I thought they had video of a guy dropping a backpack and leaving?

I guess it was a suicide bombing. You must be proud to be so diverse. I tell you what, in my neighborhood, after it got out the store guys liked the 9/11? They were gone that afternoon, and if they weren't? They would have been dead that night. They may have had something to do with it, IMO.

Ariana Grande Manchester Concert Ends in Explosion, Panic and Death

I'm trying to figure out what Taylor Swift voting in TN has one whit to do with Tommy in Wales or wherever the heck he is. Can you figure this out????

No, in b4 whoever Taylor Swift endorses gets shellacked by real Americans in Tennessee. Hey, Obama seeded a Muslim Community there as well. That's why there was that recruiter office shooting.
It`s a safe bet that Swift won`t be the headliner at the next pig squealing contest in Tennessee.
It`s a safe bet that Swift won`t be the headliner at the next pig squealing contest in Tennessee.

Scratch the surface of a liberal, reveal a snotty elitist who really hates his fellow Americans.

It barely takes anything.

Where do you live, "August"?
I wouldnt say that I was a fan but its great to see young people engaged with the issues of the day.

How about that issue of your Muslim countrymen bombing the Ariana Grande concert? Was that ever addressed? Were they ever caught? How is the investigation going?
You mean did they catch the SUICIDE bomber ?
Oh dear.

It wasn't a suicide bomber, dumbass. 50 people died. There were 2 bombers. I don't even live in your country and I know this.
Do some research you thick fucker. None of that is correct.

Hmm, I thought they had video of a guy dropping a backpack and leaving?

I guess it was a suicide bombing. You must be proud to be so diverse. I tell you what, in my neighborhood, after it got out the store guys liked the 9/11? They were gone that afternoon, and if they weren't? They would have been dead that night. They may have had something to do with it, IMO.

Ariana Grande Manchester Concert Ends in Explosion, Panic and Death
Thanks for the apology.
I wouldnt say that I was a fan but its great to see young people engaged with the issues of the day.

How about that issue of your Muslim countrymen bombing the Ariana Grande concert? Was that ever addressed? Were they ever caught? How is the investigation going?
You mean did they catch the SUICIDE bomber ?
Oh dear.

It wasn't a suicide bomber, dumbass. 50 people died. There were 2 bombers. I don't even live in your country and I know this.
Do some research you thick fucker. None of that is correct.

Hmm, I thought they had video of a guy dropping a backpack and leaving?

I guess it was a suicide bombing. You must be proud to be so diverse. I tell you what, in my neighborhood, after it got out the store guys liked the 9/11? They were gone that afternoon, and if they weren't? They would have been dead that night. They may have had something to do with it, IMO.

Ariana Grande Manchester Concert Ends in Explosion, Panic and Death

blah blah blah blah, that's why you doing. Don't you have something constructive to say?
I wouldnt know Taylor Swift if she walked up to me on the streets but I have heard of her. After hearing that her music was beloved by white nationalists I was surprised to see that she is quite liberal and is supporting Democratic candidates.

Taylor Swift endorses Democrats in Tennessee midterm races - CNN

"I always have and always will cast my vote based on which candidate will protect and fight for the human rights I believe we all deserve in this country," she wrote. "I believe in the fight for LGBTQ rights, and that any form of discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender is WRONG. I believe that the systemic racism we still see in this country towards people of color is terrifying, sickening and prevalent."

NeitherTaylor Smith nor her music were ever "beloved" by the boogymen of White Nationalism. It was another hoax pulled on you. Mostly just for laughs but there is also an subtler purpose to it.
They have hoaxed the media into reporting, and therefore you in believing, that a Hispanic was a White Nationalist (Nicholus Cruz), that an Indian was a White Nationalist (Vox Day), that police departments were marching through a university in Kansas at night and hanging blacks LINK, that the "OK" symbol was a secret white nationalist sign (which Amy Siskand humiliated herself ranting about) LINK, the women were demanding to die on the battlefield in equal numbers to men LINK...etc etc etc.
Its called "cultural jamming" or "source disinformation".
Or sometimes just for the laughs of watching the gullibility of liberals.

taylor swift.png
How about that issue of your Muslim countrymen bombing the Ariana Grande concert? Was that ever addressed? Were they ever caught? How is the investigation going?
You mean did they catch the SUICIDE bomber ?
Oh dear.

It wasn't a suicide bomber, dumbass. 50 people died. There were 2 bombers. I don't even live in your country and I know this.
Do some research you thick fucker. None of that is correct.

Hmm, I thought they had video of a guy dropping a backpack and leaving?

I guess it was a suicide bombing. You must be proud to be so diverse. I tell you what, in my neighborhood, after it got out the store guys liked the 9/11? They were gone that afternoon, and if they weren't? They would have been dead that night. They may have had something to do with it, IMO.

Ariana Grande Manchester Concert Ends in Explosion, Panic and Death
Thanks for the apology.

Yeah, conceding to someone the likes of your brainwashed ass is not a good idea.

You are the student that went through the meat grinder. I guess you had pudding because you ate your meat, aye?

David Gilmour was making statements about the UK education system in 1979. It has only gotten worse since.
Before that, things weren't so bad. True Story.
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blah blah blah blah, that's why you doing. Don't you have something constructive to say?

Do you even English, dumbass? Yes, you should bone up on your grammar skills. Ms. Brooks would fail you. Any decent English teacher would fail your ass, how ya like me now?
I wouldnt know Taylor Swift if she walked up to me on the streets but I have heard of her. After hearing that her music was beloved by white nationalists I was surprised to see that she is quite liberal and is supporting Democratic candidates.

Taylor Swift endorses Democrats in Tennessee midterm races - CNN

"I always have and always will cast my vote based on which candidate will protect and fight for the human rights I believe we all deserve in this country," she wrote. "I believe in the fight for LGBTQ rights, and that any form of discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender is WRONG. I believe that the systemic racism we still see in this country towards people of color is terrifying, sickening and prevalent."

I'm glad that she is getting active politically. What I'm always curious about is this....

If you're Taylor Swift or Kanye West....

Why in the world don't you do this;

Rent out a hotel ballroom or some arena in LA or NY or San Francisco or where ever you are based and have a concert or signing/photo op session where you give away signed CD's or posters, get some caterers in there, have some music (if you're not performing yourself) from an equally yoked band that agrees with your politics and make the "ticket" for entry that little receipt they give you when you vote? In Taylor and Kanye's case, can you imagine the number of groupies they can get to show up? Hell, folks...it's a Tuesday in November; you're probably not doing a whole hell of a lot anyway that evening. It will cost you tragically little and likely stimulate the vote for the candidate you support.

I'm all for athletes and celebs weighing in on their political views. They didn't forego their right to opine when they became artists.
I wouldnt know Taylor Swift if she walked up to me on the streets but I have heard of her. After hearing that her music was beloved by white nationalists I was surprised to see that she is quite liberal and is supporting Democratic candidates.

Taylor Swift endorses Democrats in Tennessee midterm races - CNN

"I always have and always will cast my vote based on which candidate will protect and fight for the human rights I believe we all deserve in this country," she wrote. "I believe in the fight for LGBTQ rights, and that any form of discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender is WRONG. I believe that the systemic racism we still see in this country towards people of color is terrifying, sickening and prevalent."

I'm glad that she is getting active politically. What I'm always curious about is this....

If you're Taylor Swift or Kanye West....

Why in the world don't you do this;

Rent out a hotel ballroom or some arena in LA or NY or San Francisco or where ever you are based and have a concert or signing/photo op session where you give away signed CD's or posters, get some caterers in there, have some music (if you're not performing yourself) from an equally yoked band that agrees with your politics and make the "ticket" for entry that little receipt they give you when you vote? In Taylor and Kanye's case, can you imagine the number of groupies they can get to show up? Hell, folks...it's a Tuesday in November; you're probably not doing a whole hell of a lot anyway that evening. It will cost you tragically little and likely stimulate the vote for the candidate you support.

I'm all for athletes and celebs weighing in on their political views. They didn't forego their right to opine when they became artists.

So,how much weight do you give Taylor Swift's political opinion?

Seriously, she could gag on my cock nightly and swallow and I still wouldn't like her music.
I'm trying to figure out what Taylor Swift voting in TN has one whit to do with Tommy in Wales or wherever the heck he is. Can you figure this out????
Let me explain. This is a public forum, meaning it's open to everyone; worldwide. The rules here allow people to comment and opine on any topic they want, more or less. Members of this forum are not limited to political/news topics in specific areas, for example, where they live. I hope this helps.
So,how much weight do you give Taylor Swift's political opinion?

On her various social-media sites, Taylor Swift probably has 300+ MILLION followers. One of the reasons Swift gave for supporting the Democrat was Marsha Blackburn's (Republican candidate) opposition to same-sex marriage. The GOP needs to go along with same-sex marriage. There is too much at stake to lose elections on a dumb issue like that. Let's remember that most voters aren't that political and will go vote on this issue alone.
So,how much weight do you give Taylor Swift's political opinion?

On her various social-media sites, Taylor Swift probably has 300+ MILLION followers. One of the reasons Swift gave for supporting the Democrat was Marsha Blackburn's (Republican candidate) opposition to same-sex marriage. The GOP needs to go along with same-sex marriage. There is too much at stake to lose elections on a dumb issue like that. Let's remember that most voters aren't that political and will go vote on this issue alone.

Go fuck yourself. Same-sex marriage is against the natural laws of this world. I'm not mad at people if they wanna do that, but for public policy? Fuck that. 4% or less people are homosexual. Do you not believe in Democracy?

Oh, the GOP should embrace faggotry? No. Should same-sex people that want to be with each other be accepted? Yes. Embrace perversion as a policy? No.
I can't bring myself to listen to any kind of modern music, regardless of genre. It's horrible, I'm sorry, it just is. All of it. The music industry has made sure there can never again be another classic song.

What Taylor or any of the rest of em do or say is pretty much at the bottom of my list of give a hecks, sorry. I like the name Taylor, though. It's a good girl name.
I could give a rats ass about what any entertainer or hollywood type thinks. This holds true for Taylor Swift. Now, unlike the sub-phylum males who go after sexual innuendo at the drop of a hat, I actually actually agree with Taylor but not because she is a singer or famous but because what she says resonates with me. While her opinions have no more worth than the next persons, I'm glad she took a stand here.

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