I Guess Taylor Swift Is a Liberal After All

I didn't. Reading comprehension is not your forte, I take it?

And simple fucking common sense isn't yours, dumbass.

Prove it, faggot. You're wrong and you know it, STFU. Or provide proof, I'd like to see this. You do know what you quoted was directed to BULLDOG, right?
Her music sucks. I think Asslips and Marc oughtta be made to listen to her songs for 24 hrs, then be allowed to re-evaluate their position. Or..nothing but listen to that vapid girl for eternity.
Her music doesn't suck.
You don't like the fact that she's a liberal.

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No dumbass, I don't like the fact her music sucks, J7 boy. Do explain why Taylor Swift's music doesn't suck to me. Oh! There's 3 chords on an acoustic and what?

Shiet, I remember this old milf that taught me neon rainbow and wore pink fucking short-shorts and pink terrycloth tube-top. Neon Rainbow has 3 chords, too, and she performed it pretty damn good! That ain't all she performed good...even excellent! :badgrin:

The way she did it was better, but this is the general idea:

This was 20 years b4 Alan Jackson. This is the song, though.

I taught her the Everglades song.

What sucks about her music?
Be specific.

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Her music sucks. I think Asslips and Marc oughtta be made to listen to her songs for 24 hrs, then be allowed to re-evaluate their position. Or..nothing but listen to that vapid girl for eternity.
Her music is not bad.

I'm not her intended audience, clearly, but I've heard and liked a few of her songs.
Her music sucks. I think Asslips and Marc oughtta be made to listen to her songs for 24 hrs, then be allowed to re-evaluate their position. Or..nothing but listen to that vapid girl for eternity.
Her music doesn't suck.
You don't like the fact that she's a liberal.

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No dumbass, I don't like the fact her music sucks, J7 boy. Do explain why Taylor Swift's music doesn't suck to me. Oh! There's 3 chords on an acoustic and what?

Shiet, I remember this old milf that taught me neon rainbow and wore pink fucking short-shorts and pink terrycloth tube-top. Neon Rainbow has 3 chords, too, and she performed it pretty damn good! That ain't all she performed good...even excellent! :badgrin:

The way she did it was better, but this is the general idea:

This was 20 years b4 Alan Jackson. This is the song, though.

I taught her the Everglades song.

What sucks about her music?
Be specific.

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The unoriginality and blahness, Samsung J7 derp!
Her music sucks. I think Asslips and Marc oughtta be made to listen to her songs for 24 hrs, then be allowed to re-evaluate their position. Or..nothing but listen to that vapid girl for eternity.
Her music is not bad.

I'm not her intended audience, clearly, but I've heard and liked a few of her songs.

Ol' Milli Vanilli lovin' bih, you suck.
Her music sucks. I think Asslips and Marc oughtta be made to listen to her songs for 24 hrs, then be allowed to re-evaluate their position. Or..nothing but listen to that vapid girl for eternity.
Her music doesn't suck.
You don't like the fact that she's a liberal.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk

No dumbass, I don't like the fact her music sucks, J7 boy. Do explain why Taylor Swift's music doesn't suck to me. Oh! There's 3 chords on an acoustic and what?

Shiet, I remember this old milf that taught me neon rainbow and wore pink fucking short-shorts and pink terrycloth tube-top. Neon Rainbow has 3 chords, too, and she performed it pretty damn good! That ain't all she performed good...even excellent! :badgrin:

The way she did it was better, but this is the general idea:

This was 20 years b4 Alan Jackson. This is the song, though.

I taught her the Everglades song.

What sucks about her music?
Be specific.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk

The unoriginality and blahness, Samsung J7 derp!
Didn't think you could tell me why.
Just insults.
Fuck off.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
She has clearly given this some thought and is explaining why she is voting this way. It doesnt appear to be instructing people to do likewise.

Running for Senate in the state of Tennessee is a woman named Marsha Blackburn.

As much as I have in the past and would like to continue voting for women in office, I cannot support Marsha Blackburn.

Her voting record in Congress appalls and terrifies me.

She voted against equal pay for women.

She voted against the Reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act, which attempts to protect women from domestic violence, stalking, and date rape.

She believes businesses have a right to refuse service to gay couples.

She also believes they should not have the right to marry.

These are not MY Tennessee values.

I will be voting for Phil Bredesen for Senate and Jim Cooper for House of Representatives.

Please, please educate yourself on the candidates running in your state and vote based on who most closely represents your values. For a lot of us, we may never find a candidate or party with whom we agree 100% on every issue, but we have to vote anyway.

I think that the last para is most instructive. Fancy asking people to eductate themselves and then vote ? Commie bitch !!

Correct, every single point she mentioned is a lie, or based on a lie.
I am glad that the conservatives have come around to agree with what Kanye said about Taylor --- you guys were a few years late, but its good to see that you finally respect the genius and wisdom of Kanye
I wouldnt know Taylor Swift if she walked up to me on the streets but I have heard of her. After hearing that her music was beloved by white nationalists I was surprised to see that she is quite liberal and is supporting Democratic candidates.

Taylor Swift endorses Democrats in Tennessee midterm races - CNN

"I always have and always will cast my vote based on which candidate will protect and fight for the human rights I believe we all deserve in this country," she wrote. "I believe in the fight for LGBTQ rights, and that any form of discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender is WRONG. I believe that the systemic racism we still see in this country towards people of color is terrifying, sickening and prevalent."

Yes....her career is pretty much done, she made her money and now, after making that money, she is getting political.....quite the smart business woman.....
She used to be a country singer but she has grown out of that and she is quite cool now.
I don't believe that she has grown out of anything. Just because a person is focused on something else doesn't mean that they are done with where ever they originally come from. Take a look at those who have gone from singing to acting. At some point they get out of the acting pool and return to their roots.

God bless you and them and Taylor always!!!

Swift was under vicious attack for being a pretty white girl, so her agent told her to endorse a Democrat.
I wouldnt know Taylor Swift if she walked up to me on the streets but I have heard of her. After hearing that her music was beloved by white nationalists I was surprised to see that she is quite liberal and is supporting Democratic candidates.

Taylor Swift endorses Democrats in Tennessee midterm races - CNN

"I always have and always will cast my vote based on which candidate will protect and fight for the human rights I believe we all deserve in this country," she wrote. "I believe in the fight for LGBTQ rights, and that any form of discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender is WRONG. I believe that the systemic racism we still see in this country towards people of color is terrifying, sickening and prevalent."

NeitherTaylor Smith nor her music were ever "beloved" by the boogymen of White Nationalism. It was another hoax pulled on you. Mostly just for laughs but there is also an subtler purpose to it.
They have hoaxed the media into reporting, and therefore you in believing, that a Hispanic was a White Nationalist (Nicholus Cruz), that an Indian was a White Nationalist (Vox Day), that police departments were marching through a university in Kansas at night and hanging blacks LINK, that the "OK" symbol was a secret white nationalist sign (which Amy Siskand humiliated herself ranting about) LINK, the women were demanding to die on the battlefield in equal numbers to men LINK...etc etc etc.
Its called "cultural jamming" or "source disinformation".
Or sometimes just for the laughs of watching the gullibility of liberals.

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Why do you low intellect white boys always stick your foot in your mouth before you try to research? This is one reason I have so much fun on this forum. You guys are fucking idiots. :laugh:

White nationalists have endorsed Taylor Swift you idiot.

Can't Shake It Off: How Taylor Swift Became a Nazi Idol
Swift was under vicious attack for being a pretty white girl, so her agent told her to endorse a Democrat.
When a person becomes a product; like musicians often do; it makes good business sense to try and appeal to the widest market possible. Conservative fans are unlikely to boycott any of her stuff if they happen to like it, and she’s now secured a bunch of publicity, and likely picked up a few new fans from the Left. Smart business move...

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