I guess the Second Amendment is Being Re-Written

We need our militias to ensure the security of a free state. Regstration does not infringe. Registration allows us to regulate our militias. Who has guns, how many, how much ammo, what type.

You miss the main reason why Jefferson wrote the 2nd Amendment in the first place. It's a protection against a rogue government. It's a check/balance to a tyrannical government. So, if our government was to ever be silly enough to stray too far from its Constitutional mandate and beyond its scope of power a well regulated, citizen militia is there to remind it of its "place."

Nobody misses that.

Straying from the Constitution takes time. Enough time for you to go to get your gun out of your locked cabinet. You don't need to carry it with you to Starbucks in order to stop a rogue government.

What? No nutters felt like taking me to task on this?
1) By teaching them how to hit their target.
2) By teaching them who their target is -- "enemies foreign AND domestic."
3) By teaching them that their domestic enemies are working towards abolishing their Constitutional rights.

Does that help?

Have a nice day - domestic enemies.

Now you are talking. We also have to identify "them" so we know who is in our well regulated militia.

A thorough gun registration is essential to a second amendment

Hey old man...NONE of Your business who and what is in my well regulated militia. That information stays within my own community. We'll use whatever means necessary to keep this country Free. Or die trying.

There is Not a single word in the constitution about registering anything. People like me still believe in the Constitution. Something you're so willing to throw away.

I have a well regulated militia standing with me while we bitterly cling to our guns and religion...
Loser..Go Get a Job ~~~ You're spending way too much time spewing bullshit around here :D:D

We are talking about a well regulated militia who can secure a free state......not a bunch of rednecks playing army on the weekends
two words....


Easier said than done. One parent must stay at home and home school. But the economy is such that most every parent has to work.

In other words for most families it would be a huge sacrifice.

Unfortunately that's true.

Our family lives in a small home out in the country. It's a sacrifice we're willing to make to keep our kids from being indoctrinated by fascist drones.

two words....


Easier said than done. One parent must stay at home and home school. But the economy is such that most every parent has to work.

In other words for most families it would be a huge sacrifice.

Unfortunately that's true.

Our family lives in a small home out in the country. It's a sacrifice we're willing to make to keep our kids from being indoctrinated by fascist drones.

But how terribly sad that many parents don't make the sacrifice. But I think they cannot pay their bills, if they did, it is a catch 22
Easier said than done. One parent must stay at home and home school. But the economy is such that most every parent has to work.

In other words for most families it would be a huge sacrifice.

Home schooling requires you meet state standards also.

Exactly, the government dictates pretty much everything these days. Thanks to you sheep,....:thup:

Pussball is a blithering dipshit of course and has no idea what he's talking about. Our kids are easily exceeding the standards of the public indoctrination mills anyway. I don't know about other states, but Texas seems to be nearly silent in regards to curriculum for home schoolers.
Easier said than done. One parent must stay at home and home school. But the economy is such that most every parent has to work.

In other words for most families it would be a huge sacrifice.

Home schooling requires you meet state standards also.

Exactly, the government dictates pretty much everything these days. Thanks to you sheep,....:thup:

I know, learning english, math and science is so horrible...fucking ignorant pissant. ..you are part of the problem. Your ignorance is pathetic.
Easier said than done. One parent must stay at home and home school. But the economy is such that most every parent has to work.

In other words for most families it would be a huge sacrifice.

Unfortunately that's true.

Our family lives in a small home out in the country. It's a sacrifice we're willing to make to keep our kids from being indoctrinated by fascist drones.

But how terribly sad that many parents don't make the sacrifice. But I think they cannot pay their bills, if they did, it is a catch 22

For us it isn't that big a sacrifice. The bills are pretty low and we still enjoy all sorts of luxuries that richer people do, just in reduced quantity. We're content with what we have.
Unfortunately that's true.

Our family lives in a small home out in the country. It's a sacrifice we're willing to make to keep our kids from being indoctrinated by fascist drones.

But how terribly sad that many parents don't make the sacrifice. But I think they cannot pay their bills, if they did, it is a catch 22

For us it isn't that big a sacrifice. The bills are pretty low and we still enjoy all sorts of luxuries that richer people do, just in reduced quantity. We're content with what we have.

Who designs the curriculum?
Now you are talking. We also have to identify "them" so we know who is in our well regulated militia.

A thorough gun registration is essential to a second amendment

Hey old man...NONE of Your business who and what is in my well regulated militia. That information stays within my own community. We'll use whatever means necessary to keep this country Free. Or die trying.

There is Not a single word in the constitution about registering anything. People like me still believe in the Constitution. Something you're so willing to throw away.

I have a well regulated militia standing with me while we bitterly cling to our guns and religion...
Loser..Go Get a Job ~~~ You're spending way too much time spewing bullshit around here :D:D

We are talking about a well regulated militia who can secure a free state......not a bunch of rednecks playing army on the weekends
Exactly Asshole....
We actually have classes here that teach how to create a community group. Those classes are taught by county sheriffs and law enforcement.
We're not stupid enough to be waiting around for the government to arrive....Because they are Not Coming!!

Our Sheriffs were the 1st to come out and say they would NOT comply with any gun regulation or registration.
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Easier said than done. One parent must stay at home and home school. But the economy is such that most every parent has to work.

In other words for most families it would be a huge sacrifice.

Unfortunately that's true.

Our family lives in a small home out in the country. It's a sacrifice we're willing to make to keep our kids from being indoctrinated by fascist drones.

But how terribly sad that many parents don't make the sacrifice. But I think they cannot pay their bills, if they did, it is a catch 22

you mean women should stay home and out of the workplace?

lol... why? you can't manage to be an effective parent if you work?

and somehow that is "keeping kids from being indoctrinated by fascist drones?"

personally, I don't know what you're talking about. I managed to keep my son from having his morals distorted by rightwingnut loons. quite happily, I might add.
Unfortunately that's true.

Our family lives in a small home out in the country. It's a sacrifice we're willing to make to keep our kids from being indoctrinated by fascist drones.

But how terribly sad that many parents don't make the sacrifice. But I think they cannot pay their bills, if they did, it is a catch 22

you mean women should stay home and out of the workplace?

lol... why? you can't manage to be an effective parent if you work?

and somehow that is "keeping kids from being indoctrinated by fascist drones?"

personally, I don't know what you're talking about. I managed to keep my son from having his morals distorted by rightwingnut loons. quite happily, I might add.
Easy to do with a left nut loon for a mother :lol::lol::lol:
But how terribly sad that many parents don't make the sacrifice. But I think they cannot pay their bills, if they did, it is a catch 22

you mean women should stay home and out of the workplace?

lol... why? you can't manage to be an effective parent if you work?

and somehow that is "keeping kids from being indoctrinated by fascist drones?"

personally, I don't know what you're talking about. I managed to keep my son from having his morals distorted by rightwingnut loons. quite happily, I might add.
Easy to do with a left nut loon for a mother :lol::lol::lol:

except no.... if you weren't a wacko, you'd know that my politics aren't extreme. in fact, 52% of this country voted the way I did in the last two presidential elections. but then again, you don't know anything about my politics other than I think rightwingnuts are ignorant twits.

but then again, rightwingnuts think anyone to the left of atilla the hun is a leftwingnut.

you're welcome.

and for the rightwingnuts... this isn't 1950 and no one wants to go back there except for you wingers.

that's why you're not "conservatives". you're radical rabid reactionaries
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Just tell me the children aren't being indoctrinated in our public schools.
Common Core is the villain in our schools as it ends up.
Just dummy down the children to be raised as mindless liberal minions.

The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution reads: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

The Common Core teaching materials in this textbook define the Second Amendment like this:

“This amendment states that people have the right to certain weapons, providing that they register them and they have not been in prison.”

View attachment 30170
Common Core Textbooks Teaching Lies About The 2nd Amendment | The Federalist Papers
What do you mean, "being"?

It HAS been re-written.

NO WHERE does the amendment say you have the right to a gun to duel, shoot people you don't like, defend yourself, kill yourself, threaten neighbors, play cop or a myriad of other nutsy kooky things that CASE LAW allows.

It's a pretty simple concept.

If you volunteer to defend the nation? You can bear arms to do it.
you mean women should stay home and out of the workplace?

lol... why? you can't manage to be an effective parent if you work?

and somehow that is "keeping kids from being indoctrinated by fascist drones?"

personally, I don't know what you're talking about. I managed to keep my son from having his morals distorted by rightwingnut loons. quite happily, I might add.
Easy to do with a left nut loon for a mother :lol::lol::lol:

except no.... if you weren't a wacko, you'd know that my politics aren't extreme. in fact, 52% of this country voted the way I did in the last two presidential elections. but then again, you don't know anything about my politics other than I think rightwingnuts are ignorant twits.

but then again, rightwingnuts think anyone to the left of atilla the hun is a leftwingnut.

you're welcome.

and for the rightwingnuts... this isn't 1950 and no one wants to go back there except for you wingers.

that's why you're not "conservatives". you're radical rabid reactionaries
:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:
Just tell me the children aren't being indoctrinated in our public schools.
Common Core is the villain in our schools as it ends up.
Just dummy down the children to be raised as mindless liberal minions.

The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution reads: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

The Common Core teaching materials in this textbook define the Second Amendment like this:

“This amendment states that people have the right to certain weapons, providing that they register them and they have not been in prison.”

View attachment 30170
Common Core Textbooks Teaching Lies About The 2nd Amendment | The Federalist Papers

"Common Core" doesn't make textbooks.

Common Core are testing standards, not curriculums or textbooks or anything else like that.

Textbooks that have the words "Common Core" on them are made by private textbook companies who are claiming to meet the Common Core standards, not "official" textbooks that anyone is being forced to use.

but what if they are being used?.....is that right?....should it be allowed?...

If they are being used, take it up with the school board that chose to use them.

"Allowed" is a silly way to word it. On whose authority should they be disallowed?

We live in a (mostly) free market economy. Publishers can print whatever they want in their textbooks, and if school boards buy them, then they make money. If not, they don't.
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you mean women should stay home and out of the workplace?

lol... why? you can't manage to be an effective parent if you work?

and somehow that is "keeping kids from being indoctrinated by fascist drones?"

personally, I don't know what you're talking about. I managed to keep my son from having his morals distorted by rightwingnut loons. quite happily, I might add.
Easy to do with a left nut loon for a mother :lol::lol::lol:

except no.... if you weren't a wacko, you'd know that my politics aren't extreme. in fact, 52% of this country voted the way I did in the last two presidential elections. but then again, you don't know anything about my politics other than I think rightwingnuts are ignorant twits.

but then again, rightwingnuts think anyone to the left of atilla the hun is a leftwingnut.

you're welcome.

and for the rightwingnuts... this isn't 1950 and no one wants to go back there except for you wingers.

that's why you're not "conservatives". you're radical rabid reactionaries

And you're a lice infested chode smoker.
Yet, there it is.
Forced or not, this shouldn't have even been available for print, Doc.

There are "textbooks" in print that show Jesus riding dinosaurs.

If you think that textbook sucks, there's a simple answer - take it up with the company that made it.

but yet according to some here that book is in school libraries and it should not be....

Then take it up with the local school board, they're the ones who make those decisions.

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