I guess the Second Amendment is Being Re-Written

Nor is their any prohibition against requiring a registration.

In fact, "Well-Regulated" militia would seem to indicate to me that a registration would be necessary? How can you tell who to call up for the Militia if you don't know who can show up with a gun?

What would "shall not be infringed" seem to indicate to you?

We need our militias to ensure the security of a free state. Regstration does not infringe. Registration allows us to regulate our militias. Who has guns, how many, how much ammo, what type.

then just check the listing of those in the Reserves and National Guard....
There is no requirement to register firearms. Dumb ass.

How else do we regulate our militias?

Regular firearms training and target practice at the range.

And regular use in grade schools and movie theaters.

People, we have a problem. Next year, if the trends continue as they have, there will be more people killed by guns in the US than killed in automobile accidents.

So, NRA people, what is your solution. Thus far it has been more guns, and that has increased the kill rate. A real solution, please.
what they say in there is not false?...

what is false?

but what if they are being used?.....is that right?....should it be allowed?....
Up to state and district school boards. Get involved.

Yes, it is false....the second Amendment doesn't say that.

Yup, like I said.....indoctrination....thanks for making it crystal clear for everbody
I have already said that the original language should have been posted with the question.

The question is a question for the students to explore.

So get involved. Are you at your school district, with your state board?
I have already said that the original language should have been posted with the question.

The question is a question for the students to explore.

So get involved. Are you at your school district, with your state board?

I live in Idaho, we don't have those types of problems.

They're still trying to figure out how to get the 3 R's to work right in this state. :lol:
How else do we regulate our militias?

Regular firearms training and target practice at the range.

And regular use in grade schools and movie theaters.

People, we have a problem. Next year, if the trends continue as they have, there will be more people killed by guns in the US than killed in automobile accidents.

So, NRA people, what is your solution. Thus far it has been more guns, and that has increased the kill rate. A real solution, please.

Roxie,,,,,,don't derail this thread, start your own. :eusa_hand:
I have already said that the original language should have been posted with the question.

The question is a question for the students to explore.

So get involved. Are you at your school district, with your state board?

I live in Idaho, we don't have those types of problems.

They're still trying to figure out how to get the 3 R's to work right in this state. :lol:

I'm in Utah and we have Common Core here, and in Texas we had to deal with it. The major problem was the unreasonable expectation that all children can abstract at X level all at the same day.
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They forgot the part about militias

How dare they?

There is no requirement to register firearms. Dumb ass.

How else do we regulate our militias?

Training of course. The militias at the time were very important as the new nation had enemies all around. But in modern times the Supreme Court has ruled that people have rights to own guns for personal protection separate from the militias. They also said those rights are not unlimited.
1) By teaching them how to hit their target.
2) By teaching them who their target is -- "enemies foreign AND domestic."
3) By teaching them that their domestic enemies are working towards abolishing their Constitutional rights.

Does that help?

Have a nice day - domestic enemies.

Now you are talking. We also have to identify "them" so we know who is in our well regulated militia.

A thorough gun registration is essential to a second amendment

Who needs to identify "them?" You? There are LOTS of well regulated militias in the USA that are under citizen control and membership. They know who they are. That's all that matters.

No the Constitution is what matters.

"The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States;"

The gun tot'en yahoos that showed up in Nevada last month are not the Militias mentioned in the Constitution.
How else do we regulate our militias?

1) By teaching them how to hit their target.
2) By teaching them who their target is -- "enemies foreign AND domestic."
3) By teaching them that their domestic enemies are working towards abolishing their Constitutional rights.

Does that help?

Have a nice day - domestic enemies.

Now you are talking. We also have to identify "them" so we know who is in our well regulated militia.

A thorough gun registration is essential to a second amendment

Hey old man...NONE of Your business who and what is in my well regulated militia. That information stays within my own community. We'll use whatever means necessary to keep this country Free. Or die trying.

There is Not a single word in the constitution about registering anything. People like me still believe in the Constitution. Something you're so willing to throw away.

I have a well regulated militia standing with me while we bitterly cling to our guns and religion...
Loser..Go Get a Job ~~~ You're spending way too much time spewing bullshit around here :D:D
Just tell me the children aren't being indoctrinated in our public schools.
Common Core is the villain in our schools as it ends up.
Just dummy down the children to be raised as mindless liberal minions.

The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution reads: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

The Common Core teaching materials in this textbook define the Second Amendment like this:

“This amendment states that people have the right to certain weapons, providing that they register them and they have not been in prison.”

View attachment 30170
Common Core Textbooks Teaching Lies About The 2nd Amendment | The Federalist Papers

"Common Core" doesn't make textbooks.

Common Core are testing standards, not curriculums or textbooks or anything else like that.

Textbooks that have the words "Common Core" on them are made by private textbook companies who are claiming to meet the Common Core standards, not "official" textbooks that anyone is being forced to use.

Yet, there it is.
Forced or not, this shouldn't have even been available for print, Doc.

It is a long time fantasy of the left, if you can't beat them. Indoctrinate the children to do it later in life.

I think that can be construed as the epitome of evil
How else do we regulate our militias?

Regular firearms training and target practice at the range.

And regular use in grade schools and movie theaters.

People, we have a problem. Next year, if the trends continue as they have, there will be more people killed by guns in the US than killed in automobile accidents.

So, NRA people, what is your solution. Thus far it has been more guns, and that has increased the kill rate. A real solution, please.

So you blame gun deaths on improving car safety standards?
two words....


Easier said than done. One parent must stay at home and home school. But the economy is such that most every parent has to work.

In other words for most families it would be a huge sacrifice.
Just tell me the children aren't being indoctrinated in our public schools.
Common Core is the villain in our schools as it ends up.
Just dummy down the children to be raised as mindless liberal minions.

The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution reads: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

The Common Core teaching materials in this textbook define the Second Amendment like this:

“This amendment states that people have the right to certain weapons, providing that they register them and they have not been in prison.”

View attachment 30170
Common Core Textbooks Teaching Lies About The 2nd Amendment | The Federalist Papers

The objective of the left is total disarming of the people.

You people are nuts
They forgot the part about militias

How dare they?

There is no requirement to register firearms. Dumb ass.

Nor is their any prohibition against requiring a registration.

In fact, "Well-Regulated" militia would seem to indicate to me that a registration would be necessary? How can you tell who to call up for the Militia if you don't know who can show up with a gun?

You obviously have no idea what "well regulated" meant in the context of a militia in the late 1700's.
Just tell me the children aren't being indoctrinated in our public schools.
Common Core is the villain in our schools as it ends up.
Just dummy down the children to be raised as mindless liberal minions.

The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution reads: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

The Common Core teaching materials in this textbook define the Second Amendment like this:

“This amendment states that people have the right to certain weapons, providing that they register them and they have not been in prison.”

View attachment 30170
Common Core Textbooks Teaching Lies About The 2nd Amendment | The Federalist Papers

The objective of the left is total disarming of the people.

You people are nuts

You people are sheep.

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