I Hate to Say It, But the January 6 Committee Has Proved that Trump Committed a Serious Crime on January 6, 2021

He omits it because the right wing media propaganda arm of the GOP omit it, and use Schumer in McConnell's spot.

The right is being fed, disinformation.

Its not just that, but the Speaker and Majority Leader have very little influence on the day to day operations of the Capitol Police
To believe that Pelosi had "nothing to do" with the two refusals of the requests to use National Guard (NG) troops to help guard the Capitol on January 6, you would have to assume that the House Sergeant at Arms twice rejected those requests without bothering to consult with Pelosi, a very unlikely scenario.

January 6 was the day the Senate would certify the Electoral College results. The whole world knew that a massive protest was going to occur and that tensions were sky high. It boggles the mind to suggest that the House Sergeant at Arms would make such an enormous decision on security without consulting with his boss, Pelosi. I find such a scenario incredibly hard to believe.

Remember that it was Pelosi who ordered NG troops to guard the Capitol *after* January 6. She kept them there for five months, long after there was any credible reason for making them stay there. Yet, we are supposed to believe that she had nothing to do with the rejections of the requests to use NG troops to help guard the Capitol on January 6.

And what about the documented evidence that one of Schumer's top aides received credible, specific FBI intel that some of the protestors would storm the Capitol? Here, too, it boggles the mind to believe that the aide did not immediately discuss this intel with Schumer. Yet, neither Schumer nor the aide shared that intel with the Capitol police, nor did they act on that intel. Schumer surely was advised of the intel, and his failure to act clearly suggests that he wanted the riot to occur because he knew the Democrats could use it as a propaganda weapon against Trump and the Republicans.

As a deep purple Independent, I'm perfectly willing to acknowledge that Trump committed a crime when he refused to immediately call on his supporters to stand down and go home after the riot began. But I'm also willing to admit that Pelosi and Schumer clearly seemed to want the riot to occur, given Schumer's failure to act on the FBI intel and given Pelosi's apparent refusal to allow NG troops to be used to help guard the Capitol.

Its not just that, but the Speaker and Majority Leader have very little influence on the day to day operations of the Capitol Police
Absolutely! I know that! Everyone knows that! This is just a deflection put out there by McCarthy over a year ago, that has been brought back to life from the dead.
There are over 74 million trump Nazis that believe their cult leader can do nothing wrong. They are convinced all evidence the House Committee uncovers is false, and that trump's Big Lie is anything but.

With the many red state legislatures passing bills to greatly limit minority voting in their states coupled with the refusal by moderate Senate Democrats to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2021, the trump Nazis will take control of this country early next year.

Fascism wins, the American people lose, including over 74 million trump Nazis.

Your an idiot, your GOD BIDEN sends support to Real Nazis in Ukraine AND YOU SUPPORT IT. The Billionaires are using you Useful Idiots to destroy western civilization and your too stupid to see this. Like 10$ gas, 2000$ rent for a sleeping room,,,,hamburger 15$
Nothing. Trump controlled everyone involved. Those mind control implants were very effective.
Where was that evidence provided?
I must have missed it

What was presented

Trump created a lie when he lost and claimed he was cheated
Trump tried to influence local election officials to change the vote totals in his favor
Trump demanded his Vice President overturn the States EVs
Trump called a mob to DC on Jan 6 to intimidate Congress
Trump filled the mob with lies
Trump sent the mob to the Capitol
Trump sat and did nothing for hours
Where was that evidence provided?
I must have missed it

What was presented

Trump created a lie when he lost and claimed he was cheated
Trump tried to influence local election officials to change the vote totals in his favor
Trump demanded his Vice President overturn the States EVs
Trump called a mob to DC on Jan 6 to intimidate Congress
Trump filled the mob with lies
Trump sent the mob to the Capitol
Trump sat and did nothing for hours
Thanks for validating what I said. Trump controlled people.
So you admit your media lied about the Senate Sergeant of Arms reporting to Schumer on 1/6 instead of McConnell?
I don't have a media, idiot.

I'm a one man show. You can't blame anything I say on the Republicans, and you can't blame me for anything they might say or do.

Now do you want to start over Kreskin?

Or do you want me to call you more names like every other dimwitted partisan hack?
Thanks for validating what I said. Trump controlled people.

It is evident that Trump controls MAGA to the extent they will blindly accept any lie he tells them

He also controls the Republican Party who lacks a backbone to stand up to him
It's not a court, no one is on trial.

I have to admit, Liz Cheney has come down pretty hard in this first hearing introduction....it was a little surprising to me....

But there is one thing I'm certain of......

Cheney would not say, what she couldn't back up! Especially with the shit she's taken from her party.
She's on the committee, to show EVERY ONE of those two faced weasels that sided with her in the beginning, but later flip flopped for their own personal political gain, that she was right to stand by her constitutional oath and the truth, and the weasels like McCarthy, are a dishonorable, yellow belly, disgrace!

The next 7 hearings is where she will prove her accusations...with hard evidence.
Boy are you delusional. Cheney's personal vendetta against Trump has cost her any political future she has and what you're hearing now is someone lashing out because she knows she's toast when she runs for reelection. Liz Cheney couldn't get elected Animal Control Officer in her home State at this point and it's BECAUSE of her actions against Trump! The so called "shit" that she's taken from her party is because she HAS made accusations that she hasn't backed up and continues to do so! She allowed her animosity with Trump to totally ruin her politically and now she's determined to take Trump and anyone who supported him down with her no matter how many exaggerations she has to tell.
McCarthy pulled out. Three of his 5 appointees were accepted and the other two that were rejected, McCarthy was given the opportunity to replace them.
Replace them with whom? Since the Democrats rejected members that they did not want on their committee, who would it possibly have been but a Republican that the Democrats would like to be on their committee? Sorry, you can't stack the deck and then complain, in a surprised tone, that the opponent does not want to play.
McCarthy CHOSE to not have Republicans on the committee, not Pelosi. He walked away.....which is exactly what he wanted to do, from the get go.....so he could later claim the committee was a witch hunt. He got what he wanted.
Again, that misses my point.

We can agree to disagree over whether the Republicans should have sat for the show trial, knowing that they would not be allowed to ask substantive questions and that any witness request that they made would be vetoed unless the Democrats particularlly wanted that witness to speak. For the sake of argument, since it is a pointless "point," let's say that they Republicans should have been there even if they weren't allowed real imput and even if it would have been nothing but a Democratic Party posturing fest. Let's say that would have been a better strategy, to let the nation see during the hearing how the Democrats silenced any opposition.

That doesn't change the fact that indeed it was a show trial that was a Democratic posturing fest, whose "findings" are no more reliable that those of the old Soviet show trials.
I really hate to say this, and I fully acknowledge that Schumer and Pelosi committed their share of wrongdoing in the matter, but the January 6 committee has found clear evidence that Trump purposely allowed the January 6 riot to continue by refusing to immediately call on his supporters to stand down after the riot began.

This is a two-edged sword that cuts at both sides. Chuck Schumer sat on vital intel about plans to storm the Capitol, and Nancy Pelosi twice turned down requests to use National Guard troops to guard the Capitol on January 6, even though Trump had approved their use. However, the January 6 committee has found clear evidence that Trump purposely allowed the riot to continue, that he purposely delayed telling his supporters to stand down after the riot began.

Trump clearly acted as an accessory to the riot after it began. He never called for violence before it occurred; in fact, he urged his supporters to protest peacefully, and he authorized 20,000 NG troops to guard the Capitol. But once the riot began, he acted as an accessory to a felony by refusing to immediately call on his supporters to cease and desist. This was a serious criminal action, and the GOP should repudiate Trump and expel him from the party over it.

At the other end, Schumer's failure to act on the FBI intel, or even to ensure that the capitol police received the intel, is inexcusable and suggests that he wanted the riot to occur so he could use it for propaganda purposes against the Republicans. The Democrats should force Schumer to resign over his failure to act on the FBI intel.

Similarly, Nancy Pelosi's inexplicable failure to allow NG troops to help guard the Capitol on January 6 suggests that she, too, wanted the riot to occur so it could be used for propaganda purposes. The claim that she refused to use the troops because this would have been "bad optics" is lame, given that she had no problem forcing the troops to guard the Capitol for five months after the riot, long after there was any credible need for them to be there. Pelosi should be forced to resign because of her refusal to allow NG troops to guard the Capitol on January 6.

From John Solomon's second blockbuster article based on newly obtained documents:

FBI intelligence warning that Jan. 6 protesters might violently storm the Capitol, target lawmakers and blockade Democrats in tunnels was never sent to frontline police commanders and officers, but was quietly emailed the night before to a top aide to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, according to documents that raise new concern that politics trumped security preparedness in the fateful hours before the riot.

Capitol Police Deputy Chief Sean Gallagher emailed top Schumer aide Kelly Fado, now the Senate's deputy sergeant of arms, at about 9:40 p.m. on Jan. 5, 2021 saying he wanted to "provide you visibility" to new intelligence that an FBI threat analysis center had received from a website owner, according to documents obtained by Just the News.

The information explicitly warned that demonstrators had detailed maps of the tunnel systems around the Capitol frequented by lawmakers and their staffs and they were plotting to create a "perimeter" for potential violence and to find "Democratic members early to block them from entering the Capitol." One point of entry the rioters were targeting was the Library of Congress, he warned.(Jan. 6 Bombshell: Schumer team received FBI intel about possible violence, frontline cops didn't)
"But once the riot began, he acted as an accessory to a felony by refusing to immediately call on his supporters to cease and desist. This was a serious criminal action, and the GOP should repudiate Trump and expel him from the party over it."

Your article is of course nonsense, but seriously can you find a criminal statue that says if you don't tell a group of protestors to ceast and desist that you become an accessory to a felony?
"But once the riot began, he acted as an accessory to a felony by refusing to immediately call on his supporters to cease and desist. This was a serious criminal action, and the GOP should repudiate Trump and expel him from the party over it."

Your article is of course nonsense, but seriously can you find a criminal statue that says if you don't tell a group of protestors to ceast and desist that you become an accessory to a felony?
Especially when you specifically told them BEFORE the riot to protest peacefully? What the left is claiming to be accessory to a felony borders on FARCE!
If that's the way they think things work then Chuck Schumer should be sitting in a jail cell right next to the guy who went to Justice Kavanaugh's home to assassinate him!
Your article is of course nonsense, but seriously can you find a criminal statue that says if you don't tell a group of protestors to ceast and desist that you become an accessory to a felony?
If so, we have a lot of felony charges to file on most of the Democratic Party and most of the media.
If so, we have a lot of felony charges to file on most of the Democratic Party and most of the media.
If Trump gets re-elected he should make Steve Bannon the Attorney General and Roger Stone the Director of National Intelligence

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