I HATE To Tell Anyone 'I Told You So'...BUT...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Congress...Boehner on his way out...Obama....they F*ed the American People in what Obama called 'The Best Christmas Present EVUH for the American People' -- the ELIMINATION OF THE DEBT CEILING AND A LIMITLESS CREDIT CARD FOR THE NEXT 2 YEARS.....

...and it didn't take them long to fly into a record-setting euphoric spending spree:


"Government adds record $339 billion to debt in first day after budget deal"
LINK: Government adds record $339 billion to national debt in first day after budget deal

The federal government has piled up debt since the latest budget deal was signed into law, tacking $462 billion onto the national credit card since Nov. 2 as the Treasury Department replenished its funds and began another round of borrowing to take it all the way into 2017.

A staggering $339 billion in total debt was added on just the first day after President Obama signed the budget agreement — the single largest hike in history.


Merry Christmas, My @$$! Boehner, McConnell, the Washington Establishment GOP, and a thankful group of liberals and Obama just BENT the American people over and gave them a candy cane up the CHIMNEY!

....and we are only 13 Days into the new year!

After starting his time in office out by adding $7 Trillion in debt over 4 years, setting 'monthly', 'annual', and 'total' deficit-spending records, I see Obama is back to setting records and finishing up his last year in office with a >BANG<...with help from a bunch of traitorous RINOs!
Republicans better hope and pray they can hold onto the house and the senate. I think they've alienated the entire republican base in the 2 years since both houses were handed to them.

It's mind boggling that they just PISSED ON the very people that sent them their to oppose obama and the leftist agenda, and they KNEW they weren't doing what was expected of them.
The Washington Establishment GOP (RINOs) have definitely proven that the shameless self-party-serving, career politicians they have become are no different from the Progressive Liberals. For years now they have abandoned their roles of 'Servants of the People', refused to listen to or represent the people, joined the PLs in anointing themselves as 'rulers' who are above the constitution and Law, and have told us nearly every election to 'hold our noses and vote for the Establishment candidate.

Not this time....
And the landslide Congressional votes go to....Another politician, which does lie their way into office...
Republicans better hope and pray they can hold onto the house and the senate. I think they've alienated the entire republican base in the 2 years since both houses were handed to them.

It's mind boggling that they just PISSED ON the very people that sent them their to oppose obama and the leftist agenda, and they KNEW they weren't doing what was expected of them.
If the Rs nominate an establishment candidate for POTUS, they likely do lose both houses and the presidency. You would think they would have learned that nominating a progressive for POTUS, as they have done for decades now, is a loser.
Republicans better hope and pray they can hold onto the house and the senate. I think they've alienated the entire republican base in the 2 years since both houses were handed to them.

It's mind boggling that they just PISSED ON the very people that sent them their to oppose obama and the leftist agenda, and they KNEW they weren't doing what was expected of them.
It doesn't boggle my mind...they've been doing it for years. And idiot keep voting establishment repubs in. I think we've reached the point of f no return. I think it's pretty obvious we aren't going to get the Perez candidate we wAnt.
Republicans better hope and pray they can hold onto the house and the senate. I think they've alienated the entire republican base in the 2 years since both houses were handed to them.

It's mind boggling that they just PISSED ON the very people that sent them their to oppose obama and the leftist agenda, and they KNEW they weren't doing what was expected of them.
If the Rs nominate an establishment candidate for POTUS, they likely do lose both houses and the presidency. You would think they would have learned that nominating a progressive for POTUS, as they have done for decades now, is a loser.
If the GOP nominates a hard line righty, the Dems will sweep everything and end up with 29 governorships.
Republicans better hope and pray they can hold onto the house and the senate. I think they've alienated the entire republican base in the 2 years since both houses were handed to them.

It's mind boggling that they just PISSED ON the very people that sent them their to oppose obama and the leftist agenda, and they KNEW they weren't doing what was expected of them.
If the Rs nominate an establishment candidate for POTUS, they likely do lose both houses and the presidency. You would think they would have learned that nominating a progressive for POTUS, as they have done for decades now, is a loser.
If the GOP nominates a hard line righty, the Dems will sweep everything and end up with 29 governorships.

2 of 10 Americans call themselves liberals...
The American public is significantly more likely to identify as conservative or moderate than as liberal, leaving a situation in which about 4 in 10 Americans call themselves conservative, 4 in 10 call themselves moderates, and only about 2 in 10 call themselves liberal.
Most Americans Identify as Either Conservative or Moderate

That's going to take a VERY MAJOR corruption of the American elections then because AGAIN I'm shouting!
80% of Americans identify either conservative or Moderates...
20% say they are liberal!
Republicans better hope and pray they can hold onto the house and the senate. I think they've alienated the entire republican base in the 2 years since both houses were handed to them.

It's mind boggling that they just PISSED ON the very people that sent them their to oppose obama and the leftist agenda, and they KNEW they weren't doing what was expected of them.
If the Rs nominate an establishment candidate for POTUS, they likely do lose both houses and the presidency. You would think they would have learned that nominating a progressive for POTUS, as they have done for decades now, is a loser.
If the GOP nominates a hard line righty, the Dems will sweep everything and end up with 29 governorships.
See... when you say bull shit like this... that's when it becomes GLARINGLY OBVIOUS to EVERYONE HERE that you are a LEFTIST, because what you just said is the leftist BS meme.

WHY do you think Trump is so far in the lead, and HELD IT? Because he IS HARD RIGHT, and that is the ONLY thing that will get an R in the white house this time around. NO MODERATE, NO ESTABLISHMENT, NO RINO will EVER be elected, PERIOD, and you can QUOTE ME ON THAT when the election is over.
Republicans better hope and pray they can hold onto the house and the senate. I think they've alienated the entire republican base in the 2 years since both houses were handed to them.

It's mind boggling that they just PISSED ON the very people that sent them their to oppose obama and the leftist agenda, and they KNEW they weren't doing what was expected of them.
If the Rs nominate an establishment candidate for POTUS, they likely do lose both houses and the presidency. You would think they would have learned that nominating a progressive for POTUS, as they have done for decades now, is a loser.
If the GOP nominates a hard line righty, the Dems will sweep everything anu d end up with 29 governorships.

Please tell us who among the R candidates you consider 'a hard line righty?'
80% of Americans identify either conservative or Moderates...
20% say they are liberal!

Approximately 45% of American Citizens do not pay a dime in taxes and are getting benefits paid for by the Middle Class ...the MIDDLE CLASS - the ones getting screwed over by 1) the politicians, 2) Americans CITIZENS who would rather sit on their asses being dependent on the government (actually on the tax-paying Americans, NOT the govt) and getting a check, and 3) the illegals flooding into the country to get their fair share of 'BLOOD' out of the Middle Class before the Govt can bleed them dry...
Republicans better hope and pray they can hold onto the house and the senate. I think they've alienated the entire republican base in the 2 years since both houses were handed to them.

It's mind boggling that they just PISSED ON the very people that sent them their to oppose obama and the leftist agenda, and they KNEW they weren't doing what was expected of them.
If the Rs nominate an establishment candidate for POTUS, they likely do lose both houses and the presidency. You would think they would have learned that nominating a progressive for POTUS, as they have done for decades now, is a loser.
If the GOP nominates a hard line righty, the Dems will sweep everything and end up with 29 governorships.
See... when you say bull shit like this... that's when it becomes GLARINGLY OBVIOUS to EVERYONE HERE that you are a LEFTIST, because what you just said is the leftist BS meme.

WHY do you think Trump is so far in the lead, and HELD IT? Because he IS HARD RIGHT, and that is the ONLY thing that will get an R in the white house this time around. NO MODERATE, NO ESTABLISHMENT, NO RINO will EVER be elected, PERIOD, and you can QUOTE ME ON THAT when the election is over.
He thinks Trump is a hard line righty....hahahahahahaha.....

Anyone to the right of Big Ears, is a hard line righty in Jakey's f'ed up world.
Republicans better hope and pray they can hold onto the house and the senate. I think they've alienated the entire republican base in the 2 years since both houses were handed to them.

It's mind boggling that they just PISSED ON the very people that sent them their to oppose obama and the leftist agenda, and they KNEW they weren't doing what was expected of them.
If the Rs nominate an establishment candidate for POTUS, they likely do lose both houses and the presidency. You would think they would have learned that nominating a progressive for POTUS, as they have done for decades now, is a loser.
If the GOP nominates a hard line righty, the Dems will sweep everything and end up with 29 governorships.
See... when you say bull shit like this... that's when it becomes GLARINGLY OBVIOUS to EVERYONE HERE that you are a LEFTIST, because what you just said is the leftist BS meme.

WHY do you think Trump is so far in the lead, and HELD IT? Because he IS HARD RIGHT, and that is the ONLY thing that will get an R in the white house this time around. NO MODERATE, NO ESTABLISHMENT, NO RINO will EVER be elected, PERIOD, and you can QUOTE ME ON THAT when the election is over.
He thinks Trump is a hard line righty....hahahahahahaha.....

Anyone to the right of Big Ears, is a hard line righty in Jakey's f'ed up world.
Jake likes to play GAMES... he's a complete nut job.

He might gain a tiny bit of respect from board people if he just told the truth, that he's a flaming leftist.
Republicans better hope and pray they can hold onto the house and the senate. I think they've alienated the entire republican base in the 2 years since both houses were handed to them.

It's mind boggling that they just PISSED ON the very people that sent them their to oppose obama and the leftist agenda, and they KNEW they weren't doing what was expected of them.
If the Rs nominate an establishment candidate for POTUS, they likely do lose both houses and the presidency. You would think they would have learned that nominating a progressive for POTUS, as they have done for decades now, is a loser.
If the GOP nominates a hard line righty, the Dems will sweep everything and end up with 29 governorships.
See... when you say bull shit like this... that's when it becomes GLARINGLY OBVIOUS to EVERYONE HERE that you are a LEFTIST, because what you just said is the leftist BS meme.

WHY do you think Trump is so far in the lead, and HELD IT? Because he IS HARD RIGHT, and that is the ONLY thing that will get an R in the white house this time around. NO MODERATE, NO ESTABLISHMENT, NO RINO will EVER be elected, PERIOD, and you can QUOTE ME ON THAT when the election is over.
He thinks Trump is a hard line righty....hahahahahahaha.....

Anyone to the right of Big Ears, is a hard line righty in Jakey's f'ed up world.
fakes just a leftie plant.
Republicans better hope and pray they can hold onto the house and the senate. I think they've alienated the entire republican base in the 2 years since both houses were handed to them.

It's mind boggling that they just PISSED ON the very people that sent them their to oppose obama and the leftist agenda, and they KNEW they weren't doing what was expected of them.
If the Rs nominate an establishment candidate for POTUS, they likely do lose both houses and the presidency. You would think they would have learned that nominating a progressive for POTUS, as they have done for decades now, is a loser.
If the GOP nominates a hard line righty, the Dems will sweep everything and end up with 29 governorships.

2 of 10 Americans call themselves liberals...
The American public is significantly more likely to identify as conservative or moderate than as liberal, leaving a situation in which about 4 in 10 Americans call themselves conservative, 4 in 10 call themselves moderates, and only about 2 in 10 call themselves liberal.
Most Americans Identify as Either Conservative or Moderate

That's going to take a VERY MAJOR corruption of the American elections then because AGAIN I'm shouting!
80% of Americans identify either conservative or Moderates...
20% say they are liberal!
And which party has won five of the six last popular national elections while the female, black, and brown votes are growing?
As long as the far right has folks like 007, hm, kg, tyroneweaver, etc., a mainstream GOP candidate (which even Trump now sounds like - work with Iran, tax the rich, all Americans must be covered with health care) will always be nominated.
Republicans better hope and pray they can hold onto the house and the senate. I think they've alienated the entire republican base in the 2 years since both houses were handed to them.

It's mind boggling that they just PISSED ON the very people that sent them their to oppose obama and the leftist agenda, and they KNEW they weren't doing what was expected of them.
If the Rs nominate an establishment candidate for POTUS, they likely do lose both houses and the presidency. You would think they would have learned that nominating a progressive for POTUS, as they have done for decades now, is a loser.
If the GOP nominates a hard line righty, the Dems will sweep everything and end up with 29 governorships.

2 of 10 Americans call themselves liberals...
The American public is significantly more likely to identify as conservative or moderate than as liberal, leaving a situation in which about 4 in 10 Americans call themselves conservative, 4 in 10 call themselves moderates, and only about 2 in 10 call themselves liberal.
Most Americans Identify as Either Conservative or Moderate

That's going to take a VERY MAJOR corruption of the American elections then because AGAIN I'm shouting!
80% of Americans identify either conservative or Moderates...
20% say they are liberal!
And which party has won five of the six last popular national elections while the female, black, and brown votes are growing?
Which party has gained over 1,000 seats of power in the last two years?
80% of Americans identify either conservative or Moderates...
20% say they are liberal!

Approximately 45% of American Citizens do not pay a dime in taxes and are getting benefits paid for by the Middle Class ...the MIDDLE CLASS - the ones getting screwed over by 1) the politicians, 2) Americans CITIZENS who would rather sit on their asses being dependent on the government (actually on the tax-paying Americans, NOT the govt) and getting a check, and 3) the illegals flooding into the country to get their fair share of 'BLOOD' out of the Middle Class before the Govt can bleed them dry...
They don't pay federal income tax. They pay all the other taxes the rest of us pay. Let's stay in reality, little fella.
Republicans better hope and pray they can hold onto the house and the senate. I think they've alienated the entire republican base in the 2 years since both houses were handed to them.

It's mind boggling that they just PISSED ON the very people that sent them their to oppose obama and the leftist agenda, and they KNEW they weren't doing what was expected of them.
If the Rs nominate an establishment candidate for POTUS, they likely do lose both houses and the presidency. You would think they would have learned that nominating a progressive for POTUS, as they have done for decades now, is a loser.
If the GOP nominates a hard line righty, the Dems will sweep everything and end up with 29 governorships.

2 of 10 Americans call themselves liberals...
The American public is significantly more likely to identify as conservative or moderate than as liberal, leaving a situation in which about 4 in 10 Americans call themselves conservative, 4 in 10 call themselves moderates, and only about 2 in 10 call themselves liberal.
Most Americans Identify as Either Conservative or Moderate

That's going to take a VERY MAJOR corruption of the American elections then because AGAIN I'm shouting!
80% of Americans identify either conservative or Moderates...
20% say they are liberal!
And which party has won five of the six last popular national elections while the female, black, and brown votes are growing?
Which party has gained over 1,000 seats of power in the last two years?
If that holds up through a national election, you have a long term point.

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