I have a gut feeling Trump is going to cave in to the left on the illegals.

I wish Trump's Chumps could see how hard I am laughing at Trump reverting to his New York Democrat self.

It's not like I haven't been warning them about him from day one of his campaign.

The dumb fuck pseudocons had SEVERAL conservatives to choose from, and they picked the limousine liberal.

All because the huckster knew the rubes are not actually conservatives, and knew exactly how to play them.

Trumps core don't care what anybody says. To them, the "WIN" was Trump sitting in the white house. They don't care what Trump does, just as long as he "kicks ass" while doing it.

If Trump gets DACA, his supporters will call that a WIN. If Trump kills DACA, his supporters will call that a WIN.
Trump is an 'outsider', a 'non' career corrupt criminal self-serving 'f*-the-voters' Washington Establishment Status Quo POLITICIAN who promised to 'drain the swamp', which is to say end that BS 'politics as usual' and send the previously mentioned political types packing.

It had nothing to do with his 'personality' - Trump is an asshole. It was / is about his promise to end the political stranglehold POS politicians have on our government and ending the corrupt / criminal way our government now works..

It's all about Trumps "cult of personality" HIs supporters don't care what Trump says, what Trump promised, what Trump ran on, what Trumps positions were, what Trumps policies were. It's all about Trump being Trump, the guy they saw on the apprentice.

That's all they care about.
Prediction, Trump will anger his base by striking a deal with Dem's, then Dem's will stab Trump in the back reneging on their promises regarding the wall, then Trump will blow a freaking gasket.
I find it amusing how people believe Trump working with Democrats is a 'betrayal'.

Trump wanted to end the Status Quo in Washington where like the Democrats have done - 100% commitment to NOT work with the opposing party. Such a commitment is seen by Ultra Partisans as 'admirable'. IT'S NOT! It's the ultimate example of putting PARTY / SELF above COUNTRY!

The GOP told the American people for years, 'When we get the House, Senate, and WH we will get things done'. They have that now, and POS Ryan and POS McConnell have doing privately what the Democrats have committed to publicly - Obstruct Trump's promise and agenda. So Trump has said, 'F* You, I am crossing the aisle!' Of course Democrats are no better than the GOP (which is why they lost Congress and the WH) - they see Trump crossing the aisle as a good thing for THE DNC, not the COUNTRY!

Both the GOP and Democrats are demonstrating the type of Congress Trump promised to change.

For the good of the COUNTRY Trump is willing to work with whoever will work with him to accomplish things for the good of the country (as he sees it), and so far neither his own GOP or Democrats have been willing to do so. As naïve as it is / was, good on Trump for being willing to non-partisanly cross the aisle to get things done for Americans.
No it's not. He said he would do it. He either lied, or he had no idea how to keep the promise he made. Stupid or liar........you choose.
Ok, I am going to ask you to do the damn-near Impossible - take off your 'bias / partisan' hat and put it off to the side for a minute... Done? ok....

Trump is not a politician - never has been. He is certainly not a 'career' politician who has been in Washington and who knows how the corrupt, bureaucratic political process works.

It is IMO that Trump made the promise to deal with Illegals in good faith...and is learning just NOW what that requires. CONGRESS - the Legislative Branch, not the President - the Executive Branch, writes and passes Legislation. Unless Trump decides he want to go down Obama's path, Un-Constitutionally by-passing Congress to write / institute Un-Constitutional Laws like DACA, he is fairly 'at the mercy' of Congress. The only option he has is to refuse to sign legislation sent to him until he gets what he wants.

Stupid or liar.... Obama vowed to run 'the most transparent administration EVUH'...and instead ended up running 'the LEAST transparent administration evuh', an administration that silently illegally spied on Americans / the US Senate / the USSC, illegally used the IRS as his personal political weapon against US citizens, and set a new record for ILLEGAL, criminal non-compliance with the FOIA and the Federal Records act 'EVUH'.

YOU tell ME - was Obama STUPID or just a LIAR?!

This isn't about Obama. we can discuss him later if you want to, but this is about Trump. Trump is certainly not a politician, and has no idea how congress or our government works. That was addressed in his campaign. He said he was so smart, and had such good negotiating skills till those things wouldn't matter. He could easily bend congress to his will with his real estate skills. Was he lying about that, or just too stupid to know he couldn't do it? So far, Trump has signed 45 executive orders, 32 presidential memoranda, 6 presidential determinations, 65 presidential proclamations, 14 presidential notices, and one presidential sequestration order. That's 163 presidential actions so far, or as you would say, Un-Constitutionally by-passing Congress to write / institute Un-Constitutional Laws. Quite a few more than Obama had at this point in his presidency. Trump is an incompetent clown, and the ones who voted for him because he said the way things work didn't matter, because he was strong enough to overcome all that are idiots. We all, including you, knew he didn't know what he was doing. Trying to use that as an excuse now is stupid.
I find it amusing how people believe Trump working with Democrats is a 'betrayal'..

Trumps "cult of personality" followers don't care who Trump uses, just as long as he pulls off an "art of the deal" to get 'er done.
BTW, Trump did not say he was going to get rid of DACA legislation...there never was any DACA legislation. He promised to get rid of the Un-Constitutional edict imposed as law by Obama. Trump has declared Obama's DACA is gone and that if politicians want to keep it they must author and pass ACTUAL, CONSTITUTIONAL legislation and put it on his desk for his signature.

I applaud that.
BTW, Trump did not say he was going to get rid of DACA legislation...there never was any DACA legislation. He promised to get rid of the Un-Constitutional edict imposed as law by Obama. Trump has declared Obama's DACA is gone and that if politicians want to keep it they must author and pass ACTUAL, CONSTITUTIONAL legislation and put it on his desk for his signature.

I applaud that.

DACA is dead
Long live DACA
This isn't about Obama. we can discuss him later if you want to, but this is about Trump.

NICE DODGE OF THE QUESTION! My question, boiled down in its simplest form, by-passing all the facts / details that make you uncomfortable, is THIS:

LIKE OBAMA, Trump made several huge promises, promises he / they were 'stupid' to make because they had no idea what they were really promising, OR he / they lied.

Snowflakes try to make it seem like Trump is the only man to ever make promises on the way to winning the WH that they could not keep / possibly never had any intention of fulfilling and ONLY want to focus on / punish / attack those from the other party who did so.

Ummm, that's the very definition of 'HYPOCRISY'
I just don't see any way to have confidence in him at this point. Trump would have me believe that everyone else is a liar or fabricating things about their meeting with him.
I think he was innitially willing to cave into them and then saw the massive blow back and tried to change his tune.
It's amazing that once he does something you don't agree with rather than something you do...all of a sudden you see him how the rest of the world's sane population sees him...an inept liar that has no clue what he's doing nor what is going on.

The good news is that he stumbled his way into a couple of good appointments so our DoD with Mattis and foreign relations team between Tillerson and Haley look to be able to hold America up in those sectors while Trump fumbles America on domestic issues.

Yeah, we should listen to YOUR unbiased, clear-headed opinion on Trump . . . . a person who picks a screwy cartoon caricature knocking the guy. Trump hasn't done anything yet other than to say it is Congress' place to decide (as the law prescribes) on illegals and that he is still adamant on the Wall, and already you are throwing in the towel. Long way to go yet. The best chess-player is he who lets you think you are winning right before he checkmates you right out of the blue!
Prediction, Trump will anger his base by striking a deal with Dem's, then Dem's will stab Trump in the back reneging on their promises regarding the wall, then Trump will blow a freaking gasket.
I find it amusing how people believe Trump working with Democrats is a 'betrayal'.

Trump wanted to end the Status Quo in Washington where like the Democrats have done - 100% commitment to NOT work with the opposing party. Such a commitment is seen by Ultra Partisans as 'admirable'. IT'S NOT! It's the ultimate example of putting PARTY / SELF above COUNTRY!

The GOP told the American people for years, 'When we get the House, Senate, and WH we will get things done'. They have that now, and POS Ryan and POS McConnell have doing privately what the Democrats have committed to publicly - Obstruct Trump's promise and agenda. So Trump has said, 'F* You, I am crossing the aisle!' Of course Democrats are no better than the GOP (which is why they lost Congress and the WH) - they see Trump crossing the aisle as a good thing for THE DNC, not the COUNTRY!

Both the GOP and Democrats are demonstrating the type of Congress Trump promised to change.

For the good of the COUNTRY Trump is willing to work with whoever will work with him to accomplish things for the good of the country (as he sees it), and so far neither his own GOP or Democrats have been willing to do so. As naïve as it is / was, good on Trump for being willing to non-partisanly cross the aisle to get things done for Americans.

Trump is about to run smack into a wall of reality, neither the Rep's or Dem's are going to work with him, pretty soon he will learn that Washington is even more corrupt than he thought.

Dem's have played this pull my finger gag on every GOP president I can remember, give us what we want now and we'll give you what you want later, each time they have stabbed the president in the back on these deals.

As for the GOP wow, they ran their big fat lying mouths for 6 years and now that they won the trifecta, the House, the Senate, the White House they have stabbed the American people in the back, shocker.
Trumps "cult of personality" followers don't care who Trump uses, just as long as he pulls off an "art of the deal" to get 'er done.
Thanks for proving my point - snowflakes believe crossing the aisle, bi-partisan negotiating and compromising, and getting a deal done that is best for the American people is using people to get 'er done'.

Is that good news or bad news? It's hard to tell these days since everything seems to be bad news to the left no matter what compromises President Trump makes.
I just don't see any way to have confidence in him at this point. Trump would have me believe that everyone else is a liar or fabricating things about their meeting with him.
I think he was innitially willing to cave into them and then saw the massive blow back and tried to change his tune.
It's amazing that once he does something you don't agree with rather than something you do...all of a sudden you see him how the rest of the world's sane population sees him...an inept liar that has no clue what he's doing nor what is going on.

The good news is that he stumbled his way into a couple of good appointments so our DoD with Mattis and foreign relations team between Tillerson and Haley look to be able to hold America up in those sectors while Trump fumbles America on domestic issues.
I was against him all along idiot. Having said that HE WON and is now president so whining like all the loser lefties serves no purpose.
He's draining the swamp (?), at least he's not Hillary, he's not PC, we know he's not a conservative, we know he's not an ideologue, what the fuck - the basis of his supporters' connection to him is so difficult to ascertain, that who knows who's coming and going from his camp at this point. Or why, for that matter.

It's finally sinking in. Trump supporters are loyal to Trump, not to his words. That's why they're never disappointed with all the promises Trump broke, the lies Trump told, or the changes in his policies.

Anything Trump does, is "great"
You just described every partisan ever.
I am amused when people act like its a new thing. Enjoy your manufactured outrage.
I think Trump will do the only thing he can do. Due to the previous administrations policies on immigration, he can't just throw out the dreamers. He needs to give these dreamers that are already here a path to citizenship, then set a date. If they don't meet the requirements by said date - deport.
And I don't want to hear all the ranting about immigration reform. We already have immigration laws in place. Enforce them.
Its not about Trump, its never been about Trump. Its about the American people disrupting the status quo in Washington and thumbing the arrogant establishment in the eye.
If Trump 'caves' he will just be joining every other politician in Washington. Let's be honesty, the money to partially build a wall has already been passed and approved yet has never been used to do so. It's been there, like the promise to do so by politicians, for decades.

Even if Congress concedes, writes legislation, passes the bill, and Trump signs it, the political machine that is Washington / Congress will do the same thing they have done for decades, refuse to keep their promise.

So the attack on Trump for getting it done or not is MOOT.

Still eating his shit like Chocolate...

We told you he was lieing piece of shit...
What exactly confuses you about the Separation of Powers Act?

8 years of Barry illegally, Un-Constitutionally by-passing Congress and illegally implementing his own 'laws' and agenda has you erroneously thinking Trump, like Obama, should be able to do everything he sad he would without the help / actions of Congress / without Congress participating and doing their job. That's not how things LEGALLY work, snowflake.

Trump claimed that wouldn't be a problem for him because he could easily bend them to his will. I guess he was stupid enough to believe that. His supporters certainly believed it.
I think Trump will do the only thing he can do. Due to the previous administrations policies on immigration, he can't just throw out the dreamers. He needs to give these dreamers that are already here a path to citizenship, then set a date. If they don't meet the requirements by said date - deport.
And I don't want to hear all the ranting about immigration reform. We already have immigration laws in place. Enforce them.

The Washington establishment wants to flood the country with poor people they can control with government hand outs, e.g. immigration reform. The problem is, the American people do not support this.

Why? Once government has enough poor people to guarantee politicians get re-elected they can tell the American people to fuck off that's why.
Trump claimed that wouldn't be a problem for him because he could easily bend them to his will. I guess he was stupid enough to believe that. His supporters certainly believed it.

1) Trump was trying to get elected.
2) He is not a career politician so he wasn't totally aware what he as getting into....unlike Barry.

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