I have a gut feeling Trump is going to cave in to the left on the illegals.

3) Trump is a lying POS
4) his supporters are fools.

Whether they're "star struck" with the apprentice, or Trump represents the Walter Mitty as their dream of being rich and powerful, They all stand behind Trump no matter what he does or says.

No matter what you post about Trump, they stand behind Trump.
No. You said he isn't a politician, so it's not his fault that he can't do what he promised.
...because politicians ALWAYS do what they promised.
No. You said he isn't a politician, so it's not his fault that he can't do what he promised. He's just now finding out that he has to work with congress is the excuse that you offered.
Right - that was one of my points abobe, so what's your point?

Trump is just finding out what it takes to get things accomplished in F*ed-Up, broken, uber partisan party-1st, '100% committed to oppose anything the other side proposes' Washington.

Naïve is not the same thing as 'stupid'....neither is, as Barry proved, lying your ass off.
Since Bannon left, Ivanka is running policy for Trump.
Why isn't Trump running policy for Trump?

Neither Obama and Clinton, or GHW Bush for that matter, needed anyone else to run their policy for them.

Because they were competent and smart.
No, in Obama's case, he by-passed Congress and just Un-Constitutionally did whatever the hell he wanted.

And if I were Obama or an Obama supporter, I would claim Hillary ran Foreign Policy under Obama so Barry wouldn't be credited with the complete F*ed Up foreign policy under him.
You live in your own little reality-free bubble. Normal people read your posts and conclude that you're an idiot, parroting talk radio.
Trump is just finding out what it takes to get things accomplished in F*ed-Up, broken, uber partisan party-1st, '100% committed to oppose anything the other side proposes' Washington.

Trump supporters don't care that Trump can't get his agenda done. They're happy just having him in the white house. That's Trumps major accomplishment. Anything else is just icing on top.
3) Trump is a lying POS
4) his supporters are fools.


Thanks for that emotional partisan response.

C'mon, BD, you act as if Trump is the 1st time a politician has ever lied. This ring a bell?

'I did not have sex with that woman!'
'it will not cost a dime', 'It will pay for itself', 'It will lower the cost of health care', If you like your plan / doctor you can keep them'?!

You also seem to think that Trump supporters are the only 'stupid' people on the planet. Gruber ACCURATELYT called out the snowflakes who swallowed Barry's ACA BS 'stupid':


No. You said he isn't a politician, so it's not his fault that he can't do what he promised.
...because politicians ALWAYS do what they promised.

True, but there is a difference between those that have a reasonable plan for success, but just can't pull it off, and one who is just spouting crap for the attendees at a rally. Trump is the latter.
C'mon, BD, you act as if Trump is the 1st time a politician has ever lied. This ring a bell?

'I did not have sex with that woman!'
'it will not cost a dime', 'It will pay for itself', 'It will lower the cost of health care', If you like your plan / doctor you can keep them'?!

DId you notice that both of them lost support after that.

But not Trump. Trump has told thousands of lies, broken hundreds of promises, changed policy or positions dozens of times, and his supporters don't care.

They would follow Trump no matter what he does.
DACA is just a fucking slogan to describe an.....ILLEGAL ALIEN.
No, DACA is not a 'slogan'. 'DACA' was an Obama agenda-pushing POLICY that Barry Un-Constitutionally attempted imposed into 'Law' through EO.

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals - Wikipedia

"The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) was an American immigration policy that allowed some individuals who entered the country illegally as minors to receive a renewable two-year period of deferred action from deportation and to be eligible for a work permit."
I'm well aware of what it stands for and you are well aware of what I ment.
No. You said he isn't a politician, so it's not his fault that he can't do what he promised. He's just now finding out that he has to work with congress is the excuse that you offered.
Right - that was one of my points abobe, so what's your point?

Trump is just finding out what it takes to get things accomplished in F*ed-Up, broken, uber partisan party-1st, '100% committed to oppose anything the other side proposes' Washington.

Naïve is not the same thing as 'stupid'....neither is, as Barry proved, lying your ass off.

Stupid is saying the way things work don't matter because he can easily bend them all to his will. He not only didn't understand how our government works, he made a point that how it works didn't matter.
You live in your own little reality-free bubble. Normal people read your posts and conclude that you're an idiot, parroting talk radio.
No, I actually live in 'REALITY'...
- Where I don't need a 'safe zone'
- Where I don't need a web site that pretends Hillary won the election
- Where I don't get my news from white supremacist web sites of from an openly admitted liberal propaganda-pushing 'news' organization that routinely has to fire reporters and retract false articles / reports

'Snowflakes' like yourself try to pass yourself off as 'normal', but you are a reality-denying DNC ass-sucking snowflake who defends criminals and liars who don't give a shit about you, who rigged their primaries to take the choice of who should represent you out of your hands so they could GIVE their nomination to a career corrupt self-serving, influence-peddling, self-enriching, rational security-jeopardizing, American life-sacrificing criminal who was under multiple FBI investigations for crimes she DID commit - which would have forced any GOP candidate out of the race - because it was 'her turn'.
True, but there is a difference between those that have a reasonable plan for success, but just can't pull it off, and one who is just spouting crap for the attendees at a rally. Trump is the latter.

I don't even think Trump supporters listened to what Trump said, but just responded to the emotion behind him saying it. You can point out something Trump said, give them the exact quote in context, and Trump supporters still don't care. It won't change their mind. They're behind the CULT of Trump and that's the end of story.
Stupid is saying the way things work don't matter because he can easily bend them all to his will. He not only didn't understand how our government works, he made a point that how it works didn't matter.
At least he didn't start 2 Un-Constitutional wars, aid and abet terrorists / Mexican Drug cartels / Illegals / Human Traffickers, or abandon Americans to needlessly die in some f*ing terrorist-infested hell-hole then try to pass it off as a protest over a video.

What he was is 'the lesser of 2 evils'.
3) Trump is a lying POS
4) his supporters are fools.


Thanks for that emotional partisan response.

C'mon, BD, you act as if Trump is the 1st time a politician has ever lied. This ring a bell?

'I did not have sex with that woman!'
'it will not cost a dime', 'It will pay for itself', 'It will lower the cost of health care', If you like your plan / doctor you can keep them'?!

You also seem to think that Trump supporters are the only 'stupid' people on the planet. Gruber ACCURATELYT called out the snowflakes who swallowed Barry's ACA BS 'stupid':

View attachment 149324

Again, we can talk about Obama some time if you want too. The discussion now is about Trump's lies and incompetence.
Again, we can talk about Obama some time if you want too. The discussion now is about Trump's lies and incompetence.
So you are saying in talking about Trump there can be no comparisons between him and previous Presidents...because YOU say so ... because the relevant comparisons / facts brought up make you uncomfortable.

:p Got it.
At least he didn't start 2 Un-Constitutional wars, aid and abet terrorists / Mexican Drug cartels / Illegals / Human Traffickers, or abandon Americans to needlessly die in some f*ing terrorist-infested hell-hole then try to pass it off as a protest over a video.

I understand why you're upset about the Bush administration, but...
When did Bush say it was about a video?
So you are saying in talking about Trump there can be no comparisons between him and previous Presidents...because YOU say so ... because the relevant comparisons / facts brought up make you uncomfortable.

:p Got it.

The difference is you find Obama lied ONCE, and you post it 1,000 times

We found Trump lied 1,000 times, and posted it ONCE.

And you claim they're equal.
You live in your own little reality-free bubble. Normal people read your posts and conclude that you're an idiot, parroting talk radio.
No, I actually live in 'REALITY'...
- Where I don't need a 'safe zone'
- Where I don't need a web site that pretends Hillary won the election
- Where I don't get my news from white supremacist web sites of from an openly admitted liberal propaganda-pushing 'news' organization that routinely has to fire reporters and retract false articles / reports

'Snowflakes' like yourself try to pass yourself off as 'normal', but you are a reality-denying DNC ass-sucking snowflake who defends criminals and liars who don't give a shit about you, who rigged their primaries to take the choice of who should represent you out of your hands so they could GIVE their nomination to a career corrupt self-serving, influence-peddling, self-enriching, rational security-jeopardizing, American life-sacrificing criminal who was under multiple FBI investigations for crimes she DID commit - which would have forced any GOP candidate out of the race - because it was 'her turn'.

You have linked to breitbart and Alex Jones. Yes, you do get your news from white supremacist sites.

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