I have a gut feeling Trump is going to cave in to the left on the illegals.

Stupid is saying the way things work don't matter because he can easily bend them all to his will. He not only didn't understand how our government works, he made a point that how it works didn't matter.
At least he didn't start 2 Un-Constitutional wars, aid and abet terrorists / Mexican Drug cartels / Illegals / Human Traffickers, or abandon Americans to needlessly die in some f*ing terrorist-infested hell-hole then try to pass it off as a protest over a video.

What he was is 'the lesser of 2 evils'.

More discredited RWNJ rhetoric.
DId you notice that both of them lost support after that.But not Trump.

Dude, relax - it's 'early'. Take a breath...chill...

I blame part of the lack of loss for support for Trump on Democrats for continuing to cause the distraction of throwing up continuous unsubstantiated attacks against Trump and on the GOP (Ryan and McConnell) for openly dragging their feet and opposing / 'slow-rolling' / undermining Trump's agenda. All of this is partly making Trump look like a besieged victim and getting him the 'sympathy vote'.

If the GOP and the Democrats would just stop all of that distractive BS and just let people see Trump actually trying to BE President and LISTEN / PAY ATTENTION to HIM they both might get what they want.
Again, we can talk about Obama some time if you want too. The discussion now is about Trump's lies and incompetence.
So you are saying in talking about Trump there can be no comparisons between him and previous Presidents...because YOU say so ... because the relevant comparisons / facts brought up make you uncomfortable.

:p Got it.

I'm saying justify trump's crap in terms of trump and current reality.
I'm well aware of what it stands for and you are well aware of what I ment.
No, I actually DIDN'T. I took you literally.
You are doing EVERYTHING you can to avoid the fact that Trump PROMISED to deport them and build the wall and now appears to be ready to grant them AMNESTY.

What do you suppose Trump is going to do when all of these clips, and there are tons of them, get thrown in his face?
DId you notice that both of them lost support after that.But not Trump.

Dude, relax - it's 'early'. Take a breath...chill...

I blame part of the lack of loss for support for Trump on Democrats for continuing to cause the distraction of throwing up continuous unsubstantiated attacks against Trump and on the GOP (Ryan and McConnell) for openly dragging their feet and opposing / 'slow-rolling' / undermining Trump's agenda..

In other words, Trump supporters don't care what Trump has done, and they don't care about what Trump can't get done.

In short, they support Trump no matter what happens.
You are doing EVERYTHING you can to avoid the fact that Trump PROMISED to deport them and build the wall and now appears to be ready to grant them AMNESTY.

What do you suppose Trump is going to do when all of these clips, and there are tons of them, get thrown in his face?

Trump will call it "fake news" His supporters will swallow it.

Trump supporters won't care.
You have linked to breitbart and Alex Jones. Yes, you do get your news from white supremacist sites.
I don't cite Alex Jones - don't pay attention to him.

You are SERIOUSLY going to attack me on 'questionable sources', straight outta 'Liberal 101'?

Give me a couple 'legitimate' news sources.
- CNN: OPENLY, on the air, declared they had done everything they could to help Hillary win to include refuse to cover her scandals; have continuously had to issue retractions; fired reporters for fake news. SET UP A FAKE HURRICAN HARVEY RESCUE!

MSNBC: Cited an ACTUAL white supremacist web cite as 'legitimate' news so they could use it to attack Trump.

Now you be like...




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I'm saying justify trump's crap in terms of trump and current reality.
Yeah, like I said...you are saying in talking about Trump there can be no comparisons between him and previous Presidents...because YOU say so ... because the relevant comparisons / facts brought up make you uncomfortable.

Again...got it.

DId you notice that both of them lost support after that.But not Trump.

Dude, relax - it's 'early'. Take a breath...chill...

I blame part of the lack of loss for support for Trump on Democrats for continuing to cause the distraction of throwing up continuous unsubstantiated attacks against Trump and on the GOP (Ryan and McConnell) for openly dragging their feet and opposing / 'slow-rolling' / undermining Trump's agenda. All of this is partly making Trump look like a besieged victim and getting him the 'sympathy vote'.

If the GOP and the Democrats would just stop all of that distractive BS and just let people see Trump actually trying to BE President and LISTEN / PAY ATTENTION to HIM they both might get what they want.

He's not trying hard enough. He already bankrupted the secret service with his golf trips. He promised he would be too busy to play golf anyway.
1. I'm not too happy with Trump making concessions to the like of Schumer and Pig Pelosi.

2. I listened to him say there will be no Amnesty or citizenship, but he will let good people stay. I consider that a Lie.........I don't cherry pick what I've heard. If Congress grants them the ability to stay.........it is Amnesty.

3. As usual the Media doesn't report the facts. One side saying millions will get Amnesty, other side playing the victim card.

4. DACA.......is dead.......No new applications are being accepted......Courts will declare it unconstitutional just as they did DAPA. The issue is about the 790 k in the program...........Not millions....unless they are doing back door deals.............lol............for larger concessions........

5. The Clock is ticking for the Dems on this.......when it gets to court it is dead...........

6. No legislation is on the table to see what deal they are making.....What deal is in the works.......We simply don't know..............

I'm a Trump supporter.........but I'm not happy about what he said getting on that plane............I want to know what we get in return for letting the Dems get their way.........waiting
You have linked to breitbart and Alex Jones. Yes, you do get your news from white supremacist sites.
I don't cite Alex Jones - don't pay attention to him.

You are SERIOUSLY going to attack me on 'questionable sources', straight outta 'Liberal 101'?

Give me a couple 'legitimate' news sources.
- CNN: OPENLY, on the air, declared they had done everything they could to help Hillary win to include refuse to cover her scandals; have continuously had to issue retractions; fired reporters for fake news. SET UP A FAKE HURRICAN HARVEY RESCUE!

MSNBC: Cited an ACTUAL white supremacist web cite as 'legitimate' news so they could use it to attack Trump.

Now you be like...

View attachment 149330

You are the one who brought up the subject of white supremacist sites, and claimed he didn't go to them. I noted you didn't disavow Breitbart's White supremacist site.
Amnesty for 1 million means 1 million more possible hide outs for a new wave of illegals.

This shit has to be stopped
You live in your own little reality-free bubble. Normal people read your posts and conclude that you're an idiot, parroting talk radio.
No, I actually live in 'REALITY'...
- Where I don't need a 'safe zone'
- Where I don't need a web site that pretends Hillary won the election
- Where I don't get my news from white supremacist web sites of from an openly admitted liberal propaganda-pushing 'news' organization that routinely has to fire reporters and retract false articles / reports

'Snowflakes' like yourself try to pass yourself off as 'normal', but you are a reality-denying DNC ass-sucking snowflake who defends criminals and liars who don't give a shit about you, who rigged their primaries to take the choice of who should represent you out of your hands so they could GIVE their nomination to a career corrupt self-serving, influence-peddling, self-enriching, rational security-jeopardizing, American life-sacrificing criminal who was under multiple FBI investigations for crimes she DID commit - which would have forced any GOP candidate out of the race - because it was 'her turn'.
See what I mean? Your talking points are laughable. It's you wingnuts who want the safe spaces: to speak at Berkeley without protests from Americans, to march in Charlottesville without being bothered by Americans.
He's not trying hard enough. He already bankrupted the secret service with his golf trips. He promised he would be too busy to play golf anyway.
I know you don't want to hear it, but let's be honest - I don't give a damn. Barry attacked Bush for playing gold while American soldiers were in harm's way. BUSH IMMEDIATELY STOPPED PLAYING. Barry became President and the f*ing hypocrite not only started playing hiss ass off in golf while troops were in harm's way, he did so while he put even more in harm's way after starting 2 new Un-Constitutional wars.

So pardon me if I laugh my ass off at you hypocritically attacking Trump for playing golf...
I'm saying justify trump's crap in terms of trump and current reality.
Yeah, like I said...you are saying in talking about Trump there can be no comparisons between him and previous Presidents...because YOU say so ... because the relevant comparisons / facts brought up make you uncomfortable.

Again...got it.


I'm just wanting to stay on subject. I don't want to listen to your crap about all the standard RWNJ talking points. BenghaziBenghaziBanghazi, a blue dress, obama phones that were started under Reagan, etc. etc.

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